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33 Cards in this Set

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Hebrew title for Lamentations and meaning
eka; mournful expletive
Date of Lamentations (also around the time of the fall of Jerusalem)
2 benefits of the acrostic (alphabet down) form of Lamentations
1. mnemonic-helps for memory
2. fullness-helps to express fullness of suffering
The author of Lamentations is anonymous, but can be attributed to------?
The meter of Lamentations
3:2; long short

qina or qinah
The 4 forms of Lamentations
1. Acrostic
2. Meter
3. Dramatic contrast
4. Lament (individual and communal)
The 4 theological lessons from Lamentations
1. Prayer-It's good to express our complaints to God in prayer

2. God's sovereignty reaffirmed-He caused the destruction, and he's in control of history

3. Sin brings judgment-stimulates call for repentance and return

4. Hope- ask God for deliverance; Trust in the Lord and pray for restoration
Hebrew name for Ecclesiastes
Qoheleth-one who gathers people together
Ecclesiastes is traditionally attributed to who?
Solomon; but it is an anonymous book
What is the current wisdom of Ecclesiastes?
The righteous will prosper.
What is unique about the form of Ecclesiastes?
The conclusion is at the beginning.
What is the major theme of Ecclesiastes?
What type of writing frames Job? And what type is in the middle?
Prose (prologue and epilogue) frames the poetry (the dialogues-wisdom poem, Elihu's speeches, Job's responses) .
Name 2 things that the book of Job affirms.

Does the question of why the righteous suffer ever get answered?
1. The righteous suffer.
2. God is present with us in our suffering.

Who was an exiled priest that was called to be a prophet while in Exile in 593?
What was the message of Ezekiel?
Jerusalem will fall. There were a lot of prophecies and sign acts.
What was the sign act involving the Siege of Jerusalem in Ezekiel?
1. Brick painting-siege of Jerusalem
2. Lying down on left side for 390 days = Israel, on right side for 40 days= Judah
In Ezekiel, what are 3 prophecies/sign acts that illustrate that Jerusalem will fall?
1. Brick-painting: Siege of Jerusalem
2. Lying down on each side-390 days for Israel; 40 days for Judah

3. Shaved head-3 sections of hair representing what would happen to Judah in 587.
3 sections represented: fire (famine/disease), sword, scattering
what did the 3 sections of hair in one of the prophecies in Ezekiel represent?
1. fire-famine/disease
2. sword
3. scattering
In Ezekiel, what did digging through a wall symbolize?
baggage for exile.
What was the reason for Jerusalem's fall according to Ezekiel?

Oholah “she who has a tent” = Samaria
i.e. representing the northern tribes of Israel
Oholibah “my tent is in her” = Jerusalem
Notice Ezekiel’s bias towards the south – he hints that God’s tent is in Jerusalem
(no) glory of God
Ezekiel's wife will die. What does she represent?
What is restored in Ezekiel after people return to the land?
THe covenant-you will be my people again.
Re-unification of Israel and Judah is represented by what?
dry bones; 2 sticks becoming 1 again.
new role of individual regarding sin
each person is responsible for their own sin
dyarchy rule
a. Dyarchy
i. Davidic king 37:24-28
ii. Zadokite priests 44
b. Eternal covenant 37:24-28
c. Temple 40-48
i. Glory reenters 43
ii. Healing river 47
What frames the book of Ezekiel?
THe glory of God. The Glory of God leaves Jerusalem. The Glory of God comes back and fills the temple.
Who is the book of Isaiah traditionally credited to? And what country is the big threat?
Isaiah of Jerusalem. Babylon
Who is Isaiah writing for?
People in the exiles.
A covenant God made with David?
Eternal dynasty.
David's father
name contains divine elements