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21 Cards in this Set

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All EM waves are ..


All EM at what speed?

The same speed, (3 x 10*8 m/s) = in a vacuum

eg. space

EM waves with Higher Frequencies have ...

Shorter Wavelengths eg. X-rays and Gamma rays

Name the Waves in order..

Increasing F and decreasing Wavelength

Radio waves

Micro waves

Infra- red

Visible light

Ultra Violet


Gamma Rays

Infra-red was discovered by who?

William Herschel in 1800

Found: when experimenting with sunlight in a prism.

White light = when goes through the prism creates a spectrum of colours. Wanted to know about the about of heat, measured temp. Noticed, increased - violet to red -

highest temp = infa-red

Who discovered Ultra-Violet?

Ritter, in 1801.

Found: Knew that Silver Chloride turned white from black when exposed to light.

Measured how quickly Silver Chloride coated strips - changed when exposed to different colours of light.

In a dark room created a spectrum, using a light source exposed the strips to each colour

Violet part of the spectrum - quickest change of all

The higher the Frequency ..

the more energy, the more harmful radiation

Microwaves ...

similar frequency to vibrations of molecules, results in heating - microwave ovens

Heat human body cells this way, mobile phones, concern as held close to brain - brain tumour link

Infra-red ..

Range of frequencies - make the surface molecules vibrate = heating effect

Higher F then microwaves = carries more energy, too much exposer to radiation = SKIN BURNS


More Energy - higher F - IONISING - carries enough energy to knock electrons off.

SUNBURN - when surface skin cells = damaged

Cell mutation/destruction, skin cancer, eye-damage

Gamma Rays and X-rays

Very High Frequency - IONISING

Much more damaging - carry more energy = penetrate further into body.

Cell mutation/destruction - leading tissue damage/cancer

Radio Waves ..

TV and Radio signals - transmit satellite signals.

Microwaves are used for Satellite Communication and Mobile Phones....

Communication to and from Satellites use microwaves - which pass easily through the Earth's atmosphere

From Satellite TV - from a transmitter -receiver dish orbiting - satellite transmits the signal back

Infra-red uses...

Monitor Temperature, transmit data.

Cooking - grills/toasters

Remote controls - TV/DVD players

Security systems

Need visible light to ..

see. Take photos using a camera

Ultra-violet's uses ...

Detect forged Bank Notes.

Fluorescence - property of certain chemicals.

Where UV is absorbed - Visible light is emitted

Bank = fluorescent markings on their bank notes. Under UV - genuine = display the markings. Fake - will not glow.

Disinfect water - UV kills off viruses/bacteria in water.

X-rays uses ...

X-ray 'Photographs' = easily see through flesh, but not through bone - too dense. The amount of Radiation absorbed - gives denser image.

Cause cancer - radiographers wear lead apron - keep exposure to minimum

Airport Security - scan - look for suspicious objects

Gamma rays = radiotherapy

High dose - kill all living cells, have to be directed carefully and at the right dosage, kill the cancer cells without killing too many normal ones

Damage is done = patient = very ill.

Gamma rays = Sterilisation of food and surgical instruments

Food = exposure - kill all microbes - keeps food fresh for longer

Medical instruments - in the same way

Advantage = not damaged like boiling water would damage them

Name the three types of Ionising Radiation?

Gamma, Alpha, Beta

When is Ionising Radiation emitted?

All the time by radioactive sources when their nuclei decay - emission is completely random - can't predict. All transfer energy - bash into each other and knock electrons off