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151 Cards in this Set

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Bleeding labs: list 4
CBC/platelet count
Bleeding times
Bleeding time (BT) is prolonged by what drugs:
Is is significant?

NOT Clinically significant but statistically is
Can prolonged bleeding time presdict severe surgical bleeding?
T/F Bleeding time is useful in predicting bleeding.
List the factors involved in the extrinsic pathway
List the vit K dependent factors
Extrinsic pathway can be affected by all of the following idseases/drugs:
Coumadin/proloned use of broad spectrum antibiotic; liver disease, drug use, leukemia, lymphoma, alcoholism, malabsorption syndrome
If have a problem with EXRINSIC pathway, may have prolonged ___
Choices; BT, PT, PTT, CBC/platelet
PT and aPTT
Prothrombine time is associated with the __ pathway
INR stands for what, and what is the WHO sttandardization
International normalized ratio
__ is a measurement of responsiveness of a give thromboplastin to reduction of Vit. K-dependent factors compared to the international reference (takes into account the severity of the varous reagents)
Intrinsic pathway is associted with what factors:
VII, IV, X, XI, V prothrombin and fibrinogen
__ is associated with the intrinsic pathway
for aPTT you will get a normal value when at least __% of factor available
Intrinsic pathway is affected by __ drugs and __ conditions
Heparin, lonterm antibiotic
Liver disease, malabsorption, cancers, infections, hemophilias, Von willebrands disease
aPTT is used to monitor __therapy
Which factor is the most sensitive and has a half life of 5 hours
What is the normal range for platelets?
Diagnosis of thrombocotopenial w/ what count?
At a count of 50,000 what can you expect?
How about 10,000-20,000
penia= <100,000
50,000= moderate bleeding but controable after surgery
10,000=spontaneous bleeding
What is the term for too many platelets (above 400,000)
What is the most common inherited blood disorder
Von Willebrands
Von willebrands (aka factor ___ ) disease is characterized by prolonged __ and normal __; and is normally produce by __ cells in is necessary for normal platelet function
prolonged BT, normal aPTT
Mosts cases of VWD are __ (mild, moderate, severe) and tmt is __
Aspring IRREVERSIBLY interferes w. conversion of platelet __ to __ by acetylating COX; COX recovers in __ days
Minimal effect on bleeding slighly incr __ but no eefect on __
AA to thromboxane A2
4-7 days
prolonged BT no effect PT/aPTT
NSAIDS act by REVERSIBLY acytylating COX and effecs last __
6 hrs
Plavix is a __ receptor blocker and inhibits __; is a __ inhibitor (rev/irrev)
Cardiac sent protocal=
platelet aggregation
ASA+ Plavix
COX2 inhibitors (__) not a concern in theory b/c __ mediates antiplatelet effect but actually increased __
cardiac complications
Antiplatelet drugs abcixmab, anagrelide etc are __ receptor agaonists and prevent binding of __ to receptor-more potent than ASA
but have shown to exhibit __ in several trials
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
Excessive bleeding
Asprin will react normally to collagen and thrombin but __ will only act normally to HIGH concentrations of collagen/thrombin
__- results from end stage renal disease and impares platelet funtion, prolonged __ and is only partially corrected with dialysis. what happens if you give asprin
Prolonged BT
Markedly prolonged BT
Hemophilia A is a deficiency in factor __; most common in __ form (mild, moderate severe)
Human recombinant factor VIIIc
__ is the most common recessive bleeding disorder
Hemophilia A
Factor VIII deficiency is caterorized as;
Sever= less than __% of normal
Mod.= __-__%
Mild: __-__%
less than 1%
Hemophilia B aka __ is deficiency of factor __
Hemophelia C aka __ is deficiency of factor __
In liver disease all factors except __ (which is produced in endothelial cells is affected and resluts in prolonged __
Vitamin K deficiecy affects factors __ and reslus b.c malabsorption, malnutrition and alcoholism
Anti-coagulant therapy
Coumadin=__ and is a competitve inhibitor of __; onset takes about __ hours and last for __ days; carried in blood by __
Warfarin Sodium
Vit K
48 hours
2-10 days
Name antagonisits of coumadin
Vit k, whole blood, fresh plasma
Herparin (used as in-patient) potentiates action of __ and inactivates __; prevents conversion of __ to __
Onset: _
Antithrombin II
thrombin, IX X XI XII
fibrinogen to fibrin
10-20 min
4-6 hrs
Antagonist of heparin
perotamine sulfate
Low molecular weight heparin is given at home but mujst ge given for up to __ wks, less/more serious complications then with heparin
4 wks
When treating ___ condiditons need MD consult
when on coumadin, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia A and B, VWFD
Local measure to be taken use __surgical technigue: incluseds
Atraumatic: clean incisiion, gentle management of soft tissue, remove areas of sharp bone and granulation tissue, inspect carefully for bleeders,lido w/ epi, can use gelfoam, tension sutures, post-op analgesia, NO risnsing 48 hours, liquid diet 48-72 hrs
Local measures to stop bleeding include:
Pressure!, mechanical adjuvants, cauery, hemostatic agents, cold packs
__is always the first repsonse when bleeding
Pressure-use damp gauze
Ex. of mechancial adjuvants to stop bleeding
Primary closure, surgical sents, soft tissue bleed=clamp/ligate, bone=crush foramen w. hemostat, bone wax
Use cautery only when __ because of potential for __
a specific bleeder noted
Ex. of hemostatic agenst
Gelfoam, topical thrombin, surgicel, absorbalbe collagen
Gelfoam is and absorbable __ that have platelets that disintegrate at release __; resorb in __ wks, don't use when?
Advantages: (2)
gelatin spone
4-6 wks
When have infection
Common and least expensive
Topical trombin bypasses __ and conberts __ to __, can be used with gelfoam
coagulation cascade
fibrinogen to fibrin
Surgicel is oxidized regenerated __ (plant based), Adv-can be __
Absorption can occur in __ days, DO NOT MOISTEN and only use amount needed;
__ can be enhanced by thrombin while __ is not
Absorbable collagen promotes __ and Adv is excellent __ and __
But mj disadvantage is __
platelett aggregation
adhearance to wound and well tolerated
Avitene, Collaplug, Collatape
not sure if i'm still in
T/F Fibrin sealant is dreived from bonvine thombin
fasle-used to be now human
Ttranexamic acid fomes a reversible complex w/ lysine site on __, and hase decreased use of factor concentrates in extractions by 80%, contraindicated in __ __ and __ and also may have __ has a side effect
SAH, color blindness and DIC
bad taste/GI upset
__ aka __ is associated w/ SHORT term correction of BT's but doesn't work in in all patients and is TMT of choice when short term prevention of bleeding is necessary
DDAVP onset in __ hrs and duraction __ hours
1 hr
4-24 hrs
Cold packs- cause __ and decrease __; How do you apply it? and when?
vasoconstriction and decreases edema
20min on 20 off 6-8 hrs after procedure
When dealing w/ a pt on coumadin, may either partailly stop or completely stop or substitute w/ __; what test do we need b/4 treating
Write a MD consult for pt on coumadin
Pt presents w/ __ and requires __(type of surgery) Pt is presently on coumadin. Please adjust PT/INR as ncessesary (eg will accept PT/INR <2.5) Will use additinal local measures for hemostasis. Require PT/INR lab morning of or w/i 24 hrs of surgical appt.
Partial cessation of coumadin follows a __day withdrawl protocol
Comoplete a __day
2-3-keeps duration of anticoagulation to a minimum

4-5-v.risky and overused
What is the MC cancer of head/neck
MC oral cancer
T/F SCC is detectible w/ self exam
Prognosis and survival correlate w/ __
List risk factors of oral cancer
Alcohol, tocacco smoking, tobacco chewing, plummer vinsion syndrom, immunosupression, radiation, HPV
Name some symptoms of oral cancer
loose teeth, trismus, numbness, pain, dysphagia, halitosis
Which is more malignant: red or white lesions
Red (25% are malignant)
List some commonly affected sites of oral cancer:
lateral border of tongue, retromolar trigone, FOM, soft palate, gingiva, salivary glands
TNM staging of oral cancer stands for:
Tumor Node Metastasis
T=size of tumor
N=numer and location of nodes
M= involves scans and other blood work
Different Sizes of tumor
TIS=carcinoma in situ
TX=priamry tumor cant be assesed
T1= <2cm
T2=>2 and <4 cm
T4-massive w/ deep invasion of other tissues
Nx=neck nodes can't be assesed
NO=no involved nodes
N1=single ipsilateral invovled node <3cm
N2=" " <3cm or multiple nodes none >6
N3=single massive node or bilateral nodes or contralateral nodes
Metastatic Disease
MX=can't asses distant metastases
MO-no distant metastases
M1= distant metastasis present
__ is the gold standard in cancer diagnosis-requres scalpel, LA and suture
___-potential for false negatives
__-primarily for lymph nodes/glands, high degress of false negatives
Surgical incisional biopsy
Brush biopsy
Aspirational biopsy
Only TMT in early stages is __ and __
XRT or surgery
__ make up 90% of oral malignancies for which XRT is used and requires high does of __ when most other cancers require __
>60 GY
<50 GY
__ minimize tissue exposure to radiation
__ is a mainstay of high stange H&N tmt and __ cells are the most vulnerable but other cells may b injured
radiation therapy
RT is done __ times weekly for __ wks and side effect are evident w/i __ wkds and are dose dependanct
6 weeks
1-2 weeks
List some short term effects of RT to oral mucosa:
Long term:
Short: erythema, mucositis, tast change, friable, easlily injured
Long: HHH-hypocellular, hypovascular, hypoxic, submucosa fibrosis, easier ulcerated, delayed healing
__-painful erythema on soft palate, tonsillary pillars, buccal mcosa etc; develops after __, ..subsides __
Irradiation mucositis

after 1 week
after 2-3 weks after complete tmt
After RT may end up with radiation caries due to __ or __
Changes in oral flora
Problems to bone are most serious after __ so it is chonic and progressive-will NOT GET BETTER; __ healing after trauma
4 months
delayed to no healing
Before and after RT: dental exam every __ mo; may need to perscibe what differnt tmt?
2-3 mo
Fluoride trays, chlohexidine rinse daily, Piocarpine (to help slaiva flow), saliva substuitute, if have mucositis may need to give visous lido, benadryl mylanta etc
Prior to XRT-
What teeth should be extracted?
When should they be extracted?
If don't get them extracted b/4 give RT can you extract after>
All questionable teeth but full bony can be left in place
Opitmal time 3 wks b/4
Have a 4 month window AFTER tmt complete
Dental mgmt DURING RT:
Pallitive only-NO EXTRACTIONS
ie pulpotomy and ectomy, Incsion/drainage, pain meds, antibiotics
At what dose will you see osteoradionecrosis
possible at 50-60 but for sure if over 60 gy
TMT for osteoradionecrosis
hyperbaric oxygen chamber (HBO)
If placing implants and have had dose of >45 gy then what condisderation should you have
HBO before place implants
MGMT after RT:
__ mo recall
__ for rest of life
_- procedures prn
__ can be done after mucositis has cleared
If mucosititis has cleard and w.i 4 mo then can do __ but if need this after 4 mo and/or had a dose of 60 gy what consideration must you take
3 mo recall
Pros consult
Minor surgical procedures/minor pre pros prn
HBO therapy
If have carious teeth after RT may want to avoid __ and __ may be difficult, __ is last resort
crowns (hard to monitor decay
Endo (fibrous pulp)
Dentures after RT
__ more common and may lead of ORN
__ is impt
__ may be needed if there has been loss of bone in resection
Soft tissue ulcerations
even force distribution
Specifically modified dentures
T/F dental implants are contraindicated and cannot intergrate after RT
False-can but fail at greater rate
Should allow __ mo for integration of implants after RT
6 mo
T/F implants may offer the ONLY practical solution to overcoming post-surgical anatomic deformities
Ossteoradionecrosis is MC in __ and most worrisome at doses over __;
60 gy
T/F Antibiotics is a tmt for ORN
Fasle-just prevents spread or secondary infection
__ is administration of 100% o2 in a pressure chamber and causes __ to happen to damaged tissue
increased oxygen and neovascualr grwoth
Protocal for HBO: __ dives for exodontia and __ after-problem is may not be avialable
20-30 before
10 after
During chemo __ is common sequella; __ is also common but reverses after tmt stoped; also increase __
opportunistic infections
Mylesoupression common sequela: __ __ __ and__ but usually recover by __ wks
leukopenia, nutropenia, thrombocytopeina, anemai
3 weeks
__ is responsible for 70% of deaths if myelosuppressed patiens
Systemic infections-so treat aggressively if see signs of infection
MGMT during chemo:
Always need __
Defer tmt if WBC< __ or platelets <__and give __ and __ prn but can treat in routine matter if numbers above these-IF BELOW ___
Treat problems prior to chemo if possible
Need MD/oncologis consult,
2000 50,000
If below-pallative tmt only
antibiotics and cholohexidine
T/F Like RT cannot treat pt during chemo
False-can treat b/t rounds but coordinate w/ MD
List some symptms of ONJ caused by bisphosphonates:
Soft tissue swelling, drainiage, loose teeth, non-healing exposed bone, pain
3 characteristics of ONJ:
Current/previous bisphosontae tx, exosed oral bone (more than 8 wks), no history of RT to jaws)
Risk of ONJ is greater w/ IV or oral use
IV (.8-`1%)
bisphosphonates have __ yr half life and pricipitating factor for ONJ is _-
10 yrs
T/F TMT for ORN is same as ONJ
Fasle-may actually exacerbate it
Bisphoshonates bind to __ killing them; areas to be concerned about when using IV bisphophonates
areas of thin overlying mucosa
TMT of pts on IV bisphosphonates:
Prior to IV therapy
Post IV therapy
Pre-similar to RT (extract questionable, smooth sharp edges)
Post-AVOID implants, EXT is LAST resort
T/F discontinuing oral bisphosontate therapy elimintaes risk of ONJ
Fasle- so when need to extract only pull 1 first assess healing before doing multiple
T/F Elective oral surgery is contraindicated in pts on oral bisphosphonates
1)How to you treat pts <3 yrs after PO bisph.?
2)How about >3 rst or <3 yrs + steroids?
1)No alteration/delay in surgical tx
2) Stop bisphosphonates 3 mo prior and hold for 3 mo after
Staging of ONJ
Stage 1 ENB:
Stage 2 ENB
Stage3 ENB:
1: asynpt, no infection
2:pain and infection
3: pain and infection + 1 or more: pathological fracture, fisula, osteolysis to inferior border
TMT of
Stage 1 ENB
Sage 2 ENB
Stage 3 ENB
1: no surg, cholohexidine
2: cholohexidine, antibiotics
3: surgical depridement, resection w/ antibiotics
Est ONJ tmt protocol..what are the objectives?
Eliminate pain, control infectionand minimize progression
T/F When have ONJ you should NEVER extract teeth because it will exacerbate the est. necrotic process
Fasle-it is unlikely ext will cause more problem but NO ELECTIVE surgery
T/F there is no short term benefit of discontinuing IV bisphosphonates but in the long term may stabilize ONJ sites, and decrease symtoms
T/F Discontinuing oral bisphos has been assoc w/ clinical improvement but at 6-12 mo sponteous sequestration may occur
T/F you do not need an MD consult for a pt on ORAL bisphosphonates
For diabetes- a positive fasting plasma glucose test is 2 occalsions of BS over __ (when normal is __)
126 mg/dl
80-100 mg/dl
Positive 2 hr porstprandial test is when glucose is greater than __
200 mg/dl
__-considered the best overall indicator of diabetic control; indicates mean glusce levels over __ days
Normal BS for diabetic thoughout day is __ and acceptible level is __ for surgery
80-140 mg/dl
<200 mg.dl
Normal HBA1c is __; good control __; fair control __
Which type of diabetes exhibits ketoacidosis
Type 1
Typcial reading for Type 1 diabtic experiencing hyperglycemia __
Type 2
>600 and up to 1000
Mild hypoglycemia=__ mg/dl (symotms)
60-70 mg/dl-shakes, irritable, tachy
50-60 confusion
40-50 or less-coma
TMT of mild-moderate hypoglycema:
M/M= 10-15 gm of carbs roally
Severe= 50% glucose IV (25 gm total but give 12 first) or glucagon IM
Hyperglycemia results b/c __ cells are hyperactive to epi levels
pancreatic alpha cells
What questions to ask diabetic
What meds are you on?
Do you monitor your bs? What was last reading
Do you get low often?
Do you know your symptoms? What are they?
Have you ever had to go to the hospital for a bs control issue?
T/F b4 you do surgery on a diabetic you should have a MD consult
T/F Oral hypoglcemic agents should be stopped day of surgery
If pt is taking insulin and in for surgery how should you manage them
1/2 of usual morning dose, D5W drip and monitor bs
What main thing should you consider when pt is or has been taking steriods?
Are they adrenaly suppressed and need supplemental steroids
T/F Steroids decrease blood glucose levels
Steroids are necessary for 2 things..what are they
Increase blood glucose through glucagon and catechol
Vascular scmooth muscle contraction
Why/What is steroids most often prescribed for?
As an anitinflammatory
What is the rule of 2's as it pertains to steroids
20 mg prednisone or its equivalen
for 2 weeks or more
w/i last 2 years
What is the most postent steroid and which is the lease potent
Besides the rule of 2's what other condtions may you need to prescibe steroids for to preven adrenal insufficiency
Receiving bed time dose for more than a few weeks
Any pt w/ Cushings
Possilbe alternate day therapy (but not used often **note not same as alternate day therapy when tapering off drug)
What is the pre-op mgm of ppl on steroids
Double dose for day of
Prednisone 30-40 mg or equivalent (decardon 6-8 mg)
If in doubt give boost of steroid
What is the 3x3 rule as it applies to steroids
3x the nomral dose for 3 days
Symptoms of adrenal crisis
Dizziness, profound weakness, sweating, hypotension, tachycardia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting LOC
How to you treat a pt you suspect is going into adrenal crisis
1. Call 911
goal is to treat hypoteniosn/cortisol deficienty
2. Large volume (2-3L) of NS or D5NS as quickly as posible
3. IV decardon 4-6 mg
T/F ppl on stroids are at a decreased risk of infection
T/F NSAIDS is fine to take when on steroids
Fasle-increase GI symptoms (ulcer, GI bleed)
Cushings syndrome is characterized by:
Fatty deposition (moon face, bufflo hump, suparclavicular fossa fat), muscle wasting, easliybrused, poor wound healing
T/F Elective surgery is fine for hyperthyroid pts but NOT hypothyroid pts
False-it isn't ok for either