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97 Cards in this Set

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an organizational structure in which the entire organization is made up of work teams
team structure
an organizational structure that assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or more projects
matrix structure
an organizational structure in which employees continuously work on projects
project structure
an organization whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure
boundaryless organization
an organization that consists of a small core of full-time employees and outside specialists temporarily hired as needed to work on projects
virtual organization
an organization that uses its own employees to do some work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes
network organization
an organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change
learning organization
In order to be successful – organizations need to be _____ in how they get work done.
What are the drawbacks of collaborative work?
- Potential _____ conflict, different _____ and _____ goals, logistics of _____
interpersonal, views, competing, coordinating
a work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties
cross-functional teams
a temporary committee or team formed to tackle a specific short-term problem affecting several departments
task force
opening up the search for new ideas beyond the organization’s boundaries and allowing innovations to easily transfer inward and outward
open innovation
collaborative relationships between two or more organizations in which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose
strategic partnerships
a work arrangement in which employees work at home and are linked to the workplace by computer
a scheduling system in which employees are required to work a specific number of hours a week but are free to vary those hours within certain limits
the practice of having two or more people split a full-time job
job sharing
temporary, freelance, or contract workers whose employment is contingent upon demand for their services
contingent workers
What are the activities in the HRM process?
- Human _______ Planning, _______ (or decruitment), _______ (Identify and select competent employees), _______, _______ (provide employees with up-to-date skills and knowledge), _______ Management, _______ and Benefits, _______ Development (retain competent and high-performing employees)
Resource, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training, Performance, Compensation, Career
an organization that represents workers and seeks to protect their interests through collective bargaining
Labor unions
organizational programs that enhance the status of members of protected groups
affirmative action
ensuring that the organization has the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times
human resource planning
an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them
job analysis
a written statement that describes a job
job description
a written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully
job specification
locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants
reducing an organization’s workforce
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet?
- A: reaches ______ numbers of people; can get immediate ______
-D: generates many ______ candidates
large, feedback, unqualified
What are the advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals?
A: knowledge about the organization provided by current ______, can generate strong candidates because a good referral reflects on the ______
D: may not increase the ______ and mix of employees
employee, recommender, diversity
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a company website?
A: wide ______; can be ______ to specific groups
D: generates many ______ candidates
distribution, targeted, unqualified
What are the advantages and disadvantages of college recruiting?
A: Large centralized body of ______
D: Limited to ______ positions
candidates, entry-level
What are the advantages and disadvantages of professional recruiting organizations?
A: Good knowledge of industry ______ and ______
D: Little ______ to specific organization
challenges, requirements, commitment
permanent involuntary termination
temporary involuntary termination; may last only a few days or extend to years
not filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements
moving employees either laterally or downward; usually does not reduce costs but can reduce intraorganizational supply-demand imbalances
having employees work fewer hours per week, share jobs, or perform their jobs on a part-time basis
reduced workweeks
providing incentives to older and more senior employees for retiring before their normal retirement date
early retirements
having employees share one full-time position
job sharing
screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired
a preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company
realistic job preview
introducing a new employee to his or her job and the organization
What type of selection tool is almost universally used; most useful for gathering information; can predict job performance but not easy to create one that does?
Application forms
What type of selection tool must be job related; include intelligence, aptitude, ability, personality, and interest tests; are popular (e.g. personality tests, aptitude tests); really good predictor for supervisory positions?
written tests
What type of selection tool uses actual job behaviors; work sampling – test applicants on tasks associated with that job, appropriate for routine or standardized work; assessment center – simulate jobs; appropriate for evaluating managerial potential?
performance-simulation tests
What type of selection tool is almost universally used; must know what can and cannot be asked; can be useful for managerial positions?
What type of selection tool is used for verifying application data – valuable source of information; Used for verifying reference checks – not a valuable source of information?
background investigations
What type of selection tool is for jobs that have certain physical requirements; mostly used for insurance purposes?
physical examinations
the first stage of group development in which people join the group and then define the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership
forming stage
the second stage of group development, characterized by intragroup conflict
storming stage
the third stage of group development, characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness
norming stage
the fourth stage of group development when the group is fully functional and works on group task
performing stage
the final stage of group development for temporary groups during which group members are concerned with wrapping up activities rather than task performance
behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit
a prestige grading position, or rank within a group
the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually
social loafing
the degree to which group members are attracted to one another and share the group’s goals
group cohesiveness
the view that all conflict is bad and must be avoided
traditional view of conflict
the view that conflict is natural and inevitable outcome in any group
human relations view of conflict
the view that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively
interactionist view of conflict
conflicts that support a group’s goals and improve its performance
functional conflicts
conflicts that prevent a group from achieving its goals
dysfunctional conflicts
conflicts over content and goals of the work
task conflict
conflict based on interpersonal relationships
relationship conflict
conflict over how work gets done
process conflict
What are the advantages of using teams?
Teams outperform ______; Teams provide a way to better use employee ______; Teams are more ______ and ______; Teams can be quickly ______, deployed, refocused, and disbanded
individuals, talents, flexible, responsive, assembled
a team from the same department or functional area that’s involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems
problem-solving team
a type of work team that operates without a manager and is responsible for a complete work process or segment
self-managed work team
a work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties
cross-functional team
a type of work team that uses technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal
virtual team
the patterns of informal connections among individuals within groups
social network
Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
a performance measure of both efficiency and effect
employee productivity
the failure to show up for work
the voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization
any incompatibility or inconsistency between attitudes or between behavior and attitudes
cognitive dissonance
personality trait model that includes extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience
Big Five Model
a measure of the degree to which people are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, and believe that ends justify means
a personality trait that measures the ability to adjust behavior to external situational factors
a general impression of an individual based on a single characteristic
halo effect
the tendency to underestimate the influence o external factors and to overestimate the influence of internal or personal factors
fundamental attribution error
the transfer and understanding of meaning
communication between two or more people
interpersonal communication
any disturbances that interfere with the transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message
all the patterns, networks, and systems of communications within an organization
organizational communication
formal and informal communications act to control individuals’ behaviors in organizations
communications clarify for employees what is to be done, how well they have done it, and what can be done to improve performance
social interaction in the form of work group communications provides a way for employees to express themselves
emotional expression
individuals and work groups need information to make decisions or to do their work
the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver
listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations
active listening
the informal organizational communication network
communication that flows downward from a manager to employees
downward communication
communication that flows upward from employees to managers
upward communication
communication that takes place among any employees on the same organizational level
lateral communication
communication that cuts across work areas and organizational levels
diagonal communication
7 steps in the communication process:

Then there is _______ and the entire process is susceptible to _______.
Sender, encoding, message, medium, receiver, decoding, message, feedback, noise
the degree to which carrying out work activities required by a job results in the individual's obtaining direct and clear information about his or her performance effectiveness