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69 Cards in this Set

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patella tendon reflex tests?
medial hamstring/posterior tibialis reflex tests?
achilles tendon reflex tests?
iliopsoas myotome tests?
Quadriceps myotomes tests?
femoral nerve (L2,3,4)
hip adduction tests?
obturator nerve (L2,3,4)
foot inversion tests?
tibialis anterior-deep peroneal nerve L4
dorsiflex great toe tests
extensor hallucis longus-deep peroneal nerve-L5
dorsiflex toes 2-5 tests?
extensor digitorum longus/brevis- deep peroneal nerve-L5
abduct leg tests?
glut. Medius- superior gluteal nerve-L5-S1
foot eversion tests?
peroneus longus/brevis-common peroneal nerve-S1
hip extension tests?
glut. Max-inferior gluteal nerve-S1
adam's test
functional or structural scoliosis
trendelenberg test
coxa pathologic condition (hip joint pathology)
straight leg raise
sciatica from lumbosacral or SI lesions, subluxation syndrome, disc lesion, spondylolisthesis, adhesions, IVF occlusions
Well Leg Raise-Fajerstan's test
sciatic nerve root involvement, medial disc protrusion, dural root sleeve adhesion
braggard's test
sciatic neuritis, spinal cord tumors, IVD lesions, spinal nerve irritations
sicard's test
sciatic neuropathy/radiculopathy
turyn's test
sciatic nerve root irritation
SI stretch test
unilateral gluteal or posterio crural pain= positive for sprain of anterior SI ligament
Patrick FABERE test
coxa pathologic condition (hip joint pathology)
Laquerre's test
pain in SI
Goldthwait test
if pain @ L5-S1 SP's= spinal lesion
Gaenslen Test
SI pain as joint is hyperextended
cox sign
prolapse of nucleus into IVF
Laseque differential test
differentiates b/t hip joint disease and sciatic problems
Milgram's test
Lumbosacral pain indicates Space occupying lesion -herniated disc
Bowstring Sign
pain in lumbar or radiculopathy = nerve root compression
lindne's sign
nerve root irritation
thomas Test- hip flexor contracture
shortened iliopsoas muscle
if knee flex reflex occurs= meningitis
Beevor's sign
umbilical drift toward stronger or uninvolved musculature
left superior unilateral drift of umbilicus
T10-12 unilateral lesion
directly superior umbilicus drift
T10-12 bilateral lesion
right superior umbilicus drift
T10-12 unilateral lesion
left inferior umbilicus drift
T7-10 unilateral lesion
directly inferior umbilicus drift
T7-10 bilateral lesion
SI stretch test
T7-10 unilateral lesion
SI resisted abduction test
SI sprain or subluxation
lewin gaenslen test
SI lesion in affected leg
iliac compression test
increased pressure=positive for Si sprain, inflammation, subluxation or fracture
yeoman's test
SI lesion
Nachlas test
SI or lumbosacral lesion based on location of pain illicited
Hibbs test
pelvic pain is a positive sign
Ely's test
pain in anterior thigh= positive sign for inflammmation of lumbar nerve roots
dejerine's triad (cough, sneeze, or strain during defecation)
indicates space occupying mass creating neurological compression
valsava test
indicates space occupying lesion/mass in the spine
tripod test
is a malingering test, tests for lumbar disc involvement
bectterrews test
positive test indicates sciatica, disc lesion, spasm, ssubluxation
belt test
differentiates between pelvic and lumbar pain
antalgia sign
disc protrusion
lateral disc protrusion antalgia
patient leans away from side of the lesion
medial disc protrusion antalgia
patient leans toward the side of the lesion
minor's sign
patient supports themselves on the side of pain= positive sign for low back pain
kemps test
positive test indicates nerve root compression- will cause or aggravate radicular pain in thigh and leg, can also produce facet irritation
chest expansion test
normal male= 2 inches, normal female 1 1/2 inches, if measure is less suspect ankylosing spondylolitis
sternal compression test
localized pain in ribs indicates fracture
schepelmann's sign
indicates intercostal neuritis on side of neuritis, opposite side of flexion= intercostal myofascitis
lumabr flexion ROM
60 degrees
lumbar extension ROM
25 degrees
lumbar lateral bending
25 degrees
lumbar rotation
45 degrees
lumbar flexion measured in
sagittal plane
lumbar extenstion measured in
sagittal plane
lumbar lateral flexion measured in
coronal/frontal plane
thoracic flexion ROM
20-40 degrees
thoracic extension ROM
25-45 degrees
thoracic lateral flexion ROM
20-40 degrees
thoracic rotation ROM
35-50 degrees