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84 Cards in this Set

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Organizational Processes
What happens on a daily basis
What happens as people as peoplel come into the org, and as they leave.
HOw the org goes about training and prepairing the new employee. The goal is to make them feel really effective.
Phases of Socialization
Anticipatory Socialization - happens even before they become a part of a job. Things they learned when they were young or what they learn when they get a lead for a job.
Encounter-happen when you start. Learning when you start; orientation or training. This is how we do this.
Metamorphosis-when we feel inside of us that we feel part of the org. No longer the new guy. You are being asked to help.
Typical Communication Content During Socialization
Role-related content - here is how you handle this type of situatioon (job related content).
Organizational culture content - being able to communicate org content.
Employment Interviews
One of the first ways we have of assimilating.

For the org. to recruit and screen
For the applicant to find out about the org.(have some good questions for org)
First point on contact between both.

Hint: The orgs. use of a Realistic Job Preview is very important.-this is an unbiased description. This makes the org "get real".
Ways that new members find information
Overt questions-obvious questions (direct questions)
Third parties-a secondary source. Go to co-worker "what is boss like if I go over budget"?
Testing limits-trial and error way of going about it.
Observing-simply watch what is going on.
Role-Development Processes
Leader-Member Exchange Model
George Graen-we all play roles in process of assimilation.
We all play “roles” in the process of assimilation.
Focuses on leaders-members because our most common interaction is with our boss.
LMX Model Roles
Boss gives tasks to employees to find out what they can/can’t handle.
Employee takes more responsibility, more rewards are exchanged.
Both parties understand what needs to happen in the employee’s role
Organizational Exit
True exiting is a process
Influence on the employee who leaves as well as those employees left behind.
Communication changes occur
Sensemaking (those that are left behind)
Comm. patterns may change
Comm. content may change
Comm. may help in providing social support
How assimilation would be viewed in…
Classical Org – Use assimilation to make sure everyone is training properly to get maximum efficiency.
Human Relations Org – Use assimilation to make sure everyone is satisfied.
Human Resources Org – Use assimilation to maximize employee potential and org. resources.
How assimilation would be viewed in…
Systems Org. – Use assimilation to bridge between being outside the system and coming into the system.
Cultural Org. – Use assimilation to help employees understand the culture.
Critical Theorists – Orgs use assimilation to get employees to accept their “place.”
Organizational Diversity Processes
Organizations are no longer homogenious. Same thing outside of the org, your suppliers and customers are diverse.
What does diversity in the workplace mean to you?
Women 77¢ on the dollar (2004)
Four African-American CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (2006)
Hispanics in corporate officer positions 0.3% (2005)
Multicultural Organizations
Today’s organizations can be:
Single-nation based with multicultural employees.- just business with US.
Multi-nation based with multicultural employees.
Single- or multi-nation based with worldwide connections (suppliers, customers, etc.)
Geert Hofstede’s Values Dimensions
Individualism / Collectivism -

High Power Distance / Low Power Distance

Masculine (Task) / Feminine (Social)
Individualism / Collectivism
Individualistic- i want to look out for myself attitude.
USA we are number 1
Great Britain
New Zealand

Collectivistic - how can it benefit everyone, not just me.
Hong Kong

There are totally differnt perspectives.
High / Low Power Distance
High Power Distance - understand that there will be a differnce between the people. They are ok with the difference.
Hong Kong

Low Power Distance - they dont like that gap between people. They dont like the differences.
New Zealand
(15). USA = we are kind of high and kind of low. The unions help to lower the power distance between the manager and the worker.
Masculine / Feminine
Masculine (Task) - some cultures are more task orienteted. We want to get things done and accomplished.
Great Britain
(13). USA

Feminine (Social) - some orgs are more woried about the people.
Diversity and Affirmative Action
First Generation A.A. – met legal requirements. Meet the bare bones requirements.
Second Generation A.A. – created goals beyond legal requirements
Multicultural Orgs – create an atmosphere of inclusion. Create a sence of inclusion. Help each other out. Many orgs are not there yet, many are still in 2nd stage. White females have benefitted the most by AA.
Outcomes of Changing Orgs
Assimilation – minority members adopt the behaviors of the dominant members
Cultural Separatism – people stay to themselves
Cultural Pluralism – groups adopt behaviors and outlooks of each other
Advantages of Diverse Orgs.
Resource availability- when an org is known for being diverse it can be really good for the org.

Marketing ability-the more diverse you are the more chances you have to meet more customers.

Creativity - great opportunity to get new exciting ideas out on the table. New creative ways...anyting you can bring ideas collectively you get great creative opportunities.

Check out Table 12-2 – page 227
Challenges for Women and Minorities
Glass Ceiling-keeps people in place.
Tokenism - having someone who is representing a particular cultural background.
Availability of Mentors -
Access to Informal Networks-
Dual Roles for Women - family and homelife and career
Stereotyping - over generalazatons, we dont know
Prejudice - a thought about someone, usually negative. Thoughts
Discrimination - we actively comeout and say or do somethings. Action
Sexual Harassment
Two Types
Quid Pro Quo-if you do this for me i'll do this for you.
Hostile Work Environment-when someone feels uncomfortable. Someone tells a joke, calls someone a name, put up pictures.
Not just a female thing.

Not just a “female” thing
If it happens to you
Do nothing – dismiss it
Check with other peers
Tell the person to stop
Keep a log of the incidents
Write a letter to the harasser
Ask a peer to intervene
Complain through channels
File a legal complaint
If you are an official in the org…
Don’t dismiss the issue!
Listen to what the employee has to say in total.
Take notes.
Promise to investigate and get back to them (don’t promise results).
Follow your organization’s protocol.
Managing Diversity in the Org.
Attitude- lets be a diverse org.

Top management must be committed
Employees need training
Research / analyze problems that occur
Work on organizational culture- can diversity be incorporated into the org?
Conflict Management Processes
What happens when people butt heads. What happens when there is conflict in the org.
Conflict Defined
The interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition of goals, aims and values, and who see the other party as potentially interfering with the realization of these goals.
Conflict Defined
Important elements:

Interdependence-they need each other.
Incompatible goals-perceived incompatible goals. Im going at this differently then the other party. We're in opposite directions. Just needs to be perceived, many times can be incorrect.
Interaction-Regularly need to be around each other. Interaction

(Management –vs- Resolution)
Mgt - just dealing with them.
Conflict Types
Intergroup Conflict
Conflict between groups within the org.
Interorganizational Conflict
Conflict between organizations.
Pondy’s 5 phases of conflict
Latent Phase-conditions are right for a conflict. You just know there is going to be a probelm.
Perceived Phase- at least one of the parties perceives there is incompatability issues.
Felt Phase- they are begining to be affected by it.
Manifest Phase - communication about the conflict, something is done
Aftermath Phase- what is left.
Typical Conflict Styles
Avoidance-not dealing with the conflict.
Accommodation-ok go a head and have it your way.
Competition- i want to make sure im taking care of, i get my part.
Compromise- we both have to give in.
Collaboration-lets work on something together so we feel that we are winners. Both walk a way feeling ok.
Criticisms of “Styles” Approach
The individual communicator is responsible for framing and developing the conflict.
The organization is in the “distant background” rather than being a major player in the conflict.
Bargaining and Negotiation
Distributive Bargaining (Win/Lose)
(Trying to get the maximum for yourself)
Integrative Bargaining (Win/Win)
(Trying to get the maximum for both parties)
Tips for Distributive Bargaining (Win/Lose)
Discover your power base
Make your power base visible
Take extreme positions and stand your ground
Use one-on-one trades on positions
Manage deadlines
Tips for Integrative Bargaining (Win/Win)
Separate people from the problem
Focus on areas of common ground
Focus on needs and interests – not positions
Find options for mutual gain
Identify objective criteria for solutions
Exchange information and ideas
Third Party Conflict Management
Mediation-3rd party. Is there to faciliitate, encourage commo, keep everyone talking.
Arbitration-same as mediator, plus has power to make a decision.
Outcomes of Conflict in Organizations
Sometimes positive – gets people to think and work through a problem.
New ideas can come about.
Negative side – stress / burnout.
Crisis Communication
Typical response from organizations during times of crisis:
Evasion of responsibility
Reducing offensiveness of event
Corrective action
How do theorists view conflict?
Conflict = breakdown in communication (the machine is broken)
Human Relations
Conflict = bad relationships
Human Resources
Conflict = way for the org and members to grow
Conflict = part of the system
Conflict = tests the values of the culture
Conflict = there may be a deeper root to the conflict
Decision-Making Processes
All orgs make them, often times they are done innefectively
Decision-Making Processes
Most decisions made in organizations are done on a haphazard basis.

Many would like to use classical, logical systems.

The fact is that most decisions are done based on experience, intuition, or flawed systems.
Decision-Making Processes
Many decisions within organizations are made by small groups rather than the larger organization.
Group Decision-Making Systems
Fisher’s Four Phases Model
1) Orientation
2) Conflict - debate/discussionwxfc1
3) Emergence - find a solution
4) Reinforcement- agree that they will support a solution
Group Decision-Making Systems
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model
1) Define the problem - decide what the problem is before you continue. Write a problem statement
2) Analyze the problem-how did it become a problem (become experts)
3) Establish criteria for a solution - characteristics of a solution
4) Brainstorm possible solutions -
5) Select best solution

(Hirokawa and Goran – Functional Theory of Group Decision Making uses the same technique.)
Group Decision-Making Systems
Nominal Group Technique
Each member writes down his/her ideas. (everyone gets involved)
Discussion Leader collects ideas.
All ideas are posted without authorship.
Members discuss the ideas without criticism.
Each member ranks the ideas.
Ideas with the highest ranking are discussed critically.
Group Decision-Making Systems
Not all decisions are handled through formal channels. There is evidence that many decisions are handled in “backstage” communication as well.
Happen on the golfcourse or coffe room.
Who participates in decisions?
Participative Decision Making (PDM) Research

More participation in decisions =

-more job satisfaction
-better understanding of the org
-better effectiveness of the decision

Important to remember the need for collaboration in today’s organizations.
Multiple stakeholders must also be considered.
Affective Model of PDM
Cognitive Model of PDM
Considerations for decision-making
Avoid Groupthink (see table 8.2)
Make sure you have a proper assessment of the situation at hand.
Make sure you have all the information.
Establish effective goals.
Employ the use of a Devil’s Advocate.
Change and Leadership Processes
Change occurs in the workplace, it is going to happen.
The change can be affected by the leaderhip.
Change and Leadership Processes
Change in organizations is inevitable. - the org needs to adapt to change inside and outside the org.

Change can’t always be preplanned.- sometimes need to react.

Even with planning, there are problems that are created because of change.
Typical Problems with Change
Lack of management support -
Top managers forcing change
Unrealistic expectations
Poor communication
Purpose of the change not clear
Responsibility for change not clearly identified
Change Issues
Ownership tension-dont have the buy-in
Resistance to change:
Overt resistance-by frontline employees, work stoppage,
Symbolic resistance
Uncertainty creation
Communicating during change
Who do you communicate with?
What information do you share?
In what way do you share the information (channel)? memo, coffee break, email,
Leadershp needs to consider how and what they are going to share.
Typical Communication Strategies During Change
Spray and Pray-give them everypiece of info and let them figure it out.
Tell and Sell
Underscore and Explore-i;ll give you the highlights, you go and explore what you want to find out.
Identify and Reply-point out some stuff and reply to what you want.
Withhold and Uphold- keep things from people
Leadership in Organizations
Don’t be afraid of it!-orgs want people who know how to get the best out of people.
Learn about it!-
Get some practice!-
Leadership Models
Traits approach – looking for qualities (late 1800’s)
Social skills
Leadership Models
Styles Approach – leaders have behavioral styles (mid 1900’s)
Democratic-helped people along. do their thing and make their own mistakes.
Autocratic- very bossy,
Laissez-Faire-totally hands off
Task Oriented- very job oriented.
Socio-Emotional Oriented-very people oriented
Leadership Models
Contingency Approach – leader to match the situation (1960’s – Fiedler)
Look at the context
Look at the group
Leadership Models
Transformational Approach (1980’s)
Leaders raise followers up and get them to perform by example – “Do as I say AND as I do.”
Five common practices of Transformational Leadership (Kouzes and Posner)
Enable- give them the tools
Model-do as i do, set the bar
Encourage-there will times when things get down, help them through the bumps in the road.
How do theorists view change (C) and leadership (L)?
C = often negatively unless it is closely controlled by mgmt.
L = all up to mgmt. (only mgmt. can lead well)
Human Relations
C = OK as long as employees are satisfied with the change
L = it’s OK to lead as long as you meet employees’ needs
Human Resources
C = OK if used constructively to the advantage of the org and the people.
L = use situational leadership
How do theorists view change (C) and leadership (L)?
C = it’s a part of the system – can be pos. or neg.
L = OK if the leader effectively uses the system
C = change happens when the culture changes
L = leader needs to have a good understanding of the culture
C = may be used to establish or maintain power (possible exploit); however, OK if employees are allowed a voice in the change
L = don’t misuse power
Process of emotion in the workplace
Emotions - our grandfathers emotions were not considered. This is new ground.
Emotion in the Workplace
Classical theorists – not interested
Human relations theorists – “happiness and satisfaction”
Today, org. comm. writers/theorists are looking at a wide range of emotions in the workplace.-helpful and not constructive.
Emotions on the job
How does a profession, influence the way workers can use emotion?

Health Care Workers-we have expectations how they are going to behave. We expect them to be hopefule, but we must understand that they must be down.
Law Enforcement-take charge, be confident, obviously they must have bad days
Emotional Labor
Using emotion for the sake of the job- using our emotion in concert with our job. The food server must go out there and be happy to benefit their job. They want good tips. Put on emotion for what the customer expects.
Workplace Relationships/friendships
What emotions are OK?-
With whom do you share them?
Conflicting allegiances? - upset with one person, but happy with another.
These can be a very complicating factor for us.
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Mastery of your emotion is more influential to your overall life success than strict intelligence
-can we funnel our anger, or do we punch the wall?
-do we know how to calm ourself down?
-do we know how to monitor other people - ID thie non-verbal cues
-delaying gratification - you will be better off
you can be as smart as you want to be, but if you dont have control of your emotions then you may not be as productive.
Stress and Burnout
Stress – anything causing strain on an individual
Burnout – “wearing out” as a result of the workplace
Emotional exhaustion - we give up
Lack of career advancement
Depersonalization - just not enjoying the interaction with other anymore.
Stressors that can contribute to burnout
Workload - too much,too difficult
Role conflict - to many different things to do
Role ambiguity - we dont exactly what our place is in the org.
Outcomes of burnout
Physiological - health takes a toll
Attitude - depressed, snapping at people
Turnover - you leave the office, or the field all together.
Communication influences
Overload of information - way too much stuff to deal with. Can lead to burnout.

Underload of information - not given the information that is needed to do the job.
Dealing with stress / burnout
Use participative decision making-get more people involved
Social Support from colleagues
Emotional support
Informational support
Material support
Appraisal support
Employee Assistance Programs
Organizational Support:
Day care centers
Fitness centers
Errand assistance
Technological Processes
how have they changed the way
Technology Changes
What technology are you using at work? - has been a majore issue in the new way organizations operate
Theories regarding communication media use:
Media Richness Model
Members of the org will pick the channel based on the complexity of the message.
Social Information Processing Model
People will use media they are familiar with.
People will use media based on the social relationship they have with the other person.
Dual-Capacity Model
Choice of media is based in two messages
The actual content.
The symbolic use of that particular media.
Tech influences on communication in the org.
Communication Content
Do you always get the right message?
Communication Patterns
Does the availability of tech increase its use?
Organizational Structure
Do you need the traditional boundaries? - do we still need to come into the office?
Tech influences on the org.
Increased flexibility / mgs need to increased structure

Greater individuality / Mgs need to encourage teamwork

More responsibility / Mgs need to have greater control
Changing Landscape of Organizations
Chapter 14
Definitions abound!
The development of an increasingly integrated global economy. (m-w online)

Positive and negative influences?

Convergence – Organizations need to adapt to a worldwide marketplace.
Divergence – Cultures can still be different within the organization.
Shifting Identity
Organizations make sure their public and private images are in tact.
Crisis Communication
Evasion of Responsibility
Reducing Offensiveness of Event
Corrective Action
Service Economy
U.S. and the world is turning to a service economy.
Orgs seem to be caught in the mode of becoming service industries even if they aren’t.
Communication needs are MUCH greater in a service economy.
Disposable Workers
Disposability is on the rise.
Pros / cons?
Contingent Workers
Some people prefer this