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45 Cards in this Set

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Calcitonin is secreted by ____.

It's function is to ___ (4)
parafollicular C cells of the thyroid

- stimulates osteolysis by osteoclasts
- increases renal tubular reabsorption of calcium (and magnesium)
- decreases renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate
- increases synthesis of calcitriol in the kidney
Parathyroid hormone is secreted by ___.

It's function is to ___ (4)
parathyroid gland.

- inhibits bone resorption
- increases renal excretion of calcium and phosphate
Calcitriol is ___ and its job is to ___.
- activated vitamin D

- enhances intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
- calcium mobilization in bone (with PTH)
- renal tubular reabsorption of calcium (with PTH)
- other physiological actions such as activating fast twitch muscle fibers (eg. in fall prevention)
Osteoporosis - Following a hip fragility fracture, ___ % of women and ___ % of men die within 1 year.
- 28%
- 37%
Osteoporosis - Prevalence over 50 years old is 1 in ___ for women and 1 in ___ for men.
- 4
- 8
Osteoporosis - Both women and men begin to lose bone in their ___
- mid 30s
Osteoporosis - Pattern of bone loss is ____.
- Biphasic (first phase is age dependent, second phase is post menopausal)
Osteoporosis - Initial bone density is influenced by ___ (4).
1. Race
2. Heredity (big vs small, heavy vs light)
3. Gender
4. Calcium intake during growth
Osteoporosis - Races such as ___ (2) have thinner bones while ___ have thicker bones.
- Caucasians and Asians

- Blacks
Osteoporosis - Early menopause is before age ___
Osteoporosis - Secondary causes can be ___ (5)
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- hyperthroidism
- Cushing's syndrome
- malabsorption syndrome
- chronic inflammatory diseases (eg RA)
Osteoporosis - Drugs that can cause it are ___ (6)
- glucocorticoids (~12% bone loss/yr on prednisone)
- anticonvulsants (AC affect vit D metabolism)
- thyroid hormone
- anticoagulants
- antineoplastics
- thiazolidinediones (glitazones)
- proton pump inhibitors (changes in gut function)
- vitamin D toxicity
- vitamin A excess
Osteoporosis - When seeing synthroid ___ mcg, one should be concerned about osteoporosis in elderly.
Osteoporosis - Risk factors for low BMD, fractures and falls (8):
- Prior fragility fractures
- High alcohol intake (≥3 units per day)
- Parental hip fracture
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Glucocorticoid use
- Falls in the previous 12 months
- Current smoking
- Gait and balance
Osteoporosis - Recommended lab tests
Calcium, corrected for albumin Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Complete blood count
Alkaline phosphatase
Serum protein electrophoresis for patients with vertebral fractures
25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OH-D)
Osteoporosis - Optimum level of 25-OH Vit D is ___.
75 nmol/L
Osteoporosis - Prolonged glucocorticoid use for anyone is considered to be ____(amount) for over ____(time) in prior year.
7.5mg prednisone equivalent daily

3 months
Osteoporosis - The way to measure BMD is through ___. If that is not available another option is ___.
- Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

- Heel ultrasound
Osteoporosis - One Canadian risk assessment tool is the ___. It is based on ____(3).
CAROC 10 year fracture risk tool.

Age, gender, and BMD at femoral neck.
Osteoporosis - ___ will move an individual to the High risk category of CAROC automatically, irrespective of BMD.
Hip or Vertebral hip fracture over age 50.
Osteoporosis - ___ will move an individual to one higher up category of CAROC.
Glucocorticoid therapy or non-hip/vertebra fragility fracture
Osteoporosis - An alternative to CAROC designed by the WHO is ___. It involves BMD measurement at the ___.
FRAX 10 year risk.

femoral neck
Osteoporosis - Screening tool used for osteoporosis, it cannot be used for diagnosis: ___.
Quantitative ultrasound
Osteoporosis - Non pharmacologic choices (4)
- Regular weight bearing exercise
- Reduce risk of falling: minimize hazards on way to bathroom, adequate lighting, assess drugs such as BZD and other psychotropics, wearing a hip protector
- Smoking cessation
- Adequate vit D and calcium
- Stop excessive alcohol (>2 drinks/day) and caffeine (>4 cups/day)
Osteoporosis - Recommended calcium per day is ___.
Osteoporosis - Recommended Vit D per day is ___.
800-2000 IU.
Osteoporosis - Bisphosphonates belong to ____ class.
Osteoporosis - Oral bisphosphanates are (3)
Cyclical Etidronate
Osteoporosis - IV bisphosphanate is ___
Zoledronic acid
Osteoporosis - If one eats any kind of food during the day, intake of calcium is estimated to be ___ mg.
Osteoporosis - A cup of milk or yogurt, and a chunk of cheese has approximately ___ mg of calcium. Ice cream a cup has about ___ mg.

Osteoporosis - Instructions how to take oral bisphosphonates
- Due to low absorption in GI, must be taken on empty stomach and only with water 30 minutes before 1st food of the day.
- Do not lie down or recline within 30 minutes of taking the medication.
- Do not take other vitamins or medications within half hour of taking bisphosphonate.
Osteoporosis - Dose schedule of cyclical etidronate
- 2 weeks every 3 months = etidronate
- The other 76 days is elemental calcium 500mg.
Osteoporosis - Zoledronate is administered once every ___ by IV infusion.
Osteoporosis - Side effects/Risks of bisphosphonate therapy
- Nighttime leg cramps
- Esophageal ulceration
- Atypical fractures
- Taste is altered
- ONJ - osteonecrosis of the jaw (1-3%)
Osteoporosis - Calcium carbonate is ___ % elemental calcium. (Should/Should not) take with food.

With food, as food will increase stomach acid (concern for ppi users).
Osteoporosis - Calcium citrate is ___ % elemental calcium. (Should/Should not) take with food.

Doesn't matter because citrate is so soluble.
Osteoporosis - Calcium side effects
Constipation more of an issue with carbonate (brand specific)
Upset stomach

(brand specific)
Osteoporosis - Calcium interaction with iron? (Yes/No).
Yes. Calcium reduces iron absorption. Should space calcium apart from iron by 2 hours.
Osteoporosis - Caclium interaction with levothyroxine? (Yes/No)
Yes. Calcium reduces bioavailability of synthroid by one third. Space them out by 4 hours.
Osteoporosis - Calcium DI with ___ (5)
- Bisphosphonates
- Ciprofloxacin
- Levothyroxine
- Iron
- Tetracycline
Osteoporosis - first biologic agent approved for treatment of osteoporosis. What is it's category?

RANK ligand inhibitor. Blocks osteoclast activity.
Osteoporosis - SERM example

Estrogen antagonist in breast and uterine tissue but estrogen like activity in bone/lipid metabolism.
Osteoporosis - Anabolic agents (2)
- Teriparatide (PTH analog)
- Recombinant human PTH
Osteoporosis - First line treatment for established osteoporosis (ie. fragility fracture and BMD in range)
- Bisphosphonates
- Denosumab
- Estrogen
- Teriparatide