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90 Cards in this Set

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What is the term for the contraction of the heart?


What is the term for the relaxation of the heart?


What instrument measures the electrical activity of the heart?

Electrocardiogram (EKG)

What is the term for the normal beating of the heart?

Sinus rhythm

What is a condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm?


What is a condition in which the heart beat is too fast?


What is a condition in which the heart beat is too slow?


What is a condition that causes a premature heart beat outside the normally functioning SA node; considered an extra pacemaker in the wrong place and happens if the SA node is damaged?

Ectopic focus

What is the term for uncoordinated muscle contractions; muscle twitching?


What occurs when there is no electrical activity in the heart; flatlined?


What initiates and maintains heartbeat?

Cardiac conduction system

What are the four steps of the cardiac conduction system?

1. SA node

2. AV node

3. AV bundle

4. Purkinje fibers

What is another name for the SA node?


Where is the SA node located?

Right atrium

Where is the AV node located?

Interatrial septum near right atrium

What spread up the walls of the ventricles and contains the electrical activity information that tells the heart to contract?

Purkinje fibers

What part of the cardiac conduction system is short because it branches immediately and is found in the interventricular septum?
AV bundle

T/F: Ventricles contract from the base down.

F: They contract from the apex up.

T/F: The heart does not need the nervous system to function.


What is the normal duration for a cardiac cycle?

0.8 seconds

What is the normal heart rate for a person?

70-80 BPM

What does the P wave represent in the cardiac cycle?

Atrial depolarization

What does the QRS complex represent in the cardiac cycle?

Ventricular depolarization

What does the T wave represent in the cardiac cycle?

Ventricular repolarization

What causes bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction where blood is removed from the limbs and organs except the heart and the brain allowing the person to conserve oxygen?

Diving bradycardia

What type of fibrillation occurs when blood does not go anywhere; almost always fatal?

Ventricular fibrillation

What type of fibrillation occurs when not all of the blood is pumped out, leading to clots as the blood left behind sits, which can then break off and travel into the bloodstream?

Atrial fibrillation

What coordinates the independent contraction and relaxation of the heart: pacemaker division?

Intrinsic conduction system

What involves the autonomic nervous system in reference to controlling heart rate?

Extrinsic conduction system

What part of the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart rate and keeps us in normal range?

Vegas nerve

What part of the sympathetic nervous system helps with the extrinsic conduction system?

Cardiac nerves

What is the term for pressure against the arteries?


What is the term for listening to sounds in the heart, lungs, and other organs?


What is the condition in which there are abnormal sounds during a heartbeat cycle?

Heart murmur

Which nervous system slows down our heart rate?

Parasympathetic nervous system

Which nervous system speeds up our heart rate?

Sympathetic nervous system

What is the normal pulse rate?
70-80 BPM

What valve is leaking when you hear a lubb woosh dupp sound?

AV valve

What valve is leaking when you hear a lubb dupp woosh sound?

Semilunar valve

What carries blood away from the heart?


What brings blood to the heart?


What blood vessels deal with exchanges?


What are the three layers that make up a blood vessel?

1. Tunica externa

2. Tunica media

3. Tunica interna

Which layer of a blood vessel is made up of a connective tissue that anchors the blood vessels?

Tunica externa

Which layer of a blood vessel is made up of smooth muscle and controls blood pressure; dilates to increase blood pressure and constricts to decrease blood pressure?

Tunica media

Which layer of a blood vessel is made up of simple squamous epithelium and allows for rapid exchange?

Tunica interna

T/F: Exchange occurs in the arteries and veins.

F: The endothelium is only present so the platelets don't stick to the blood and keep moving.

What layers are the arteries made up of?

Tunica externa, tunica media, and tunica interna

What layers are the veins made up of?

Tunica externa, tunica media, and tunica interna

What layer are the capillaries made up of?

Tunica interna

Are arteries or veins under more pressure?


Which blood vessel has the thicker tunica media?

Arteries because they are under more pressure

Which blood vessel contains valves?

Veins because they have to fight against gravity to bring blood from the lower limbs back to the heart

What is the term for a connection between two adjacent blood vessels; makes another route for blood to travel?


What connects two capillary beds together?

Portal system

Where does the superior vena cava drain blood into?

Right atrium

What are the nine veins that drain into the superior vena cava?

1. Brachiocephalic

2. Jugular

3. Subclavian

4. Axillary

5. Brachial

6. Radial

7. Ulnar

8. Basilic

9. Caphalic

What veins run the entire length of the upper extremity?


Which vein is found on the elbow and is the most common site for drawing blood?

Median cubital

What drains blood into the inferior vena cava?
Body parts of the lower extremity

What are the twelve veins that drain blood into the inferior vena cava?

1. Hepatic

2. Renal

3. Common iliac

4. External iliac

5. Femoral

6. Popliteal

7. Anterior tibial

8. Posterior tibial

9. Fibular

10. Smaller saphenous

11. Great saphenous

12. Internal iliac

What is the seven step route of the hepatic portal system?
1. Heart
2. Arteries
3. Capillaries of the digestive system (pick up nutrients and drop off O2)
4. Hepatic portal vein
5. Hepatic sinusoids (capillaries of liver)
6. Hepatic vein
7. Inferior vena cava

What carries blood to the liver from the digestive system?

Hepatic portal vein

What are found in the liver that filter the oxygen-poor nutrient-rich blood?

Hepatic sinusoids

Where do the hepatic veins empty into?

Inferior vena cava

What arteries supply the head?

Common carotid arteries

What are the three arteries that make up the celiac trunk?

1. Splenic

2. Gastric

3. Common hepatic

What artery supplies the small and large intestines?

Superior mesenteric

What arteries supply the kidneys?


What artery supplies the large intestine?

Inferior mesenteric

What instrument measures blood pressure?


What artery is blood pressure measured in?

Brachial artery

What is the term for high blood pressure?


What is the term for short term or situational high blood pressure: can be caused by stress and anxiety?

Acute hypertension

What is the term for a resting person who has long term high blood pressure: 140/90?

Chronic hypertension

When blood is able to push its way through, what does the first Korotkoff sound indicate?


When blood no longer has to force its way through, and no more Korotkoff sounds are heard, what does this indicate?


What type of pressure occurs when the heart is contracting?

Systolic pressure

What type of pressure occurs when the heart is relaxing?

Diastolic pressure

What is the term for pressure against arterial walls?

Blood pressure

What is the normal resting blood pressure in a young adult?

120/80 mmHg

What is the difference between systolic pressure and diastolic pressure?

Pulse pressure

What is the average arterial pressure given at any time during the cardiac cycle?

Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

What is the equation for pulse pressure?

Systolic pressure - Diastolic pressure

What is the equation for mean arterial pressure?

Pulse pressure/3 + Diastolic pressure

Which valve makes the Lubb sound?
AV valve
Which valve makes the dupp sound?
Semilunar valve
Where is the median cubital vein located: what does it sit in?
Antecubital fossa
What are the measurements for blood pressure?
What is the name of the hole that the descending thoracic aorta passes through?
Aortic hiatus