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196 Cards in this Set

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Something which relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness or anesthesia
salt or ester of salicylic acid
ringing or buzzing sound heard in the ears
a substance ( a fatty acis) released by tissues. I t has a variety of roles in the body, depending on its site. When released in nerve tissues it sensitizes the sensory nerves to the perception of pain
apap aka --->
n-aceTYL p-aminophENOL, acetaminophen, Tylenol
somatic pain
arises from the musculoskeletal system or skin
visceral pain
arises from the organs or viscera of the thorax and abdomen. It results from ischemia, chemical damage, spasm, or distention of the visceral structure
Neuropathic pain
results from injury to or chronic changes in somatic sensory pathways

may develop and persist without obvious tissue injury
may be accompanied by sensory loss, muscle weakness, burnng, aching, jabs of sharp pain, or an exaggerated response to touch.
referred pain
visceral pain cannot generally be recognized as coming from a specific organ. Instead, the brain may interpret it as coming from various areas of the skin. Such pain is called referred pain because it is referred to various body surface areas
referred pain picture box
afferent visceral and peripheral nociceptors converge on the same spinal pain projection neurons at the anterolateral tract axon
Patient assessment: PQRST
P: what provokes or palliates ( makes it better) the pain
q: what is the quality ( burning, dull, sharp, pressure, etc)
r: is ti spreading or radiating or is it in one place
s: how sever is the pain
t: how long does time influence the pain ? Early morning, after exercise, middle of night
Names selected conditions responsive to nonprescription analgesics
HA, tension HA, HA of ocular origin, periarticular pain, cluster, SINUS, myalgia,
can Arthralgi, neuraligia, and Migraines be treated with OTC
No need stronger drugs
what are the non-pharmacologic approaches to pain contril?
Cold, Heat, Exercise, Diversion, Pleasant activities
Name the nonprescription analgesics,
1) aspirin and other salicylates, Tartrazine
nonacetylated salicylates:
1) acetaminophen
2) ibuprofen
3) naproxen sodium ( aleve),
4) Ketoprofen
aspirin MOA
inhibit prostaglandin synthesis

adult oral: 325 to 500 mg q 3 h or 650 to 1000mg q 6 h while symptoms persist not to exceed 4 grams in 24 hrs
Name 4 considerations for use of aspirin: 1+3 (=
1) impaired platelet aggregation and hematologic effects- aspirin only irreversible inhib PL aggregation
do not use in tonsillectomy, dental extractions, surgery ( d/c 1 week before surgery)
Name 4 considerations for use of aspirin:
2) impaired uric acid elimination: 1 to 2 g per day may increase uric acid levels and worsen gout attack

3) GI irritation or bleeding
4) aspirin intolerance- ss hives, edema, breathing prob, etc CROSS REACTION RATE FOR IBUPROFEN IS AS HIGH AS 97%
Tartrazine dyes
up to 15 % of aspirin intolerance pt may cross react when exposed to T DYES ( found in drugs, soda, colored candy, colored puddings and frosting ex Yellow dye #5
Aspirin for pregnos and breast feeding
crosses the placenta-- DONT GIVE---can cause maternal morbidity and fetal morbidity
Aspirin can cause an acute potentially fatal illness occurring primarily in children and young adults
REYE'S SYNDROME ss- vomiting progressive CNS damage hepatic injury and hypoglycemia

onset post viral enfluenza or vaicella-zoster
How dose Aspirin cause EDEMA
prostaglandins play an important role in renal blood flow
prostaglandins inhib tend to cause fluid accumulation in the body

prostaglandins also inhib ADH
aspirin and 6 drug interactions

Va, S, UU, E,W,C,
Valroic acid-depakote inc tox of Depa
sulfonylureas enhansed with ASA
uricosuric effect antagonized by asa
ethanol, GI EROSIVE
warfarin, inc bleeding risk
capoten dec by asa
Cinchona products ( Quinidine and Quinine) NSAIDS cause
Additive toxicity when used with ASA
hyperventilation --> resp.

induce vomiting
pros and cons of Ecotrin
pros: enteric coated
cons: delayed effect

salicylate containing product
pros cons alka Seltzer
rapid abs due to disintegration but NO EVIDENCE that raid or effective analgesia then solid drugs
WHY not give pt on salt restriction ASA
ASA has large amount of NA not for heart failure renal failure and hypertension
ASA used for MI prophylaxis give examples
Magnesium Salicylate
Similar reduction in objective pain score as compared to asa


APAP used as
nalgesic and anipyretic

its a WEAK anti inflammatory as it has littl eperipheral effect
325-620 q 4 h or 325 to 500 mg q 4 h or 650 to 1000mg q 6 h MAX 4 g in 24 hrs

NMT 2 g in pts with Coumadin
Drug as 1st line or alternative analgesic is

how is it observed

rapid in GI
Therapeutically significant drug interaction

is there an antidote
HEPATIC NEROSIS oversode or over time

yes, Nacetylcysteine ( Mucomust) oral

when liver is overworked it produces a toxic metabolite due to dlutathione depletion: mucomyst binds to toxic metab via sulfhydryl group

ETOH inc change os this tox met ot be maid
what is Ibuprofen used ofr
analgesic, antipyretic, antiinflammatory

give for chick pox
Ibuprofen dose
200 to 400 q 4 to 6 h max 1200 mg/ 24hrs

300-600 q 4 to 6 h is the anti inflam dose

don't take for pain > 10 days or fever > 3 days
asa or ibuprofen more 3.5 times more potent and last 6 hrs
for dental pain what is best
ibuprofen gi ss
heartburn, nausea, anorexia, epigastric pain
At what dose will ibuprofen inhib platelet aggregation
600 to 1800 mg / 24 hrs its REVERSIBLE unlike asa within 24 hrs
what labs may be inc when on ibuprofen
BUN Scr important if pt has renal prob or CHF
ibuprofen and pregnos
3rd trimester= NO
ibufrofen and drug interactions
antagonizes antihypertensive drugs like diuretics, bb, C acting anti BP drugs

also increases lithium plasma levels
ibuprofen over dose
min toxicity rarely fatal most is seen abd pain
ALEVE Naproen Sodium dose and directions for max
220 mg 200 nap 20 na

take with full glass of h2owith each dose / tk with food h2o or milk

if over 65 yo don't tke more then 2 per day
beofer using aleve as 3 things**********
coumadin? gi drugs ( zantac, prilosec Levsin, bentyl carafate) ? Do you have stomach probs?
Ketoprofen ( Orudis KT) dose
12.5 mg tabs
Antipyretics____ noraml body temp is
98.6 f
diminishing or disapearance of a fever
Name drugs and doses
child advil suspentions
Ibuprofen 200 mg qd,
child advil suspentions 100 mg / 5 ml
BC powders
aspirin salicylamide caffeine
and Extra Strength
asa 325 with antacids ( calcium and MG)

asa 500 " " "
Doan's Regular strength
Mg salicylate
ecotrin reg
" max
' Low
asa 325 mg in an enteric coat for ASA therapy users
500 ec
81 ec
alka-seltzer original blue box

Anacin asa
alka-seltzer original blue box 325/nabicarb 1916 mg tab

Anacin asa:400 mg caffeine 32( 1/2 grai) per tab
asa 250 mg apap 250 mg caffeine 65 mg
Goody's powders
asa apap caffeine
mag salicylate
Motrin IN
Ibuprofen 200 mg
child motrin suspention
100 mg per 5 ml
Orudis KT
Ketoprofen 12.5 mg
" extra s
apap 325 mg plus Phenyltoloxamine 30 mg

apa 500 mg plus DIPHENHYDRAMINE HCL 12.5 mg
Tylenol Arthritis
650 mg extended cap
tylenol susp
160 mg/ 5 ml
tylenol drops
100 mg /ml
tylenol adult liquid
500 mg / 15 ml
paradoxical pain relieving effect acheived by producing less severe pain to counter a more intense pain
a substance such as a counterirritant which when applied to the skin causes a redness or erythema
a partial or complete rupture of a ligament
a rupture of tissue resulting in hematoma
a partial tear of muscles
solutions or maxtures of various substances in oil alcoholic solutions of soap or emulsion applied with MASSAGE
look on page 2 if you don't under analgesic products
how do counterirritants work
they stimulat cutaneous receptors to induce sensation such as cold warmth and sometimes itching = distraction from deep seated pain in muscle

** applying cold warm works same also rubbing or massaging
Methyl Salicylate aka

oil of wintergreen-- not for kids or younger REYE's syndrome

high salicylate count even 4 ml has caused death in children if ingested
topical prep 0.1% to 1% antipruritic
1.25% to 16% it acts as counterirritant

moa: stimulates nerves to feel cold not pain (=
Camphor dose
0.1% to 3 % topical analgesic anesthetic and antipruritic

Max over 11%
Histamine Dihydrochloride
category 1 in a 0.025% to 0.1% VASODILATION
Methyl Nicotimate
0.25% to 1% counterirritant
q 3 to 4 times per day
vasodilation and elevation of skin temp
Allyl Isothiocyanate aka
Volatile oil of mustard
causes redness and irritation
Capsicum preparation
deplete substance P
0.025% and 0.075% relief of pain diabetic neuropathy

app qid 4 to 6 weeks to see results may cause irritation
Name types of dermatitis aka eczema ( inflammation of the skin
atopic derm, contact dem, hand derm,
Hand dermatitis aka cause, KNOW ALL
dishpan hand

causes: metals, Lanolin, parabens, Deodorants are particularly sensitizing in many individuals

Benzocaine, benadryl, iodine containing products, sulfonamides, neomycin
What are astringent products:
these retard the oozing discharge or bleeding of dermatitis wet to dry

they form thick coagulum on the S of lesion --> reducing local edema
Burow's Solution
Aluminum acetate 5% the solution must be diluted 1:10 to 1: 40 with h2o befor euse
Witch Hazel
astringent made from Hamamelis virginiane it contains tannins, volatile oils and 14 to 15 % alcohol
Zinc oxide
astringent a white powder active ing in calamine lotion
Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion
dry sensitive skin treatment

glycerin, oil, emollients, humectants
Cetaphil Skin Cleanser
used in sub of soap propylene glucol and Na lauryl sulfate a surfactant
Cortaid Cream and Ointment
Hydricirtusibe cream 0.5% ro 1%
Cortizone 10 plus moisturizing cream
hydrocortisone cream 1% plus moisturizers
cortizone 10 ointment
hydrocortisone 1 % in White Petrolatum
Hydrocortisone generic
cream ointment lotions 0.5% to 1%
SArna Anti itch lotion
Camphor 0.5% Menthol 0.5 % emollients, petrolatum
10 mg loratadine block histamine at the receptors to relieve itching NONSEDATING 24 hrs duration
products for dry skin
if its dry wet it if its wet dry it
Bath Oil
app at end of bath and don't rub off just dry
Oatmeal products
contain starch protein and small amount of oil its soothing and antipruritic and has a lubricating effect
contain Na and K salts alkali high phin combo with h2o become surfactants
good soap ph 7 for dry skin
Glycerin soaps
have caster oil and have neutral ph
Cetaphil Skin Cleanser
good sub for soap its soapless cleanser
Emollient / moisturizers
leave oil film on skin promotes h2o retention contain petrolatum, lanolin, mineral oil, and silicanes such as dimethicone a liquid silicone protectant
PPetrolatum Vaselin
seems to be the most effective occulusive agent and has been given CAt 1 q
hydrating agents draw water from the dermis or atmosphere
Keratin-Softening Agents
urea 10-30% is a mild keratolytic alters the keratin layer and soften the skin removes scales
Lactic acid:

and Allantoin
an alpha-hydroxy acid used in 2 to 5 % for treating dry skin
( 0.5 to 2% softens keratin by disrupting its structure MEGGOTS
name two types of antipruritics for skin
anesthetics BENZOCAIN and antihistamine Benadryl
Protectant for skin
zinc oxid ( 1 to 25% ) widely used as a protectant astringent and antiseptic
Topical Hydrocortisone
concentration of 0.5% to 1% applied x 4 per day
Dry skin products
11 of them
alpha keri oil, spray bar
surfactants perfumes additives
Daily moisturizing bath
aveeno oatmeal
complex 15 lotion and cream
lecithin glycerin in lotion or cream base *******15 molecules of h2o*****
Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion
Glycerin, emollients, humectants, oils
Eucerin cream
Petrolatum miner oil waxes
Keri lotion
Mineral oil, propylene glyol, lanolin, fragrances, surfactants
Oilatum soap
Mineral oil, stiffening agents, glycerin
Lubriderm lotion
Mineral oil, petrolatum, lanolin, emulsifiers
Neutrogena bar soap
glycerin stiffening agents
camphor menthol eucalptus oil PEG
Oilatum soap
Vegetable oil stiffening agetns glycerin
Vaseline intensive care lotion
dimethicone water glycerin cetyl alcohol oils
accelerated epidermal cell turnover YEAST PTYROSPORUM OVALE PROLIFERATES in presence of dandruff
SElenium sulfide
selsun blue 1% OTC or 2.5 RX shampoo selenium is absorbed by the cells and its antimitotic agent
Pyrithione Zinc ( 1 to 2%) shampoo
cytotoxic agent reducing epidermal tumover rate
Nizoral A-D Shampoo
1% ( Keroconazole) shampoo for 1 min , rinse don't scratch scalp with fingernails) shampoo 5 to 10 ml of selenium sulfide or pyrithione zinc sit for 5 min then rinse out repeat 2 times per week for 1 month
Alternatives for dandruff
salicylic acid shampoos, coal tar products, sulfur, topical hydrocortisone 0.5 to 1% anti inflammatory
affects sebaceous glands read more pg 9 derm
Water Lauryl Sulfate Surface acting agents
Head and Shoulders
Pyrithione Zinc 1 % surfactants
Scalpicin Regular
Salicylic acid 3% menthol propylene glycol alcohol water
Scalpicin Max Strength
Tegrin cream shanpoo
coal tar solution surfactants fragrances
T/gel shampoo
Coal tar in a shampoo formula
Zincon Shampoo
Pyrithione zinc 1% surfactants
Diaper rash and prickly heat products
due to urin and feces make sure to change soiled diaper change promptly WE DONT WANT TIGHTLY fitting diapers

CANDIDA ALBICANS is most frequent complication
Prickly Heat Miliaria
Intertriginous area in infents red papules may get pustular and are usually at the sites of occlusion
A and D ointment
53.4% lanolin 15.5% skin protectants
Ammens Medicated Powder
Zinc Oxid Talk cornstarch
Balmex Ointment
Zinc oxide Peru Balsam mineral oil waxes Bismuth subnitrate and other ingredients
40% zinc oxid talc cod liver oil vit a and d
Desitin cream
zinc Oxide 10% with aloe and vit E
petrolatum forms an occlusive convering to protect the skin from moisture feces and urine
Zeasorb powder
no starch!!! absorbes swweat and other secretions
Can all uv rays cause cancer
yes, UVC, UVB, UVA
the ablity of a sunscreen to remain effective during prolonged excercise sweating and swimming
6 skin typer
1 always burns, fair skin
2 always burns minimal
3 burns moderately
burns minimally
rarely burns
never burns dark pigments
Chemical suncreeens work by
absorbing and blocking the transmission of UV radiation to the epidermis
UVB promarily
benzophenones: oxybenzone, others ending in benzone
Cinnamates: cinoxate, others ending in cinnamate
salicylates: triethanolamine salicylate Homosalate etc
UVA Primarily
Dibenzoylmethane derivatives: Avobenzone
Coppertone, Banana Boat
Variour combinations of UVB and UVA
" sunblockers
scatter not absorb UV and visible radiation used on nose lips etc PHYSICALLY blocks light from skin
Zinc oxide, Titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide ointment and paste
are all Physical blockers all white pastes
Poison Ivy and Poison oak what do shrubs look like
3 lobe shaped leaflets
2 phases of contact dermatitis
phase 1 urushiol rxt begins
phase 2
Burow's solution
diluted 1:400 al acetate solution whic is an astringent can be effective in soothing pain and itching
Calamine lotion
plain and with 1% phenol is helpful as protectant and anesthetic
topical non rx steroids
hydrocortisone 0.5 to 1 % have proven safe and eff. DONT USE GREADY OINT WHEN VESICLES AS PREZZZZZZ
Local anesthetics
benzocaine diperodon and tetracaine PRAMOXINE
antihistamine, benadryl 2%
counterirritants, menthol phenol 1% or less
hydrocortisone anti inflam 0.5 to 1% applied 3 to 4 times a day

prophylaxis against secondary bact infection benzalkonium chloride, a quatemary ammonium compound seems to be effective but its action can be decreased by anionic compounds such as soaps
zinc oxide al acetate tannic acid k oermanganate reduce oozing
AVEENO powder
for rash
benedryl cream
1 to 2 % and spray
Caladryl lotion
pramoxine HCL
caladryl clear
pramoxine hcl 1% alcohol gragrance comphor glycerin
calamine lotion
Regular: 8% calamine powder plus zinc oxide in suspension
Calamine powder
composed of 98% zinc oxide ferric oxide
calamine lotion
phenolated 1% phenol Carbolic Acid in calamine lotion
cortaid lotion cream spray
0.5% to 1% hydrocortisone
Lanacane cream
benzocaine 6%
Lanacane spray
benzocaine 20%
pramoxine 1% menthol 0.5%
Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder " Triple Action"
relives pain, soothes skin, absorbs moisture
Can DEET be used on kids
not CNS toxicity seizures death if must use low concentration of 10% on kids
epinephrine HCL
1:1000 or 1:2000

epiPen Auton injector and Jr for kids
Thiamine hydrochloride vit B
100 mg tid can repel insects
Americaine ointment
Benzoxaine 20%
Diphenhydramine 1- 2%
Hydrocortisone 0.5- 1%
Gold Bond Medicated Powder
menthol zinc oxide
Lanacort 10 cream
hydrocortisone 1%
Nupercainal Ointment
small sharply demarcated hyperkeratotic lesion having a central core yellowish gray color 2 types hard and soft corn
salicylic acid for corns and celluses
keratolytic agen
best from 12-40%

DON"T USE ONE IRRITATED SKIN not fo rDM or if poor blood circulation
Dr Scholl's callus removers
salicylic acid 40% in a pad
Freezone Solution corn and Cellus remover
Salicylic acid 13.6%
swellings of the bursae can be caused by conditions such as tight fitting shoes over a long period of time
you know how to get them from frogs (= hahaha
DuoFilm :
17% in flexible collodion or 40% patch
Compund W liquid Wart Remover and Wart off
salicylic acid 17 % collodion with much more shit in it
wartner and compound W freeze off
dimethyl ether and propane Freezes the wart which usually falls off within 2 weeks
CAUTION protect area around the wart with vaseline when treating with KERATOLYTICS