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33 Cards in this Set

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What does organelles mean?
small organs
What is the plasma membrane?
Mechanical barrier of the cell that is selectively permeable
The plasma membrane mediates ____ to _____ interactions which is a ____ actual barrier
cell to cell, physical
The cell membranes main functions are?
Secretion by exocytosis
The plasma membrane is made of a ____ represented by what model?
lipid bilayer, fluid mosaic model
What is the purpose for the cytoplasmic matrix?
Houses all of the organelles
The ground substance of the cytoplasmic matrix is what and what is it made of?
The cytoplasm (jelly like) with 2/3 water and 1/3 protein
What is the difference between microfilaments and microtubules
Microfilaments are smaller and act like a skeletal system, microtubules are larger and act like a highway
What are microtubules used for and how do they work?
They are used for transportation and have a 9/2 pairing
What is the 9/2 pairing of microtubules?
9 bundles of two forming a circle and are used for cell division
What is the function for the endoplasmic reticulum (both types)?
Used for protein synthesis
What are the two types of ER?
Rough because of the ribosomes and smooth
What does the rough ER do?
The ribosomes in the ER make proteins and then the rough is does protein folding
The smooth ER synthesizes what?
Lipids and sterols that the phosolipid bilayer in the cell membrane need
Where is the Rough ER
around the nucleus' membrane
For the cells to be transported what must they go through?
The trans golgi network, one side to the other
What is the Transgolgi Networks main function?
Packages and processes, it is the UPS of a cell
Lysomes are the ____ of the cell and with what metabolism?
Digestion with catabolism, breaks things down and gets rid of them
Where is all energy made?
In the Mitochondria
What is the Mitochondria?
The power house of cells, it provides energy
How many membranes does the mitochondria have and which one is most important?
Two, the inner membrane that has the cristae which is where Aerobic Cellular Respiration occurs
Where is the genetic material found?
In the Nucleus
What makes up the nucleus?
The chromatin which packages the DNA into a cell and makes it strong and prevent damage during mitosis/meoisis
What do Eukaryotic cells have for DNA?
Only in Eukaryotic cells is there a nucleus that has chromatin that have its own envelope and pores to regulate what comes in and out
How does cell division occur?
The chromatin beings to the centriole of the cell and attaches to microtubules and then divides cells
What allows movement of cells and what are they made of?
Cilia and Flagella, made of microfilaments if they are small and microtubules if they are large
What does cilia do?
compacts areas into smaller spaces so increase a surface area, helps with absorbtion in the intestines and pushes things out of the lungs
Sperm movement only has ____
Transportation using cell energy to movement in and out is _____?
Active transport
Passive transport includes what?
Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated diffusion and filtration
What is the energy molecule in the body?
ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate
Chromatin is found in the nucleus and contains what?
The organelle acting as a power plant and providing 95% of our energy is ____?
The mitochondria