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55 Cards in this Set

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Person Organization Fit

Person's values, personality, goals, that determine a persons fit for a job

Person Job Fit

Person's skill knowledge, and other abilities determine fit for job


Stable life goals

Terminal Values

End states of life people desire

ex. successful career, world peace, etc.

Instrumental Values

Acceptable modes of conduct or traits


Encompasses the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has

Big Five


How a person "re-charges" degree of socialness

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Positive and Negative Affective

Positive= More positive moods

Negative= more negative moods

Negative Person Tips

1. Understand that you are unlikely to change the person

2. Keep an open mind

3. Set a limit on conversations with that person

4. Try to get them to change the situation


Degree to which a person is able to monitor his/her actions and appearance in social situations


High Stress

Less accurate feedback

Less Committed

Proactive Personality

Person's inclination to fix what is received as wrong, take action quicker

Self Esteem

Degree about positive feelings of self

Self Efficacy

Belief that one can perform a specific task sucessfully

Internal Locus of Control

Can control own destiny

External Locus of Control

Things happen because of outside factors


Process by which individuals detect and interpret environmental stimuli

Self-Enhancement Bias

Overestimate our performance and capabillities

Self-Effacement Bias

Underestimate performance and capabilities

False Consensus Error

Overestimate how similar we are to other people


Generalizations based on group characteristics

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Making stereotypes happen through your own actions

Selective Perception

Paying attention to parts of the environment while ignoring other parts

Three factors of external and internal attributions

Consensus: Do other people behave the same way?

Distinctiveness: Does this person behave the same way across different situations?

Consistency: Does this person behave the same way in different occasions in the same situation?

Self-Serving Bias

Attributing our failure to the situation, not ourselves

Job Satisfaction

The feelings people have towards their jobs

Organizational Commitment

Emotional attachment people have towards a company they work for


Our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about aspects of our environment

Attitude Surveys

Given periodically to track work attitudes

Exit Interview

Meeting with a departing employee

Psychological Contract Breach

Violation of an unwritten understanding b/w the employee and the organization regarding expectations

Organizational Citizenship behavior

Voluntary behaviors employees perform to help others and benefit the organization

Hygiene Factors

Company policies, supervision, working conditions, salary, safety, and security on the job

Distributive Justice

The degree to which outcomes received from the organization are fair


Removal of rewards following negative behavior

Ob Mod

Procedural Justice

Degree to which fair decision making procedures are used to arrive at a decision

Benevolents vs Entitleds

Benevolents- Don't expect much in return

Entitleds- Expect a lot w/o much in return

Equity Sensitivity

Explains different reactions to inequity


Whether the person believes that high levels of effort will lead to outcomes of interest such as performance or success


Value of the rewards awaiting the person as a result of performance


Person we compare ourselves to in equity theory


The degree to which the person believes that performance is related to secondary outcomes such as rewards

Job Characteristics Model

Skill Variety

Extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills

Task Identity

Degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish

Task Significance

refers to whether a person's job substantially affects other people's work


Degree to which a person has freedom to decide how to perform his/her tasks


Removal of conditions that make a person powerless

Structural Empowerment

Refers to the aspects of the work environment that give employees discretion, autonomy, and the ability to do their jobs effectively

Goal Commitment

Degree to which a person is dedicated to reaching the goal

Smart Goal

360 Degree Feedback

System where feedback is gathered from supervisors, peers, subordinates, and even customers

3 Important Key Factors of Performance Appraisal

Adequate Notice- Revealing criteria to employees

Fair Hearing- Two way communication, hear employee side
