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49 Cards in this Set

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What is Organisational Behavioral
It the study if the behavior and attitudes of people on organisations
What are the three units of analysis in OB
1) Individual - micro
2) Group - micro
3) Organisation - Macro
Whats the difference between OB and Management
OB is concerned with describing organisational phenomena and management is a professional discipline which stress applied skills
What are the three components of a managers job
1) Technical
2) Conceptual
3) Human
What features of a managers job would be classified as supervisional
1) Managing individual performance
2) Instructing subordinates
What features of a managers job would be classified as middle management
1) Represent staff
2) Managing group performance
What features of a managers job would be classified as Executive
1) Co-ordinating inter-dept groups
2) Monitoring business environment
What happens to a manager as regards his role as he move higher in organisation
The technical side of his role diminhes and conceptual and human aspect takes more time
What is the SOBC model of individual behaviour
1) Stimulus
2) Organism
3) Behavior - actions
4) Consequences - outcome
What did Kurt Lewin postulate about human bahaviour
its a function of Person and Environment B=F(P,E)
What are values
Are enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of exsistence is personally/socially preferable to another
What are instrumental values
The means to achieve a goal by using acceptable behavior to achieve an end state
Give some examples of Instrumental values
Ambition, self-control, competence
What are terminal Values
the goals to be achieved or the appropriateness of desired end state
Give an example of terminal values
Achievement, social status, happiness
What is locus of control
An individual belief that ones actions influence the outcomes of experiences in life
What is an internaliser
A person who has an internal locus of control - beliefs they can change the outcome of experience through their behavior
What is an externaliser
A person with a external locus of control - believe the outcomes in their life is not within there control
What affect does having an internaliser have on your org
They will work harder when rewards are based on skill and performance - expects strong cause and affect outcome from their behavior
What affect does having an externaliser have on your org
They can experience adverse emotional reaction to co-workers, not likely to respond to performance related pay etc
What characteristics will internalisers show
study hard
seeks challenges
deals with change well
What characteristics will a externaliser show
resistant to change
What do extroverts need
to obtain as much social stimulation as possible - outgoing
What do introverts need
internal stimulation, avoid social situations contemplative
What affect can introverts have on a organisation
- long tenure, fewer absences, perform better with few distractions, like self driven assignments
What affect can extroverts have on a organisation
- tend to act out when bored, look for social rewards, group participation
When an employee is described as high Mach what does this mean
He has Machiavellian personality tendencies
1) End justifies the means
2) Will manipulate other to his way of thinking
3) cool and aloof
4) highly rational;
5) gets pleasure from manipulation of others
How is Machiavellian tendencies measured
Mach V scale
What are the three socially acquired needs (McClelland)
1) Achievement
2) Affiliation
3) Power
What are the characteristics of a person with the socially acquired need for Achievement
1) will take moderate risks in goal pursing
2) Needs immediate feedback on performance and progress
3) finds task to be intrinsically rewarding
4) defines work in terms of success instead of failure
5) gets totally adsorbed until task is complete.
How can management use the concept of socially acquired need for achievement
1) Used in job screening
2) use for promotion factor
3) Job design - needs to be moderately challenging
4) rewards have to be linked with performance
5) reward creativity
What are the characteristics of a person with the socially acquired need for affiliation
1) belonging, social involvement
2) emphasizning with group members
3) will solve or confront group problems which affect moral
4) likes social praise
How can management use the concept of socially acquired need for affiliation
1) Allow individuals to arbitors in work-groups
2) evaluate social demands of the job for employees with high affiliation need
3) allow individuals to be involved in community affairs which parallel work interests
4) develop as many social rewards as possible
5) be aware a person like this may feel social harmony is more important then productivity
What is the difference between "Personalized need for Power" and "socialized need for Power"
Personalized Need for Power - behavioral oriented towards influencing other for personal gain, looks for opportunity to gain control
Socialized need for Power - behaviors orientates towards fulfilling personal goals by raising esteem of colleagues and subordinates
What are the consequence to the work environment of a person with a Personalized need for Power
1) often unproductive
2) rejects job responsibilities to follow personal goals
3) can create a tense work environment
What determines job sanctification
1) the work itself
2) pay
3) follow workers
4) supervision
5) promotions
How does expectation fit into job satisfaction
a persons expectations of the job before stating are a major determining factor of job satisfaction in the early years -- hence companies use interns
What are the organisational determinants of job satisfaction
1) Supervision
2) Job challenge
3) Job clarity
4) Incentives
How does "supervision" help job satisfaction
Good supervision; support employees esteem and self worth, will include employees in decision, they do not feel divorced for the decision making process
How does "job Challenge" help job satisfaction
Jobs should be designed to include challenge, the use of employees skill, involve creativity and some risk taking on the employees part
How does "Job Clarity" help job satisfaction
if an employee is clear on what is expected of him, gets feedback on performance and is able to be involved in job issues he will feel more satisfaction
How do "incentives" help job satisfaction
Two types
1) Extrinsic - pay, promotion, praise, status
2) intrinsic - feeling challenge, skill are used, feeling of accomplishment
How does "Equity Theory" relate to job satisfaction
Equity Theory - employees make comparsions about the rewards they receive and the efforts they put and the rewards and efforts put in by other employees
Can you give an example of Equity Theory in relation to pay rises
My Rise
My efforts and Performance

compared to

Co-workers rise
co-workers efforts
What are the consequences of high job satisfaction for the Organisation
1) Employee mental and physical health increase (less sick leave)
2) Lower turnover
3) lower unexcused absences
How do the following relate to Job satisfaction

1) Performance
2) Intrinsic/extrinsic rewards
3) Equity theory
Performace is related to the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, job satisfaction is related to performance and equity theory (perceived equity of rewards)
How would you define "Organisational commitment"
It is defined as the strength of the employee identification with the organisation
What are the component of organisational commitment
1) Believe and acceptance of org goals
2) personal and orgs values aligned
3) Willingness to exert considerable effort on behave of org
4) Desire to maintain membership of org
How would you define "job involvement"
Its defined as a work attitude defined as the degree to which an employee identifies with their job, participates actively in it and consider it a key determinant of their self-worth