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44 Cards in this Set

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define nutrient

a chemical substance found in Foods that is used in the human body
list the types of nutrients that are essential in the human diet
essential amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and water.
how man amino acids synthesized in the body?

11 of 22. so need 9 which cannot be synthesized in the body from other nutrients.

outline the consequences of protein deficiency malnutrition

A situation in which a person is not getting enough of protein which causes Health problems. Can lead to insufficient production of blood plasma proteins --> retention of fluids in certain tissues, notably the walls of the intestine.

Kwashiorkor --> results from mlanutrition.

protein deficiency disease what could they eat

Kwashiorkor. egg. learn them how to raise chickens and introduce eggs in their diet
Explain the causes and consequences of phenylketonuria and how early diagnosis and a special diet can reduce the consequences

1. Genetic disease caused by a mutated gene on chromosome 12. the gene codes for an enzyme which converts the essential amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine.

2. since people with PKU cannot convert the phenylalanine into tyrosine they have concentrations of it in their blood dozens of times higher than normal level. when body tries to eliminate the excess, toxins produces --> affecting brain dev negatively.

Cosnequences: Babies and Young Children with utnreated PKU can have severe mental problems and Learning difficulties.

Can be diagnosied early with a blood test at birth, recommended for Children with PKU to follow a special diet low in protein to aviod phenylalanine (no milk, meat, peanuts cheese etc)

Outline the variation in the molecular strucutre of fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids

Cis and trans unsatured fatty acids

Monounsaturated and polyunsatured fatty acids

what is the same between all fatty acids?

carboxyl Group at one end and a methyl Group at the other.

saturated fatty acids

the carbons are carrying as many hydrogens as they can. ex: butter, bacon of the fat in red meat. solid at room temperature.

shape: straight.

monounsaturated fatty acids

double bond between two carbons in the hydrocarbon chain. can be kinked/bent.
polyunsaturated fatty acids

at least two double bonds in the carbon chain. ex: plants such as olives.

tend to be liquid at room temp.


polyunsaturated fats are hydrogenated --> the double bonds (the kinks) are eliminated by adding hydrogen atoms. straightens out the natural bent shape of unsaturated fatty acids.
cis fatty acids

omega 3. fish good source of this. curved.
evaluate the Health consequences of diets rich in saturated and trans fatty acids

1. shape is important because the curved fatty acids are more easily picked up by the current of the blood flowing through arteries. the straight can lie flat agaisnt the wall of the arteries, more difficult to pick up.

2. deposits of saturated or trans fatty acids combine with cholesterol to form a substance called plaque along the inner lining of the blood vessels ---> can reduce volume of arteris and cause blood pressure to increase. if a chunk of plaque breaks off can cuz heart attack if it happens in the region of the heart. if the blockage happens in brain --> stroke

plaue deposists in the arteries brining blood to the heart --> coronary heart disease.

SO: serious cardiovascular problems later in life

evaluate the Health consequences of diets rich in unsaturated fats

lower quantities of plaue, healthier cardiovascular system. tend to carry away cholestro durign their journey in the bloodstrem --> reduce cholesterol level.

all fatty acids Health consequences
contain high amounts of energy, so excess quantities --> unhealthy.
distinguish between minerals and vitamins in terms of their chemical nature

1. minerals inorganic (doesn't contain carbon and not synthesized by living organisms) comes from rocks, soil or sea witer. vitamins are organis. synthesized in living plants and alnimals and Always contain carbon.

2. minerals are found in the form of ions, vitamins are in the form of compounds.

Outline two of the methods that have been used to determine the recommended Daily intake of vitamin c

1. during ww2 vitam c experiments were done in the us using conscientious objectors. one Group high doses of vitam c, one less and one none. scurvy.
discuss the amount of vitamin c that and adult should cosnume per day, including the level needed to prevent scurvy; claims that higher intakes give protection against upper respiratory trat infections; and the danger of rebound malnutrition.
recomended level depends on country. usually between 30 and 60 mg per day. a chemist argued that 1000 mg per day would protect against catching could.. however critized since no real profof.


deficiency disease associated with lack of vitamin c. symptoms include retention of fluid, loss of teeth, bleeding into joins etc. if untreated --> fatal

effects of excessive amounts of vitamin c

cannot store so it is lost in the urine. however, body gets used to excreting high levels of vitamin c and continues to do so even if the high itnake stops --> can result in low elvels of vitam c and possibly even scarvy --> rebound malnutrition.
list the sources of vitamin d in human diets

exporure to Sunlight --> skin can synthesize it. about 15 minutes of expoure twice a week enough.

Foods: certain types of fich such as Salmon, tuna... eggs, also some Products are fortified with vitam d (ex milk and cereals)

discuss how the risk of vitam d deficiency from isnufficient exposure to Sunlight can be balanced against the risk of contracting malignant melanoma
should expose body to enough Sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin d but not su much that the skin burns etc. if stayed outdoors: sunblock to protect skin
iodine. goitre.

sometimes Foods you eat not varied enough to provide every one of the dozens of diff molecules you need to stay Health. iodine is naturally present in sea wate rso people living near the ocean who eat seafood regular basis no problem. iodine is a Component of thyroxin, hormone made by the thyroid gland. the hormones made by the thyroid gland regulate growth and the rate at which energy is released in the body. insufficient iodine --> inflammation of the thyroid gland develops. swelling in the neck --> called goitre.

how was goitre prevented:

explain benefits of artifical dietary supplementation as a means of preventing malnutrition (iodine as example)

iosine added to both table salt and cooking salt..relatively simple and inexpensive solution.
outline the importance of fiber as a Component of a balanced diet

helps the human digestive system function better by providing bulk. in order for peristalsis to function optimally, the muscles which push food materials along the intestines need to have a sufficient volume of material to apply pressure to.

reduces likelihood of constipation

can lower chances of certain intestinal problems (appendicitis or cancer)

reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular dieseas (a possible reans --> toxins bind to the fibre and are carried out of the body)

help people manage their body mass.

give sfeeling of satiety

defiency of vitam d

rickets. (don't growh so tall etc, bent legs)

poor dev. of bones and teeth in children

compare the enrgy content per 100 g of carbohydrate, fat and protein

carbo: 1760 energy per mass/kj per 100g

protein: 1720

lipids: 4000

compare the main dietary sources of energy in diff ethnic groups

rice: mains ource of energy for 1 in 5 people on Earth. southeast asia to africa. energy comes from starch, a complex carbohydrate.

wheat: many Cultures use it. wheat flor bread cakes pasta. russia ex.

cassava: many tropical regions. caribbean.

fish: seychelles

maize: mexicoooo central america. complex carbohydrate.

meat: us. protein with fat.

explain the possible Health cosnequeces of diet of excess carbohydrate

too much energy. complex carbohydrates broken into simple surgars --< used to make atp for muscles and other tissue. if not burned off by physical activity, excess stored. sugar conveted into glycogen or fat.

Health consequences of excess fat in diet

much energy per unit mass. obesity. depending on the nature of the fat, could be serious Health consequences.

Health consequences of excess protein in the diet

body have no way to store extra protein so the molecules which cannot be used must be destroyed and eliminated from the system. done by lvier and kidneas. so overeating --< overworking the digestive system, liver and kidneys (they will become overzied by overcompensation). kidneys use calcium aswell and if they cant find enough --> Leach it from our bones.


Outline the function of the appetite Control centre in the brain

brain has an appetite Control center, located in the hypothalamus. its role: make us feel satiated when we have eaten enough. the appetite Control centre does this when it receives hormunal stimuli:

insulin, secreated by the pancreas when blood glucose levels are high

leptin secreted with more secreted as amounts of stored fat icnrease and pyy3-36 secreted by the small itnestine, when there is food in it.

calculate bmi

mass in kg/ (height in metres) upphögt till två
underweight, normal overweight ob using bmi

underweight is below 18,5

normal weight 1,5-24,9

overweight: 25.0 - 29.9

obese 30.0 or more

Clinical obesity

increasing use of vehicles for transport, change froma ctive to sedentary occupations large portion sizes, availability of cheap high-energy Foods, physically undemanding work. tasks that Before were done by hand now by amchine. watching televition, playing computer games etc. so: more food eaten, less energy used in Daily activities
consequences anorexia nervosa

complex causes. consequences:

family etc, feelings of guilt and powerlessness.

protein in theri bodies broken down, muscles lose mass, weak, fatigue, thin hair, dry scin, bruises come easily, blood pressure drops with a slow heart rate and poor circulation. menstraul cycles often stops.

distinguish between human milk and atrificial milk

protein source:

human milk 65% whey proteins 35% casein

articial 82% bovine casein or soya proteins (harder to digeste for the baby)

fatty acids

human milk: human butterfat

artificial milk: palm, coconut, soy..


human milk present in the first milk - colostrum

artifi: no antibodies for fighting human diseases are present

benefits of breastfeeding

1. avoids the allergies to proteins in cow's milk or soya that can develop when Babies receive artifical milk.

2. breast-feeding promotes bonding between mother and baby.

3. antibodies provided

4. frequent breast-feeding acts as a natrual birth-control method

5. naturally sterile so is safer in areas where it is impossible to sterilize water used to prepare artifical milk

6. milk production helps mothers to lose Wight after pregnancy

causes of type 2 diabetes

1. body cells less responsive to the insule.

factors which could increase the risk:

obesity, due to overeating and lack of exercise

diets rich in fat and low in fibre

genetic factors, which affect fat metabolism

symptoms of type 2 diabete

dietary advice to a type 2 diabetes

symptomes are usually mild and develops gradually. hence diagnoses not very quickly:

elevated levels of blood glucose

glucose in the urine

tiredness, icnreased appetite and loss of body mass

needing to exrete urine frequently

dehydration and thirts (From loss of wate rin urine)

dietary advice:

reduce the intake of saturated fats

reduce the intake of sugar, sepcially ins weets snack Foods and drink

eat more food high in fibre

eat regular small meals throught the day each including moderate amounts of carbohydrate to prevent high blood sugar levels are fa large meal

eat carbohydrates with a low GI --> digested and absorbed slowly.

ethical issue concerning the eating of animal Products. why should we be vegetarian

is it right for one animal to take the lfie of Another to botain food? is the pain caused to the justifiable? suffering justifiable`?

huge milk rpoduction of cows that have been bred just do live a short Life and provide milk, and suffering of cows whose calves are taken away from them soon after birth justifiable

egg: is it acceptable to ill male chicks at 1-3 Days old because they do not lay eggs

evaluate the benefits of reducing dietary cholesterol in lowering the risk of coronary heart disease

some investigations have shown that as the amount of cholesterol in the blood plasma rises, the risk of Death from CHD increases.

most advice reducing saturated fat intake to try to reduce blood cholesterol and the risk of CHD.


Simply a measure of how far a food item has been transported from where it was produced to where it is eaten. a lot of food miles --< causes air pollution, traffic congestion and the release of greenhouse gases.

some not concerned, wnat continuous supply of food and maximum choice.