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96 Cards in this Set

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superior articular facet is (concave/convex)
inferior articular facet is (concave/convex)
facets of lumbar spine are at this angle
45 degrees
most common complaint in a family practitioner's office
lower back pain
acute low back pain
less than 3 months duration
cauda equina syndrome
medical emergency. secondary to massive central disc herniation (disc has herniated straight back). Symptoms: saddle anesthesia, urinary retention/incontinence, anal sphincter laxity, neurological defecits in lower extremities, motor weakness
research - hospital stay
when OMT added to treatment, hospital stay length decreased by 24% for pts admitted with low back pain.
this nerve root crosses 2 discs
L5. (L4-5, L5-S1)
this nerve root crosses only one disc level
S1. (L5-S1)
motor test for S1?
toe walk
reflex test for S1?
achilles reflex
sensation test for S1?
outside of foot
motor test for L5?
extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus
sensory test for L5?
dorsal foot - strip down the middle
motor test for L4?
tibialis anterior - have pt internally rotate foot. OR walk on heels --> foot drop
reflex test for L4?
patellar tendon
straight leg-raising test
if positive, indicates neuritis. Possible compression. Check neurologic signs to rule out radiculopathy.
red flags for back pain
tumor, kidney stone, infection, cauda equina (herniated disc)
neurogenic claudication
leg symptoms worsen when walking and improve by squatting, sitting, lying down
how do you rule out a herniated disc?
herniated disc will cause neurologic malfunction
osteoarthritis of the spine. Can see bridging
vertebral hyperostosis causesq
ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis (psoriatic, reactive, gouty) Vitamin A toxicity, repetitive microtrauma, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
benefits of professional touch
decreased HR, decreased BP, decreased muscle tension, decreased pain perception, improved immune function
bilateral UPL5 tenderpoints indicate
iliolumbar ligament syndrome
spondylolysis leads to anterior slippage of one vertebral body on another. Can lead to lumbar spinal stenosis
pars interarticularis defect. Can lead to spondylolisthesis
step-off sign
one vertebral body = so anterior to another, the spines are not continuous. One is "missing'
lumbar strain
spasm of mm. most common cause of lower back pain, "mechanical" non-radiating back pain, secondary to overuse, muscle strain, or HNP. Treatment: bed rest for 2 days, stretch first, then strengthen
superior to the sciatic nerve
set of detectable characteristics that occur together.
tender coccyx that creates pelvic pain, coccyx flexion. Can be due to glut max strain, pelvic floor spasm, coccyx flexion.
exaggerated lower back curve. Can be due to postural decompensation
iliolumbar ligament syndrome
either unilateral or bilateral. Can present with radiating pain in pelvis. Unilateral due to short leg (anatomical or func.) or sacroiliitis. Bilateral due to hyperlordosis (due to postural decomp), overuse strain, spondylolysis/spondylolysthesis
pelvic tilt
stretching exercise, helps iliolumbar ligament syndrome
pelvis pain
indicated by anterior pelvic tenderpoints. Can be a cause of chronic back pain.
postural decompensation
gradual loss of fast twitch fibers. Worse with postural immobility, causes increased lordosis, increased thoracic kyphosis. Stretch (pelvic tilt, lumbar extensor), then strengthen (abs and lower back)
psoriatic arthritis
autoimmune problem that affects joints and the skin
retinoid toxicity
vitamin A can cause vertebral hyperostosis
ASIS compression worsens, diffuse SI tenderness
low velocity high amplitude. Goal is to increase range of mvmt. Activating force is either repetitive springing motion or concentric mvmt of joint through restrictive barrier. E.g. OB roll
articular release. Immobility of joint creates a partial vacuum, increased pressure causes gas bubbles (CO2, N2) to form in joint fluid. Joint separation causes collapse of vapor cavities
HVLA contraindications
lumbar spinal stenosis, acute sprain or fracture, DVT, vascular instability, radiculopathy
nerve root pathology/disorder. Caused by herniated discs.
research - manipulation and medication use
patients who received OMT in low back pain treatment required fewer medications and used less physical therapy. (Outcomes such as pain, range of motion, leg raising were the same as std med therapies)
herniated disc
can cause lumbar spinal stenosis.
low back pain
most common cause of disability in people less than 45
lumbar spinal stenosis
narrowing of the spinal canal with impingement of the cord and/or spinal roots. Presents in males, nonspecific low back pain with parethesias in both legs. Neurogenic claudication. HVLA = contraindicated
neurologic examination
do on every patient first presenting with low back pain. DTR, straight leg raise, sensory and motor testing
fryette's law 3
initiating motion of a vertebral segment in any plane of motion will modify the mvmt of that segment in other planes of motion. Corrective force only needs to apply in one plane of motion.
iliopsoas muscle
psoas + iliacus mm.Psoas origin: T12-L4 vertebral bodies. Iliacus origin: iliac crest Insertion: lesser trochanter of the femur.
latissimus dorsi muscle
origin: thoracolumbar fascia, transverse processes of T7-T12 insertion: intertubercular groove of humerus. Adducts, extends, internally rotates arm
multifidus muscle
origin: sacrum, erector spinae aponeurosis, PSIS, iliac crest. Insertion: spinous processes. Spans 3 joint segments, stabilizes spine at each level.
non-neutral SDs
type II. Occur in extreme flexion and extreme rotation
locked open facet
SD flexion. Type II. Opposite of the rotated segment
quadratus lumborum muscle
origin: iliac crest insertion: 12th rib
rectus abdominus muscle
origin: pubic symphysis, insertion: xiphoid process, costal cartilages of ribs 5-7. enclosed in rectus sheath
restrictive barrier
initial patient positioning for ME.
tri-planar motion
flexion/extension/neutral, rotation, sidebending
type I and type II SDs
type I = group curve, occurs with "neutral" flexion and extension. Type II = single segment, occurs in extreme flexion or extension.
viscerosomatic reflex, L1 and L2
in lumbar spine - L1 and L2 = sympathetic innervation of distal colon, pelvic organs, lower extremity
if you find a capsular pattern on a patient
patient needs further diagnosis and treatment beyond OMT
capsular pattern
motion is restricted in both right and left rotation or in multiple planes. Seen in pathologic conditions such as arthritis
locked closed facet
SD extension. Type II - causes rotation and sidebending to same side. Same side as rotation.
erector spinae muscles
iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis. Originate from sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes of lower lumber vertebrae. Insertion: lower ribs, transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae
ringing in the ears, caused by CNVIII entrapment
TMJ compression/decompression
don’t do if there's pain with compression, inflammation. Compression - indirect. Decompression - direct
trigeminal neuralgia
CNV neuropathy. SBS strain, temporal rotation, maxilla rotation, manible rotation.
trigeminal stimulation
treats congestion by watering down mucus secretions (stimulates tear production)
main causes of dizziness
hypoglycemia (acc. By feeling faint), ataxia (w. mvmt), vertigo (spinning in space)
OMT helps these kinds of headaches
tension, migraine, mixed, post-concussive, cervicogenic, congestive (rhinitis, sinusitis)
migraine headache: spinal manipulation more effective than __ for ___ treatment
drugs (amitriptyline), prophylactic
chronic tension headache: spinal manipulation more effective than __ for ____ treatment
drugs, short-term treatment
cervicogenic headache: spinal manipulation more effective than no treatment or massage for _______ treatments
prophylactic and short-term
TMJ syndrome
jaw pain with eating, facial pain, headache. Restricted mobility, cartilage degeneration, subluxation. Treatment includes NSAIDs, orthodontic evaluation, OMT for cervical and cranial SD
compression of nerve with NO neurological defecits. Structural problem
severe injury, causes neuropathy - nerve death. Abnormal neural exam. Can be regeneration.
injury, degeneration, neuroma formation. Nerve = cut, no regeneration
site for vesitbulocochlear nerve entrapment
internal acoustic meatus
headache treatment
suboccipital inhibition, venous sinus drainage, CV-4. Ganglion stimulation for sinus headaches
Meniere's syndrome
treatable functional dysfunction. CNVIII neuropathy accompanied by tinnitus, vertigo, deafness
benign positional vertigo
feeling of spinning in space
cranial neuropathy
trigeminal neuralgia, bell's palsy (VII), CNVIII (tinnitus, vertigo, deafness)
facial effleurage
soft tissue technique. Compress vascular structures to move fluid. Start by releasing thoracic inlet and treating neck. Then forehead, maxilla and mandible
facial palsy
CN VII neuropathy. Temporal rotation, SBS strains
treat with occipital decompression, MFR abdomen. Could be due to entrapment or vagus overstimulation.
cranial entrapment neuropathy
skull bones become locked (cranial base compression)
occipitomastoid decompression
treats entrapment neuropathies - torticollis, otitis media, colic, plagiocephaly
otitis media
middle ear infection. Caused by impaired Eustacian tube drainage
parallelogram head deformity
positional plagiocephaly (benign). Can be due to SBS lateral strain. Named for side of flattened occiput
plagiocephaly, deformational
rule out synostotic plagiocephaly. Can lead to vision problems, TMJ, learning disorders.
can cause plagiocephaly. Caused by ischemic SCM or entrapment. Treat with SCM MFR, cranial base compression
OMT has cosmetic benefits for plagiocephaly until age
treat toricollis with
occipital decompression, SCM MFR
treat colic with
occipital decompression, MFR abdomen
treat otitis media with
Galbreath mandibular drainage, temporal decompression, rib raising, MFR abdomen