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66 Cards in this Set

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Two Parts of the Oral Cavity
1. Vestibule: narrow interval b/w lips/cheeks and teeth/ginigivae
2. Oral Cavity Proper: posterior and medial to the upper and lower dental arches
Covered by skin externally, mucous membrane internally.
B/W Obicularis Oris(CN 7) and mucous membrane there are labial salivary glands
Covered by skin externally, mucus membrane internally.

Parotid Duct open on the parotid papilla opposite of 2nd max. molar

Buccal Salivary glands b/w buccinator(CN7) and mucus membrane

Sensory SA via long buccal(V3)
Fibrous tissue covered with mucous membrane

SA from: superior alveolar, greater palatine, nasopalatine, long buccal, inferior alveolar, lingual, mental
Innervation for teeth
Max Molars: Posterior Superior Alveolar

Max Premolars: Middle Superior Alveolar

Max Anteriors: Anterior Superior Alveolar

Mandibulars: Inferior Alveolar nerve
Hard Palate Formation
Horizontal Plate of the Palatine Bone,
Palatine process of the Maxillary bone
Hard Palate Foramina
Incisive: Nasopalatine nerves, septal br. of sphenopalatine artery(anastomosis with great palatine a.)

Greater Palatine Foramen: Transmits palatine nerve and vessels to the hard palate

Less Palatine Foramen: less palatine nerve and vessels to soft palate
Hard Palate
Covered by mucous membrane(connected to periosteum)

Deep to Mucosa, mucus secreting palatine glands(VE Para/Post from PPG via greater palatine nerve)
soft Palate
Extends posterioinferiorly from hard palate, ends into free margin conical process called UVULA.

Fxn: close off nasopharynx during swallowing, suckling, oral speech
Soft Palate Contents?
Fold of mucous membrane enclosing:
aponeurosis, muscles, palatine glands(VE Para Post via PPG via Lesser Palatine N.), vessels, nerves
Soft Palate Pillars
Anterior: Palatoglossal arch/fold

Posterior: Palatopharyngeal arch/fold
Soft Palate Fauces
Aperature by which the mouth communicates with oropharynx(M shaped).

bound superiorly by soft palate, inferiorly by dorsum of tongue, laterally by palatoglossal arch.
Muscles of the Soft Palate Innervation
Tensor Veli Palatine -V3
Levator veli palatini-XI via X
Palatoglossues- XI via X
Palatopharyngeus- XI via X
Musculus uvulae-XI via X
1. Levator Veli Palatini
2. Palatoglossus
3. Palatopharyngeus
4. Musculus uvulae
5. Tensor Veli Palatini
Tensor Veli Palatini
Origin: Scaphoid of Spehnoid, Spine of Sphenoid, auditory tube cartilage
Insert: Palatine aponeurosis
Nerve: V3(from m. pterygoid that goes through otic ganglion)

Action: tenses soft palate, opens auditory tube during swallowing/yawning
Musuclus uvulae
O: Posterior nasal spine, palatine aponuerosis

I: mucosa of uvula

Nerve: 11 via 10(pharyngeal plexus)

Action: shorters uvula and pulls it superiorly
Origin: Palatine Aponeurosis
Insert: Lateral Wall of Pharynx
Nerve: CN 11 via 10 (pharyngeal plexus)

Action: pulls wall of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly & medially during swallowing
Origin: palatine aponeurosis
Insert: Lateral Margin of the Tongue
Nerve: 11 via 10
Action: elevates posterior part of tongue and depresses soft palate
Levator Veli Palatini
Origin: Auditory Tube Cartilage,Petrous part of temporal B.

Insert: CN 11 via 10

Action: elevates soft palate during swallowing & yawning
SA for Hard palate(gingiva and mucus membrane)
Greater Palatine Nerve +Nasopalotine Nerves

SA via V2

VE Para Post to Palatine Glands

Symp Post
SA for soft palate
Lesser Palatine(SA from V2)

VE Para Post to Palatine Glands
Symp Post
Blood Supply to Palate
Greater and Lesser Palatine Arteries

which are branches of descending palatine artery
2 Parts of the Tongue
1. oral part-ant. 2/3
2. pharyngeal part-posterior 1/3
Tongue Parts Division
Boundaries between parts indicated by anterior pillars(palatoglossal arches)

and a V-shaped groove called Sulcus Terminalis whose apex projects posteirorly and ends in a median pit called the foramen cecum
Oral Part of Tongue
1. Vallate+Foliate+fungiform papillae contain taste buds

2. Filiform-snesory nerve endings for touch
Pharyngeal Part and Lingual Tonsils
Mucus membrane thick and contains lymphatic nodules--> lingual tonsils

Also contains taste resceptors
Inferior Surface of Tongue
Reflects onto lingual gingvae and floor of mouth.

Mucosa is elevated into a fold called frenulum of the tongue
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles:



Innervated via CN12
Origin: styloid process of temporal bone
Insert: side of tongue, interdigitating with hyoglossus

Nerve: CN12

Action: Retracts tongue, curls up sides of tongue
Origin: greater horn/body of hyoid
Insert: interior aspect of lateral part of tongue

Nerve: CN12

Action Depresses Tongue
Origin: Superior genial tubercle of mandible

insert: entire dorsum of tongue, some attach to hyoid

Nerve: CN12

Action: Protrudes and depresses tongue
Tensor Veli Palatini
Attachments: Auditory Cartilage, Spine/Scaphoid of Sphenoid, Palatine Aponeurosis
N: V3
FXN: Tense soft palate, open auditory tube during swallowing/yawning
Levator Veli Palatini
A: auditory cartilage, petrous part of temporal bone, palatine aponeurosis
N: CN12
FXN: Elevate soft palate during swallowing and yawning
A:Palatal aponeurosis, lateral pharynx
N: CN12
FXN: Draws pharynx Anterior,medial, superior during swallowing
A: Palatal Aponeurosis, Lateral tongue
N: CN12
FXN: Raises posterior tongue, depress soft palate
Muscle of Uvulae
A: Posterior nasal spine, palatine aponeurosis, mucosa of uvula
N: CN12
FXN: shorters uvula and pulls it superiorly
Hard Palate Mucosal Innervation
SA via Nasal Palatine(V2), Greater Palatine(V2)

Para/Post to palatine glands

Symp Post to arteries
Soft Palate Mucosal innervation
SA via Lesser Palatine(V2)

Para/Post to Palatine glands

Sympost to arteries
Palate Blood Supply
Greater Palatine A.

Lesser Palatine A.

these are branches of descending palatine
tongue, 2 divisions?
Oral Part: Anterior 2/3, anterior to sulcus terminalis

Pharyngeal Part: Posterior 1/3 posteior to sulcus terminalis
tongue Features
Taste: fungiform, foliate, vallate
Sensory: filiform
Inferior Surface of Tongue
Reflects onto floor of mouth and midline.

Muscosa elevated into a fold called the frenulum of the tongue
A: Genial tubercles, spans to dorsum of tongue
N: CN12
FXN: Protrude, depress tongue
A: greater horn + body Hyoid bone, lateral inferior tongue

N: CN12

FXN: Depress tongue
A: Styloid Process, Lateral surface of tongue, interdigitating with hyoglossus

N: CN12

FXN: retract tongue, rolls up lateral side of tongue
Intrinsic Muscles
superior/inferior longitudinal

FXN: change shape of tongue
Arteries for Tongue
Lingual branch of external carotid A.

Deep Lingual: tip
Sublingual: under tongue
Dorsal Tongue: Dorsum
Innvervation of the tongue
Anterior 2/3 : CN 7 SS, V3 SA
Posterior 1/3: CN 9 SS, VA
Posterior: CN10 SS, VA
Tongue Veins
Lingual Vein(from IJV)

Deep Lingual: tip
Sublingial: inferior surface of tongue
Dorsal Lingual: dorsum
Sublingual Gland
superior to mylohyoid

8-20 ducts which open into the mouth plica sublingualis(sublingual fold)
Connection of tongue to epiglottis
Lateral Glossepiglottic Fold
Medial Glossoepiglottic Fold
Innervation of teeth
Maxillary: SA via superior alveolar nerves(posterior, middle, anterior) via V2

Mandibular: SA of inferior alveolar(V3)
Lymph Drainage
Anterior 2/3 Tip: Sub Mental
Anterior 2/3 Middle: Deep Cervical
Anterior 2/3 Lateral: Submandibular
Posterior 1/3: Deep Cervical
Blood supply to teeth
Maxillary: Superior Alveolar arteries
(posterior-->V2, middle, anterior via infraoribital a.)

Mandibular: inferior alveolar(1st part of Maxillary A.)
Maxillary Buccal and labial ginigivae
superior alveolar
Palatine Gingivae
greater palatine(molars/premolars) and nasopalatine nerve(incisor)
Mandibular Buccal Gingivae
long buccal V3
Mandibular Lingual gingivae
Lingual nerve V3
Mandibular Labial Gingivae
incisive br. of the inferior alveolar nerve
PSA Nerve Block
anestehesia of maxillary molar teeth up to 1st molar

risks hematoma formation due to accidential injection into pterygoid plexus of veins or accidental puncture of maxillary artery
MSA nerve Block
Maxillary Premolar teeth or mesiobuccal root of 1st molar

sometimes absent-->PSA ASA
anesthesize maxillary central and lateral incisors/canine as well as soft tissue on buccal aspect

may also innervate premoalr teeth and mesibuccal root of 1st molar
Greater Palatine Nerve Block
Palatal aspect of maxillary premoalr/molar dentition

targets anterior to palatine canal
Nasopalatine Nerve Block
anesethtizes nasopalatine nerves bilaterally, anesthesia of lingual aspect of multiple anterior teeth