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54 Cards in this Set

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Calcitonin is secreted by ____.

It's function is to ___ (3)
parafollicular cells (C cells) in the thyroid gland

Lower serum Ca++ and Phosphate by:
increase calcium excretion in the urine
inhibit the activity of the osteoclasts in bone tissue
decrease phosphate resorption (enhance elimination) in kidneys
Parathyroid hormone is secreted by ___.

It's function is to ___ (4)
regulate calcium levels by:
*Low doses: increase bone formation w/o stim bone resorption
*high doses: ^ osteoclast activity --> ^ bone resorption
increase Ca++ absorption (small intestine)
increase phosphate absorption in intestine
increase Ca++ resorption from kidneys
decrease phosphate resorption (increase elimination) by kidneys
Calcitriol is ___ and its job is to ___.
- activated vitamin D

- enhances intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
- calcium mobilization in bone (with PTH)
- renal tubular reabsorption of calcium (with PTH)
-renal tubular resorption of phosphorus
- other physiological actions such as activating fast twitch muscle fibers (eg. in fall prevention)
Osteoporosis - Following a hip fragility fracture, ___ % of women and ___ % of men die within 1 year.
- 28%
- 37%
Osteoporosis - Prevalence over 50 years old is 1 in ___ for women and 1 in ___ for men.
- 4
- 8
Osteoporosis - Both women and men begin to lose bone in their ___
- mid 30s
Osteoporosis - Pattern of bone loss is ____.
- Biphasic (first phase is age dependent, second phase is post menopausal)
Osteoporosis - Initial bone density is influenced by ___ (4).
1. Race
2. Heredity (big vs small, heavy vs light)
3. Gender
4. Calcium intake during growth
Osteoporosis - Races such as ___ (2) have thinner bones while ___ have thicker bones.
- Caucasians and Asians

- Blacks
Osteoporosis - Early menopause is before age ___
Osteoporosis - Secondary causes can be ___ (5)
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- hyperthroidism
- Cushing's syndrome
- malabsorption syndrome
- chronic inflammatory diseases (eg RA)
Osteoporosis - Drugs that can cause it are ___ (10)
- glucocorticoids (~12% bone loss/yr on prednisone)
- anticonvulsants (AC affect vit D metabolism)
- thyroid hormone
- anticoagulants
- antineoplastics
- thiazolidinediones (glitazones)
- proton pump inhibitors (changes in gut function)
- vitamin D toxicity
- vitamin A excess
- aromatase inhibitors, androgen deprivation therapy
Osteoporosis - When seeing synthroid ___ mcg, one should be concerned about osteoporosis in elderly.
Osteoporosis - Risk factors for low BMD, fractures and falls (8):
- Prior fragility fractures
- High alcohol intake (≥3 units per day)
- Parental hip fracture
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Glucocorticoid use
- Falls in the previous 12 months
- Current smoking
- Gait and balance
Osteoporosis - Recommended lab tests (7)
All should be normal:
Calcium, corrected for albumin
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)- if clinical suspicion of thyroid disease
Complete blood count
Serum Creatinine Sr Cr
Alkaline phosphatase (may be elevated if acute recovery from fracture)
Serum protein electrophoresis- if suspicious of secondary causes of osteoporosis
25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OH-D)- if pt at increased risk of deficiency (housebound,established osteoporosis)
Osteoporosis - Optimum level of 25-OH Vit D is ___.
75 nmol/L
Osteoporosis - Prolonged glucocorticoid use for anyone is considered to be ____(amount) for over ____(time) in prior year.
7.5mg prednisone equivalent daily

3 months (cumulative)
Osteoporosis - The way to measure BMD is through ___. If that is not available another option is ___.
- Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) -spine and hip
(also for monitoring response to therapy)

- Heel ultrasound
Osteoporosis - ___ or ___after age 50 will move an individual to the High risk category of CAROC automatically, IRRESPECTIVE of BMD: IT IS DIAGNOSTIC OF OSTEOPOROSIS. A single fragility fracture (eg wrist) in this age group is considered a sign of osteoporosis until proven otherwise.
-Hip or Vertebral hip fracture. (unless high trauma incident) or
-more than 1 fragility fracture
Osteoporosis - ___ will move an individual to one higher up category of CAROC: HIGHER RISK CATEGORY (Than simply indicated by BMD and age)
Glucocorticoid therapy or NON-hip/vertebra FRAGILITY fracture
Osteoporosis - An alternative to CAROC designed by the WHO is ___. It involves BMD measurement at the ___.
FRAX 10 year risk.

femoral neck
Osteoporosis - Screening tool used for osteoporosis, it cannot be used for diagnosis: ___.
Quantitative ultrasound
Osteoporosis - Non pharmacologic choices (4)
- Regular weight bearing exercise
- Reduce risk of falling: minimize hazards: remove throw rugs, grab bars in bathroom, adequate lighting, assess drugs such as BZD and other psychotropics
- Smoking cessation
- Adequate vit D 800-2000iu/d, calcium 1200 mg/d AND PROTEIN
- Stop excessive alcohol (>2 drinks/day) and caffeine (>4 cups/day)
Osteoporosis - Recommended calcium per day is ___.
Osteoporosis - Recommended Vit D per day is ___.
800-2000 IU.
Osteoporosis - Bisphosphonates (RAZE) belong to ____ class.
Osteoporosis - Oral bisphosphanates are (3)
Cyclical Etidronate
All oral bisphosphonates have _____ intestinal absorption. Must be taken on ____ stomach with only ______, as other medications will ______ absorption.
water (6-8 oz)
Osteoporosis - IV bisphosphanate is ___
Zoledronic acid
Osteoporosis - If one eats any kind of food during the day, intake of calcium is estimated to be ___ mg.
Osteoporosis - A cup of milk or yogurt, and a chunk of cheese has approximately ___ mg of calcium. Ice cream a cup has about ___ mg.

Osteoporosis - Instructions how to take oral bisphosphonates
- Due to low absorption in GI, must be taken on empty stomach and only with water 30 minutes before 1st food of the day.
- Do not lie down or recline within 30 minutes of taking the medication.
- Do not take other vitamins or medications within half hour of taking bisphosphonate.
Osteoporosis - Dose schedule of cyclical etidronate. (Etidronate evidence for fracture prevention is less robust than RAZ). 1st lines are R and A.
- 2 weeks every 3 months = etidronate
- The other 76 days is elemental calcium 500mg.
(14 days + 76 days = 3months)-packaged together
Osteoporosis - Zoledronate is administered once every ___ by IV infusion to those who can't tolerate G/I s/e's of oral agents or not responting to oral agents.

counselling pts?

HYDRATE well: 500 ml before and 500 ml after infusion
Acute phase rxn (witing 24-72 hrs and lasts 3-4 days): fever, joint and msl pain, skin rxns, ocular effects - these acute rnxs are rarely seen with ALL bisphosphonates (RAZE), but occurs more frequently when (10-20% pts) given Z.
Osteoporosis - RISKS/SERIOUS ADVERSE EFFECTS of bisphosphonate therapy? (but normally only mild s/e's are seen: GI IRRITAT AND HYPERSENSITIVITY - very well tolerated.)
- Nighttime leg cramps
- Esophageal ulceration (aminobisphosphonates only -R&A)
- Atypical fractures: stop b/phos (mainly seen with alendronate), consider anabolic agent FORTEO (teriparatide)
- Taste is altered
- ONJ - osteonecrosis of the jaw (1-3% with IV use for CANCER-absolute risk for osteoporosis veryyy low)
Osteoporosis - Calcium carbonate is ___ % elemental calcium. (Should/Should not) take with food.

With food, as food will increase stomach acid (concern for ppi users).
Osteoporosis - Calcium citrate is ___ % elemental calcium. (Should/Should not) take with food.

Doesn't matter because citrate is so soluble.
Osteoporosis - Calcium side effects
Constipation more of an issue with carbonate (brand specific)
Upset stomach

(brand specific)
Osteoporosis - Calcium interaction with iron? (Yes/No).
Yes. Calcium reduces iron absorption. Should space calcium apart from iron by 2 hours.
Osteoporosis - Caclium interaction with levothyroxine? (Yes/No)
Yes. Calcium reduces bioavailability of synthroid by one third. Space them out by 4 hours.
Osteoporosis - Calcium DI with ___ (5)
- Bisphosphonates
- Ciprofloxacin
- Levothyroxine
- Iron
- Tetracycline
Osteoporosis - first biologic agent approved for treatment of osteoporosis. What is it's category?

RANK ligand inhibitor. Blocks osteoclast activity: diminished formation, structure and survival
Who can receive denosumab?
1______________ with a previous ___________,or
2_______________ risk factors for fracture, or
3_______________ other therapies
postmenopausal women, fracture
failed/intolerant to
Osteoporosis - SERM example
Raloxifine. (Evista) 60mg/d

Estrogen antagonist in breast and uterine tissue but estrogen like activity in bone/lipid metabolism.
#Prevents post-menopausal bone loss,
#increases bone density by 3%,
#reduces new vertebral fractures by 30-40%
S/e Raloxifene EVISTA (3) to tell patient
Hot flushes (don't start until menopause established)
leg cramps
VTE/PE risk similar to estrogen
Good things about raloxifene?
1,unlike estroge, it significantly REDUCES risk of _______________ by 76%
2more Good news! also Unlike estrogen, it is NOT associated with increased__________.
estrogen receptor-positive BRCA

CV risk
Osteoporosis - Anabolic agents (2, only one is used in canada)
- Teriparatide (PTH analog) FORTEO: causes steady gain in bone density and 50% reduction in osteoporotic fractures
- Recombinant human PTH (EUROPE, not in north america)
s/e of teriparatide FORTEO
-leg cramps
-_______________ > counsel to _____________
-_______________ > don't give to ppl with elevated baseline risk of this.. also the reason why max use of forteo(lifetime exposure) should NOT be > ____ months
orthostatic hypotension: be in supine/sitting position for administration

osteogenic sarcoma, 24 months
After 24 months of FORTEO, whats the plan?
Give bisphosphonate or other anticatabolic to consolidate gains achieved with anabolic agent.
what to use to PREVENT osteoporosis?
1. in EARLY POSTMENOPAUSE, when estrogen deficiency symptoms also require tx, give ___________
2. if menopausal symptoms OVER, give ____________
HRT (estrogen or estrogen/progesterone)

raloxifen (EVISTA)
Osteoporosis - First line treatment for ESTABLISHED osteoporosis (ie. fragility FRACTURE and BMD in osteoporosis range)
- Bisphosphonates
- Denosumab
- Estrogen
- Teriparatide FORTEO (SEVERE cases:>1 fragility fracture and VERY LOW BMD)

-EVISTA is also 1st line BUT only after other 1st lines REJECTED for high risk grp (>70y + prior hx of fragility fracture)
2nd line tx for osteoporosis is_________ because of weaker ___________ (for prevention of vertebral fractures)
However,interestingly, it reduces _________ associated with _________
s/es: local: rhinitis/dryness w crusting, sinusitis
RARE systemic: NV ,dizziness, FLUSHING with HEAT
-salmon calcitonin NASAL spray (MIACALCIN NS)
weaker clinical trial data

Who can take HRT for osteoporosis? SELECTED people only! HRT is NOT recommended for osteoporosis prevention unless.....
#EARLY menopause <45 yrs old: take until 45 yrs old
#ALREADY menopausal BUT still has menopausal SYMPTOMS (and they want osteoporosis prevention)
***IF given to women > 60 with established osteoporosis: increased risk of BRCA and heart disease (balance risk vs benefit) - i personally don't like this idea...
Who can have a drug holiday and for how long can the holiday be?
#People on ________ for (how long?) __________yr

#and people prescribed _________ because of low_______ alone for (how long?) ___________yrs.

#However, people with a previous __________ CANNOT have a holiday because they are at higher risk for ___________.
Risedronate, < 1 year
Alendronate,low BMD, 1-3 years
osteoporotic fracture