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179 Cards in this Set

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what is the importance of interpersonal skills in managing?
1. understaning OB helps determine manager effectiveness
2.organizational benefits of skilled managers
what are the four management functions?
1. control
2. plan
3. lead
4. organize
a process that inclueds defining goals, establishing plans to coordinate activities
determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made
a function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most channels, and resolving conflicts.
monitoring performance, conparing actual performance with perviously set goals, and correcting any deviation
what are Mitzberg's categories of roles of managers?
what are Katz's essential management skills?
the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise
technical skills
the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups
human skills
the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations
conceptual skills
what are the four types of managerial activity according to Luthans
traditional management
human resource management
a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledy toward improvig an organization's effectiveness
organizational behavior
what is the benefist of usings OB principles in making decision about ppl compared to using "gut feelings"
OB principles looks at relationships, scientific evidence and predicts behaviors
intutions uses gut feelings, individual observation, and commonsense
what is the basis for much of the therory behind OB?
behavioral sciences
why are there few absolutes in OB?
human beings are all different and it is not possible to predict with 100% certainty how one with act in a given situation
and there are many variables
what are 10 challenges facing OB?
improving quality and productivity,
improving customer service,
improving ppl skills,
stimulating innovation and change,
coping with temporariness, working in networked organizations,
helping employees balance work-life conflicts,
and improving ethical behaviors
what are the 6 dependent variables of OB?
deviant workplace behaviors,
organizational citizenship,
and job satisfaction
an individual's capactiy to perform the various tasks in a job.
what are the two types of ability?
intellectual abilities and physical abilities
objective and esily obtained personal characteristics
biographical characteristics
what are some examples of biographical characterisitics?
sexual orientation
gender identity
a permanent change that occurs as a result of emperience (behavior change)
a type of conditioning in which an individual respondes to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response
classical conditioning
a type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leasds to a reward or prevents a punishment
operant conditioning
ppl can learn through obersvation and direct experience
social-learning theory
who came up with classical conditioning? operant conditioning?
classical: pavlov
operant: BF skinner
changing behavior through reinforcement.
what are four methods of shaping?
or extinction
what are the schedules of reinforcement?
continuous or intermittent
a schedule of reinforcement where the effect is average and irregular performance with rapid extinction
a schedule of reinforcement where the effect is moderately hign and stable performance with slow extinctions
a schedule of reinforcement where the effect is high ans stable performance attained quickly but also with rapid extiction
a schedule of reinforcement where the effect is very high performance with slow extinction
how we feel about something
what ate the three components of attitude?
affective-feeling, behavioral-action or proposed action
does attitude affect behavior?
yes in many case but not always
an incompatibility between attitude and behavior
cognitive dissonance
what are the moderating variables that might affect our lack of action in regards to cognitive dissonace?
importance of attitude,
its correspondence behavior
and social pressures
what are the major job attitudes? (5)
job satisfaction
job invlovement
organizationsl commitment,
perceived organizational support, employee engagement
how is job satisfaction meansured?
single global rating or summation score of key elements
what are some of the caused of job satisfaction? (7)
pay (but to a small degree after min salary)
core self-evaluation
the work itself
promotional opportunites
how can employees respond to hob dissatisfaction?
exit, voice, loyalty, and voice
behavior directed toward leaving the organization
active and constructive attempts to improve conditions
allowing condition to worsen
paddicely waiting for conditions to improve
___ factors within the job itself tend to influence job satisfaction more than ____ factors such as pay, working conditions,etc.
intrinsic; external
high job satisfaction is ___ correlated with good customer service and job performance, while correlated to a ___ degree with organizational citizenship and attendance and turnover
(+), lesser
workers in the U.S. tend to be ___ satisfied with their work that workers in eastern cultures.
job satisfaction has declined in the U.S. form ___% in 1987 to ___% in 2006
61 to 47
the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical system that determing his unique agustments to his environment
what are 2 factors that determine personality?
heredity and environment
enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behavior
personality traits
what way to measuere and classifyu personality types when participants are classified on four axes
myer-briggs type indicator
what is the big five model of personality dimensions?
emmotional stability
openness to experience
the degress to which people like or dislike themselves
core-self evaluation
a (+) core self-evaluation can lead to ____.
higher job performance
basic convictions on how to conduct yourself or how to live your life that is personally or socially perferable
a person's values rank ordered by intensity
value system
why are values inportant to the study of OB?
provide understanding of the attitueds, motivation and behaviors
represent interpretation of right and wrong
cohort who is harworking, conservative, conforming, loyalty to the organization
cohort whose values are success, achievement, ambition, dislike of authority, and loyalty to career
cohort whose values are work/life balance, team-oriented, dislike or rules, and loyalty to relationships
cohort whoes valuse are confidence, financial success, self-reliant, but team oriented. loyalty to both self and relationships
model that has six peronsality types. in this model there appear to be difference in personality between ppl and that ppl in job congruent with their personality sld be more satisfied and have lower turnover
Holland's personality-job fit theory
what is genergally the result of a good person-job-fit
highlevels of job satisdaction
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: the extent to which a cosity accepts that power in institution and organization is distributed unequally
power distance
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: the degress to which ppl prefer to act as individuals rather than a member of groups
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: a tight social framework in which ppl expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: the extent to which the society values work roles of achievement, power, and control, and where assertiveness and materialism are also valued
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: the extent to which thee is little differentiation between roles for men and women
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: the extent to which a socitey feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them
uncertainty avoidance
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: a national culture attribute that emphasizes the future, thrift, and persistence
long-term orientation
part of Hofstede's framwork for assessing culture: a national culutre attribute that emphasizes the present and the here and now
short-term orientation
a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their enviroment
people's behavior is based on their ___ of what reality is, not on reality itself
what ate three factors that influence perceptions?
perceiver, target, and situation
what is perception studies in OB?
bc our personality and our values affect our perceptions
explains the ways we judge ppl differently depending on the meaning that we placed on a given behavior
attribution theory
what we see or experience is influenced by our interests, beliefs, background, etc.
selestive perception
the general impression of an individual based on a single characteristic or ecperience
halo effects
our perception is influenced by others that have come before.
contrast effects
judging one by his/her association with a groups, one form of which is profiling
our decision making is influenced by our ____
what is the 6 steps ing the rational decision making model?
1. define the problem
2. identify the decision criteria
3. allocate weights to the criteria
4. develop the alternatives
5. evaluate the alternatives
6. select the best alternative based on the criteria
making decisions based on imcomplete information (aka satisficing)
bounded rationality
making decisions based on gut feel or intuition rather than using a rational process
intuitive decision making
believing too much in our own ability to make good decisions
overconfidence bias
using early, first received information as the basis for making subsequent judgments
anchoring bias
selecting and using only facts that support our decision
confirmation bias
emphasizing information that is most readily at hand
availability bias
increasing commitment to a decision in spit of evidence that it is worng
escalation of commitment
creating meanign out of random events - superstitions
randomness error
highes bidder pay too much due to bvalue overestimation and likelihood increases with the number of ppl in auction
winner's curse
after an outcome is already known, believing it could have been accurately predicted beforehand
hindsight bias
managerial evaluation criteria influence actions
performance evaluation
managers will make the decision with the greatest personal payoff for them
reward systems
limit the alternative choices of decision makers
formal regulations
restrict ability to gather or evaluate information
system-imposed time constraints
past decision influence current decisions
historical precedents
what are the three ethical decision criteria?
utilitarianism, rights and justice
what is best for the greatest numver of people
protecting fundamental rights
fair and impartial to result in equitable distribution of costs and benefits
what are the requirements for creativity?
expertise, creative thinking skills, and intrinsic motivation
globally there are differences in attributions as well as differences in decision making and ethics. you must be aware of these differences to be effective in _____.
global work environments
process that accounts for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal
what are the hierarchy of needs?
who came up the the hierarchy of needs?
managers view employees either (+) or (-) and manage them accordingly
theory X and theory Y
who came up with the theory X and Y
job satisfieres ten to be intrinsic rather than extrinsic and factors that lead to job satisfaction (______ ) are distinct from those that lead to dissatisfaction (______).
Two factor theory; motivating factors; hygiene factors
who came up with the two factor theory?
every person has a need for achievement, power and affiliation
Theory of Needs
who came up with the theory of needs?
introduction of ectrinsic rewards to work that had been intrinsically rewarding, can reduce job satisfaction
cognitive evaluation theory
for goal setting to be a source of improved employee performance much have specific goals, must be accepted by employees, must be challenging but achievable, must provide feetback, must have employee participation in the goal setting, and must have employee committment to the goal
goal setting theory
who came up with the goal setting theory?
edwin locke
a formal process pf management incorporating goal setting as a major focus. to be affective the goals must be tangible, verifiable, and measureable
Management by Objectives (MBO)
individuals belief that he/she can accomplish a goal. can be increased by experience, modeling, verbal persuasion, the pygmalion effect, and intelligence and personality.
self-efficacy theory
who came up with the self-efficacy theory?
self-fufilling prophecies
pygmalion and galatea effects
our view of euity influences our attitude which in turn influences our behavior and thus our performance
equity theory
the strength of our action towards a goal is a function of the strngth of our expectation that our actions will be followed by a given outcome and the attractiveness of the outcome.
expectancy theory
who came up with the expectancy theory?
A country's ___ affects the outcome of different approaches to motivation
jobs can be internally motivating as they includes skill variety, task identity, task significance, sutonomy and feedback
job characteristics model
who can up with job characteristics model?
Hackman and Oldham
what are the job redesign methods?
job rotation
job enlargement
job enrichment
adding cariety to jobs
job rotation
horizontal expansion of jobs
job enlargement
vertical expansion of jobs
job enrichment
what are the 3 alternative work arrangements?
flextime, job sharing, and telecommunting
what are the 3 employee involvement methods?
participative management
representative participation and
quality circles
subordinates share a significan degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors
participative management
what are two types of representative participation?
work councils and board representatives
a work group of employees who meet regularly to discuss their guality problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions , and take corrective actions
quality circle
what are two factors that affect pay systems?
pay strategies and variable pay systems
workers are paid a dixed sum for each unit of production completed
piece rate
payment that is based on performance appraisal ratings
merit-based pay
payments that rewards recent performance
organization-wide programs that distribute compensation based on some established formula designed aroung a company's profitability
profit sharing
an incentive plan in which improbvements in group productivity detemine the total amount of money that is allocated
fain sharing
company-established benefit plans in which employees acquire stock as part of their benefits
employee stock ownership plans
program where personal attention given to employee and approval and appreciation for a job well done
recognition program
what are 3 benefits for employee recognition programs?
fulfill employees' desire for recognition
inexpensive to omplement
encourage repetition of desired behaviors
what is a drawback of recognition programs?
susceptible to manipulation by management
why is it important to understand emotion s and moods as they are related to the work enviroments?
bc they cant be separated form the workplace
intense feeling directed at someone or something
less intense feelings, often lacking contextual stimulus
what are the 6 basic emotions?
what is the importance of emotions to rational thinking?
our emotions provide important information about how er understand the world around us.
who is Phineas Gage?
man who had a accient in the mines that enabled him to experience emotions. ( caused him to think irrationally)
source of emotion and mood: ther is a trait component that affects intensity
source of emotion and mood: day and time of the week
happier in the midpoint of the day and toward the end of the week
source of emotion and mood: weather
no effect
source of emotion and mood: stress
any level of stress can worsen moods
source of emotion and mood: social attivities
physical, informational, and dining activities increase positive moods
source of emotion and mood: sleep
poor sleep increases (-) affect
source of emotion and mood: exercise
somewhat improves mood, especially for depressed ppl
source of emotion and mood: age
older folks experience fewer (-) emotions
source of emotion and mood: gender
women: more emotionally expressive, feel emotions more intensely, have longer-lasting moods, and express emotions more frequently than men
expressing organizational desire emotion at work
emotional labor
conflict or difference between felt emotions and ecpressed emotions
emotional dissonance
employees react emotionally to events that happen in the workplace and the reaction influences their performance and satisfaction
affective events theory
ability to be self-aware, deflect emotions in others, and manage emotional cues and information
emotional intelligence
how do emotions affect selection?
EI sld be a hiring factor, ezpecially for social jobs
how do emotions affect decision making?
(+) emotions can lead to better decisions
how do emotions affect creativity?
(+) moods increase flexibility, openness, and creativity
how do emotions affect motivation?
(+) mood affects expectations of success
how do emotions affect leadership?
emotions are important to acceptance of messages from organizational leaders
how do emotions affect negotiation?
emotions, skillfully displayed, can affect negotiations
how do emotions affect customer service?
emotions affect sevice quality delivered to customers which, in turn, affects customer relationships
how do emotions affect job attitudes?
can carry over to home, but dissipate overnight
how do emotions affect deviant workplace behaviors?
(-) emotions lead to employee deviance
do ppl experience emotions equally?
no, cultures can determine type, frequence, and depth of experienced emotions
do ppl in different culture interpret emotions the same way?
yes, (-) emotions are seen as undesiravle and (+) emotions are desirable
do norms of emotional expression vary amoung cultures?
yes, some cultures have a bias against emotional ecpression and others demand some display of emotion