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258 Cards in this Set

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the biology form of an organism
the biological function
What is an example of how physical laws constrain evolution?
Water is a thousand times more dense than air and much more viscous.

Therefore in order to be fast swimmers, animals have developed body plans hat are fusiform, or tapered at both ends.
Relate structure, function, and natural selection
Structure determines function and natural selection can alter this relationship
the maitenance of a constant internal environment
what is the goal of homeostasis
to keep internal fluctuations small

this is done via homeostasis mechanisms
what is bad about homeostasis
it is expensive energetically
why is homeostasis necessary
because many of the macromolecules of the body are delicately balanced or having a specific environment that they need to be in

an example would be enzymes. They have an ideal range where they peak in activity
what are the mechanisms of homeostasis
signaling and feedback regulation
coordination and control
endocrine system
nervous system
organisms that have a very narrow homeostatic range

the will use internal mechanisms to regulate internal change in the face of external change

an example would be salmon. They can change from salt water to freshwater without changing their internal solute concentration
an animal that allows its internal conditions to conform to external changes
Explain the example of homeostatis in regulation of calcium
When calcium levels are high, the thyroid gland produces caclitonin which stimulates calcium uptake in the bones and reduces caclium uptake in the kidneys. this reduces blood calcium levels

When calcium levels are low, the parathyroid gland produces PTH which stimulates calcium release by the bones and calcium uptake by the kidneyes. this also increase calcium uptake in the kidneys. This raises blood levels of calcium
diffusion and what does it depend on
the spontaneous movement of a substance down its concentration gradient, from a region of high concentration to low concentration

It depends on
the difference in concetration
the distance of diffusion
the surface area it is occuring over
Ficks law
R = D x A (change p/d)

R= rate of diffusion
D= constant
A = surface area where diffusion is occuring
change in p= change in concentration from outside to inside
d= distance that diffusion occurs over
What leads to a high diffusion rate
lots of surface area
large change in concentration
low distance that diffusion has to travel
what is an ideal surface area to volume ratio
what are the four types of animal tissue
how many organ systems are there
epithelial tissue
covers the oustide of the body and lines organs and cavities of the body

they are the gate keepers: all things that enter or exit the body must pass through epithelial tissue

form: sheets of cells
function of epithelial tissue
secretion (crab exoskeleton)
absorption (small intestine)
what three epithelial tissues are 1 cell thick
simple squamous
simple columnar
Simple squamous: location and function
function: to be a thing barrier that promotes diffusion

location: circulatory system, capillary walls, alveoli of the lungs
Cuboidal: location and function
function: selective secretion and absorption

locaiton: in many glands like the thyroid and pancreas and making kidney tubules
Simple columnar: location and functoinq
function: secretion and absorption, ex: goblet cells that secrete muscus

location: in the gut and respiratory lining
stratified squamous: location and function
function: protection

it is multiple cell layers thick

location: outer skin layer and mouth
pseudo-stratified columnar: location and function
Ciliated cells

function: protection and movement/secretion of mucus

location: in the lining of the respiratory tract
general characteristics of connective tissues
very diverse in grouping
spaced out
presence of an abundant extracellular matrix
Is bone a dead or live tissue?
Loose connective: location, description, function
Description: scattered cells in an amorphous protein matrix with a collagen fiber web

Function: Support, food, storage, epithelim nourishment

Found: Beneath the skin and between organs
Fibrous connection: location, description, function
Description: tightly packed collagen fibers --> strong

Function: provide flexibility, strong connections and protection

Found: tendons, ligaments, organ converings, dermis
Cartilage: description, location, function
Description: long parallel array of collagen fibers: firm and flexible

Function: provide support, shock absorption, reduction of friction

Found: Joints, spine, skeleton, and cartilaginous fish
Bone: description, location, function
Description: Osteocytes embedded in a collagen matrix that is hardened by calicum phosphate

location: skeleton

function: support and movement
Blood: descriptoin, location, function
Description: red and white blood cells suspended in a fluid plasma matrix

location: circulatory system

function: gas exchanges, nutrients, waste, antibody, immunity, hormone, transport
Adipose tissue
specialized loose connective tissue that is found throughout the body. It stores fat for fuel, pads and insulates organs in the body
smooth muscle tissue: location, description, function
It is involuntary
description: is is cell-spindle shaped and looks smooth

function: gut movement and dilation/construction in

found: digestive tract, uterus, blood vessels
skeletal muscle tissue: location, description, function
It is a voluntary muscle tissue

description: large cells that do not change in number, they will only get larger. they have many nuclei. appearance is striated (transverse stripes)

found: skeletal muscles and is used in body movement
Cardiac muscle tissue: location, description, function
It is an involuntary muscle

Descriptoin: single nucleate, cells are not large, like skeltal tissue it is striated.

Found in the heart and is responsible for its contraction
Metabolic rate: what is it, what unit is it measured with?
energy animals use/unit time

measured in calories

*NOTE: food Calorie is 1000 calories
have their temperature regulated by the environment

They have a low metabolic rate
do not conform to the temperature of the outside environment; it is internally regulated to be a constant temperature

have a high metabolic rate
the breaking down of organic material into smaller molecules that can be used in metabolism
what does essential mean
the body cannot make a nutrient so it must obtain it from another source
how many essentail amino acids are there for the human body
8 of 20
what are the functions of digestion
breaking down food
what are the two types of digestive systems
gastrovacular cavity- one opening
complete digestive tract- two openings and have division of digestive labor
what is the largest organ in the body
Names the organs that make up the digestive tract
salivary glands
gal bladder
small intestine
large intestine
alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles

this allows for food movement in our body
junctions between speciliazed compartments that are made of muscle that act as drawstrings that will close off canals
Name the things that make up the gut and elaborate on their funciton
Mucosa: epithelium tissue that secretes mucus

Lumen: space in the gut

Circular muscle and longitudinal muscle: antagonistic pair of muscles that perform peristalsis
What are the parts of the upper digestive tract and what is their function
mouth: breaks up food

salivary gland: lubricates food and produces a sugar digesting enzyme

esophagus: moves food to the stomach via peristalsis
exocrine gland
glands that secrete their hormones into ducts
stores food if you eat a lot at once

secretes HCl and protein digesting enzymes

breaks up food via muscular churning
mixture of digestive juice in stomach and food
located underneath the stomach and is connected to the liver, gall bladder, and small intestine

it is an exocrine gland, which is composed of invaginated epithelium (has high surface area) and a duct

produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate
exocrine gland that secretes bile
salts that aid in digestion and absorption of lipids
gall bladder
stores bile
Small intestine
has a lot of surface area for greater rate of diffusion

has a lot of folding

function is digestion and absorption
bumps in the small intestine

they contain a vein, artery, lymph duct which allow for nutrients to be easily absorbed into the blood
where does acidic chyme come from
where does bicarbonate come from what does it do?

neutralizes chyme
where are digestive enzymes made
where are bile salts made
liver and stored in gall bladder
where are digestive enzymes in the small intestine found
on microvilli
Microvilli are found where?
on the epithelial cells of the villi

they are exposed to the lumen of the small intestine
How are proteins aborbsed in the small intestine
they are broken down into amino acids, which diffuse across the epithelial cells of the villi into the blood capillary
how are carbohydrates absorbed in the small intestine
they are broken down into monosaccharides which diffuse across epithelial cells of the villi into the blood capillary
emulsification and the small intestine
fats are broken down into small components with the help of bile and they are carried into the lymph duct
large intestine
has a large diameter and low surface area

it concentrates waste that is not useful through water absorption
created and received by stomach *only hormone like it

tells stomach to make acids
made in the small intestine
tells the gall bladder and liver to send more bil to the small intestine

tells pancreas to release digestive enzymes
triggers the release of bicarbonate in pancreas

made in the small intestine
negative feedback

released by the small intestine to tell the stomach to stop churning
Explain glucose regulation
If blood glucose levels rise then the pancreas will produce insulin with enhance the transport of glucose into the cells and stimulate the liver to take glucose and store it as glycogen. This decreases blood glucose levles

When blood glucose levels get low, the pancreas will secrete glucagon, which stimulates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and produce glucose. This increases glucose levels
a hormone produced in adipose tissue that suppresses appetite
large sac at the entrance of the large intestine that is much bigger in herbavores

contains symbiotic microbes that help break down plant material to increase nutrient uptake
Ruminant herbavores
have a 4 chambered stomach that contain microorgansims that aid digestion

The first chamber is anaerobic due to methane gas

the ruminant will regurgitate and ruminate and chew chud which will increase the surface area and increase digestion
What is the largest factor that affects gas exchange in animals and how has evolution adapted to it?
The distance by which diffusion occurs needs to be short

Natural selection has produced to "options" to overcome this barrier:

1. The body shape and size of an animal will keep all or nearly all its cells in contact with its surroundings

2. A circulatory system moves the fluid closest to the cells surroundings to the tissues of an animal where gas exchange occurs
What are the 3 types of gas exchange in animals
open circulatory
closed circulatory
Gastrovacular cavities in relation to gas exchange. Give examples as well
Animals that have gastrovascular cavities do not have a circulatory system. Most of the cells are in contact with the external environment of the animal's cells. Cells lining the cavity are ciliated to move water and receive nutrients.

Examples would be...

hydras which extend their gastrovacular cavities into their tentacles

flatworms which decrease the distance of diffusion by increasing their surface area through being flat in shape
Open circulatory system
Found in molluscs and arthropods

interstitial fluid (fluid that surrounds cells) called hemolymph (blood like solution) that isn't as confined in vessels as it is in a closed circulatory system
Closed circulatory system
confined vessels that make circulatory fluid distinct from interstitial fluid
what are functions of the vertebrate circulatory system
transport: gases, metabolites (broken down food), wastes
regulation: hormone and thermoregulation
protection: clotting/maitenance, immunity
Describe blood, what is its composition?
It is a connective tissue that is a bunch of cells suspendend in a fluid matrix called plasma

blood is 55% plasma and 45% blood cells
What makes up plasma?
ions (for osmotic regulation)
proteins (help with pH regulation)
red blood cells
function in o2 and co2 transport
contain hemoglobin for the binding of o2
don't have a nucleus in mammals but birds do
white blood cells
make up 1% of all cells
have a nucleus
function in immunity and defense
cytoplasmic fragments of cells in bone marrow

help in clotting
Ice fish and gas exchange
Ice fish live in cold environments that have a lot of oxygen so they don't have hemoglobin in their red blood cells, instead oxygen happens through direct diffusion
How is invetebrate blood different from vertebrate blood
Hemocyanin (copper is where oxygen binds)
hemerythrin (has iron as coenzyme but it is very different than hemoglobin)
Or large o2 binding proteins
What do all vessels have in common
an endothelium
squamous epithelium
Capillary: characteristics, pressure, other distinguishing features
smallest of vessels with thin walls (not containing muscle like veins and arteries)

Low in pressure

Fits only 1 RBC at a time.

The thin walls facilitate exchange between capillaries and interstitital fluid
Artery: structure, pressure, characteristics
Structure: connective tissue that allows for strectching and recoiling, smooth muscle, endothelium

These layers are thicker than veins because arteries experience a lot of pressure from being close to the heart.

Diameter is controlled by smooth muscle
arteries carry blood
away from the heart
veins carry blood
toward the heart
Veins: structure, pressure, charcteristics
connective tissue
smooth muscle

*Not as thick as arteries because they don't experience as much pressure

Has highly expandable valves to control velocity
Sphincter muscles and capillaries
sphincter muscles, which are smooth muscle tissue, regulate blood flow into the capillaries which helps in blood pressure and thermoregulation
Which vessel has the greatest surface area
Which vessel has the greatest velocity
which vessel has the slowest velocity and why is it a good thing

It is a good thing because it allows for exchange of gas, metabolites, and wastes between the blood and interstitial fluid
Which vessel experiences the greatest pressure
systolic and diastolic pressure
systolic-when the heart contracts and forces blood out, which increases pressure in the arteries
diastolic pressure- when the heart relaxes and fills with blood
Lymphatic system: what is it, what is its purpose, how does it do it
Network of vessels that coincide near capillaries that help to return lost fluid and proteins to the blood

It is a "blind sac" or is 1 directional. It dumps lymph (fluid that contains stuff taken in from the interstitial fluid) and puts it into veins via osmosis
Why is the lymphatic system needed?
Fluid is lost by capillaries into the interstitial fluid because the high pressure of the arteries forces some of it out of the capillaries
how many heart chambers do fish have
how many heart chambers do amphibians and reptiles have
how many heart chambers do mammals and birds have
collects blood from veins

receives blood
muscular pumping chamber of the heart

makes blood leave
Explain double circulation
two circuits within one organ

Pulmonary circuit-
occurs on the right side of the heart and delivers o2 poor blood to gas exchange tissues

Systemic circuit-
once the blood is enriched w/ o2 it leaves the gas exchange tissues and enters into the left pump. the heart contracts and then distributes the o2 enriched blood throughout the body
Explain mammalian circulation
The right ventricle will pump oxygen depleted blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where oxygen will be loading into the blood and carbon dioxide will be unloaded.

The blood will leave the lungs and enter the heart through the left atrium. Then it will enter the left ventricle where it will be pumped out into the body through the aorta. The aorta will lead to arteries and arteries to capillaries.

At capillaries the oxygen will be unloaded and the co2 will be loaded into the blood. Capillaries will then flow into veins.

The veins will then merge at the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava and dump the oxygen poor blood into the right atrium.

This blood will then be dumped into the right ventricle and the process will repeat itself.
the process of O2 uptake and CO2 unloading
Why are gills, tracheae and lungs needed?
because many animals don't have all their cells in close contact with their environment and therefore can't get gases to them
most common in aquatic animals
elaboration of the epithelia
have close contact with vessels
Echinoderm gills and ficks law
dermal gills that are an elaboration of the body wall, which decrease d and increase A

epithelia are ciliated which leads to a greater difference in p (the concentration gradient)
Fish Gill structure: bony gill arch, gill filaments, lamella,
Bony gill arch- serves as an anchor to where blood vessels attach

gill filaments- attach to gill arch and contain vessels, they increase the surface area

lamella- thin ridges between the artery and vein that contain a capillary bed
Operculum/ opercular cavity and buccal cavity
Operculum is the gill cover that covers the opercular cavity which is where water exits in the fish

buccal cavity is where water and food enter the fish
Explain water movement and gills in fish
When the fish opens its mouth, it creates negative pressure insides which draws water in to the buccal cavity

When the fish closes its mouth the pressure increases and the water exits across the gills and through the operculum
Expalin countercurrent exchange
the exchange of fluids in opposite directions. In the case of fish it is the exchange of water and blood.

Because they flow in opposite directions, there is a partial pressure gradient that favors oxygen diffusion
Why don't gills work well in air and how did terrestrial animals adapt to solve the problem
Air is a much less supportive medium than water, which will cause gills to collapse. Also, water will evaporate when exposed to air.

Terrestrial animals have adapted to the problem by enclosing respiration tissues in the body and exposing them via narrow tubes
Insect tracheal system
air tubes that branch, connecting to air sacs and external openings that receive oxygen (they are regulated by spiracles that open and close).

The tracheae also connected with the surface of almost every cell in the insect's body which allow for gas exchange via diffusion (goes against the concept of a circulatory system)
expandalbe internalized sacs that are supported by the body

they are not in contact with all cells and need a circulatory system in order to transfer gases

Covered in a membrane to help trap dust and pollen, etc and remove it
How does air flow into the lungsq
It enters through the nasal cavity down the trachea into the bronchus (branch that leads to either lung) and into bronchioles, which then lead to alveoli for gas exchange
where gas exchange occurs in the lungs
sac clusters at the end of the bronchioles

have a lot of surface area

connect to many capillaries and diffuse between 2 layers
explain mammalian breathing
inhalation: the diaphragm contracts and the rib cage expands as the muscle contract which leads to the lungs expanding. this causes a negative pressure within the lungs which causes air to flow in

the diaphragm, rib cage, and muscles relax which force air out of the lungs
explain breathing in birds
air flows one way and goes through 2 cycles on exhalation and inhalation before leaving the body.

Is more efficient at gas exchange and doesn't mix gases

Inhalation 1 fill posterior air sac
Exhalation 1 fills lungs
Inhalation 2 fills anterior air sac
Exhalation 2 air leaves body
Explain oxygen gas transport in mammal lungs
The partial pressure in the alveolus is higher than that of blood which encourages diffusion. As the blood moves to tissues, the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is greater than the body tissue cells, which encourages the diffusion of oxygen into the cells.
Explain carbon dioxide gas transport in mammal lungs
The carbon dioxide partial pressure in the cells is greater than in the blood which causes co2 diffusion into the blood cells.

This happens 3 ways:
Direct diffusion of CO2 into cell (reamins entact)
CO2 diffusion and hemoglobin transport
CO2 reacting with water to form carbonic acid which then forms bicarbonate which leaves the cell into the plasma (encourages more co2 uptake into cell)

Then when the blood reaches the alveolus the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greater in the blood than it is in the alvelous which causes diffusion of co2 into the alveoli
infectious agent that cause disease
the body is constantly under attack from
invading microbes and abnormal cells within the body
what is the body's first barrier of defense
an outer covering, skin, etc
two types of immunity
innate and acquired
innate immunity is present in what anmals
all animals
innate immunity
1st to act--rapid response
doesn't have memory
activates response by recognizing foreign traits (sugars and proteins) on the outside of pathogens
phagocytic cells and innate immunity
When a foreign microbe is detected the macrophage will engulf the microbe and fuse with a lysome which has digestive enzymes that will break down the microbe
pathogen eaters

in relation to dr. weis's lecture, several phagocytic white blood cells are macrophages
where are phagocytic cells found
in lymph nodes, speen and throughout the body
Antimicrobial proteins and innate immunity
They attack or slow down invaders
Complement proteins as antimicrobial proteins
they are antimicrobial proteins that are made by macrophages and float freely in the blood. At a signal of an invader they will assemble and "poke holes" n the membrane of the invader
Explain inflammatory response
It is triggered by injury or a pathogen.

Histamine, an inflammatory signal stored in the conncetive tissue, is released. This encourages blood vessels to dialate, which increases permability. Blood flow and heat will increase at the site which brings more antimicrobial proteins and phagocytic cells.
Pus is
leftover "war" damage from injury
where do blood cells originate
from stem cells in bone marrow
acquired immunity
response after innate immunity

develops more slowly

reacts to specific invaders and abnormal cells

remembers previous infections
B and T cells that are white blood cells
where are lymphocytes found
in the blood and lymphatic tissue
any foreign molecule that is recognized by lymphocytes

usually large molecules like proteins and suagars
antigen receptors
found on lymphocytes and serve as a place to recognize the displayed anitgens
What is a key difference between b and t cells
b cells can interact with an intact antigen, where it is free or on the surface of a pathogen

t cells only bind to displayed antigens
Expalin the process of antigen presenation and t cell recognition
A host cell will become infected or engulf a pathogen.

Enzymes will break the host cell into smaller pieces

Antigen fragments will then bind to the MHC

The MHC will go to the cell surface and display the antigen (antigen presentation)

Helper T cells ( or cytotoxic t cells depending on what kind of cell) will recognize the antigen which will lead too activation of the immune system
cytotoxic t cells
kill infected cells

only receive antigen presentation from infected cells
helper t cells
assist b cells and cytotoxic t cells
How are B and T cells unique
because of their specific antigen receptors
Humoral response (general explanation)
a form of acquired immunity which activates the clonal selection of b cells which will create antibodies
cell mediate response (general explanation)
a form of acquired immunity which activates the clonal selection of cytotoxic t cells
clonal selection
the process of a B or T cell being activated by an antigen binding to its receptor. this will lead to the cloning of that specific cell to help fight the pathogen
two types of acquired immunity
humoral response and cell mediated response
effector cells
short lived cells that help fight against a pathogen, formed in clonal selection
memory cells
long lived cells that carry receptors specific to an antigen that are products of clonal selection
plasma cells
effector B cells that secrete antibodies
primary immune response
occurs after the initial exposure to a pathogen and is the delayed production of antibodies

innate immunity is key to sustaining the body until the primary immune response kicks in
secondary immune response
2nd encounter of a pathogen.

leads to a rapid response to the pathogen
Draw a diagram of humoral and cell mediate resonses
compare and contrast antibodies and active T cells
antibodies defend against extracellular pathogens and rise from humoral response

active t cells defend against intracellular pathogens and rise from cell-mediate response
defend against extracellular pathogens by binding to antigens, which either neutralizes them or makes them better targets for pahgocytes and complement proteins
plasma cells have a very large version of this organelle
rough ER because they secrete a lot of proteins which become antibodies
helper T cells are involved in
they are involved in cell mediated and humoral responses
how are helper t cells activated
by antigen presenting cells
what happens after helper t cells are activated
they differentiate into activated h. t cells and memory h. t cells
activated t cells
secrete cytokines that active B and cytotoxic T cells which will lead to the clonal selection of the B and T cells
Cytotoxic t cells are activated by
cytokines from helper t cells
how do cytotoxic t cells work
they wil kill/ eliminate body cells infected by viruses and intracellular pathogens

they secrete periforin and other proteins that will rupture the cell
How are B cells activated
B cells will bind w/ a pathogen by recognizing the foreign molecules on its surface. It will undergo endocytosis and do an antigen display of the foreign stuff.

Activated helper t cells will then recognize this antigen and secrete cytokines to activate the b cell
what types of cells are the basis for immunization
memory cells
the process of mantaining the balance of water and solutes in the body

process of homeostasis

controlled by the movement of solutes betwen internal fluids and external environment
Why do animals osmoregulate
because proteins and macromolecules have very narrow conditions that they live in
What are examples of how osmoregulation has adapted to different challenging environments
abatross can drink sea water

desert kangaroo mice don't have to drink any water
the concetration of solutes in a fluid

measured in milliosmoles of solutes / L of fluid
equal osmolarities between two fluids
dilute solution of solutes compared to environment
more concentration of solutes in comparison to environment
similar to a solute

dissolved chemical particle

can be charged or uncharged
change osmolarity to be the same as environment

found mainly in marine animals
what is a problem that osmoconformers face and how to they adapt to it?
Osmoconformers do not have the same solutes as sea water and ionic osmolytes are destabilizing to macromolecules

Solution: In order to get an osmolarity equal to that of sea water and their ECF, osmocomformers use organic uncharged osmolytes to increase their solute concentration (thus not harming their macromolecules)
Explain marine invertebrates as an example of an osmoconformer
The ECF of marine inv. are full of ionic solutes (like sea water)

In order to increase the osmolartiy inside the cells, marine inv. increase the concentration of free amino acids
Explain sharks as an example of an osmoconformer
Sea water contains all ionic solutes
ECF contains a combo of ionic, organic, TMAO, and Urea solutes

Inside the cell, sharks change their concentration of TMAO and Urea to be equal in osmolarity
an organic molecule that helps protect proteins from urea
an N waste that can be toxic to proteins in high concentration
organism that actively maintains its internal osmolarity despite what the external osmolarity to it is
Explain osmoregulation in bony fish in salt water
Problem: bony fish are hypoosmotic to sea water, which makes them lose lots of water to the environment

Solution: drink a lot of water, don't pee a lot, excrete salts across gills and in pee
explain osmoregulation in bony fish in fresh water
problem: hyperosmotic to freshwater which means a lot of water will try to enter the fish

solution: don't drink a lot of water, uptake ions through the gills, and pee a lot
explain osmoregulation in terrestrial animals
problem: losing water via evaporation
solution: drink a lot and reduce water loss through having internal respiratory organs, waxy exoskeltons, keratinized skin, fur, nocturnal behavior, and conserving water in exretory organs
What are the 3 types of nitrogenous wastes
ammonia, urea, and uric acid
ammonia what animals use it
animals that have a lot of available water, so fish and invertebrates
in what animals is urea the desired waste
mammals sharks and amphibians
in what animals is uric acid the desired waste product and why is it desirable
in birds, reptiles, and insects

desirable because it can be excreted without using a lot of water
Ammonia: solubility, toxicity, atp to make it, N amount
solubility: high
toxicity: high and can unfold proteins
atp to make: none
N amount: 1
urea: solubility, toxicity, atp to make it, N amount
solubility: high
tox: medium
atp: some
N: 2
uric acid:
solubility, toxicity, atp to make it, N amount
solubility: none, because it is in a solid crystalline structure
toxicity: low
atp: high amount
N: 4
what are the 4 basic steps of excretory systesm
filtration and excretory systesm
water and solutes are forced into the excretory tubules by pressure
reabsorption and excretory systems
active and passive transport of valuable substances to the blood
secretion and excretory systems
active transport of unwanted substances (like toxins) into the excretory tubule from blood vessel
excretion and excretory systems
filtrate leaves the body as urine
what animals use malpighian tubules
insects and spiders
malpighian tubules
salt water and N wastes will enter tubes and then combine with feces in the gut

the gut is good at reabsorbing water
what are the two main areas of vertebrate kidneys
renal cortex and renal medulla
the fundamental unit of a kidney. they have long tubules with a ball of capillaries called the blomerulus
tubule tissue in kindey
What is the route of flow in vertebrate kidneys
proximal tubule --> loop of henele --> distal tubule --> collecting duct ---> renal pelvis --> out via urine
what kind of flow occurs in the vasa recta
counter current flow
function of glomerus
to filter water, salts, urea, and metabolites and actively secrete waste
proximal tubule function
to reabsorb and secrete water, salts and metabolites
loop of henele function
active and passitve reabsorption of water and NaCl
distal tubule function
reabsorption and secretion of water and salts
collecting duct function
to carry filtrate through the medulla through to the renal pelvis

reabsorption and secretion
kidneys and ion gradient
In the kidneys there is an increasing gradient of osmolytes that allow for a greater delta p (change in concentration) that increases diffusion
an evolutionary trend toward the concentration of sensory equipment on the anterior (front) end of the body
Explain how nervous system complexity correlates to function and give an example
The more function and complexity to an organisms life, the more complex the nervous system will have to be to coordinate activities

An example is show between chiton and squid.

Chiton have simple nervous systems because they are very slow. Squids have more complex nervous systems because they move quickly and are predators
nerve nets
the simplest nervous system

does not have brain

ex: cnidarian
central nervous system
brain and longitudinal nerve chord
peripheral nervous system
nerves, ganglia, and sensory cells
nerve cell that transfers information within the body
nerve tissue is made up of
neurons, schwann cells, and supportive cells
highly branched part of neurons that receives signals from other neurons
extension of the cell body of a neuron which transmits signals
do neurons have a nucleus
space between cells where cell to cell communication occurs between a presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron
occurs at axon

it refers to the presence of a myelin sheet that is make up of shwann cells that wrap around the axon
ungated vs. gated passive transport
ungated, things can always go through

gated, regulates what goes through and open/closes in response to a stimulus

3 types of gated: stretch, ligand (chemical), voltage
when the membrane potential of a nerve cell is reduced in magnitude (it becomes negative)

this occurs during action potential
resting potential
the membrane potential of a neuron that is not receiving a signal
What is the average resting membrane potential and explain how it is maintained
-70 mV

The negative value refers to the inside of the cell being more negative than the outside of the cell.

This occurs through active transport of Na+ and K+ through the sodium potassium pump, and also passive transport through ungated channels.

The sodium potassium pump maintains the concentration gradients of Na and K. Sodium will be pumped outside so it can diffuse inside and Potassium will be pumped inside so that it can diffuse outside.

It is important to note the potassium channels are more open @ resting potential than the sodium channels
What is action potential and how does it work
Action potential occurs when a neuron is actively receiving a signal.

A stimulus will cause the closed sodium channels to open (voltage gated ion channels) this will lead for the sodium to start diffusing into the cell via its concentration gradient. This will cause the membrane potential to increase to become (+) because at this point the potassium channels will be closed, allowing for positive charge to build up.

This will cause a negative charge on the outside of the nerve cells.

When the action potential is decreasing the sodium channels will close and the potassium channels will open
the purpose of myelinated nurves
the myelin sheath w/ schwann cells serve as an insulator that allow axons to be small in diameter and still transmit a fast signal
Explain how synapses work
An action potential will arrive at the presynaptic cell via a voltage gated channel which will lead to an increase in the mebrane potential

this will cause the synaptic vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and dump neurotransmitters

The neurotransmitters will bind to a ligand channel which will allow the diffusion of sodium and potassium and continue the trasmission of the signal
what does locomotion require
a determinate body form
Explain the structure of a muscle
Muscle-attaches to bones and help with movement
Muscles contain muscles bundles, which contain bundles of muscle fibers.
Muscle fibers are multinucleate long cells that contain many myofibril

myofibril contain myofilaments
myofilaments are striated

each repeating unit of striation is a sarcomere and is composed of thick filaments (myosin) and thin filaments (actin)
Expalin the sliding filament model
Responsible for muscle contraction by sliding filaments, not changing length

a myosin head is activated by ATP binding and being hydrolyzed, which leads to a high energy conformation that binds to actin filaments. This binding will caused the ADP and P to fall off, changing the conformation of myosin and causing it to fall off which will move the actin
Explain the regulation of muscle contraction
Muscle contraction is regulated by the presence of free calcium because it activates actin binding sites

The action potential from a synapse will travel down T tubules which will trigger the release of Ca +2 via through voltage gated channels, which will allow calcium to flow to sarcomere
hydrostatic skeleton
muscles surround fluid filled cavity and will cause changes in shape to the cavity
body with a hard case

secreted chitin
internal skeleton w/ lots of cell tissue
where bones meet and are joined
where are muscles located for locomotion in an endo/exoskeleton
endo-muscles on outside
exo-muscles on inside
what are the two main physical restraints to movement
gravity and frictional drag
types of locomotion
axial-whole body movement
appendicular- movement of appendages
explain locomotion in water
hydrodynamic body plans are necessary
axial occurs in animals like jellyfish and squid via hydrolic propulsion, and in fish via body undulations (having a fin)

appendicular occurs in animals like penguins
explain locomotion on land
axial happens in animals like slugs and snails

appendicular depends upon number of appendages and gait. the faster the gait the less fricitonal drag
what definites movement in air
properties of physics or lift and thrust
chemicals that are stimuli for taste
chemicals that are stimuli for smell
5 types of tastants
how does taste reception work
a chemical will bind to a protein on the tongue which will activate the opening of ion channels which will allow sodium to move down its concentration gradient and cause the action potential necessary to send a signal
how smell works
an odorant binds to a protein, which leads to the opening of ion channels, stimulating an action potential for signal to transferred