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80 Cards in this Set

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__% of life threatening situations are preventable and are due to: (4 things)
Inadequate preoperative eval
Lack of understanding of pharm. agents
Inadequte monitoring
**Failure to recognize or act on signs of complicaitons
Name 2 injectible drugs you should have on hand for emergencies
Epinephrine (epi pen)
Diphenhyramine (Benadryl)
Name 5 non-injectible drugs you should have on hand for emergencies
Aspirin (325 mg)
Name one big issue with nitro tabs
Expire (short self life) 90 days after opening
Name the form on Nitro used at Creighton, how its used and it's advantage
Nitrolingual spray
Sprayed ON tongue not under (3 pumps in 10 minute period)
1 pump=1 nitro tab
Long shelf five
BLS begins with 5 steps-name them
P-position patient
Postioning pt
Conscious- __
Concious-where pt most comfortable
Unconcious-supine with legs elevated..why? get blood to brain
Why do you never leave an unconsoius pt in a sitting position in a dental chair?
Can lead to hypotension/hypofusion=death
T/F When checking for breathing, chest movment is a good indicator that the pt is breathing
False-can be paradoxical movment/rocking-this is why you also need to feel and hear it
T/F if a pt is consious and talking than it is safe to assume ABC's ok
Name 2 situations in diagnosis that you would call 911
If can't diagnose
If don't like diagnosis
It is your legal obligaiton ot keep pt alive until __ or ___
Pt recovers or someone arrives who is better trained than you and takes over
Name 2 emergencies most likely to occur after local injection
Syncope (60%)
Hyperventilation (7%)
Name 3 common times for a syncope reaction
Sitting upright (starting IV, injection or after injection)
Standing too long
After LONG appt (orthostatic hypotension)
Symptoms of Syncope
Diaphoretic (sweating)
Doesn't feel well, or dizzy
TMT of syncope: List the steps
Begin tmt when presyncope noted (terminate dental tmt)
Place in Trendelburg position
Maintain airway
Monitor and record vital signs
Cold compress
If Syncope goes unnoticed __ will occur
Pt will go unconcious and eventually go into tonic/clonic convulsion (Because of lack of O2 to brain)
What special accomodation/change in treament do you make for a woman in her 3rd trimester of Syncope and why?
Placed in left lateral position- prevents compression of the vena cava by the uterus/fetus-restores venous return to heart
Hyperventilation is most common in __ of __ years of age-rare in children
Women ages 15-40
Hyperventillation leads to decreased __(hypocapnea) which leads to respiratory __ -causes increased binding of __ so __ result
respiratory alkalosis-increased binding of Ca+ and hypocalcemic muscle spasms or tetany results
Hyperventilation results in hyper__ and hypo__
Tmt for hyperventillation
Rebreathe CO2 or coach pt to control breathing
X-rays necessary when an object is either swallowed or aspirated
3 are necessary:Chest-both PA and lateral
Abdomen-KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder)
2 possible tmt when pt apsirates object
1) rigid or flex bronchoscopy
2)open chest
Hypoglycemia-list questions to ask your diabetic pt b/4 beginning tmt
Did you take your medicine/insulin?
Did you eat?
Did you do a finger stick? What was the reading?
Do you know when your blood sugar is getting low?
What is a normal blood sugar (diabetic goal)
80-140 mg/dl
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Feeling faint
Mental confusion
Loss of consciousness
Blood sugar under __ leads to confusion tremor, diaphoresis, tachycardia
Blood sugar under __=unconsiousness
Managment of hypoglycemic pt
Position conscious pt comfortably
Administer glucose PO
Start IV (prn) if not already established
Managment of unconsious diabetic pt-
1) Call 911 2) Start IV: Glucagon (.5-1 mg IV/IM/SQ) or Dextrose administer 1 ampule of D50 IV (50% dextrose) or Glucagon IM
Angina is usually precipitated by __ __ or __ and is relieved by __ or__
exercise emotion heavy meal
rest and/or vasodialation
Angina is the result of ___
decreased blood flow to the myocardium
Signs/symptoms of angina
"Balled" fist to chest
Squeezing, choking, burning pain, or numbness usually not increased w/ respiration
Radiation (may be present but more common w/ MI)
__-frequency severity location and precipitating events of pain remain relativly constant-predicibly relieved by rest
Stable Angina
__- any increase in frequency severity of angina symptoms or chagne in location or type of pain, angina at rest
Unstable angina
Managment of Angina Pectoris
1) Position pt (where they are comfortable)
2)Adminster O2
3) sublingual Nitro or 1 pump spray on tongue
4)If no relief after 3 doses then assume MI and treat (Acivate EMS)
What is the dosing instrutions and dose for administering Nitro
.3 mg every 5 minutes
(start at time 0 administer 1 dose then another at 5 in an the last at 10 minutes)
Angina vs MI: Think MI when (6 reasons)
Radiate anywhere
First episode pt has experienced
No relief after 3rd nitro dose
Relief w/ nitro but pain returns
Low Systolic BP (angina= inc SBP)
Feeling of "impending doom"
Managment of Acute MI
1) Position pt
2) Call 911/EMS
3)Vital signs
5)REcord chronology of tmt (time doese etc)
What does MONA starnd for
M-morphine (or 50% nitrous)
A-Aspirin (NO substitue)
What is the dose and dosage instructions for the morphine and aspirin used in MONA
Morphine- 1-3mg IV every 5 ming prn (or 35-50% nitrous)
Aspring-325 mg chew and swallow (NOT 81 mg)
What are the contraindications of MONA (3)
Hypotension for morphine and Nitro (SBP under 90)
Nitro contraindicated if pt has recently taken ED meds w/i last 24 hours (b/c unsafe drop in BP)
ASA: allergy or bleeding disorder
What do you do if pt is going into Cardiac Arrest
BLS (basic life support)
Get AED/Call 911
CVA symptoms
All are sudden:
Abrupt severe headache
Altered mental status
Blurring of vision or loss of sight
Speech difficulty
Weakness on one side of face
Paralysis on one side of face
What does FAST stand for when treating a CVA pt
F-face-ask person to smile
A-arms-ask person to raise arms
S-speech ask pt to repeat a simple sentence
T-time-if showing any of these symptoms time is important
CALL 911or get to the hospital fast
Allergic reactions developing w.i __ hours are the most serious
1 hour
The key to dealing w/ allergic reactions is ___
PREVENTION-take careful medical Hx and ask specifically about any medications planned for that day
Type 1 allergic reactions aka __ is mediated by __ which is bound to __ and __ cells, when antigen binds causes degranulation and relsease of __ __ and __; reaction takes ___ (amount of time)
Immediate hypersensitivity (Anaphalactic)
IgE bound to basophils and mast cells
Minutes to 1 hour-peak at 30 mintues
Release histamine, leukotrienes, cytokines
Give examples of localized anaphylaxis
Urticaria, angioedema, hay fever, atopic asthma instrinsic)
List sites where generalized anaphylaxis affects
skin, repiratory, GI, cardiovascular
Type II hypersensitivity aka __ mediated by __
Hemolytic anemaia, leukopenia
Type III hypersensitivity aka __
Lupus, erythema multiforme
Give examples of localized anaphylaxis
Urticaria, angioedema, hay fever, atopic asthma instrinsic)
List sites where generalized anaphylaxis affects
skin, repiratory, GI, cardiovascular
Type II hypersensitivity aka __ mediated by __
Hemolytic anemaia, leukopenia
Type III hypersensitivity aka __
Lupus, erythema multiforme
Cocaine affects the cardiovascular system 2 ways __ and __
Affects respiratory system by causing __ __ and __
Vasoconstrictor (is a LA but all others vasodilate)
Sympathetic tone secondary w/ catcholaime uptake (block re-uptake of NE-will lead to HTN, MI, cVA, Vfib)
Respiratory-cough, irritability, pulm. edema
T/F Because cocaine has cardiac side effects it is only safe to used the cardic dose of epi
False- local anesthetics w/ a vasoconstrictor is an ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATION (if pt used cocaine w/in 2 hours of appt)
__ drug sometimes used for sedation will cause withdrawl in coke users
Effects of Meth
CNS- __ __
Cardiovascular: __
CNS: addiction, neurotoxic
Cardio: Inc BP, HR, angina, CVA
What 2 side effects will occur if epi is used on a pt who took cocaine just before coming into the office
Caridac arrhythmias and hypertension
Prolonged use of Marijuana will cause chronic __ and smoking w/i 8 hours decreases __; has __ effects w/ sedtive/hypnotic drugs
Airway inflammation
Psychomotor function
Managment of Epileptic Seizures
1. Protect patient (gentle but effective restrain)
2. Suporty airway
3. Administer O2
If a seizure persists longer than 5 minutes what should you do
Call EMT
Administer IV versed or valium
__ is decribed as tonic/clonic muscular activity due to disorganized electrical brain activity ex. are
Epileptic seizures, toxic seizures, Metabloic seizures
Managment of a bronchospasm:
1. Position upright (where comfortable)
2. Administer inhaler (bronchodilators)
3. Administer O2
4. Epi .3mg Sq, IM or IV prn
5. Call 911 if no response
What questions should you ask and asthmatic
How frequently do you use your inhaler?
Do you have it with you?
Ever needed to go to the hospital for breathing tmts?
?Prophlactic dose b/4 start of appt?
Management of Generalized Anaphylaxis:
1. BLS using PABC's
2/ Call 911
3. Epi .3 mg (child .15 mg) IV, IM or FOM
4. 100% O2
5. IV-rapid infusion of 1L of fluids
6. When stable 50 mg benadryl IV, consider systemic steroids
What is the does of epi used in emergency situations for and adult? Child?
What is the dose of benydryl
.3 mg
CHild .15 mg
50 mg
T/F is NEVER ok to give a person using cocaine epi-even when they are having an anaphylactic reaction
False-there is NO contraindicaitons to use of epi in anaphylaxis
Symptoms that may indicate a moderate to severe allergic reaction:
Swelling of face, eyes, tongue, difficulty swallowing, wheezing, chest discomfort, difficulty breathing, fear, abdomial cramps, N/V, weakness, dizziness, unconsiousness
Severe generalized anaphylaxis deveops in __ amt of time
Symptoms Skin:
Seconds to 1 hour-peak at 30 min
Skin: pruitis, urticaria, angioedema
Lung: wheezing, cough, dyspnea, tightness, wet rales
GI: N/V, cramps
Heart: hypotension, arrhythmias, shock, LOC, cardiac arrest
__ is one reaction that you have to treat-can't just wait for EMT's
Severe anaphylactic Rxn
___-conditon marked by development of edematous areas of skin, mucous membranes or internal organs; is usually benign unless affects __
Mouth, larynx or pharynx
TMT for Angioedema
Antihistamines are first followed by Epi if swelling of upper airways
Managment of mild localized reactions:
Symptoms: __
Symptoms: pruitis, localized urticaria, erythema, nasal congestion, watery/red eyes
TMT: None or Benadryl 50 mg every 6 hours for 2 days and remove suspected allergen
Management of moderate generalized allergic reactions:
Develops in __ amt of time and Symptoms:
Minutes to hours
Symptoms: generalized pruitis, urticaria, Inc BP, HR, NO respiratory symptoms
TMT: Benadryl 50 mg IM then 50 mg orally every 6 hours for 2-3 days
Urticaria is caused by __ and __ of capillaries of skin as a result of __ release of vasoactive mediators
Vasodilation and increased permeability
mast cells
TMT: Drugs that block histamine (H1) receptors
Urticaria is like angioedema except angio edema __
causes edema in deeper regions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue