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49 Cards in this Set

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Chest Region

Origin: Manubrium

Insertion: Fascia of forelimb at elbow

Action: draws forelimb toward chest and rotates it

Man? No

Pectoralis Major

Chest region
Origin: Sternum
Insertion: Proximal of humerus
Action: draws forelimb toward chest and rotates it
Man? yes, larger
Pectoralis Minor

Chest Region
Origin: Sternum
Insertion: Proximal of humerus
Action: draws forelimb toward chest and rotates it
Man? Yes, Smaller


Chest Region

Origin: Sternum

Insertion: Promixal end of humerus

Action:draws forelimb toward chest and rotates it

Man? no


Neck region


Insertion: Mastoid process

Action:Turns head

Man? its called sternomastoid


Neck Region
Origin: medial surface of mandible
Insertion: Median raphe
Action: moves hyoid
Man? yes


Neck Region

Origin:Jugular and mastoid process

Insertion: inferior pborder of mandible

Action: depresses mandible

Man? yes


Neck Region

Origin : Zygomatic arch

Insertion: Lat. surface of mandible

Action: Elevates mandible

Man? yes


Neck Region

Origin: First costal cartilage

Insertion: Hyoid bone

Action:moves hyoid posteriorly

Man? yes


Shoulder area and neck

Origin: Superior nuchal line of occipital

Insertion: clavicle

Action: turns head, flexes elbow, forward extension of humerus

Man? Single trapezius mucle


Shoulder area and neck

Origin: Clavicle

Insertion: proximal end of ulna

Action: Forward extension of humerus

Man? part of deltoid


Shoulder area

Origin: Acromion Process

Insertion: Proximal end of the humerus

Action: Raises and rotates humerus

Man? Single deltoid in man


Shoulder area

Origin: Scapular spine

Insertion: Proximal end of the humerus

Action: Raises and rotates humerus

Man? Single deltoid in man


Doral back, shoulder, thoracic wall

Origin:cervical and thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Scapular spine and associated fascia

Action: Holds scapula/moves scapula

Man? single trapezius


Doral back, shoulder, thoracic wall

Origin: Spine of posterior thoracic vertebrae

Insertion:Scapular spine and associated fascia

Action:Holds scapula/moves scapula

Man? single trapezius

Levator Scapulae Ventralis

Doral back, shoulder, thoracic wall

Origin: Occipital bone and atlas


Action: Moves scapula forward

Man? yes

Latissimus Dorsi

Doral back, shoulder, thoracic wall

Origin: posterior thoracic and lumbar vertabrae

Insertion: Medial humerus

Action: pulls forelimbs dorsal and posteriorly

Man? yes

Triceps Brachii

Long head

Lateral head

Medial head

Doral back, shoulder, thoracic wall

Origin:Axillary border of humerus

Insertion: Olecranon process of ulna

Action: Extends elbow

Man? yes


Medial thigh
Origin: Illiac crest
insertion: Tibia
Action:Adducts and rotates thigh extends knee
Man? yes


Medial thigh

Origin: Ischium and symphysis tubis

Insertion: Medial Surface of tibia

Action: adducts leg and moves leg posteriorly

Man? yes

Adductor femoris

Medial thigh
Origin: pubis
Insertion: Femur
Action: Adducts thigh
Man? yes

Adductor Longus

Medial thigh

Origin: pubis

Insertion: Femur

Action: adducts thigh

man? yes


Medial thigh

Origin: Anterior pubis

Insertion: proximal end of femur

Action: adducts thigh

Man? yes


Medial thigh

Origin: illium and lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: lesser throchanter of femur

Action: moves thigh forward and rotates outward

Man? psoas major and iliacus

Rectus Femoris


origin: illiim near acetabulum

insertion: patella

Action: extends knee

Man? yes

Vastus medialis


Origin: medial femur

Insertion: patella

Action: extends knee

Man? yes

Vastus lateralis


Origin: lateral femur


Action: extends knee

Man? yes

Vastus intermedius


Origin: Illium

Insertion: patella

Action: extends knee

Man? yes

Tensor Fascia Latte


Origin: illiac crest

Insertion: pascia latte

Action: flexes thigh

Man? yes



Origin: ischial tuberosity

Insertion: tibia: proximal end. Femur: medial epicondyle

Action: extends thigh posteriorly

Man? yes



Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: medial tibia

Action: flexes knee

Man? yes

Biceps femoris


Origin: Ischial tuberosity

Insertion: patella, tibia and fascia of lower limb

Action: abducts thigh and flexes knee

Man? yes


caudal region

Origin: caudal vertabrae. 2nd and 3rd

Insertion: patella and fascia of knee

Action: abducts thigh

Man? no

Gluteus Maximus

Caudal region

Origin: last sacral vetabrae and first caudal vert.

Insertion: great trochanter of femur

Action: abducts thigh

Man? yes, larger in man

Gluteus medius

Caudal region

Origin: illium and last sacral vert. first caudal vert.

Insertion: great trochanter

Action: abducts thigh

Man? yes, smaller in man


Lower leg

Origin: Distal femur

Insertion: Calcaneus

Action: extends foot

Man? yes (calf)

tibialis anterior

lower leg

Origin: proximal tibia and fibula

Insertion: first metatarsal

Action: flexes foot

Man? yes



Origin: border of latissimus dorsi

Insertion: fascia of lower forelimb

Action: extends elbow

Man? no



Origin: mid humerus

Insertion: distal radius

Action: rotates radius; supinates forelimb

Man? yes

Rectus abdominus

Abdominal wall

Origin: pubic symphysis

Insertion: sternum

Action: flex trunk compresses abdominal viscera

Man? yes

external oblique

Abdominal wall

Origin: lumbodorsal fascia

Insertion: linea alba

Action: flex trunk compresses abdominal viscera

Man? yes

internal oblique

abdominal wall

Origin: lumbodorsal fascia

Insertion: linea alba

Action: flex trunk compresses abdominal viscera

Man? yes

transversus abdominus

abdominal wall

Origin: posterior ribs, ilium, lumbar, vertabrae

Insertion: linea alba

Action: flex trunk compress abdominal viscera

Man? yes


upper back

Origin: supraspinous fossa

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: extends humerus

Man? yes


upper back

Origin: infraspinous fossa

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: rotates humerus outward

Man? yes


upper back

Origin: subscapular fossa

Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus

Action: adducts humerus

Man? yes


upper back

Origin: cervical and thoracic vertebral spine

Insertion:scapula. vertebral border

Action: pulls scapula posteriorly

Man? yes

Teres Major

shoulder area

Origin: scapula maxillary border

Insertion: proximal humerus

Action: rotates humerus and draws it posteriorly

Man? yes

Serratus Ventralis

Shoulder area

Origin: ribs and cervical vertabrae

Insertion: scapula

Action: suspends thorax

Man? serratus anterior