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103 Cards in this Set

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Allopurinol interacts with which antacids
Phenytoin interacts with which antacids
Cephalosporins interacts with which antacids
Oral anticoagulants interacts with which antacids
Tetracycline interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium, Calcium carbonate
Glipizide interacts with which antacids
Magnesium, Sodium bicarbonate
Valproic Acid interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium
Dexamethasone interacts with which antacids
Propranolol interacts with which antacids
Aspirin interacts with which antacids
Calcium carbonate
Atenolol interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Calcium carbonate
Amphetamine interacts with which antacids
Sodium bicarbonate
Diazepam interacts with which antacids
Prednisone interacts with which antacids
Digoxin interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium
Cimetidine interacts with which antacids
Ranitidine interacts with which antacids
Indomethacin interacts with which antacids
Iron interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium, Calcium carbonate, Sodium bicarbonate
Quinidine interacts with which antacids
Magnesium, Calcium carbonate
Isoniazid interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium
Ketoconazole interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Sodium bicarbonate
Indomethacin interacts with which antacids
Diflunisal interacts with which antacids
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate interacts with which antacids
Magnesium, Calcium carbonate
Fluoroquinolones interacts with which antacids
Aluminum, Magnesium
Age to refer
12 YO
Difficulty in treating teen
hard to get a true story about heartburn/dyspepsia/stress
Treat HB in preg?
Could always refer, or treat with antacids only and not in 2nd or 3rd
Age to treat ped
12 with antacids, 18 with ppi
Prob treating >50 YO for HB
take more medications. Antacids interact with everything.
How many weeks can we treat OTC
Two. Antacid recommendation should work same day, if not move on.
HB non-pharm therapy part I
Elevate bed, eat 3 hrs before bed or more, avoid food that reduce LES tone (choc, mints, fats), avoid direct irritants (coffee, citrus), smaller meals
HB nonpharm therapy part II
Don't lay down, limit alcohol, sot smpking, stop things that introduce air (gum, soda)
Treament time
2 Weeks max.
If treatment works then symptoms recur after 2 weeks when you stop
Odynophagia -
painful swallowing
Why only treat HB for 14 days
GERD can lead to other problems: esoph ulcers/strictures; cancer; bleeds, barrett's esoph
Atypical symptoms of GERD
Wheezing, teeth erosion, laryngitis, chest pain, chronic cough
Antacids don't
change the amount of acid that is there, but neutralize it.
H2's do what
Block histamine receptor - block a piece of the acid pump
PPI's do what
Blocks the acid pump
Four compounds for antacids
NaBicarb, CaCarbonate, Mg Salts, Al Salts
Antacids have a lot of
drug interactions.
Antacids taste
Makes liquid antacid taste better
How long does antacid last?
NaHCO3 & MgOH<AL-Mg<AlOH & CaCO3
Renal impaired antacid?
Probably steer away.
Mg antacid SE
treats constipation, causes diarrhea
causes constipation
Combo of Mg & Al SE
net no effect of diarrhea/constipation hopefully, but diarrhea if one prevails.
CaCO3 antacid prob
Too much Calcium may cause acid rebound
NAHCO3 prob
Potent, can cause acid rebound, Na overload
Alginic acid
if have reflux, the foam will hit the esophag and not the stomach acid. In Gaviscon
Simethicone is for
Intestinal gas
Orlistat non approved
Dosing of orlistat
60 mg BID
Heartburn is:
Burning sensation in the lower chest (substernal)
Heartburn pain is where
May radiate up in the the chest, back, maybe throat or neck
HB occurs when
After meals, lying down, bending over, after exercise
Symptoms of HB
Dysphagia, odynophagiea, globus sensation, hypersalivation, weight loss, regurg w/o nausea, acid/"sour" stomach
Consistent or recurrent pain in upper abdomen, subjective, get full when eatin,
HB/dyspep treatment goals
Relieve, prevent, heal esoph, prevent GERD
Factors for HB
Diet, lifestyle, obesity stress,
Durgs affect HB
NSAIDs and much more
When to refer?
Occurs 2+ times/week; severe, chest pain, 3 months, take NSAIDs, GI bleed
Why HB commin in preg?
Space is smushed
HTN drugs cause HB
CCB, B2 agonists?; nitrate? Alpha agonists
HB Alarm Sx
Hoarseness, CF, weight loss, vomiting, signs of GI bleed, chest pain, chronic NSAID, sx disrupt sleep, any systemic illness
H2 takes how long to work
Work within a day
Abnormal reflus of gastric contents into the esoph, causing mucosal damage
Epidemiology of GERD
'50% of US experience Sx; 7-10% have daily HB; 30-50% have Sx monthly
GERD path
Impaired acid neut, inappropriate relax of LES, hiatal hernia, delayed gastric emptying
Antacids for
HB, sour stomach, acid indigestion, overindulgence, upset stomach "with Sx"
Acid indigestion unique from HB
Antacids most appropriate for
Mild, infrequent HB
Dosing antacids
mEq of acid neut capacity, not by volume or # of tabs
Fewest SE of antacids
Al-Mg combos
Dosing frequency of antacids
4-5 x/day
3 maalox TC =
9 reg maalox
Older, 65+ Antacid thoughts
Watch Na; SE more likely (dia/constip); D-D; Magnesium best if no renal prob
Preg/lact antactid consid
Don't use chronically, Avoid NA, Al/Mg/Ca okay
Drug manufacturers expect oral drugs to what?
Hit an acidic stomach, so have drug cleared or antacid cleared - not together
Pure aluminum salts
Alternagel, constipation is SE
Calcium carbonate
TUMS, some rolaids, some Maalox. Most chewables are this.
Children's Pepto is what
Calcium carbonate, no bismuth, really tasty
Al/Mg combo products
Several Maalox
Cause of primary dysmen
Idio, only during ovu cycle
Cause of secondary dysmen
Assoc with pelvic paht
Define here
Primary dysmen responds usually to drug?
Treatement goals for dysmenorrhea
Pain relief/symptom improvement, resume daily activities
Important distinction in dysmenorrhea recommendation
Distinguish between primary and secondary
Self treatment of primary dysmen when?
Self treatment of secondary dysmen when?
Nonpharm treatment of dysmenorrhea
Topical heat, omega 3s, DC smoking
Pharm treatment of dysmenorrhea
OC, NSAID (Rx dosing) effective for 80-90% of patients, then ASA or APAP
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, generally a severe form of PMS
Strassels mnemonic
This case
Primary, NSAID
PT Considerations with APAP
Safe in preg/lact; low incidence SE; no platelet; counsel on high doses and alcohol use.
Non-drug treatment for tension headache
Relaxation/physical therapy
Non-drug treatment for migrain headache
Regular sleeping and eating, nutritional strategies.