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125 Cards in this Set

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two thin lenses focal length 10 sm sep by 4 cm
equic power?
16 D
what is the critical angle
incident ray where refracted ray is 90 deg
light normally incident on transparent medium with n = 1.5, what is the %transmittance
r = [(1.5-1)/(1.5-1)^2] x 100% = 4%
focal length for biconves lens with r = 50sm and n = 1.5
50 cm
lens 50 cm from light souece, image is shart at 16.6 cm from the lens, power = ?
fish is 2 m below surface viewed from directly above what is the actual depth of this fish
n = 1.33
n = 1.732 from air. what percent in reflected
7.1% fresnel
if light enters a different refractive index, what changes
velocity and wavelenth
focal length of positive thin les is obj dist is 90cm and im dist is 45 cm
3 lenses with focal length 10cm, 20cm, and -40cm are places in contact--focal length of combo?
light incient on water n = 1.33 - plastic interface
99.7% transmitted
index of plastic?
fresnel formula
ocular focal lenth is 10 cm
distance between obj and oc is 2.1m
angular mag?
for thick lens, the two nodal pts and 2 principal points coincide only if n1 and n2 of the media in front and behind the lens are
myopic patient
horizontal and vertical bars both blurry
vertical bars clearer
what type of astig?
thin prism deviates light 8cm at dist of 4m prism dipters?
5x gallilean telescope lesnses sep by 10cm
powers of obj and oc?
+8, -40
shortes dist between real obj and real im for thin lens
when a lens surface is bent, the principal planes will move in which direction
toward the side with more bending
costringence is associated with
chromatic aberration
by what factor will sph ab increase if entrance pupil is changes from 3,, to 6mm
4 (prop to sq)
what happens to focal lengths if a mirror is submerges in water
stay the same
6PD prism, n = 1.523
what is the apical angle
total internal reflection
when index of medium the light is traveling in is greater than the index of the medium the light is traveling into
a ray emerges from second surface of parallel sided plate im unkown medium
what is the n of the first surface of the plate?
incident angle is equal to the emergent angle
see snell's law
a ray strikes an interface and is refracted at a larger angle than the incident

1. what is the change in velocity
2. is the n of the second medium higher or lower than the first
3.is the wavelength shorter or longer before refraction
4. how is the frequency affected
1. velocity is greater after refraction
2. lower (higher to lower n, light bends away from normal)
4. stays the same
wavelenght = 460nm,
n = 1.24, enters this from air
new wavelength = ?
an image of an object 50cm from -10D lens will be
real or virtual
mini or mag
erect of inverted
schematic eye
r of cornea = 5.50mm
length = 24mm
n = 1.33
what distance will the eye see clearly?
real obj in water is 33.33cm from convex SSRI with r = 21.25mm. emergent medium has n = 1.50
where is the image, is it real or virtual
39cm, real
real obj and its real image formed by a curved mirror lie in the same plane 40 cm from mirror
power of mirror?
symmetrical planes
conjugate planes
positive unit magnification
image is always inverted
equiv power of biconvex lens, 25mm thick, n = 2.0, radii = 100 mm and 50mm
obj space n = 1.0
im space n = 1.5
+4.00 and +7.00 thin lenses in contact
real obj 40 cm in front
image characterisitics?
real, inverted, mag = 1/3
viewing from the retina, the exit pupil of the eye is
image of iris formed by the lens
eye with SSRI = +60, n = 133
constringence of water = 55.6
what is the chromatic aberration?
CA = P/v
= +60/55.6
euler's constant
when you measure the diptric power along any two perpendicular meridians of a toric lens, the sum is always 2S + C of the lens = Eulers constant
compund microscop is +50 lens spe by 15cm in front of +100 lens
mag = ?
is longitudinal sph ab constant for a given lens
no, changes depending which meniscus is in front
how is coma related to aperture size
proprotional to square of ap size
orthoscopic lens systems eliminate
where will suns rays focus if they pass through globe of water n = 1.33 diamter = 6 inches 1 inch = 2.54cm
9 inches from sph center
where are the two principal planes for a planoconvex thick lens?
one at the vertex, the second inside the lens in front of the planar surface
real obj is 50cm in front of thin lens
virtual erect image is formed, and is 1/3 the size of the object
lens power = ?
expected snellen VA with PH of 1.5mmdiamters
assume wavelenght = 550nm
rayleigh criterion
AR coating on a spectacle, thickness = 100, whjat is the index?
convert from lumens to watts
lumen = 685lumens/watts (luminous efficiency)
if wave one has amp of 4, and wave 2 has amp of 2, what is the relative instensiry of the 2nd compared to the 1st
for harmonic wave, intensity is proportional to amplitude squared
presence of colors in oil slicks is due to
thin-film intereference
laser aimed 10,000km away initially 20mm diam, how large with the diam be when it hits the target
421 mm

r = 1.22(wavelength)d/D
r = 1.22(690x10^-0)(10,000x10^3m)/20x10^3
r = 421
diameter = 2r = 842m
in a double slit experient the fringes are
of equal width and proportional to the wavelength and the screen distance

fringe width = wavelenthd/D
a telecsopt has + obj and oc, what type is it
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00. what is the d distance of the telescoe?
12 cm
d = f1 + f2
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00. what is the mag
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00. where is the exit pupil relative to the eyepiece
+2.40 cm
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00. what is the size of the exit pupil
-1.00 cm
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00.
if the obj is 25 cm in front, what lens is necessary in front of the objective to create a compound microscope
a telescope has obj +10.00 and oc +50.00.
if tube length can be changes, what 'g' distnace is needed to create a compound microscipe with a real object located at 25cm in front of objective
telecsopt with +20 and -40. what is the d distance
2.50 cm
telecsopt with +20 and -40.
telecsopt with +20 and -40.
where is the exit pupil
1.25cm from eyepiece
telecsopt with +20 and -40.
size of exit pupil
telecsopt with +20 and -40.
if obj is 50cm in front of the object lens what trial lens would be necessary ?
telecsopt with +20 and -40. obj at 50cm, how would you need to change tube length
oens clock has pin sep of 1.0cm
lens clock n = 1.53
how far will the central pin move for +1.00D lens made from glass with n = 1.53
lens clock gives front surface sag of 4.23, back surface sag of 1.23. n = 1.53. what is the nominal power of the lens? lens is 70.00 mm round and lens clock is calibrated for 1.53
lesn clocked has front suraface of +7.00 and back surface of -3.00, edge thickness = 2.2mm.
what is the center thickness
lesn is 50mm round, made from poly
lens cal for 1.53
n poly
clock calibrated for n = 1.53 ued on cr-39. front suraface measres +5.00 and back is -7.50D
what is the adjusted nominal power
find sag of CL with BC of 7.5mm and chord diameter of 8.0mm
which lens material has highest specific gravity
crown glass
bv power = +4.00
lens n = 1.50
front surface power = +10.00
center thickness = 2.2mm
back surface power = ?
les is 50mmround
bv power is +4
lens is CR 39 (n = 1.5)
front suraface = +10.00
CT = 3.4mm
lens is for OD
prism if pt looks 4.0mm nasal to OC
1.6 BO
frame is 52x18
PD = 62mm
4mm in
bv power = -4.00
55.0 mm round
front surface is +2.00
n = 1.60
CT = 2.2mm
minimum edge thickness?
back vertex = -4.00 -1.00 x 180
front surface is +2.00
n = 1.6
CT = 2.2mm
minimal ET?
roudn CL
n = 1.45
back vertex power = -5.00
BC = 7.85mm
CT = 0.14mm
K's: 42.50@180 and 44.00 @90
front surface power = ?
CL with back vert power of -5.00, BC is 7.85mm, Ks are 42.50@180 and 44@90
spec rx at 13mm?
-4.77 -1.50 x 180
prims is 3 PD BDn
lens is 50.0mm round
ET of lens alone is 2.4mm
total ET at the base of the prism?
n = 1.50
60mm round lens with power of +6.00 D
OC is moved 4mm down from geometrical center, find ET difference between the apex and base of the prism that is created
n = 1.50
what is thicker--prism by grinding to prism by decentration
+5.00 -4.00 x 120
power in 180th meridian
what aberration can be controlled via steeper base curve
radial astigmatism
front surface is +5 back surface is -2.00, n = 1.523 (crown glass) and CT is 3mm
back vertex power?
front vertex power?
spec les has front surface pwoer of +5.00, back surface is -2.00, lens n = 1.523 and CT is 3.0mm
BVD is 14.00mm, distance from cornea to entrace pupil is 6.0mm
shape magnification?
pwer mag?
total mag?
what happens to mag is BC is flatter, but bd is the same
shape mag decreases
find far point for:
+4.00 lens
distnace from lens to center fo rot of eye is 27mm
what happens to curv of field abberation if BC is flattened
will increase
what lenses produce barrel distortion
high minus
spec lens with power of +8.00 worn 16.0 mm from nodal pt of eye
what is spectacle mag? assume lens is thin
spec lesn is -8.00 16mm from nodal pt
spec mag?
+4.00 OD
-6.00 OS
15mm from nodal pt
% difference in mage between the two eyes, assum lenses are thin
height of snellen leter that subjtend 5 min arc at 6 m test distance
shcmatic eye
0.5mm thick cornea
n = 1.376
surface pwoers are =48.83 and -5.82
aqueous n = 1.336
how far from seocnd surface of cornea will a distance object be images?
a reduced eye with SSRI of r=6mm as cornea
n = 1.333
ap stop is 4mm
axial length is 25.13mm
a ray with slope x is heading toward the cetner of curvature the ray will refract at what angle
size of exit pupil?
refractive error?
2.5 D myopic
reduced eye, r cornea is 5.5mm
n - 1.36
far pt is 200nm in front of conea
what is the distance from the second nodal point tothe retina?
emmetropic eye
n - 1.336
r cornea is 5.7mm
disntace from corean to retina is 22.9mm
distant obj sutends 2 deg
how large is the retianl image?
uses tan fnc
eye with n = 1.336
power in hor meird is 58D
vert power is 57D
distant obj
how far from corean will horizontal line image be foremed
of gullstrands 4 refracting surfaces, which has the least refracting power
posterior cornea
angle alpha
between visual and optic axes
cause of blue arcs of the retina
action currents passing through the papillomacular bundle
entopic phenomenon seen in bright blue monochromatic light (430nm)
capillary ciruclation
visual sensations that result from stimuli other than light
are the following on or off axis aberrations
on, rest are off
retinal image has sptial sine wave pattern with max intens of 10lumens/m^2 and min intesnity of 2 lumens/m^2
contrast = ?
sine wave pattern with max intens of 16, min intens of 4. straiy light of 2.5 intenisty falls on retinal image..how is contrast affected
which aberrations blur the retinal image
sp aberration
radial astigmatism
which abberrations DEFORM the image
curve of field
OD +2.00
OS -8.00

what changes in OS can decrease diff in spec mag?
inc thickness
inc front surface power
move lens closer to cornea
dec n

spec mag is greater OD, so want to INCREASE it OS
axial length 21.5mm
n = 1.333
power of eye = 61.75
if viewing near target at 25cm what is acc stim?
+4.25 D
aphake has axial length 22.8mm
n = 1.333
ks are 44.50 @75 and 42.75 @ 165
which CL corrects this eye
+15.75 -1.75 x 165
43.50 @ 85 and 47.00 @175
how mcuh astig do you expect on ret?
javals rule
4.87 ATR
aphake has corneal power 42.50, acial length 24mm
n = 1.333
power of IOL should be?
lenticular theory of presbyopia
due to changes in lens capsule
sm sournce 4 feet above 8ft diameter round tavle produces illum of 8lumsn/cm^2 at center of table
what is the illumination at the edge?
what wavelenghts are most efficiently transmitted to the human retina
visible and IRA
image of distant diffusing light sournce has retinal illum of 11.75 lumens/cm^2 with 2.5mmdiamter pupil. what will the illuminace be is the pupil dilates to 4.0mm?
entire visible spectrum range
380 to 760nm
what type of light is radiated from a tungsten halogen light source
long wavelenth
accomdation latency in response to change in target vergence
which color test is best for acquired deects
F-M 100hue
best for BY defects
does a deuteronalomous pt require more red or more green
more green
for v small central fields, pt will appear to be
tritanopic--no short wavelenth cones in central fovea
most common color deficiency
difference berwen rods and cone photopig is due to
sptial summation size corresponds to
retinal ganglion cell RF size