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39 Cards in this Set

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Schnabels Cavernous optic Atrophy
1. associations
2. path/special stain
associated with glaucoma or vascular occlusive disorders
Cavernous spaces with hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid stains + with acid mucopolysaccharides (colloidal iron)
aka diktyoma
neoplasm of the ciliary body (nonpig epithelium)
Unilateral prior to 6y/o
can be simple or teratoid, benign or malignant
rarely metastisizes, local resection.
Histiocytosis X
1. synonym
2. special stains
3. path finding
4. associated syndromes
Aka Langerhans cell hystiocytosis
stains +S-100 & vimentin
Path has Birbeck granules
includes: Eosiphilic granuloma of the bone, Hand-Schüller-Christian disease & Letterer-Siwe disease
fibrous and osseous metaplasia occurs in what disorder and which cell layer
Phthisical eyes
Choroidal hemangiomas have what kind of growth pattern
localized and diffuse (Sturge-Weber)
Identify the layers involved with Typical Peripheral Cystoid Degeneration and Reticular Cystoid Degeneration
TPCD: Outer plexiform layer
RCD: Nerve fiber layer
Goblet cells are most easily identified with which stain
PAS (periodic acid-Schiff)
benign neoplasm of the caruncle.
Electron Micro shows cytoplasm packed with mitochondria
1. common systemic finding
2. age of presentation of ocular findings
3. Ocular findings
4. histologic features
1. raised orange skin leasions
2. under 6mo
3. hyphema, glaucoma
4. granuloma with Touton Giant cells
Granulomatous reaction to Descemet's membrane is associated with what organisms?
Order of prevelent location for BCC
lower lid, medial canthus, upper lid, lateral canthus
Fungal keratitis:
Yeast or mold?
mold. Candida and crypto are yeast
Do the following represent local or systemic disease:
1. Conjunctival amyloid
2. Subcutaneous amyloid
1. Local disease
2. Systemic disease
Conjunctival melanomas
1. what portion occurs from PAM
2. Mortality rate
3. Location of mets
4. poor prognostic indicators
1. 2/3
2. 25%
3. local LN's
4. pagetoid spread, >0.75mm depth, orbit/scleral invasion, eyelid margin involvement
Causes of interstitial keratitis
conj. syphilis, HSV, HZV, leprosy, lyme, TB, onchocerciasis, sarcoid
Which part of the eye is most sensitive to rad Tx
% of patients that have xanthalasma that have dyslipidemia?
1. Typical inheritance pattern of phakomatoses?
2. Exceptions to the rule?
1. AD
2. Sturge-Weber & Wyburn Mason sporadic (capital W), Ataxia-telandiectasia AR
With acute elevation in IOP where is the edema in otherwise normal corneas?
Nevus of Ota increases the risk of what?
Are Russell's bodies and Dutcher's bodies an indication of malignant or benign lesion?
If a patient has recurrent or recalcitrant vitritis, what should be considered?
1. Elastosis stains what color with H&E?
2. what is it caused by?
1. basophilic (blue)
2. UV damage
Identify where the lesion is:
1. essential blepharospasm
2. hemifacial spasm
3. facial myokymia
1. basal ganglia
2. compression (abnl vessels -90% > tumors) of the 7th CN within the cerebellopontine angle
3. Pons (CN or fascicle) MS adults, glioma children
1. Sudden appearance of multiple seborrheic keratoses suggests what Dx?
2. Further w/u?
1. Leser-Trelat sign - GI malignancy
2. w/u for GI malignancy
Describe the melanocytes in nevi
"nevus cells" as apposed to their normal appearance, nevus cells are rounder, more abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm
To preserve crystals in cystinosis process should be with what?
Absolute alcohol
What is the best way to clinically detect Kayser-Fleisher rings?
gonioscopy - detectable in the most peripheral descemet's membrane
Most important prognostic indication of systemic involvement in ocular/orbital lymphoma?
Location: Eyelid > orbital > conjunctival
Which rosettes are most specific for RB
1. Foamy cells =?
2. Name two concerning syndromes
1. Xanthalasma - engorged macrophages
2. Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma - may be associated with MM (get electrophoresis
- Erdheim-Chester disease - recurrent nodular xanth with multi organ involvment
Difference between dermoid cyst and EIC?
EIC does not have appendages (hair, sweat glands, etc.)
dual cuboidal cell layer =?
sweat gland
"blue and below"
clefting artifact
lobules with peripheral pallisades
Path prep for sebacious cell CA?
full thickness Bx, frozen section with oil red O, map Bx's
"purple swiss cheese"
significant Sx
Adenocystic CA
pain due to nerve irritation
Psamoma bodies
large endothelial lined vessels with large fibrous septa and lymphoid aggregates with germinal centers.
1. Dx
2. typical age?
1. orbital lymphangioma
2. Childhood <10
What are features that help to distinguish between IOI and lymphoproliferative disorders
hypocellularity and prominent fibrovascular stroma - both seen in IOI