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46 Cards in this Set

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Organic chemistry

is the study of organic molecules

Organic molecules contain atoms of


organic molecules are also called

biological molecules or macro molecules


are cells containing biological molecules composed of the same subunits in large numbers

a polymer
is the joning of a large group of monomers
A protein can contain
hundreds of amino acid monomers
are almost universally used as an immediate energy source
In plants and fungi they also have structural functions
have only a single sugar molecule
has two important isomers, called fructose and galactose
Ribose and deoxyribose
have 5 carbon atoms they are found in RNA and DNA
contains two monosaccharides bonded together
this is the form in which sugars are normally transported
are polymers of monosaccharides
short term energy storage
a disaccharide found in sugar beets and sugar cane----it is common table sugar and is processed in the body as either glucose or frutose which later is changes to glucose it is stored in fat
plants store glucose as starch
Animal store glucose

as glycogen which is more highly branched. Branching makes it more subjected to hydrololyic enzymes therefore easier to break down

is the most abundant of all carbohydrates---long glucose chains are held parallel in cellulose and form fiber
quite varied had one thing in common they are all insoluable--they are Fats and oils and have varied functions
Fatty acid
has a long chain of carbon atoms bonded only to hydrogen with a carboxyl group at one end when it meets a glyerol it interacts with the -OH to make the acid
Triglycerides are
made from the interacts of gycerol and fatty acids---fats and oils are degrades during hydrolysis and water is added to the moleculec the -OH groups of the glycerol dehydration synthesis reaction creating 3 molecules of water
a phosphate functional group are like triglyceride except that in place of one group there is a charged phosphate group
unique carbon skeloton made of four fused rings do not contain a fatty acid
is a component of an animals cell's plasma membrane and is a precursor of other steroids

Transport --- transport molecules in blood---Hemoglobin
Defense --some proteins are called antibodies

Regulation---Hormones are regulatory proteins
Motion ---Contractile proteins actin and myosin allow parts of cells to move and cause muscles to contract
Amino acids
Proteins are polymers and their monomers are called amino acids---have a unique carbon skeleton a central carbon atom is bonds to a hydrogen atom and 2 functional groups
Nucleic Acids
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid}
RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Necleic acids are
polymers in which the monomer is called a nucleotide found in DNA or RNA
Nucleotides are made up of
a phosphate -PO4
a 5-carbon sugar--deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA
and a Nitrogenbase
Glucose, sucrose or Disaccharide (glucose and Fructose) Starch,
Glycogen, Maltose, Cellulose
Fat and oils--Composed of glycerol and fatty acids called triglycerides.
Phospholipids same structure as a triglycerides except a phosphate group takes place of one fatty acid
Steroids are lipids
Glucose, sucrose or Disaccharide (glucose and Fructose) Starch,
Glycogen, Maltose, Cellulose
Fat and oils--Composed of glycerol and fatty acids called triglycerides.
Phospholipids same structure as a triglycerides except a phosphate group takes place of one fatty acid
Steroids are lipids
Proteins are polymers of amino acids. a peptide is composed of two amino acids a peptide bond is a covalent bond
Carbohydrates functions
immediate energy and stored energy; structural molecules
Lipids functions
Long-term energy storage; membrane components
suport metobolic, transport, regulation, motion

Nucleic Acids

Storage of genetic information

Activation Energy

the initial investment of energy for starting a reaction

the energy required to break the bonds of the reactants


chemical agents that speed the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed or changed

How are catalysts thought to work?

By lowering the activation energy needed for a reaction to occur.

Catalysts in organisms are made up of what?

Enzymes (proteins)

What are substrates?

Reactants in enzyme catalyzed reactions

Enzymes work primarily based on their _____?

3D shape, which is distinctive for each type of enzyme.

What is the active site of an enzyme?

Portion of an enzyme that interacts with a substrate

Active site and substrate fit model

Lock and Key

Environmental factors that affect enzyme reaction rate

Temperature and pH