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55 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 levels of protein structure
primary, secondary , tertiary, and quaternerary
What level includes a-helix and B-sheet formations?
What does a basic chiral L-aa look like
+ amino to the left, COO- to the right, H on top and R on bottom
What is the name of the stage/form where an aa's charge is "neutral" ?
T/F - at LOW pH, less protons are present in solution
Name the 4 types of weak bonds/ forces?
ionic bond, hydrogen bond, hydrophobic, and van der Waals forces
Where are peptide bonds formed?
Where is the only source of rotation in a peptide bond?
around the a-carbon
Why is there only rotation around the a-carbon?
steric hinderance, and the trans configuration only allows certain angles to form; additionally, electrons are delocalized to form partial double bonds
What is the most abundant protein in the human body?
Where does the site of glycosylation occur in collagen?
In collagen, what enzyme intiates cross-linking of lysines?
Lysyl oxidase
In lysyl oxidase, what co-factor is necessary for its function?
Which os the following can denature or kill proteins? A) heating B) pH changes C) Solvent changes D) Toxic ligands E) All of the Above
All of the above
What type of linkages often help hold shade in tertiary structures?
disulfide linkages
What enzyme is needed to form hydroxyproline?
Prolyl hydroxylase
In this same enzyme, what co-factor is needed to function?
Iron ascorbic - Vitamin C
In scurvy, what vitamin is deficient?
Vitamin C
What does Vitamin C form (specific aa)?
What aa is involved n disulfide cross-linking?
What type of proteins are used to "optimize performance" for function in other tissues or developmental stages?
Isoforms/ Isozymes
In osteogenesis imperfecta, a pont mutation impairs what type of formation?
triple helix formation
is osteogenesis imperfecta worse when the mutation occurs at the C or N -terminus?
C - terminus (because the helix starts zipping up from the C terminus)
What is the typical cause of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (stretchy skin, loose joints, etc)?
no cross-linking (no strength) or failure to remove N-peptide (collagen not soluble)
Which mutation leads to a severe to lethal disease in collagen? (nonsense or missense mutation)
missense mutation - doesn't fold correctly but still incorporates into collagen fibers and thus 3/4 of fibers are bad
Emphysema invovles what fibrous protein?
T/F In osteogenesis imperfecta, if glycines are mutated closer to the N-terminus, more severe symptoms will be observed?
What is the name of the molecule when water gets into the hydrophobic pocket of hemoglobin and gets to the heme?
met-hemoglobin (MHb)
The oxygen dissociation curve for hemoglobin and myglobin are _____ and ____ shape?
hemoglobin - sigmoidal myglobin - hyperbolic
When decreasing the pH oxygen is released more readily, what is this effect called?
Bohr Effect
What is the Bohr Effect?
The shifting of the oxygen dissociation curve right with decreasing pH
CO2 covalently binds to N-terminus of Hb chains and forms ___ which has a _____ O2 affinity.
Carbonyl Hb and LOWER O2 affinity
The following has a POSITIVE effect or NEGATIVE effect on Hb? O2 concen - CO2 Concen - BPG - pH
O2 - concen +; Co2 - -; BPG - -; pH - -
As [BPG] increases under hypoxic conditions, O2 unloading is (enhanced or decreased) in tissues?
Does BPG bind to fHb more or less tightly?
less tightly
Why does BPG bind less tightly to fHb?
Ser residue substituted for His in fHb; Ser makes overall Hb molecule LESS positive therefore BPG (-) bind less
Elastin must be removed during frowth and repair, but cannot remove so much that the integrity of the tissue is compromised. Thus, there is a balance between ___ and ___.
elastase and a-antitypsin
Name the missing structures in the chain of a-keratin formation? A-helix - __-microfibril-___
protofibril and macrofibril
What are the modes of catalysis for enzymes?
division, concentration, orientation, and strain
Acute pancreatitis is caused by what?
premature activation of zymogens
T/F Enzymes increase reaction rates by changing the equilibrium constants of reactions.
Enzymes are which of the following types of cofactors? A) coenzymes B) prosthetic groups C) metal ions D)all of the above
All of the above
What type of reversible inhibition works best when: a) [S] is high? B) [S] is low?
a) uncompetitive inhibition b) competitive inhibition
In competitive inhibition, Vmax is ____ and Km is _____.
Vmax - unchanged and Km - shifts to higher value
In noncompetitive inhibition, Vmax is ___ and Km is ___.
Vmax - lowered and Km - unchanged
Sickle cell anemia patients are instructed to avoid hypoxea and dehydration because it will (increase or decrease) deoxy HbS concentration. What are two treatment option for these patients?
A) Increase B) cyanate (inc. O2 affinity) and hydroxyurea (turns on fetal Hb synthesis)
Why don't allosteric enzymes obey typical kinetics?
allosteric enzymes are sigmoidal on MM plots (typical enzymes are hyperbolic)
T/F Activities of enymes can range from immediate reactions to reactions that last days.
What is thrombosthenin
smooth muscle protein in platelets that tightens clot
Problems with cloting will occur for patients who have low Vitamin ___ levels
Where do platelets bind during the blood coagulation process? Via recognition of what "factor" protein?
Subendothelial cells via von Willebrand factor protein
Which is formed first in the coagulation process Thrombin or Fibrin?
Thrombin - activates reformation of fibrinogen into fibrin
What is the name of the enzyme that cleaves fibrin triple chain rods?
plasmin protease
T/F Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) from activated platelets stimulates healthy intact endothelial cells to produce thromboxane (TxA2).
FALSE - thromboxane stimulates production of PGI2
What inhibits thrombin when it strays too far from the clot site (2x)?
Heparin and Antithrombin III