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71 Cards in this Set

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Flexor tenosynotivitis description
INFECTIOn of the flexor tenodn sheath of the hand
Kanavels signs
tenderness alon ghte flexor tendon sheat
Suasage apperaing digits
finger is held in flexed position
pain on passive extension
Tx of flexor tenosynovitis
24 hour rule - emergenc operative debridement
Tx withnn AB
Gamekeepers Thumb
Kiers thumb
May be bony or tendernous
Local tendernss over the MCP join ulnar collateral lig with opening of the ulnar side - valgus stressing
Gamekeepers KEY finding
DO NOT stress the thumb unless your have an s-ray and you know there is not a fracture
Gamekeepers Tumb Tx
Parial ligament injuersi display openisn of less then 45 degress - spick or castin for 3-6 weeks
Complete lig injury - more then 45 degree - require surgery.
subq abscess of the distal pulp of the finger or the thumb
may follow a penetrating injury or spread from paronychia o epjeucha
Infeciton of folds - side of fingerenail
If it extends under fingernail then the fingernail has to come off.
Results form hangnail with intorduciton fo Staph Aureus
Tx: Debridement, nail trimming, warm sockas, oral abx
Infeciton of the eponycial foid - base of nail
Trimmin gnail, debrid, warm socks, oral ab.
May need Iand D and ab
Closed reducition
with in 6 hours of the injur y
2-3 point mod.
Skin traction
Bucks traciton for the pre-surigical tx of a fmoral neck fx
Skeletal traciton
metallic pin placed in bone to supply wt and pulley system
Delayed union
Has not healed in 3 months
has no healeed in 6 months
a fracture tha tno longer show clincial or radiographic signs of progression to bony union
Compartment syndrome
remove all constricting itmes, place at level of heart, pain out of proportion, pressure in cappilay bed si lower the pressure of the tissue - so they are not getting perfused - PAIN
sugrical emergency
Fracture Blisters
so much swelling cuz of an inury will get thesee blisters, hug risk of infection, have to heal 1st before can fx fx
Cast sores
arise from poorly applied or improperly padded cast
Strength Test
L1-2- iliopsoas
L3- quads
L4 - tibilasi anterior
L5 - Extensor hallicis longus, enxtronsor digitorun
S1 - gastcon, peronseu longus, brevis glut max
S2,3,4 - rectal exam
straing leg raise
passive lifting, - radicular pain on the bad side
Lasegue Maneuver
dorsiflexion of the foot - see if there are sxs
Bowstrings Signs
After straight leg rasing the knee is flexed 20 degress to reduce radicular pain, prssure is applied to the poplieteal area by the examiner, return of radilucarl pain
Femoral Nerve traction test
Have person lay on good side, bad leg - hip is extended and knee is flexed
Hoovers Test
cupe the hell of the unaffected leg whil the pt perfomrs the staignt leg raise, if they does not exert presure on the examiners hands, the pt is probably not really tring.
Waddell's Sign - 5
1. non-anatomic tenderness
2. stimulation sign using either axial compression or rotation
3. Distrcation sign
4. Regional sensory and motor disturbanc - stocking and gloving
5. Overreaction
The higher class the greater the incidence of growth arrest and subsequne deformity
2 - very common
3- juvenilles
Salter 1
transverse fracture through the growth plave
Salter 2
through the metaphysis
Salter 3
Salter 4
Meta, and epi and growht plate
Salter 5
COmpression fracture
degree of deformity after injury
the amount a bone has shifted from its original positon
twist of a fracture bone from original positoin
2+ is averal or nl
Speed Test
biceps tendonitis
lachmans test
ACL - anterior drawer,
Obers test
Iliotibial tract
What does MRI show
Disc herniations, stenosis
most commonly used for C spine
Most common age for torticollis
5-10 years old
The most common MOA is a traction force when the shoulder is forcefully depressed and the head and neck are tilted toward the opposite side or by comrpession of the upper plexus between a shoulder pad and the scapula
MC rotator cuff tear
Supraspinatous tendon
si most commonly involved in calcific tenonitis
common age and RF for frozen shoulder
40-60 years, with no clear predispositon based on gender, DM have a greater risk and are more refractive to tx.
Clavicle fx
middle third of the clavicle
Sporti injureis - shoulder over arm throwing
2nd most common only to running
Osteochondritis Dessican
most commonly incolce the capitellum (panners dx) mc in adolescence
Nursemadis MC
in kidn younger then 5
Setice Olecranon bursitis
require aspiration for culture, Ab coverage for penicillin-resistant Staph A. and decpmression by either surgical drainage or daily aspirtiaon
MC elbow dislocation
MC shoulder dislocation
RA cause
joint destruction
All peirpheral nerves crossing a fracture may cause injury but esp
Ulnar nerver dysfunciton
Carpal TUnnel
Cubital Tunnel syndorme
2nd most common upper extremeity comrpession neuropathy.
Colle fracture
MC type of distal radius fracture
HNP of lumbar spine
MC L4 and L5 and then L5 and SI
Spinal stenossis most commpnly
congenital or acquried diffuse idopahtic skeltal hyperstosis
Calcification of ligament and tenond attachments in the
thoracic spine - stiffness
Metastatic dz
PAIN - and most commonly goes to the vertebrae
MC primary tumor of the bone
primary malignant bone tumor
Classic - punced out
MC benign tumor - do not confuse with Pagets dz or osteobalstic metastis then dec
Aneurysmal bone cyst
Then next 2nd most common benign tumor may crossover cartilage into adjacent vertebrae.
Sternoclavicular dislocation
Prox humerus Fx
Glenoid rervsion
CT scan
Rotato cuff tear
Tendon rutpure
labrial tears - with contrast
Adhesive capsulitis
Rotational cuff tear
For any dislocations
make sure you obtain axiallry veiw x-ray
Usu get AP, lat, axillary
Complete elbow fx, intra-art fx, loose bodies
Collateral Lig injury, tendon injureis
Sternoclavicular disoclation
CT scan
AP x-ray if medial
Proximal Humerus Fx -
NEER classifcation
Great tuberosity
lesser tuberostiy
humeral head