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88 Cards in this Set

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Classic - diarrhea w/ bulky and foul smelling stool, steatorrhea, flatulence

Children = failure to thrive

Dermatitis Herpataformis
Celiac Disease
Anemia and Abnormal Digestive function

Diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, sore tongue, weakness, HA, palpitations, irritability
Folate Deficiency (Folic Acid, Vit. B9)
Diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, cramping, bloating, flatulence after ingesting dairy

Child may have vomiting and frothy stool
Lactose intolerance
Early: anorexia, weakness, mouth sores, glossitis, stomatitis

Late: Pellegra Triad = Dermatitis, Dementia, Diarrhea
Niacin Deficiency (Vit B3)
Insidious onset
HALLMARK = intellectual disability
"mousy" odor to body and urine
abnormal gait, stance, and sitting posture
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Oral mucosa: Angular stomatitis/cheilosis, glossitis
Seborrheic dermatitis
Normocyctic anemia
Riboflavin Deficiency (vit b2)
Irritability, Muscle Cramp, Anorexia, Paresthesias

Wet Beriberi = Cardiovascular symptoms w/ extreme exertion

Dry beriberi = PNS and CNS symptoms
Thiamine Deficiency (Vit. B1)
nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, truncal ataxia, confusion

(seen w/ Thiamine deficiency)
Wernicke's encephalopathy
Thiamine deficiency with amnesia, impaired learning and short-term memory, hallucinations, confabulation

(seen w/ Thiamine deficiency)
Korsakoff syndrome
Looks like alcohol abuse, mental confusion, memory loss, nystagmus, and ataxia

(seen w/ Thiamine deficiency)
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrom
Early: 1st sign = night blindness
xerosis, Ritot's spots, poor wood healing

Late: keratomalacia, endophthalmitis, blindness

children: growth deficiency, anemia
Vitamin A deficiency (retinol)
Tired/decreased mental work capacity, irritability, depression, memory loss, confusion/disorientation, anorexia, diarrhea, glossitis = "beefy red tongue"

Neurological symptoms = paresthesias, disturbed coordination, difficulty w/ balance, dementia, ataxia
Vitamin B12 deficiency
(Cobalamin, cyanocobalamin)
Early: nonspecific
Late: perifollicular hemorrhages, petechiae, purpura, splinter hemorrhages, bleeding gums

Terminal symptoms: edema, oliguria, neuropathy, intracranial hemorrhage
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Mild: poor appetite, insomnia, vision problems, burning sensation in mouth and throat

Severe: periodontal disease, rickets, osteomalacia
(bony bumps on ribs = "rachitic rosary", bowed legs/arms, Knock knee, osteomalacia)
Vitamin D Deficiency
Excessive hemorrhage
Infants (Hemolytic disease of newborn)
Symptoms w/in 5-14 days of birth
Bleeding from circumcision cite, GI tract, skin, nose
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Vitamin K deficiency (phylloquinone)
HX of caustic digestion
Hx of allergies
Adults: hx of dysphagia for solids, episodes of impaction, heartburn

Child: abdominal pain, vomiting, chest pain, failure to thrive
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Sudden onset of retrosternal pain (mild or severe)
Pill induced esophagitis
Hematemesis following vomiting, straining or coughing
Bright red blood (generally mild/self limiting)
May have chest pain
Mallory-Weiss Tear
Insidious development over years
Zenker Diverticulum
> 90% have solid food dysphagia
Weight loss common
Sometimes odynophagia
Esophageal Neoplasm
Asymptomatic until rupture
Rupture = painless, massive hematemesis of dark brown blood, pallor, tachycardia, orthostasis

Physical signs of cirrhosis of liver
- Disordered peristalsis (Diffuse)
- Motility disorder w/ increased pressure during peristalsis (Nutcracker)
- Increased Lower Esophageal Sphincter pressure (Hypertensive)
Esophageal Spasm (motility disorder)
HALLMARK = Heartburn

Atypical findings: asthma symptoms, chronic cough, chronic laryngitis, sore throat, non-cardia chest pain
GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Most are asymptomatic
MC = intermittent dysphagia to solid foods, reflux with rings
Esophageal Webs and Rings
Erosive: Upper GI bleed, Hematemesis (coffee grounds) usually asymptomatic, possible anorexia, epigastric pain, N/V

non-erosive = nonspecific
Usually silent until late
Nonspecific symptoms: dyspepsia, vague epigastric pain, anorexia, early satiety, weight loss

Ulcerated lesions may bleed leading to hematemesis and or melena
Gastric Neoplasms
HALLMARK = Dyspepsia
Nonspecific epigastric pain (gnawing, dull, aching, "hunger like"
Nausea and Anorexia
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Progressive, non bilous projectile vomiting --> children remain hungry

weight loss, dehydration, olive-shaped mass felt to the right of the umbilicus (esp. shortly after vomit)
Pyloric stenosis
90% of pts develop peptic ulcer
Mimic peptic ulcer disease
GERD is common
1/3 have diarrhea
RED FLAGS: Ulcers refractory to tx, multiple giant ulcers, ulcers w/ hypercalcemia, H. pylori negative
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Mild fever to severe (septic shock)
Charcots triad: RUQ pain, Fever (chills), Jaundice

Reynold's Pentad: Charcot's triad, Altered mental status, Hypotension
Hx of biliary colic (gallstones)
Radiating paint to the neck or back
N/V, Fever, TTP/pain in RUQ
(+) murphy sign, (+) rebound, guarding
peritoneal signs
Frequently asymptomatic
Dull pain RUQ lasts 1-4 hrs
Worse pain after fatty meal
Pruritus/excoriations, jaundice, light colored stool, Tea colored urine
Restless pain, low blood pressure
Frequently recurring attacks of severe RUQ pain that lasts several hours
Chills, Fever, Jaundice associated w/ pain

Charcot's triad, Reynolds Triad, Hepatomegaly
Classic: epigastric tenderness and abdominal distention
Decreased or absent bowel sounds
Tachycardia, pallor, hypotension, shock
Cullen's sign = blush discoloration of the skin around the umbilicus
Grey Turner's sign = ecchymotic discoloration of the flanks
Acute pancreatitis
Classic Triad: pancreatic calcification, steatorrhea, DM
During attack = tenderness of pancreas, mild muscle guarding, ileus

Chronic epigastric pain radiating to the back, anorexia, n/v, constipation, flatulence, weight loss, steatorrhea
Chronic Pancreatitis
Abdominal pain - diffuse in LUQ, radiation is common, Sister Mary Joseph nodule = hard periumbilical nodule that is palpable

Jaundice - courvoisier's sign (jaundice and palpable gallbladder)
Diarrhea = early symptom
Weight loss = late symptom
Pancreatic Cancer
Abdominal distension, cramping, vomiting,
Later = obstipation

SBO = acute symptoms, pain around umbilicus/epigastrium
LBO = milder symptoms that develop gradually, constipation, pain in hypogastic region
Volvulus = abrupt onset, continuous pain, superimposed waves of colicky pain
Acute intestinal obstruction
Early periumbilical pain
w/in 12 hrs pain shift to RUQ
Steady ache worsened by coughing or walking
Nausea w/ 1-2 episodes of vomiting,
Feeling of constipation, low grade fever
Local tenderness w/ guarding over LRQ, percussion elicits pain
Rupture = temporary pain relief and peritoneal signs
Change in bowel habits/stool consistency
Patterns of rectal bleeding
Hard pellet stools = slow transit
Straining and feeling incomplete evacuation = Cardinal signs of pelvic floor dysfunction
Chance in consistency, frequency, quantity, color, odor, melanic(bloody/black) of stool
Watery = Small bowel
Blood and mucus = colon

Fever, HA, anorexia, vomiting, altered mental status, abdominal pain/distention, malaise, myalgia
Acute Diarrhea
Chance in consistency, frequency, quantity, color, odor, melanic(bloody/black) of stool BUT lasts OVER 4 weeks
Tenesmus, Flatus, steatorrhea
Chronic Diarrhea
MC = low grade fever, malaise, weight loss, decreased energy
NON-bloody diarrhea
Postprandial bloating, cramping, and borborygmi
RLQ focal tenderness
Fistula and sinus tracts
Crohn's disease
HALLMARK = Blood diarrhea
Invariably involves the rectum, but DOES NOT spread
Characterized by periods of symptomatic flare-ups and remission
Mild, Moderate, and Severe cases
Ulcerative Colitis
Symptoms persist for at least 3 months, usually intermittent
Lower abdominal crampy pain
Mucus is common in stool
DOES NOT interrupt sleep
Onset associated w/ change in form and/or frequency
Irritable Bowel Disease
Impairment of blood supply and necrosis of bowel segment
Episodic colicky pain and vomiting
Sausage shaped mass in hepatic flexure
Fever/Dehydration signs
Acute mesenteric Ischemia: sudden onset of severe abdominal pain out of proportion to exam findings

Chronic mesenteric Ischemia: abdominal angina occurring 10-30 minutes after eating that is relieved by squatting or lying down

LLQ pain/tenderness
Ischemic Bowel Disease
Very ill appearing, "toxic vitals"
Fever, abdominal pain/distension, diarrhea
Dehydration/ electrolyte imbalance

Rapid progression of symptoms over 1-2 weeks
Toxic Megacolon (Hirschsprungs Disease)
*Occult Blood* (elderly)
Crampy LLQ abdominal pain
Worse w/ movement, cough, strain
Palpable mass
Low grade fever, N/V
Abdominal distension
Chronic constipation w/ episodes of diarrhea
Type 3 is most common (Ileum)
Abdominal distension
Vomiting in first 24-48 hrs after birth
Intestinal Atresia
Ampullary = jaundice due to bile duct obstruction or bleeding

Non-ampullary = peak incidence in 6th decade, symptoms of obstruction, acute or chronic bleeding, weight loss, majority have metastasized
Abdominal pain, weight loss, N/V, distension, anemia, occult blood in stool

MC in Distal Small Bowel
90% w/ syndrome have hepatic metastases, facial flushing, edema of the head and neck, abdominal cramps and diarrhea, bronchospasm, cardiac lesions
Carcinoid Tumors
Lesions may be present anywhere in the intestinal tract
Visceral involvement usually associated w/ cutaneous disease
Most lesions are silent
Large lesions may be symptomatic
Small intestine Sarcoma
Fever, malaise, N/V
Dark urine
Normal to low WBC
Elevated aminotransferases (AST/ALT)
Hepatitis A
MOST PT are asymptomatic
Average time from exposure 4-12 weeks
Fatigue, abdominal pain, anorexia, jaundice

Slow progression, 75-80% become carriers
Hepatitis C
50% of adults are asymptomatic
Pre-icteric (prodromal): 1-3 wks; malaise anorexia, N/V, RUQ pain fever HA dark urine

Icteric phase: 1-3 wks; jaundice, acholic stools, hepatic tenderness, hepatomegaly

Convalescence: sx resolve
Hepatitis B
Hep B titre:
1st evidence of infection, and persists throughout the clinical illness. If it persists more than 6months the disease is chronic
Hep B titre:
Antibody to HBsAg appears after clearance of HBsAg. Appears in successful RECOVERY of infection and immunization
Hep B titre:
Antibody indicates acute HEP B infection
Hep B titre:
Appears during acute HEP B infection, but persists indefinitely whether the pt recovers or is chronic
Hep B titre:
Indicates viral replication and infectivity
Hep B titre:
Detected with PCR-generally parallels the presence of HBeAg
Portal HTN: variceal bleeding, edema, ascites, hemorrhoids
Weak, Fatigue, disturbed sleep, wt loss, muscle cramp
Skin: spider angioma, palmar erythrema, dupuytren contracture, jaundice

3 stages
Yellow discoloration in ocular conjuctivae, and oral mucosa
Plasma elevation of unconjugated and/or conjugated bilrubin
Pruritis, Dark urine, Light stool
Abdominal distension
Bulging flanks
Shifting Dullness
**MC complication of Cirrhosis**
Fever, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal tenderness, Altered Mental Status

Some PT are Asymptomatic w/ abnormal labs
Common isolates = E.coli and pneumococci
MC cause of GI bleeding due to portal HTN
Acute GI hemorrhage
Esophageal Varices
Disturbed Diurnal Sleep
Hyperactive tendon reflex
Stages: mild confusion, drowsiness, stupor, coma
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Fatigue, Pruritis, Hepatosplenomegaly
Xanthomatous lesion on skin and eyes

Advanced: Jaundice, steatorrhea, portal HTN

Orthostatic hypotension, cognitive impairment
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
MC from Cirrhosis and Hep C
Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
Bloody ascites
Bruit over tumor or friction rub
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Most pts are asymptomatic
Mild RUQ pain

(common from metabolic syndromes)
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Severe tearing pain during defecation
Thobbing discomfort
Anal Fissure
Throbbing continuous pain
Anorectal Abcess
Purulent discharge
Pain and tenderness
Anorectal Fistula
Decreased Appetite, N/V
Abdominal pain and distention
Paradoxical diarrhea due to stool leaking around the impaction
Fecal Impaction
Internal: Bleeding, Prolapse, Mucoid discharge
Pain uncommon until late stage
Cyst, Abscess, or one or more sinus tracts in the upper part of the natal cleft

MC in Men 3rd decade (Not in PT over 45)
Pilonidal Disease
Non Familial: usually asymptomatic, may have occult bleeding that leads to anemia

Familial: early development of 100-1000 adenomatous polyps
Right colon: blood loss, iron deficiency anemia fatigue, weakness

Left colon: obstructive sx, abd pain, change in bowel habits, "apple-core" lesion on radiograph

Rectosigmoid: hematochezia, tenesmus, narrowing of the caliber of stool
Colorectal Cancer

Third most common cancer
Second leading cause of death due to malignancy
Bulge in groin onto anterior thigh below the inguinal ligament
Very susceptible to incarceration and strangulation
Can be mistaken for lymph nodes or lipomas
MC = Female
Femoral hernia
GERD, Tightness, pain related to position, dysphagia, chronic lung infection due to aspiration, hoarse voice

Hiatal hernia (type 1)
Type 2: No GERD, incarceration or strangulation of fundus may occur

Type 3: Signs of increased intrabdominal pressure, lump in chest
Hiatal Hernia
Bulge, pain, discomort at site, bowel obstruction

(MC from a deep wound infection)
Incisional Hernia
Bulge in groin
MC right side

Male < 20 yro due to increased pressure
MC type of hernia
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Bulge in groin
MC in elderly men
Direct inguinal hernia
Generally asymptomatic
Soft protuberance at the umbilicus
Umbilical Hernia
MC = PT over 30
Progressive dysphagia to solid AND liquid
Regurgitation of undigested food
Nocturnal cough (due to aspiration)
Chest pain/Heartburn

Barium swallow = "Bird Beak" narrowing