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77 Cards in this Set

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The forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behaviour

Employee Motivation

Goal setting, open-book feddback, reward, and various social bonding events

-maintain and improve this

3 Theories on drives and needs

Maslow's needs hieratchy

McClelland's Learned need theory

Four-drive theory

Employee Engagement definiton

Individual's emotional and cognitive motiviation, particulary a focused, intense, persistent and purposive effort toward work-related goals

Employee Enagagement AKA

Emotional involvement in

commitment o

Statisfaction with the work

high level of absorption in work

EE and beyond the work

-experience of focusing intensely on the task

-limited awarness of events beyond that work


The belief that you have

-the ability

-role clarity

-resources to get the job done


-reports suggest strong effect on employee and owrk performance

-not sure if it makes the company successful OR if a successful company makes the employee engaged

Challeges of org leader

-most employees aren't very engages

In Canada generally

-20% are hight engages

-60% are somewhat engage

-reaining low engage

Actively Disengaged empoyees

-be disruptive at work


Countries and EE

Serveal Asian andf few Euro have the lowest

US, Brazil and Idian hightest

Drivers of EE

Goal setting

Employee Involvement

Organizational Justice

Communication abut the business

Employee development opportunities

Sufficient resources

Applealing compny vision

How to create Engaged Employee

-understand the motivational forces

-starting poit is drives

-define needs

Drives Definitions

-Hardwired characteristics of the brain

-Correct deficiencies

-Maintain an internal equilibrium by producing emotions to energize individuals

-Drives are innate

Drivers overview

-accompish this by producing emotions that energie us to act on our enviroment

-neuroscience reseach highls the role of eotion in human decision and behaviour

Characteristics of drivers

-are innate and universal

-born with them

-everyone has them

Prime Movers

Of behaviour as they generate emoition

Emotions put people in a state of readiness to act

Motivation and emotion

-emotion are central to motivation

-both words orginate from the same latin world

Needs Definition

-Goals directed forces that people experience

-Needs are shpaed, amplifed or suppressed through self concept, social norm and past expereince

Example of drive, emotion, need and behavour

-get to work and stranger is at your desk

-this situation products emotions

-motivate you to act

-emotions generated from drivers

-drive to defend/drive to know

-if the drive is enough you will find out who it is

Individual difference in needs

-everyone has the same drivers; hardwired

-the type and intensity of emotion for a particular situaion varies

Drives, needs and behaviour

SEE 5.1

Drive--------> Need------>Decision & behaviours

primary Secondary

Self concept, social norms and past expereince effect between drive and need and need and decision

Self concept, social norms and past experience

-Regulates a person's motivated decision and behaviour

Maslow's needs hierarchy theory

A motiiation theory fo needs arranged i a hierarchery, whereby people are motivated to fulfull a higher need as a lower one become gratified

Maslow's needs

Self-Actualization-need for self-fulfillment, realization of one's potential

Esteem-need for self-esteem and social esteem/status

Belongingness-need for interaction with and affection from others

Safety-security and stability

Physiological-need for food, water, shelter

Limitation of Maslow

-people don't progress through the hierarchy as predicted

-also HOW quick someone takes to move through

Contribution of Maslow's

Holistic perspective

Humanistic perspective

Positive perseptive

Holistic Perspective

-various needs should be studied together (holistically)

-human behaviour is inititiated by more than one need at a time

-previously motivation experts compartmentalized each drive/needs and study in isolation

Humanistic perspective

-the idea that higer-order needs arei nfluced by personal and social influences, not just insticts

-he was first to recognize human thoughts play a role

-previous experts almost entirely on human instincts w/o considering motivatin could be shaped by human though

Positve perspctive

-popularized concept of self-actualization

-people are naturally motived to reach their potentiall

-positive view contrasted witht he dominant positive that needs become activated by deficiences such as hunger


What's wrong with needs hierarchy

-failed to explain human nature

-one size fits all hierarchy

-people have different hierarchies

-some people place different items at that top

-Connection between values

Learned Needs Theory

-need strong and alters through social influences

-person needs can be strengthened through



-social condition

McCleland 3 Learned Needs Theory

Need for

-Acheivement (nAch)

-Affiliations (nAff)


Need for Achievement


-Wantto accomplish reasonably challenging goals

-Desireclear feedback, moderate risk tasks

Need for affiliation


-Seekapproval from others, conform to others’ wishes, avoid conflict

-Effectivedecision makers have low nAff

Need for power


-Desireto control one’s environment

-Personalizedversus socialized power

Learning Needs

-Needs can be learned

-Utilize training programs

-Increased achievement motivation by altering

Four Drive Theory

-A motivation theory

-Innate drives to

acquire, bond, learn, and defend, and that incorporate both emotions and rationality

4 drives





Drive to acquire




retain objects or experiences

Drive to bond

formsocial relationships and develop mutual caring commitments with others

Drive to learn/comprehend

satisfy our curiosity

know andunderstand ourselves and the environment

Drive to defend

protectourselves physically and socially

4 drivers

-what emotions are triggered to incoming stimuli

-although it is new base on data from 30 years

-explains why needs vary from one person to another

-satisfies 2 of maslow's stuff; avoids the assumption of the same hierarch

How Drives influence employee Motivation

-4 drives determine which emotion are tagged to incoming stimuli

Emoitonal Intelligence and 4 drive

high EI-more senstive to competting demands from the 4 drive

-better able to avoid impulsive behaiour form thos drive

-can judge the best way to act to fulfull those drive demands in a social context

Practical Implication of 4 drive


Ensure that individuals jobs & workplace provide a balanced opportunity

The 4 must be kept in balance


level or effort


Amount of time effort is exerted


Goal towards effort is directed

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic

Expectany Theory

-work effort is dreicted toward behaviour

-peole believe will lead to desirec outcome

E-to-P Expectancy

Probability a specific effort level will result in a specificlevel of performance

P-to-O Expectancy

Probability a specific performancelevel will result in specific outcomes


Anticipated satisfaction (value) from the outcome

Organizational Behaviour practical Theory

-explains employee behaviour


OB Theory and ABC

Antecedents-what happens before

Behaviour-what the persons says or does

Consequence-what happens after

example-A,B,C and warning light

Social Cognitive Theory

-explains how learning and moitivation occure

- by observing & modeling others as well as by anticipating the consequences of our behaviour

3 SCT of employ motiviation

Learning Behaviour Outcomes

Behaviour Modelling

Self Regulation

Learning Behaviour Outcome

observnig or caring about what happend

Behaviour Modelling

Learn not only observing

By imitating & practising these behaviours

Self Regulation

-set goals & engage in other forms of intentional purpossvie actin

-short term objective

-self regulating by engaging in self reinforcement

Goal setting-process of motivating employees

Characteristics of Goal settin






Time Framed




– What, how, where, when, and with whom the task needs to be accomplished


– how much, how well, at what cost


– challenging, yet accepted (E-to-P)


– within employee’s control


– due date and when assessed


– employee commitment, not just compliance


– feedback and recognition on goal progress and accomplishment artpage.com

Balanced Score Card

-Organizational-levelgoal setting and feedback

-Usuallyfinancial, customer,internal (operations),and learning/growthprocess goals

Characteristicsof Effective Feedback

Specific– connected to goal details

Relevant– Relates to person’s behaviour

Timely–links actions to outcomes

Credible– trustworthy source





-Builds on employee’s strengths ratherthan trying to correct weaknesses

Strengths-Based Coaching and Motivation

Peopleinherently seek feedback about their strengths, not their flaws


Distributive justice



-Perceived fairness in outcomes we receive relative to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others


Perceived fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources

Equity Theory

-Perception of equallity

-Your OwnOutcome/Input Ratio

-Compareown ratio with Other’s ratio

-Comparison Other’sOutcome/Input Ratio