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169 Cards in this Set

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variation in wing shapes
wing area
wing loading (weight of bird/area of wing)
wing aspect ratio
wing area increase
lift and drag increase
wing loading increase
need more lift
low loading efficient at low speed (lowers Vmp)
wing aspect ratio
wspan^2 / area = higher = pointier
thermal soaring
areas where air is warmed faster have rising air currents, ride those up, glide down, repeat
low-to-moderate wing loading
separated wing tips to counter drag
dynamic soaring
albatross, frigate, petrel
use wing shape + wind (current of air on surface of water) to fly at low expense
hummingbird hovering
necessary for floral foraging
"expensive" so eat rich diet (flower nectar)
back stroke is nearly symmetrical
much of mass is wing muscle and feathers
formation flying
continuous vortex
slip-stream on other bird's wing tip vortices
wing propelled diving
Auks, diving petrels, penguins
fluid is more difficult
high loading (drag is much higher, so smaller wing)
flightless birds
ostrich, extinct moas, elephant birds (eat a lot of vegetation, fast running, large)
kiwi (nocturnal, largest egg for body size)
stephen's island wren (extinct due to cat before confirmed flightless)
arboreal theory of origin of flight
jump out of trees!
associated with "thecodont" hypothesis and aerodynamic hypothesis for the origin of feathers
support: lift is cheaper at speed (falling) (eg S.E. Asian rainforests)
cursorial theory of origin of flight
running along the ground
associated with theropod hypothesis and thermoregulatory theory of origin of feathers
support: already terrestrial, bipedal, with increasing length of hands
prey capture movement like flight
theories of origin of the flight stroke
arboreal: gliding=> flight stroke, continuous vortex, then derive rings
cursorial: ring is primitive
shoulder girdle evidence for arboreal
(adv. shoulder girdle needed for ring vortex)
Archaeopteryx: no modern shoulder girdle, but asymmetrical feathers
Confuciusornis: keeled sternum, pygostyle (fused tailbone), alula allows for laminar flow over leading edge, land on branches
Enantiornithes: strut-like coracoid, raises shoulder, creates trioseal canal
4 wings (legs and arms), all with asymmetrical feathers (aerodynamic hindlimbs)
(it seems that first stage in development of wing is elongate wing feathers)
anchiornis huxleyi
elongate limb feathers, not aerodynamic
elongate feathers for display
evidence for cursorial
K. Dial: wing-assisted incline running
avian breathing apparatus
trachea (air pipe) branches into two lungs
air sac system around the lungs (abdominal, posterior thoracic, anterior thoracic, cervical, interclavicular)
avg body temp
102-107 degrees F
human breathing apparatus, branched, inefficient
birds avoid static equilibrium
series of tubes packed in a hexagonal array
air flows in opposite direction as blood flow, constant exchange of O2 through hemoglobin
avian breath
inhale into posterior air sacs
exhale into lungs
inhale into anterior air sacs
exhale out of the body
hinged ribs
allow sternum to move relative to backbone
increase volume of body
avian four-chambered heart
mammals and birds (used to think theropods didn't, but they do)
depleted blood in right auricle
right ventricle
left auricle
left ventricle => rest of the body
counter-current heat exchange
in legs: also mostly tendons, so don't freeze easily
create a constant gradient, isolating the cold in the feet
thermoneutral zone
maintain body temperature (~107) with least energy
below which, shiver
above which, evaporative cooling (through breathing, no sweat glands)
zone can evolve
birds keep warm by:
fluffing plumage (feather erector/depressor muscles which also streamline flight) – lubricated by a layer of fat
behavioral responses to heat stress
panting, fluffing feathers on the back, defecate on legs
physiological state: energy conserved, basal temp goes down – (like hibernation) – (eg Poorwill in AZ, hummingbirds, and birds in Northern edges of zone)
paired kidneys – uric acid (not urea, kidney stone material), possibly saves weight
sodium load above the eyes – secrete salty solution through the nasal tubes
toothless, shaped for diet: – forcep-typed seizing beaks (herons, bee-eating birds), cracking beak (short and squat): seeds, shoveler (spoon-shaped, sieving), chopping beak (raptors), cross-bill (finch): steal seeds from pine cones
abaural identity
in the identity development of the face, inside of mouth decides to become outside
suppresses signal to grow teeth – (can force it to grow teeth in egg, although it dies afterwards)
seize prey with feet, kill with beak, then use beak to slice meat, grab it off
ridge-like structure that acts as a sieve
cranial morphology of the upper beak
light-weight (air bubbles), can move upper beak because of the nasofrontal hinge, rhynchokinesis (bend more distal positions at tip or center of beak)
can bend more distal positions at the tip or center of the beak
upper jaw bone
coevolution of birds and plants
hummingbird beak shapes: flowers bribe birds to pollinate (sugar!), need high-fidelity pollinators, so make itself distinctive and pollen difficult to reach – elaborate beak shapes to fit the flower, coevolution
beta-keratin hard covering of the beak
flamingo specialized tongue
ridges on tongue + beak = seive
first part of the digestive track
storage place for food (variation in size and shape)
glandular: preliminary acid-release on food
(before gizzard)
ventriculus (gizzard)
grinding structure (ingest rocks to aid crushing food, possibly facilitates loss of teeth)
can create a pellet, regurgitate
phenotypic plasticity: gizzard mass goes up in response to fiber content, liver mass goes down (body responds to diet)
phenotypic plasticity
when the body responds to diet, not due to evolutionary changes
small and large intestines
lots of different shapes
small: nutrient absorption
large: water absorption, balance => feces
glandular organs
salivary glands (swifts construct edible nests)
pancreas (hormones, digestive enzymes, insulin)
gall bladder
bursa of fabricious (outpocket of intestines, part of immune system)
cecum (digest plant material)
digest plant material, extension of intestine
bursa of fabricious
outpocket of intestines, part of immune system
also related to aging (like mammalian thymus)
hyoid apparatus
long y-shaped bone, curls around the head
in the tongue of birds
so tongue is used to eat, not really to vocalise like mammals
birds with unusual diets
Hoatzin (stinky turkey) : stupid, leaf-eating, digestion in the crop
Honey guide: guides honey badger to the hive, eats wax after badger tears open for honey
parrots: chelation (clay to neutralize toxins)
sugar metabolism
sucrose (double sugar) only digested by some
starlings died in 24 hours
tool use
Woodpecker finch: darwin's finch that uses cactus spines to get beetles out of holes in wood
bait fishing herons: tiny thing thrown on water, fish investigate
prey impaling in Shrikes
nasty beak, weak feet
impales prey to keep them secure
more than necessary during mating season
plumage function in foraging
painted redstarts: twitch, white flash scares bugs out of the wood, catches them
darkened tail feathers causes failure in foraging
dorsal nerve tube
tube that runs down the body, carrying cns
brain parts
medulla (near spinal cord)
cerebellum: coordination of movement (cauliflower)
forebrain: optic lobes, olfactory lobes, cerebrum (advanced processing)
peripheral nervous system
somatic: willful
autonomic: involuntary nerves (cranial nerves)
sympathetic: excitatory
parasympathetic: inhibitory
differences between mammalian and bird brains
bird: smaller olfactory bulb, larger cerebrum, larger optic lobe (most)
mammals: cerebral cortex folds,
reasons birds aren't actually as stupid as we thought
bird song
cortex is not the only place of complex thought for birds
regional specialization
three regions in brain associated with song learning
auditory pathway: brings sound in from ears to cerebrum
vocal pathways:
anterior (forecerebrum) vocal processing/analysis center, receives info from the posterior, compares info from sound to the result of motor output
posterior : motor impulses that create the shape and form of the song
krushinsky problem
can you infer where the food went if it goes behind a swinging door?
crows can
memory of food storage
Clark's Nutcracker: finds 33,000 pine seeds buried each autumn, will go back and move seeds if they suspect they were watched
also Chickadees and titmice: hippocampus larger in species that store food (could be plasticity though)
nest/brood parasites
cowbird lays eggs in other birds' nests
monitor sets of nests, lay eggs at the right times
females have larger hippocampus except in the one species that pair bonds and hunts together
evidence of planning for the future
scrub jays
3 compartments, on alternate mornings placed in the one with/without food
after 3 days can store food in all compartments, store more food in no food compartment
tool use
New Caledonian Crow: use rachus of leaf to extract bugs
naive birds given a pipe cleaner will bend it to hook a food basket
also woodpecker finch, galapagos finch
Alex the African gray parrot
taught to talk, describe colors, shapes, food (novel objects with 80% accuracy), what's the same/different
probably not how parrots communicate in wild, but plasticity of brain with human input
Avian ear components
ear drum (tympanum)
one middle ear bone (columella)
cochlea/inner ear: fluid-filled sack
cochlea/inner ear
hair cells that extend into the fluid
tuned to specific frequencies in the waves
cochlea shaped so that some places resonate more for some frequencies than others
loops of semicircular canals are orthogonal for spatial, positional, balance perception
birds sensitivity to loudness
less threshold sensitivity than humans (maybe) except in owls

(eg. hummingbirds are so tiny, not much space)
binaural comparison
compare when the sound hits each ear to locate it
increased distance helps pinpoint
owls have asymmetrical ears, holes underneath feathers with feathers of face as parabola to direct sound into ears
oil-bird: nocturnal frugivore, functional echo-location
cave swifts (collacalia) : cave-dwelling insectivores with adv. echo-location
barn owl forages in complete darkness
Herbst corpuscle
pressure sensitive, in avian skin (and pits on the beak)
(unique to birds)
avian touch
Herbst corpuscles (pressure sensitives)
filoplumes: probably sensory information about plumage movement
(no pain receptors, desensitized by feathers)
most have reduced olfactory bulb
except : procellariiformes, falconiformes, kiwi-apteryx (need for diet)
pellagic (sea) birds
detect "breath" of plankton
evidence of olfactory navigation
tubenoses taken to scotland, half with anaesthetic in nose, normal ones make it back much quicker
turkey vultures (Cathartes)
new world forest vulture
need good olfaction to be a forest vulture
other birds use them as evidence of prey
descend on gas leaks
bird pheromones
Crested Auklet: pelagic bird, produces tangerine odor in mouth, rubs on others in the "ruff-ruff" display
metabolic derivative of xanthophyll carotenoid pigments
components of the avian eye
lens (crystalline proteins, packed together so as to be transparent)
vitreous humor
image-forming retina (nerve processing cells)
rods (vision)
Cones (vision)
different opsin molecule in each cone type, receptive to different portions of visible light
colors: ultraviolet (ultra-short wavelength sensitive cone), red (long wavelength sensitive cone), green (medium wave-length sensitive), blue (short wavelength sensitive)
oil droplet in pathway of light, has carotenoids that filter out wavelengths (pre-vertebrate feature, marsupials also have it)
double cones: substantial part of retina, but not sure how they function (maybe magnetic orientation?)
raptor and night owl vision adaptations
larger eye, globos shape (almost tubular instead of flat)
change shape of lens with Brucke's muscle and the sclerotic ring (inter-ocular set of bones)
avian novelty in the eye
looks like a radiator/comb (thin laminate tissue)
capillaries inside feed retina, vitrous nutrients
instead of blood supply in front of retina (mammals)
creates a blind-spot and shadow though
rapid movements, in this case of the eye, so as to mix the vitreous humor
creates currents
wrinkle in the retina with great density of rods and cones
some birds (swallows) have 2 (central, temporal)
binocular vision
multiple sensors (eyes) overlapping = greater breadth of sensitivity
woodcock: has more than 180degrees of visual acuity in each eyes (less than 5degrees seen with both eyes, binocular vision)
stereo vision
stereo processing of binocular input (Can have binocular vision without stereo processing)
opsin protein
small molecule of red retinol within 7-transmembrane molecule
receptive to different portions of visible light b/c molecular changes
ways to determine what birds are seeing:
1. train pigeon to hit lever when it sees a triangle, then change color of triangle
2. study opsin molecules reactivity
3. excise eye from living bird, see what gets a reaction
double cones
substantial part of retina, not certain of function (magnetic function?)
why do birds see those 4 colors?
active selection through evolution
eg UV cone and LWS for most mammals (nocturnal, no overlap) => UV tuned down to blue, LWS differentiates into green and red with close overlap
oil droplet
carotenoid pigment in droplet absorbs low wavelength, only correct wavelength hits the cone
sws: "clear"
mws: yellow
lws: red
(uv no droplet)
less good at low light
avian color space
(angle is hue, length/r is saturation or chroma)
fills only 26% of color space (see more colors than they can make)
constrained by materials: carotenoids and melanins are a small pallet, structural colors allow much more
uv colors
matter to mates (sunscreen decreases mateability)
purity of color
pure spectrum colors are furthest from white (at vertices in color triangle)
color triangle vertices are dif. for birds, so see dif pure colors
predictable displacement of a population between seasons
movement of individuals among population
eratic/eruptive movements (unpredictable: eg when owls move south for more food)
most extreme ex of migration
Arctic Tern: 22-25,000miles/year (far north to antarctic, Arctic terns probably Antarctic terns who decided to stay)
altitudinal migrants
move up/down mountains
eg blue grouse go up in the winter, juncos, frugivores (esp. hummingbirds) in the Andes
austral migration
migration in the southern hemisphere (north to warmer climes in winter)
pattern of migration
sometimes restricted by geography (eg try not to cross Mediterranean)
unusual: blackpoll warbler gains weight, flies into the atlantic and catches trade winds to south america (in fall only)
advantages to diurnal migration
often can feed while migrating (swallows)
thermal soaring
technology and migration
gps on birds (track albatross to decrease attrition by fishing boats)
radar : wwii invasion, mass migration of snow geese delays cross-country flights (Kansas), can even determine bird from size
geolocators: indiv dataloggers, solar-pwrd, detect solar position, must recapture
-purple martin : south 500 km/day, north more slowly
-wood thrush: north 200-250 km/day
preparation for migration
fat storage sub-cutaneous
eg: Red Knot consumes 10x metabolic energy/day (gain 15% of weight/day)
-Bar-headed goose: Flies over Himalayas, hemoglobin molecule evolved for greater O2 affinity
evidence of the genetic component of wintering grounds
-Blackcap warbler: historically wintered in Spain/portugal, then some began to winter in England in 1940s
-shorter trip to England
-return earlier, breed earlier (stable isotopes in feathers and toenails shows where they wintered) => speciation
-also rufous humingbird (Alabama)
-naive bird in funnel shaped cage, ink on bottom, open sky, jumps most towards correct direction in migration season
-interbreeding begets intermediates
-juvenals in the wrong place (non-group migration) = genetic mutation, species gets to search for better places
pathway summation
know your previous paths, figure out where you are/want to go
(ants, not inter-continental migration)
migratory restlessness
Emlen funnel
cone shaped cage, open to sky (with netting), bottom has ink, sides have white paper
(test Zugenruhe)
hypotheses of evolution of migration
Southern Home Hypothesis: start in south, but evolve to migrate to avoid competition for breeding (dispersal derives later)
Dispersal Migration hypothesis: migration evolves from post-mating dispersal (breeding range is primitive), dispersal to warmer climes encouraged by seasons (evidence)
compass + map system
compass : reliable way of generating direction
map : relative position of things
(reliable way of generating direction)
experiments on sun compasses
must know what time of day it is...so
-raise birds in aviary with a clock-shifted sun, sunrise at 5, not 6
-consistently 15 degrees off counter-clockwise
-earlier dawn = counterclockwise error; later dawn = clockwise error
-not sure how clock works
experiments on star compasses
detect movement of stars around North Star (N. Hemisphere)
-planetarium: birds change orientation if you change stars
-naive birds respond to a different "North star" (pattern of movement, not star pattern)
experiments on magnetic compass
-Charles Walcott: pigeons disoriented at magnetic anomolies when cloudy
-helmholtz coils: electromagnet in a coil of wire on head and neck, connected to backpack
-homing pigeons trained to feed at different platforms based on the magnetic field
Theories of mechanisms of magnetic reception
-magnetite: iron crystals in the body (nose, brain or neck)
-removing opthalmic nerve confused ability to eat at correct place (control: olfactory)
-photochemical: "see" magnetic fields, through retinal cryptochromes
-singlet (electrons excited but cancel out), absorb photon => triplet => paramagnetic (singlet-triplet radical pair)
-happens in picoseconds
-shown in petri dish
-blue contact lenses confuse pigeons (blue doublecones)
(poorly understood)
need orthagonal info, opposing gradient
-magnetic? (second direction??)
olfactory maps
Papi "stink" experiments: not replicated, anaesthetizing nose confuses, try to change direction of olfactory cues
how do albatross use smells?
calibrate compass
magnetic with celestial: capture, change magnetic field as sun sets => fly in wrong direction => second night back on track
Syrinx (pl. syringes)
novel vocal organ (others vocalize with larynx which in birds is part of the bony tongue)
located where trachea branches into two bronchi (usually tracheal-broncheal, but sometimes entirely tracheal)
lack a syrinx
new world vultures
(can only hiss)
syrinx is composed of
bone, cartilage (supporting elements)
tube is membrane
nerves (direct motion)
hooked up to breathing system (air in and out)
(sometimes pessulus between bronchi?)
sound creation
pressure waves
periodic disruption of air flow creates song
-frequency (pitch)
-amplitude (volume)
three possibilities of syringeal phonation:
oscillation: membranes flap (probably most birds, contingas
pulsatile: open and close lumen (inside of tube) (ossean song birds)
aerodynamic whistle: restrict lumen so that air whistles through
ways to test syringeal phonation theories
-fiberoptic cable down throat to view
-thermometer in throat (air moving will cool it)
how does oscillation work?
Bernoulli effect: moving air changes pressure??
sources of vocal modulation
frequency modulation
amplitude modulation
post-source modulation
frequency modulation (FM)
frequency = pitch (Hertz = cycles/sec)
muscles pull, creating tension in the membranes which can create different frequencies (greater tension = higher pitch)
amplitude modulation (AM)
loudness in decibels
AM-FM coupling (higher notes are louder)
post-source modulation
filtering by the airway (after the syrinx)
can filter out harmonics
Jeff Podos + Steve Nowiki
-trombone-like trachea acts as a resonant chamber
components to vocal complexity
within a song (notes, syllables and phrases) and among songs (repertoire)
used to show that birds can indep modulate sounds on either side of the syrinx (two-voice model)
usually in 1000cycles/sec (kHz)
Two-Voice model
C. Greenewalt
-filter above and below a certain tone to show that the notes are modulated independently
-need two membranes, 2 resonators to do it
-can alternate airways seamlessly (right = higher, left=lower)
breathing in songs
yes. breath rapidly between notes
asymmetry in vocal tract
right is smaller = higher notes
left is larger = lower notes
mimics converge on same solution of switching as the orig. bird (even with a computerized model)
lowest sounding bird
cassuary : probably "hears" mostly through ground vibration
multiples of the fundamental frequency of a note (easy to double frequency)
repertoire size of Marsh Wrens
eastern: ~40 songs, syncopated, rollicky notes
western: ~150 songs, quacky, highpitched, chappy notes with harmonics
examples of increasing repertoire
Wood Thrush: introductions + flourishes (mix and match)
Hermit Thrush: intro note + terminal flourish, but set order of transitions between songs
experimental evidence of syringeal function
Herissant: puncture interclavicular air sac = mute roosters (thought air pumped in + valve)
Ruppel: excised syrinx and produced sounds with it in a glass bubble
1962: Bernoulli effect: realize it's not valves, but movement of air
function in mate choice/display and territoriality
-richer in structure, more complex
-a lot are learned, but some are innate
other social circumstances
-shorter, less diverse, stereotyped
-eg: vocalization in the egg, begging for food, contact calls, alarms
terrestrial threats: immediately disarmed when seen, so call is localizable
-stopping/starting has edges
-broad frequency
-like trad. Brit siren
Aerial threats
-unlocalizable (thin, high, wispy)
-like trad. Amer siren
mixture of helium and oxygen (some nitrogen)
given to crane, expected to transpose songs up
did, but higher than sonogram (lower note w/ nitrogen)
helium's density is lower than air
airway: can coil outside body cavity, under skin and in the hollow cavity of the sternum
mechanics of PSM
open beak and pull back neck => shorten airway => smaller acoustic structure => higher frequencies
closed beak, extended neck = reverse
+Diet's effect on song ability+
larger beaks for tougher foods (eg. nuts) = slower
force vs speed
(warblers are insectivores with small beaks)
feedback btwn choice of mate's song/diet compatibility
motor challenges of pure trills
trade trill rate for bandwidth
(filtering out harmonics)
innate calls
eg. Alder Flycatcher raised in captivity without any accoustic input will create the classic call
vocal learning
4 lineages of birds (bats, whales, some primates) learn vocal cues from their social environment
4 vocal developmental stages
(early and late) subsong
plastic song
full song
early and late subsong
disorganized vocal production, few or no typical species sounds
plastic song
notes, but not congealed like an adult's, lots of species typical notes
(Rebecca Irwin: perhaps mimics never move past here)
full song
modulated notes, species typical, recognized by other individuals, not going to change
Screaming Piha
tilts head way back, neck in, beak open, tongue out
PSM: but innate!
acoustic privation
explore role of external material in learning process by depriving of all sounds except those you control
sensitive period
: after 30-60 absolute silence can develop full-fledged song
:social tutor extends that
Song template
innate learning preference for songs of your kind (true of most birds)
can evolve
social tutor
interact with living organism (expands sensitive period and can stretch template more)
neurobiology of learning
Pallial (complex) thought in forebrain, not just cortex
4 phylogenetically distinct origins of vocal learning in birds
parrots, hummingbirds (maybe not all), oscine passerines, Procnias bellbirds (Cotingidae)
independently evolved, but similar proportions and layout
evidence of new brain cell growth
canaries learn new songs each spring
F. Nottebohm
bird dreams
songs in REM
solidification or variants?
(REM convergently evolved, crocodiles don't have it)
directed singing vs undirected singing
directed (male/female): motor function but no analysis
undirected (male/male): motor function AND analysis
Song Culture
in one population: elements of culture live longer than creator, success/failure of creator not related to song (indigo bunting)
in regions: dialects = cultural drift (little environmental feedback) (white crown sparrows)
overall: >65 million years ago = lots of culture
individual improv (songs)
sedge wren: all sing unique song within a framework
vocal mimicry
Mockingbird, not territorial (other birds ignore it)
Rebecca Irwin: always juvenal, never acquire terminal song