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110 Cards in this Set

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Delocalized Electrons
Neither belong to a single atom or are confined to a bond
Systems with Delocalized Electrons
Pi Systems, Conjugated Systems, Double bonds with Adjacent p-orbitals, Double bonds with adjacent lone pairs of electrons
The more resonance structures a molecule has:
the more stable to molecule
Electrons always move toward:
an Sp2 carbon
Mass Number
protons + neutrons
principle shell (1, 2, 3...)
orbital (s, p, d, f)
spin (-1/2, +1/2)
Aufbau Principle
lowest energy levels are always filled first
Pauli Exclusion Principle
No two electrons can have the same two quantum numbers
Hund's Rule
an electron will occupy an empty suborbital before it pairs with another electron
Energy trends of Increasing Orbitals
Energy increases with increasing shell and orbital
Group # on the P-Table
means the number of valence electrons
Ionic Bond
transfer of electrons (NaCl)
Covalent Bond
Sharing of Electrons (CH4)
Polar Covalent Bond
sharing of electrons with different electronegativity
Electronegativity across the PTable
Increases to the right and higher up on the table
Electonegativity of 1.6 or less
border line ionic, otherwise covalent
Electronegativity of 3.0
Electronegativity of 0
Polar covalent Electronegativity
Identical Electronegativies
Like Dissolves:
Bond Dipole
U= e x d (charge x distance)
Can non-polar solvents dissolve in water?
no because water is polar
"like dissolves like"
The top row of the PTable Never:
violates the octet rule
Formal Charge
group # -(non-bonding electrons+ 1/2 bonding electrons)
Energy Level of antibonding level
antibonding level is always higher in energy than bonding level
Sigma Bond
electron density lies along the internuclear axis
overlap of 2(s) orbitals
Pi Bond
Electron density lies above and below the internuclear axis
overlap of 2 (p) orbitals
Single bonds have:
1 sigma bond
Double bonds have
1 sigma and 1 pi bond
Triple bonds have
1 sigma and 2 pi bonds
Methyl cation hybridization
Methy anion hybridization
Which has a stronger overlap? Sp2 or Sp3?
Shorter bonds are ______ bonds
greater electron density in the overlap region creates a _______ bond.
more s character in a bond, the __________ the bond
Bond Angle of Sp3
Bond Angle of Sp2
Bond Angle of Sp
proton donor
proton acceptor
Separated Charges in resonance create:
a decrease in stability
when charges are separated, the more stable molecule is:
the molecule with the negative charge on the most electronegative atom
Stability of Resonance Structures Decrease with:
incomplete octet, negative charge on greater electronegative atom, and separate charges
Which is stronger? Sp2-Sp3 overlap or Sp2-Sp3 overlap?
Ch2== C == Ch2
Allylic Cation
has a positive charge on an allyic carbon

Benzyic Cation
has a positive charge on a benzylic carbon
Carbocation Stability
tertiary cc > benzylic cation = allylic cation > secondary cc > primary cc > methyl cation > vinyl cation
Allylic Carbocation Stability
3 > 2 > 1
Benzylic Carbocation Stability
3 > 2 > 1
Double bonds to an oxygen _______ the pka
Larger number of resonance structures ______ the pka
delocalized electrons ______ pka
functional groups attached to an sp2 carbon are:
more acidic than groups attached to sp3 carbons
Pka protonated alcohol
pka protonated carboxylic acid
pka H3O+
pka of (RCOOH)
pka of (benzene-NH3+)
pka of RNH3+
pka of (benzene-OH)
pka of an alcohol
pka of H2O
Conjugated Dienes can undergo:
1, 2 additon and 1, 4 addition reactions
Kinetic Product
first and most rapid product formed
Thermodynamic Product
Most Stable product formed
At low temperatures, there is _____________ energy to reverse the product.
not enough energy
Thermodynamic products have:
common intermediates
1,2 addition is a ________ transition state
more stable
Proximity effect o 1, 2 addition
product forms 1, 2 addition because the carbons are closer together than 1, 4 addition
low temperature yield __________ product
high temperatures yield ______________ product
which is irreversible; kinetic or thermodynamic products?
thermodynamic products
A Diels-Alder Reaction is a ___________ reaction
1, 4 addition reaction
Diels- alder reaction produces what:
2 new carbon-carbon bonds (1 is a double bond)
What can increase the rate of a Diels-Alder reaction?
electron withdrawing groups (C=O, C = N)
When forming diels-alder prodcuts, _________ substituents are the best product.
adjacent substituent groups
Are Diels-Alder Reactions Syn or Anti?
syn addition
Diels-Alder reactions can only undergo:
Elimination reactions form:
double bonds
Sn2 Kinetics and stereochemistry
kinetics: second order
Stereochem: inversion
Sn2 Stericity and LG ability
Steric hinderance
Weak bases are good leaving groups
Sn2 Nucleophile
Strong bases and highly polarizable groups are good nucleophiles
Which does Sn2 form; intermediate or a transition state?
transition states
Sn2 uses ________ attack
backside attack
Weak Bases: Better LG
I-> Br-> Cl-> F-
Strong Bases are good Nucleophiles for Sn2 in Protic Solvents
OH-, CH3O-, NH2-, CH3CH2NH-
Polar Aprotic Solvent
NO (H-O) or (H-N) bonds
Examples of polar aprotic solvents
Weak Bases do not:
share electrons well, therefore they are not bonded strongly to a carbon
Strong Bases in Aprotic Solvents
CH3CH2NH-, NH2-, CH3O-, OH-
Ionic compounds ____________ in polar aprotic solvents
can dissolve
Protic Solvents
solvent with (H-O) and (H-N) bonding
Nucleophile Stengths for Sn2 Reactions
HS-> CN-> I-> CH3O-> OH-> Cl->NH3-> RCOO-> H2O
Steric Hinderance in Sn2 reaction:
decrease the rate of reactions
CH3> 1 > 2 > 3
very strong bulky base, but very poor nucleophile because of steric hinderance
If the difference between the basicities of the nucleophile and the leaving group is large:
the reaction can be reversable
Sn1 Kinetics and Stereochem
Kinetics: first order
Stereochem: partial racemization
Sn1 LG ability and Nucleophiles
LG: weak bases
Nucleophile: not a factor in Sn1
Methyl Cations and Primary CC:
cannot undergo Sn1 Reactions
solvent acts as the nucleophile
Does an Sn1 reaction have a CC intermediate or a transition state?
CC intermediate
Sn1 Nucleophiles
rate of reaction increases with:
3 > 2 > 1 > CH3
Sn1 forms ___ product (s)
2 one with relative configuration and one with inversion
Complete Racemization
equal amounts of both enantiomers
Partial Racemization
unequal amounts of both enantiomers
usually more of the inversion