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31 Cards in this Set

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When to urgently refer patients with diabetic retinopathy?


*Severe non-proliferative retinopathy --large blot hemorrhage, cotton whool spots, engorged toruos veins.

*Proliferative retinopathy -- fine new vessels appear on the optic disc, retina and can cause viterous hemmorhage.

(Also, sudden losse of vision, retinal detachment, viteral or pre-retinal hemorrhage, rubeosis iridis)




Hemorrhages / flame shaped

Hard exudates?

Yellow patches

Squint other names?

Strabismus, tropia

Vincristine ophthalmologic SE?

Toxic optic neuropathy

Ethambutol SE?

Color blindness, restriction of visual fields, loss of visual acuity

Ptosis is due to?

dysfunction of the muscles that raise the eyelid or their nerve supply (oculomotor nerve for levator palpebrae superioris and sympathetic nerves for superior tarsal muscle).

Holmes Adie Syndrome?

Tonically dialated pupil that doesn't respond to light (but responds to near)

Tx of posterior viterous detachment in the elderly?

No tx is required

Cupping of optic disk --> characteristic of glaucoma

Mean value of intraocular pressure?

15-16 mmHg (21 is the upper limit for normal)

Common causes of cataract over the age of 40?



Macular degeneration

Sudden loss of vision, pale disk and cherry red spot fovea suggests?

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)

Seidle's sign?

Sickle shaped scotomata in chronic simple glaucoma

Treatment for chronic glaucoma?

Pilocarpine (mitotic)

- direct cholinergic agonist -


Emedastine, olopatadine?

Anti-histamine drops

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) presentation?

Dramatic visual loss

Afferent pupil defect

Retina appears white + red cherry spot on fovea


Reduce the IOP to improve perfusion by:

Occular massage or

Remove aqeous surgically or

Use of antihypertensive treatment

Which is commoner CRAO or CRVO (Vein)?


CRVO Subtypes?

Ischemic and non-ischemic

Finding on examination of CRVO?

Ischemic: cotton whool spots, swollen optic nerve, macular edema, risk of neovascularization.


Do fundus fluorecence angiogram to determine the degree of ischemia

Pan-retinal photocoagulation to treat or prevent neovascularization

Age related macular degeneration main symptom?

Central vision loss

Primary open angle glucoma main symptom?

Visual firld defect from optic nerve damage

Associations of eye Disease to systemic conditions?

Anterior uveitis - Ankylosing spondylitis

Scleritis - Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Spondyloarthropathies, vasculitis

Mooren's ulcer?

Progressive painful ulcerative keratitis


Pellucid marginal degeneration - degenerative thinning of the cornea (marginal dystrophy of the cornea)

Optic papillitis?

Form of optic neuritis - inflm if the optic nerve head

Symptoms of optic papillitis?

Loss of visual field

Painful eye movement