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21 Cards in this Set

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IR Amine Group Characterization

3100-3500 cm-1

sharp peak

IR Carbonyl Group Characterization

1700 cm-1

Sharp peak

IR Hydroxyl Group Characterization

3300 cm^-1

Broad peak


In the presence of water, a hemiacetal cyclic sugar will rotate between alpha and beta anomer states

Reducing sugar

Any sugar with a hemiacetal ring; can be reduced in its open form

Tollen's Reagent

Tests for reducing sugars

Ag+ reduced

Benedict's Reagent

Tests for reducing sugars

An aldehyde will become oxidized, and Cu2O precipitate is created


Alternating single and double bonds. This puts the p orbitals in plane which delocalizes electrons. A quite stable formation

Torsional Strain

When rotating a molecule around a bond, the torsionalstrain is the repulsion caused by the electrons in between different groupswhen they pass by each other. This occurs if a molecule is forced into an eclipsed or gauche formation

Steric Strain

In organic chemistry, the increase in potential energy by the repulsion of electrons from atoms that aren't directly bonded to one another

Angle Strain

A molecule forced into non-ideal angles with the particular hybrid orbitals

Strecker Synthesis






Imine formation

CN- attack on imine carbon

Continuous attack by water

Alkyl Group NMR Reading

0-3 ppm


Same bonding, different spatial arrangement, not mirror images


A diastereomer that differs at only 1 chiral center


An epimer (diastereomer) where the chiral center is the anomeric carbon

Anomeric carbon, alpha and beta anomer

The carbon atom that, after cyclization, is the stereocenter of the molecule

Alpha anomer = axial, trans

Beta anomer = equatorial, cis

N+1 Rule

In NMR, a proton next to "n" adjacent carbons will split into "N+1" peaks

Aromatic Group NMR Reading

6-8.5 ppm

Aldehyde Group NMR Reading

9-10 ppm

Carboxylic acid group NMR Reading

10.5-12 ppm