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32 Cards in this Set

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What effect does Atropine have on Heart rate?
Increased HR
What effect does increasing aortic Blood pressure have on stroke volume?
SV is reduced
Stroke work = ____x____
Stroke work = SV x Arterial BP
what effect does lowering aortic BP have on Stroke volume?
SV is increased
What is positive ionotropic effect (ionotropism)?
increases contractility of heart
afterload is ____ blood pressure
a positive ionotropic effect would shift ventricle to _____ on SV/LVEDV graph.
left, increase contractility
What effect does a catecholamine have on heart and give examples of some catecholamines.
positive ionotropic effect, increases heart contractility. Examples are Norepinephrine and epinephrine, and isoproterenal(best for Beta-1)
what is aferload
aortic blood pressure
What are units of blood FLOW?
(vol/time) L/min
distance(cm)/Unit time(min)
Force exerted by blood on the walls of the vessel is
What are units of pressure?
(force/area) dynes/cm^2
slows blood flow, blood tends to flow in layers and can impediment each other as they slide over blood vessels, this is known as...
Resistance (frictional resistance)
What part of the heart would you find a systolic/diastolic of 130/80mmHG?
Diastolic BP + 1/3pulse pressure is....
Mean Blood pressure
what is pulse pressure
difference between highest BP and lowest BP(120-80)
1. What is the equation for FLOW?
2. What is equation for change in pressure?
3.what is equation for R or ΔP/Q?
4. The pressure gradient (dynes/cm^2) is...?
Determinants of vascular resistance Poiseuille’s law
1. Q= ΔP / R
2. ΔP = P1 ‑ P2
3. ΔP/Q=(8×L×η) / (π×r4)
4. ΔP = Pressure gradient(dynes/cm^2)
-xtra: Q = flow (ml/sec; cm3/sec)
_____ is gradient of Pressure from one end of vessel to the other(difference)
In the equation for Resistance (ΔP/Q=(8×L×η) / (π×r4)) doubling the _(1) and _(2) doubles the Resistance.
(1) length
(2) viscosity (η)
An (increase/decrease) in RBCs would make the blood more viscous.
Lowered resistance and hematocrit is charecteristics of what blood disorder?
Increasing the radius (increases/decreases) resistance
What affect would vasodilation have on Radius, resistance, change in pressure, and flow(vol/time)
-increase radius
-decrease Resistance
-Change in pressure remains the same
-Flow increases
What affect would vasoconstriction have on Radius, resistance, change in pressure, and flow(vol/time)
-decrease radius
-increase resistance
- decrease flow
-change in pressure remains the same
is velocity of a vessel greater at sides or middle?
doubling change in pressure would ___ flow
double flow
What is poiseiulle's law?
Flow(Q with dot above)=Change in pressure/Resistance
What is reynolds number?
(density x velocity x vessel diameter)/viscosity
______ is the total flow of systemic circulation
Cardiac output
CO= (_____-_____)/_____
CO=Mean arterial BP(MABP)-Rt atrial pressure/Total peripheral resistance(TPR)
This area has a pressure of 1-2mmHg.
rt atria or venous pressure