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33 Cards in this Set

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What % of atm is O2, CO2 and Nitrogen?
Compressed O2 is stored in tanks at what psi?
1900 psi
Each liter of compressed gas yields ____L
150 L
1 L of liquid O2 yields ____ L of gas
850 L
What is the safest and most economical source of O2?
Liquid O2, supplied via pipeline.
Volume of an E cylinder has ____ L gaseous O2 at atm pressure
If O2 tank pressure reads 1000psi, how full is it? If administering 2L/min, how long till it runs out?
1000/1900= .53%
.53 x 660 L= 350 L gas

2L/min= 350L/2= 175 min/60min = 2.9 hours
What happens to the gauge pressure in a nonliquified gas such as O2? What law does this follow?
Will show a steady decline in pressure until cylinder is evacuated (accurately shows how much O2 is in the tank).

Follows Boyle's Law
Oxygen consumption...aka oxygen utilized by the tissues
Conc. of O2 molecules in alveoli exert a PAO2 or _____ pp that is the ________ ____ of O2 pp gradient bt ______ and ________ _______ _____
Driving End
Alveolus and Pulmonar Capillary blood
What does O2 do when it enters serum from the alveolar-cap membrane?
Enters RBC and REVERSIBLY bidns to Hgb per oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Final pp of O2 at mitochondrial level is?
0.5 torr
What things can you manipulate to increase pp of O2 at mitochondrial level?
Minute ventilation
Inspired O2 conc
Airway patentcy/resistance
In aerobic metab, 1 molecule of glucose yields??
CO2 + H2O + 38 ATP
Anaerobic metabolism yields...
2 moles of ATP and Lactic Acid
Glucose-->pyruvic acid-->lactic acid= 2 ATP
What and where does oxidative phosphorylation occur?
Transfer of O2 from Hgb to mitochondria.

Occurs at capillary level on inner membrane of mitochondria
What accounts for about 90% of VO2 (o2 consumption)?
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Mitochondrial cytochromes consume O2 thru what three things?
1. Reduced cytochromes that produce high E phosphate species such as ATP
2. Inorganic phosphates and nucleotides
3. Production fo H2O as a by-product
Where is CO2 produced? By what? Why care?
Mitochondrial Cytosol
Via Krebs Cycle
CO2 production is tightly coupled to O2 consumption!
O2 decreases in alveolus d/t what 3 things?
1. Add water vapor in trachea = 47torr
2. Add CO2 pressure= 40 torr
3. Removal O2 from alveolus (o2 uptake)
What is the normal anatomic shunt?
2-5% via bronchial, pleural and thebesian veins
Nml A-aDO2 gradient?
10 torr at RA (30-50 torr at 100% FiO2)
What is the equation for Alveolar-arterial difference for O2?
A-aDO2= PAO2- PaO2

PAO2= (PB - PH2O) FiO2- PaCO2/0.8
What does the respiratory exchange ratio represent?
Fraction of VO2 used for oxidative phosphorylation on inner membrane of mitochondria and associated CO2 production
What is the resp exchange ratio?
VCO2/VO2 = 0.8
Resp exchange ratio compensates for _____ _____ transferred into alveolus than _____ ________ from alveolus
less CO2; O2 removed
PaO2= 310
PaCO2 = 40
FiO2= 1.0
Pb= 747
Ph2o= 47.

What is your A-aDO2?
Is it normal?
A-aDO2= PAO2 =
(747 -47) 1.0-40/8=
PAO2- PaO2= 650 - 310= 330 mmHg

Normal is <60
Each ___mmHg A-aDO2 difference represents a venous admixture equivalent to ___% of CO
20; 1%
Because A-aDO2 ratio changes with diff conc of FiO2, the _____ ratio is used. Why? What is normal?
a/A ratio
Relatively constant regardless of FiO2
Normal: >0.75
O2 carried in combo w/ _____ and dissolved in _____
O2 transport is function of what 3 things?
1. CO
2. Hgb
3. Hgb affinity for O2
1 gm Hgb carries how many ml O2? How much is fully saturated at RA?
1.34ml O2
O2 bound to Hgb is ____ _____ and does not yield a ___
not dissolved