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8 Cards in this Set

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Less stable carbocations rearrange to more stable carbocations by the shift of what?
hydrogen atom or an alkyl group.
ROH, ROR and Epoxides contain an O atom that is
_(1)_ hybridized and __(2)__.
ROH, ROR and Epoxides have what type of polar bonds?
polar C-O bonds.
Only ___ have an O-H bond for intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
What two compounds do not contain a good leaving group?
Alcohols and Ethers
When can a nucleophilic substitution only occur?
Only after the OH (or OR) group is conerted to a better leaving group.
(1) Epoxides have a leaving group located where?
(2)Which makes them reactive to what?
(1)located in a strained three-membered ring
(2)making epoxides reactive to strong nucleophiles and acids HZ that contain a nucleophilic atom Z
Besides rearranging, a carbocation can also react with what?
a nucleophile and a base