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44 Cards in this Set

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Large rounded projection
What is a crest?
Narrow, usually prominent ridge
What is a trochanter?
Very large, blunt, irregularly shaped
What is a tubercle?
Small rounded projection
What is an epicondyle?
Raised area on a condyle
What is a spine?
Sharp, slended, pointed projection
What is a head?
Bony expansion carried on neck
What is a facet?
Smooth, nearly flat articular surface
What is a condyle?
Rounded articular surface
What purpose do the heads, facets, and condyles serve?
Help form joints
What purpose do the tuberosity, crest, trochanter, line, tubercle, epicondyle, spine, and ramus serve?
Muscle and Ligament attatchment
What purpose do the meatus, sinus, fossa, groove, fissure, and foramen serve?
Allow blood vessels and nerves to pass
What is a meatus?
Canal-like passageway
What is a sinus?
Cavity filled with air & mucous membranes
What is a fossa?
Shallow, bowl-like depression in bone, often serving as articular surface
What is a groove?
Slitlike furrow
What is a fissure?
Narrow, slitlike opening
What is a foramen?
Round or oval opening through a bone
Describe compact bone.
Dense, smooth, homogenous
Describe spongey bone.
Composed of small trabeculae (needlike bars) of bones & lots of open space
Describe long bones.
Longer than they are wide
Describe short bones.
Typically cube shaped; contain more spongy bone than compact bone.
Describe flat bones.
Generally thin, with a layer of spongy bone sandwiched between two waferlike layers of compact bone.
What kind of bone is the skull made of?
Flat bones
Describe irregular bones.
Irregular shaped.
Give an example of irregular bones.
What is epiphysis?
The end of long bone that is composed of a thin layer of compact bone enclosing spongy bone.
What is an epiphyseal plate?
A thin area of hyaline cartilage that provides for growth in bone length.
At what age can the epiphyseal plate be seen?
Younger years, when person is still growing.
What are the barely discernable remnants of epiphyseal plates called?
Epiphyseal lines.
What is the function of articular cartilage?
Because articular cartilage is made up of glassy hyaline cartilage, it provides a smooth surface to prevent friction at joint surfaces.
What is the function of the medullary cavity?
A storage region for adipose tissue, aka yellow marrow.
What is yellow marrow?
Adipose tissue.
What is periosteum?
Lines all bones, except at joints of long bones. Has to do with muscle movement.
What is endosteum?
Lines the inner surface of all bones
What are Perforating (Sharpey's) Fibers?
Matrix of connective tissue made of strong collagenous fibres connecting periosteum to bone.
What is an osteon?
A central canal and all lanellae surrounding it; one unit of compact bone
What is the function of the central canal?
Carries blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels throught the bony matrix.
What are lamellae?
The smaller "tree rings" in a bone.
What are circumferential lamellae?
The bigger "tree rings" in a bone.
What is a perforating canal?
Canals that blood vessels go through.
What is lacuna?
Osteocytes occupy these at junctions of "tree rings"
What is an osteocyte?
Mature bone cell
What is canaliculus?
Tiny cnanals running from central to the lacunae of the lamella, then from lamella to lamella