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108 Cards in this Set

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Which cells cause the differentiation of odontoblasts?
Cells in the IEE (preameloblasts)
From which region do odontoblasts originate?
dental papilla
large collagen fibers and ground substance combine at the basement membrane to form what?
mantle dentin (large fibers are von Korff fibers)
What do odontoblasts secrete?
As odontoblasts secrete predentin, they move towards the _______?
Odontoblastic processes will be surrounded by predentin and then become mineralized to become ____________?
dentinal tubules
The first dentin deposited at the DEJ is called _______ dentin.
Predentin matrix allows for less invasion of HA crystals than enamel. This is why dentin is less ___________ than enamel.
mantle dentin is (heavlily/not heavily) mineralized?
not heavily
_________________ dentin is formed a distance from the DEJ is more highly mineralized than preceeding dentin.
______________ is the production of a matrix followed by mineralization by HA crystals.
radial striation of dentin is due to the __________ ___________?
dentinal tubules
Dentinal tubules form an _______________ shape.
S curved
Dentinal tubules are straighther in (root/crown) dentin?
Caries affecting dentin will affect pulp (apically/coronal) to the caries?
_________________ are small waves in dentinal tubules.
Secondary curves
Crests of secondary curves are approx. __um apart?
4 (daily deposition)
Secondary curves represent the minor changes in ____________ movement in successive 24 hour periods.
Dentinal tubule density is highest (near the enamel/near the pulp)?
Near the pulp (radiation of tubules)
Dentinal tubule density is _x higher near the _____?
4, pulp
T or F: dentinal tubules have an increase in density near the DEJ due to branching?
What is A?
dentinal tubule brancing at the DEJ
(Crown/root) dentin shows many side branches called ___________?
root, canaliculi
Is this root or crown dentin? Why?
root, high density of side branching
Which is more calcified, intertubular or peritubular dentin?
Collagen fiber in intertubular dentin run (parallel/perpendicular) to the dentinal tubule?
Intertubular dentin has a (coarse/delicate) collagen matrix while peritubular dentin has a (coarse/delicate) collagen matrix?
coarse, delicate
Another name for peritubular dentin is?
sheath of Neumann
initial dentin secretion by odontoblasts is (intertubular/peritubular)?
Peritubular dentin is secreted during ____________?
When does peritubular dentin calcify?
When it is secreted
There are three layers of dentin. What is the middle layer?
globular dentin
Interglobular dentin is (highly mineralized/has little mineralization/non-mineralized)?
Interglobular dentin represents imperfections in the calcification _______?
Interglobular dentin exhibits _________ depressions on outer surface.
Mineralization in dentin occurs as ___________ aggregations which eventually ________.
sperical, fuse
nuclei of mineralization occur along ___________ fibers.
The granular layer of Tome's is the peripheral dentin in the (root/crown).
root, remember in the crown, near enamel it is the mantle layer
The granular layer of Tome's is composed of __________ islands of dentin and appears as dark grains near the _____?
uncalcified; dentino-cemento junction
T or F: the granular layer of Tome's is similar to the globular but smaller
The granules in the granular layer of Tome's have been proposed as:
1. uncalcified cores of large collagen fibers
2. twisted ends of dentinal tubules
What is the arrow pointing to?
granular layer of Tome's
The imbrication lines of von Ebener correspond with what in the enamel?
cross striations
von Ebener lines are produced by _______________?
daily dentin deposition
Lines of Owen correspond with what in enamel?
stria of retzius
Lines of Owen follow the contour of the ______________?
pulpal surface
Describe the 3 theories of stimulation involving dentinal tubules.
1. intratubular nerves
2. odontoblasts as receptors
3. fluid movement model
Name the 3 types of dentin.
1. primary
2. secondary
3. reactive (also tertiary or reparative)
Primary dentin is deposited before completion of the ______ ___________?
apical foramen
Secondary dentin is deposited after completeion of the ________ _____________?
apical foramen
Tertiary, reparative or reactive dentin is deposited in response to an ___________?
What type of dentin is on the right and which on the left?
Primary on the left and secondary on the right
What is the arrow pointing to?
reparative or reactive dentin, probably due to gingival recession
What is the arrow pointing to?
tertiary, reparative or reactive dentin
Dead tracts are tubules filled with _____?
air (they're empty)
T or F: damaged dentin still contains dentinal tubules?
Dead tracts will appear ______ on ground sections.
Blind tracts or sclerotic dentin are (empty/filled) and are (dark/transparent)?
filled, transparent
T or F: Blind tracts and dead tracts are both due to irritation.
T or F: Blind tracts are due to chronic irritation?
T or F: Dead tracts are due to chronic irritation?
The white star is a ___________ while the black star is a _________?
dead tract (dark material), blind tract (white material)
The pulp cavity arise from what structure?
dental papilla
Pulp cavity is comprised of what type of tissue?
Loose CT (type I and type III collagen), cells and ground substance
What is the function of the pulp cavity?
to support odontoblasts
The pulp cavity has a hole at its apical end, what is it called? What enter this hole?
apical foramen; nerves and blood vessels
What is the layer denoted by 'A'?
odontoblasts with pulp cavity beneath
Name the 3 zones of the pulp and what they contain.
1. odontoblast zone - odontoblasts and von Korffs fibers
2. cell free zone of Weil - von Korffs fibers
3. cell rich zone - mainly fibroblasts, von Korffs fibers and the parietal nerve plexus of Raschkow
What other cell types are present in the cell rich zone of the pulp besides fibroblasts?
mesenchymal, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma, and eosiniphils
(Parasympathetic/sympathetic) nerve fibers control the blood supply within the pulp?
Sympathetic (thank you physiology)
What are the black things?
nerve fibers (parietal nerve plexus of some russian guy)
What are a-d?
a- mantle dentin
b- odontoblasts
c- cell free zone of Weil
d- cell rich zone
What are a-e?
a- dentin
b- odontoblasts
c- cell free zone of Weil
d- cell rich zone
e- parietal nerve plexus of Raschkow
What are the arrows pointing to?
black- cell rich zone
white - cell free zone of Weil
red- parietal nerve plexus of Raschkow
Vascular supply in the dentin supplies what cells?
Sharp pain in the pulp is mediated by __________ fibers.
Dull, throbbing pain in the pulp is mediated by ____________ fibers.
Does the pulp have lymphatic drainage?
Probably not
What are the blue and red lines at the bottom of the picture?
idk, jk, lol :)
What type of autonomic fibers are in the pulp and are they myelinated?
sympathetic, no
From what ganglion do the autonomic fibers start their path to the pulp?
super cervical ganglion
Sensory fibers in the pulp come from what ganlgion?
maxillary and mandibular branches of the trigeminal
Are sensory pulp fibers myelinated or unmyelinated?
Which fibers, (myelinated/unmyelinated) innervate odontoblasts and may extend shortly into the dentinal tubules?
What is this picture from?
The first maxillay molar of R2D2, mesiobuccal cusp to be exact.
In a sensitive tooth, you would expect to (more/less) nerve fibers?
Name the two regions of the pulp.
Coronal and radicular
What is a pulp horn?
Its the vertical extension of the pulp into a cuspal region (or the horn looking thingy in the pulp if you prefer)
Where is coronal pulp located?
Above the cervix (of the tooth)
Where is radicular pulp located?
Below the cervix
What is the shape of the radicular pulp cavity?
conical and tapered
T or F: Like a mans nose, the pulp cavity increases with age?
T or F: the pulp cavity becomes more fibrous with age?
T or F: the pulp cavity becomes less cellular with age?
Minor pathological events result in _______________ of the pulp?
compression (pulp is surrounded by hard tissue)
T or F: compression of the pulp can lead to intense pain and death of the pulp?
Which tooth is from an older person?
The one one the right (pulp cavity is smaller)
A true pulp stone is called a __________?
T or F: denticles are composed of dentin and have dentinal tubules?
Denticles are formed by interaction of what two types of cells?
epithelial and mesenchymal
False pulp stones, like true pulp stones are called ___________?
(False/true) pulp stones have concentric rings?
Pulp stones can be ________, __________, or ____________?
free, attached or embedded
False pulp stones are formed by calcification of ________?
What am I?
True pulp stone
What is this?
True pulp stone
What is this?
True pulp stone
What is this?
false pulp stone