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24 Cards in this Set

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Set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various environments

Organizational culture

Organizational culture characteristics:

- Passed on to new employees through the process of _________

- Influences our _____ at work

- Operates at different ________

socialization, behavior, levels

- Consists of the physical manifestation of an organization's culture

- Acronyms, manner of dress, awards, myths and stories, published lists of values, observable rituals and ceremonies, special parking spaces, and decorations

Observable artifacts


concepts or beliefs that pertain to desirable end states, transcend situations, guide selection of behavior and are ordered by relative importance

Espoused values

represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization

Enacted values

represent the values and norms that actually are exhibited or converted into employee behavior

Enacted values are based on ______ ________.

observable behavior

Basic assumptions of organizational culture

Constitute organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior

Four functions of organizational culture

1. Organizational identity

2. Sense-making device

3. Collective commitment

4. Social system stability

Competing values quadrants

Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy, Market


Thrust: Collaberate

Means: Cohesion, participation, communication, empowerment

Ends: Morale, people development, commitment

Quadrant: Flexibility and discretion, Internal focus and integration


Thrust: Create

Means: Adaptability, creativity, agility

Ends: Innovation, growth, cutting-edge output

Quadrant: Flexibility and discretion, External focus and differentiation


Thrust: Control

Means: Capable processes, consistency, process control, measurement

Ends: Efficiency, timeliness, smooth functioning

Quadrant: Stability and control, Internal focus and integration


Thrust: Compete

Means: Customer focus, productivity, enhancing competetiveness

Ends: Market share, profitibility, goal achievement

Quadrant: Stability and control, External focus and differentiation

Outcomes associated with organizational culture:

1. Clearly related to measures of organizational effectiveness.

2. Employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with _____ cultures.

3. Innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with ______, _______, and ______ cultures into the organization.

4. An organization's financial performance (is/is not) very strongly related to organizational culture.

5. Comanies with _______ cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.

- clan

- clan, adhocracy, market

- is not

- market

(T/F) Organizational members teach each other about the organization's preferred values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors.


Organizational socialization

process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization

Phases of organizational socialization

1. Anticipatory socialization

2. Encounter

3. Change and aquisition

Anticipatory socialization

- Occurs before an individual joins an organization

- Involves the information people learn about different careers, occupations, professions, and organizations


- Employees learn what the organization is really like and reconcile unmet expectations

Onboarding programs

Help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, and culture and by clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities

Change and acquisition

Requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group's values and norms


The process of forming and maintaining developmental relationships between a mentor and a junior person

Developmental relationship strength reflects the quality of relationships among...

the individual and those involved in his developmental network