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49 Cards in this Set

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O: T12-L1 vertebrae and intervertebral disk (lateral surfaces)

I:iliopectineal arch

M: Psoas Minor

N:Direct Branches from lumbar plexus (L2-L4)

O:superficial :T12-L4 Deep: L1-L5

I: Lesser Trochanter

M:Psoas major

N:Direct Branches from lumbar plexus (L2-L4)

O:Iliac Fossa

I: Lesser Trochanter


N:Femoral n.

O:Sacrum, ilium, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament

I:upper fibers: iliotibial tract, lower fibers:gluteal tuberosity

M:Gluteus Maximus

N:Inferior Gluteal n.

O:Ilium (gluteal surface below the iliac crest between anterior and posterior gluteal line)

I:Greater trochanter of femur (lateral surface)

M:Gluteus Medius

N:superior gluteal n.

O:Ilium (gluteal surface below the origin of gluteus medium)

I: Greater trochanter of femur (anterolateral surface)

M: Gluteus Minimus

N:Superior gluteal n.

O:anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

I:Iliotibial tract

M:Tensor Fascia Latae

N:Superior gluteal n.

O:pelvic surface of the sacrum

I:apex of the greater trochanter of the femur


N:Direct branches sacral plexus (S1-S2)

O:inner surface of the obturator membrane and its bony boundaries

I:Medial surface of greater trochanter

M:Obturator internus

N:Direct branches sacral plexus (L5, S1)

O:gemullus superior-ischial spine, gemullus inferior- ischial tuberosity

I:Jointly with obturator interns tendon (Medial surface of greater trochanter)


N:Direct branches sacral plexus (L5, S1)

O:lateral border of ischial tuberosity

I:intertrochanteric crest of the femur

M:Quadratus femoris

N:Direct branches sacral plexus (L5, S1)

O:ASIS and superior brim of acetabulumI

I:tibial tuberosity

M: rectus femoris

N: femoral n.

O:lower part of greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line and lateral lip of linea aspera

I:tibial tuberosity

M:vastus lateralis


O:medial lip of linea aspera

I:tibial tuberosity

M:vastus medialis

N:femoral n.

O:prox. 2/3 anteriolateral surface of femur

I:tibial tuberosity

M:vastus intermedius

N: femoral n.


I:Pes anserine


N:femoral n.

O:Ischial tuberosity

I:post. med. tibial condyle


N:tibial n.

O:ischial tuberosity

I:head of fibula


N:tibial n.

O:ischial tuberosity, sacrotuberous lig.

I:head of fibula

M:long head biceps femoris

N:tibial n.

O:linea aspera

I:head of fibula

M:short head biceps femoris

N:common fibular n.

O:inf. ramus pubis

I:upper 1/3 linea aspera

M:adductor brevis

N: obturator n.

O:body of pubis

I:med.lip of linea aspera

M:adductor longus

N:obturator n.

O:ischia tub, inferior ramus of ischium and pubis

I:entire length of linea aspera, med. supracondylar ridge of femur, adductor tubercle

M:adductor magnus

N:obturator n.

O:pectineal line of pubis

I:pectineal line of femur


N:obturator n. and femoral n.

O:lat. inf. rams of pubis and ischium

I:pes anserine


N:obturator n.

O:upper 2/3 lat. tibia

I:medial plantar aspect 1st metatarsal , 1st cuneiform

M:tibialis anterior

N:deep fibular n.

O:upper 3/4 anterior fibula, interosseus membrane, lateral condyle tibia

I:4 tendons to middle and distal phalanges toes 2-5

M:extensor digitorum longus

N:deep fibular n.

O:middle fibula, interosseus membrane

I:dorsum distal phalanx hallux

M:extensor hallucis longus

N:deep fibular n.

O:lower 1/3 ant-lat fibula

I:base of dorsum 5th metatarsal bone

M:fibularis tertius

N:deep fibular n.

O:upper 2/3 lat. fibula, lateral condyle tibia

I:1st metatarsal, 1st cuneiform, (through perennial groove on cuboid

M:fibularis longus

N:superficial fibularis n.

O:lower 2/3 lateral surface fibula

I:base of 5th metatarsal bone, lateral

M:fibularis brevis

N:superficial fibularis n.

O:post. medial and lateral condyles of femur

I:achilles tendon


N:tibial n.

O:post. upper 1/3 of fibula soleal line of tibia, interossues membrane

I:achilles tendon


N:tibial n.

O:lateral supracondylar ridge of femur

I:medial calcaneus

M:plantaris (tendon)

N:tibial n.

O:interosseus membrane, tibia, fibula,

I:navicular, cuboid, 123 cuneiform, 234 metatarsals (runs above sustentaculum tali)

M:tibialis posterior

N:tibial n.

O:middle of post. tibia

I:4 tendons to base of dist. 2-5 phalanges on plantar surface (runs above sustentaculum tali)

M:flexor digitorum longus

N:tibial n.

O:lower 2/3 post. fibula and interossues membrane

I:plantar surface of base of dist. phalanx of hallux (runs underneath sust. tali)

M:flexor hallucis longus

N:tibial n.

O:medial process of calcaneus tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis

I:medial side of 1st phalanx of 1st toe

M:abductor hallucis

N:med. plantar

O:anterior aspect of calcaneus tub., plantar aponeurosis

I:second phalanges of four outer toes (tendon bifurcates)

M:flexor digitorum brevis

N:med. plantar

O:lateral process of cancaneus tub., plantar aponeurosis

I:lateral side of first phalanx of 5th toe

M:abductor digiti minimi

N:lat. plantar

O:calcaneus (2 heads)

I:tendon of flexor digitorum longus

M:quadratus plantae

N:lat. plantar

O:tendons of flexor digitorum longus

I:tendons of extensor digitorum longus, medial side of 1st phalanx of corresponding toe


N:lat. plantar (except 1st lumbrical which is med. plantar)

O:plantar surface of cuboid bone, tendon of tibias post.

I:first phalanx of 1st toe

M:flexor hallucis brevis

N:med. plantar

O:oblique head: bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal, transverse head, lateral l4 MTP joints

I:lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of 1st toe

M:adductor hallucis

N:lat. plantar

O:5th metatarsal

I:first phalanx 5th toe

M:flexor digiti minimi

N:lat. plantar

O:two heads of adjacent sides of metatarsals

I:1-medial side of 1st phalanx, 2nd toe

2-lateral side of 1st phalanx, 2nd toe

3-lateral side of 1st phalanx, 3rd toe

4-lateral side of 1st phalanx, 4th toe

M:Dorsal interossei

N:lat. plantar

O:medial side of 3,4,5 metatarsals

I:medial side of 3,4,5 toes, 1st phylanx

M:plantar interossei

N:lat. plantar

O:calcaneus (sinus tarsi)

I:dorsum of 1st phalanx of 1st toe

M:extensor hallucis brevis

N:deep fibularis n.

O:calcaneus ((sinus tarsi)

I:lateral side of tendons of extensor digitorum longus of medial toes

M:extensor digitorum brevis

N:deep fibularis n.