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119 Cards in this Set

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Tidal Volume
500mL of air in and out during quiet respiration/rest
Vital Capacity =
total amt of air that we can bring into the lungs in forced breathing all the way up to TLC
Residual Volume
amt of air that always remains in the dead space of the lungs so that they don’t collapse
Total Lung Capacity
absolute TOTAL MAXIMUM amount of lung volume
Functional Reserve Capacity
vol of gas in lungs after end of normal expiration

changes in sickness and disease
atmospheric air composition
21% O2 and 0.03% CO2
what drives the diffusion of gases from alveoli into bloodstream
Partial pressure differences
partial pressure of O2 in dry air at sea level
Partial Pressure = its fractional concentration (x) total barometric pressure

(0.21) x 760mmHg = 160mmHg
partial pressure of O2 in Denver at a higher altitude
Partial Pressure = its fractional concentration (x) total barometric pressure

(0.21) x 625mmHg = 131mmHg
partial pressure of O2 in moist air (like inside alveoli)
Must factor water vapor

Partial Pressure = its fractional concentration (x) total barometric pressure

(0.21) x (760 – 47 mmHg) = 149mmHg
What is diffusion constant is influence by

Surface area

alveoli PA O 2
alveoli PA CO 2
pulmonary capillaries Pa O 2
pulmonary capillaries Pa CO 2
systemic capillaries Pa O 2
systemic capillaries Pa CO2
tissues Pt O2
tissues Pt CO2
Partial pressures in ideal lung
partial pressures of O 2 and CO 2 in arterial blood and alveoli would equilibrate to equal values

100% effective gas exchange

but this does not happen in real life outside of theory because of the right-to-left shunt
volume of air moving in / out of the lungs per unit time

Ventilation = tidal volume (x) breaths per minute

Must account for dead space in alveolar ventilation, so subtract dead space from tidal volume

ventilation = (500mL – 150mL) (x) 12 breaths per minute = 4.2L of air per minute being inspired / expired
Which circulation has lower vascular pressure
Pulmonary circulation is lower. It has vascular pressure of 25/8

Systemic circulation has vascular pressure of 120/80
Right-to-Left Shunt
Venous blood from bronchiole circulation gets shunted into pulmonary vein

It mixes with oxygenated blood and returns to left atrium

This is the reason why the theoretical lung never holds true, and Pa O2 is LESS than PA O2
Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
arterioles will automatically vasoconstrict in areas that have a low partial pressure of O 2

divert O 2 away from any areas that have poor ventilation
Zone-1 of lung
there is no blood flow because Pa > PA
Capillary hydrostatic forces
push fluid OUT of the capillary
Zonal Model for Blood Flow
There is different levels of functional ventilation based on gravity

Since Lung extends 15 cm above heart, heart must pump against will of gravity

There is more blood flow at the bottom of the lungs
Interstitial hydrostatic forces
push fluid INTO the capillary
Capillary osmotic forces
hold fluid INSIDE the capillary
Interstitial osmotic forces
pulls fluid OUTSIDE the capillary
How does fluid move
From HIGH hydrostatic to LOW

From LOW osmotic to HIGH
What does movement of air depend on?
Bulk flow

depends on the difference b/t alveolar pressure & barometric pressure
Alveolar < Barometric = Inspiration
Alveolar > Barometric = Expiration
Alveolar = Barometric then no air flow
measure of how easily the lung can expand

Compliance = ∆ volume ÷ ∆ pressure

More compliant requires less work, expands more and fills up to larger volume

Less compliant requires more work, expands less, fills up to smaller volume
opposite of compliance

measure of how stiff the lung is

ability to resist being stretch

More elastic tissue
harder to stretch (less compliant)
but easier to recoil back
More elastic tissue
harder to stretch (less compliant) -- but easier to recoil back
Less elastic tissue
easier to stretch (more compliant) -- but difficult to recoil back
Trypsin enzyme
digests the elastin protein

Increases compliance
Decreases elastance
Destroys α1-Antitrypsin Inhibitor which prevents digestion of elastin protein

Therefore lung decreases in elastance and increase in compliance

Easier to stretch lungs but difficult to recoil back
less elastic tissue = decreased elastance
increased compliance
= more functional reserve capacity
more connective tissue = increased elastance
decreased compliance
= less functional reserve capacity
Surface Tension
holds the liquid against the internal walls of the alveolus

tends to compress the alveolus inward so that they shrink

Smaller alveolus has greater surface tension
Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)

reduce the amount of surface tension

produced by Type-II alveolar cells
Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Pre-term babies lack production of DPPC surfactant

increased surface tension  alveoli collapse

lungs are stiff, less compliant therefore more work required to inspire
increased secretions will increase airway resistance because radii of bronchi decreased

Decreases compliance
Hemoglobin's affinity to CO
240x greater than oxygen

Reduces capacity for O2 binding (left shift)
Why is Hemoglobin % saturation curve sigmoid
because Hb’s affinity for oxygen increases once one oxygen molecule binds

the more it binds, the more it likes to bind some more
Concentration of normal hemoglobin
Saturation curve and anemia
O 2 carrying capacity will of course be lower

but the shape of the Hb-O 2 saturation curve would still look the same because it is independent of RBC/hemotocrit concentration
the point of PO 2 where Hb saturation is at 50%
Taller saturation curve
Increased oxygen carrying capacity
Shorter saturation curve
decreased O2 carrying capacity (like in anemia)
Right shifted curve
Hb has a decreased affinity for O2 (like in exercise or ↑↑↑ 2,3-DPG)
Left shifted curve
Hb has an increased affinity for O2 (like in fetal Hb)
What environmental factors can leads to Hb having a decreased affinity for O 2
Increased temperature

Increases CO2

Decreased pH

(All seen during exercise)

Makes it easier to unload oxygen to working tissues
Maintenance of pH
pH=6.1+log ([HCO3-] / 0.03 PCO2)

Maintain 20:1 HCO3- : CO2 ratio
Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis
Any alteration in lung ventilation changing PCO2

Decreased PCO2 due to hyperventilation causes increase in plasma pH = alkalosis

Increase in PCO2 due to hypoventilation decreases plasma pH = acidosis
Increases PO2
Decreases PCO2
Increases plasma pH

Leads to alkalosis
Decreases PO2
Increases PCO2
Decreases plasma pH

Leads to acidosis
Metabolic acidosis/alkalosis
Any alteration in kidneys ability to remove bicarbonate

Decreased bicarbonate due to less resorption causes decrease plasma pH = acidosis

Increases bicarbonate due to more resorption causes increased plasma pH = alkalosis
why is there a PO2 drop between alveolar & arterial?
right-to-left shunt

difficulties in the diffusion process due to gas solubility, surface area and thickness of membrane

mismatch of ventilation (air flow) to perfusion (blood flow)
why is there a PO 2 drop between alveolar & venous?
due to the mitochondria’s use of O2
What area of the brain is responsible for the ability to breathe
What area of the brain is responsible for the fine-tuning of breathing patterns?
What is responsible for the Hering Breuer Reflex
Vagus Nerve
What occurs if the brainstem is cut below the medulla
Breathing stops
What occurs if if brainstem is cut ABOVE medulla
Breathing is still ok
What occurs if brainstem is cut BELOW pons
you can still breathe, but breathing patterns are erratic
What occurs if brainstem is cut ABOVE pons
you can still breathe, and breathing patterns are still OK
Hering-Breuer Reflex
controls termination of inhalation, based on stretch mechanoreceptors in the lung

Controlled by Vagus
If occurs if vagus nerve is cut
your inspiratory tidal volume will be abnormally increased
Central Pattern Generator
located in the medulla

sets your basic breathing rhythm via the Phrenic innervation to the diaphragm

Two divisions
Ventral Respiratory Group
Dorsal Respiratory Group
Responsible for inspiration
Responsible for expiration
Central Chemoreceptors
located in the ventral medulla

responds very slowly to changes in PaCO2 in the brain

Cannot respond to Oxygen or pH changes
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
responds very quickly to everything: changes in PaCO 2 , PaO 2 , pH in the arterial blood

Consists of carotid bodies and aortic bodies
carotid bodies
Peripheral Chemoreceptors

sends afferent nerves to the CNS via the Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)
aortic bodies
Peripheral Chemoreceptors

sends afferent nerves to the CNS via the Vagus Nerve (X)
Increased carbon dioxide levels

Ventilation increases to bring carbon dioxide levels back to normal
Decreased carbon dioxide levels

Ventilation decreases to bring carbon dioxide levels back to normal
What occurs if you go below Apneic CO 2 threshold
Breathing reflex stops
Which lung side has 3 major lobes
Right side

(Left has 2 lobes)
Where is the entry point for conducting portion
Hilus/root of lung
Where is the transit point for pulmonary arteries
Hilus/root of lung
What consists in the Tetrad
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary vein
Phrenic nerve

perforation caused by gun shot wound, trauma, etc.

allows air to enter the pleural cavity and expands the cavity

prevent lung from properly expanding
edema caused by pneumonia

expansion of pleural cavity

Pressure pushes lungs and can't expand
torn BV causing cavity to fill with blood

expansion of pleural cavity

Pressure pushes lungs and can't expand
Conduction Portion
Functions – preparation of air (filtration, humidification, and warming), olfaction and

no gas exchange of any kind
Nasal passages
Thin, keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium
transition area of wet membrane

transition from stratified squamous to stratified columnar to cubiodal to pseudostratified columnar w/goblet cells
Nasal cavity
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet

Serous and mucous glands

Vascular lamina propria

Contains olfactory organ which contains olfactory mucosa (lacks goblet and cilia)
Olfactory Organ
on posterior ½ of upper nasal cavity


Epithelium is modified to olfactory mucosa (lacks goblet and cilia)

Taller and thicker than the rest of the respiratory tree

Consists of three layers where olfactory receptor is in middle and stem cells are in lower layer
Paranasal sinuses
Maxillary, sphenoid, frontal and ethmoid

ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet

Muscle supporting wall (not bone)

Has mixed glands (sero-mucous glands)
What is the only place in the body that has a mixed gland
Part of oral cavity

Lined with non-kertatinized stratified squamous epithelium

minimal glands

contains epiglottis
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet on one side

Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium on other
False vocal cords covered by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet

True vocal cords covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Lamina propria contains skeletal muscles to control pitch of voice

Glands throughout
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet

Supporting wall is hyaline cartilage

Splits into 2 primary bronchi
Primary Bronchi
One for each lung

ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ goblet

Splits into secondary bronchi
Secondary bronchi
One for each lobe

Partially extrapulmonary and partially intrapulmonary

Thinner C-shaped hyaline cartilage
Tertiary bronchi
One for each segment

All intrapulmonary

ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ less goblet

Supporting wall is islands of hyaline cartilage with smooth muscle in between
Primary Bronchioles
ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ less goblet

All cartilage is gone

Smooth muscle is supporting wall
Secondary Bronchiole
Pre-terminal Bronchiole

One for each lobule

**Simple columnar epithelium

**Clara cells
Tertiary Bronchiole
Terminal Bronchiole

One for each acinus

**Simple cuboidal epithelium w/ cilia

**Clara cells
Lambert’s sinus
interconnections between acini in case one gets blocked (alveoli are also interconnected to other alveoli)
Upper main layer of surfactant
phospholipids made in respiratory system
Lower watery layer of surfactant
made by clara cells
Where is a frequent site of tumors
Ventricle of Larynx

It traps carcinogens
Clara cells
Found in secondary, tertiary, and respiratory bronchioles

Makes hypolayer of surfactant
Respiratory Portion
All contain alveoli which allows gas exchange
Respiratory bronchiole
1 st place of Gas exchange

Last place of Clara cells

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
What is the 1 st place of Gas exchange
Respiratory Bronchiole
Alveolar duct
Long Hallway with Alveoli in walls
Alveolar Sac
Surrounded by Alveoli (Atrium of the hall)
separated by Septal Walls that contains Modified areolar CT with a lot of capillaries running in

Mesothelium (Simple squamous epithelium) for diffusion

Lines by suufactant
Type I Pneumocyte
Septal Cell

Squamous epithelial cell

Covers 90% Surface Area of Lung

Involved in gas exhange
Type II Pneumocyte
Great Alveolar Cell

Near entrance to Alveolus

Secretory cell (lamellar bodies) that contains granules with Phosphatidyl choline

Makes main layer of Surfactants (lipid – derivative - DPPC)
Type III Pneumocyte
Alveolar macrophage or Dust cell (when it has ingested foreign materials)

Does not touch Basement Membrane

Cleans Alveolus