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72 Cards in this Set

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How does a Deadlock occur?
When 2 or more processes are trying to use the same resources
What is a deadlock?
When 2 or more competing processes are waiting for the other to finish, so neither ever does
A resource management program which ensures that shared resources are not to be taken by more than one process at a time and detects every possible deadlock situation does what? A) Creates a child process B) Prevents deadlock C) Duplicates resources (Input A, B, or C)
What are the differences between parent and child processes? True or False: Threads share the same address space, global variables, codes, data, files and signal handlers with the process has created those threads
What are the differences between parent and child processes? Fill in the blanks: __________ are used to schedule program execution on ______.
Threads CPU
What are the differences between parent and child processes? Fill in the blanks: ________ are used to group resources together.
What are the differences between parent and child processes? Fill in the blanks: ___________ processes has different address space from the __________ process, and often duplicate some / all the global variables, codes, data, files and signal handlers of the parent process.
Child Parent
Multiple choice: Multi-threads is the ability for a CPU to run more than 1 ____________ at a time. A) Thread B) Process C) Both Thread and Process D) None of the above (Input A, B, C, or D)
True or False: Its not possible to have a deadlock situation with threads?
It is the main memory of a computer
Allows a system to read and write data onto it
All data will disappear after system reboot
It is a permanent Memory
Allows system to read data from it
All data remains there after system reboot
How many bits represent 1 byte of memory?
8 bits
We usually use _______ when we talk about data speed / data bandwidth e.g. 32 ____, 100 Mbps
We normally use _______ when we talk about data capacity. E.g. 16GB memory, 1 TB hard disk.
Inter-process communication (IPC) Message passing method needs to know addresses of both the sender and the recipient? True or False
True or False: Only the OS knows the physical address of memory?
No one knows, not even the OS
The address of a process is used when one process wants to communicate with another process True or False
Fill in the blanks: ___________ _____________ is a mechanism in which a process can be swapped temporarily out of main _____________ to a backing store and then brought back into memory for continued execution
Memory swapping memory
Fill in the blanks: A ____________ may swap out of the memory if it is not running (or just waiting for something) and available spaces can be used for ____________ other processes. When that process is ready to run, then it is brought back to memory.
Process Executing
_______________ ___________ ______________ are fragments of memory that cannot be used to load any program as they are too small.
Unusable Memory Fragments
Unusable Memory Fragments may be caused by?
Poor Memory management
A technique in which physical memory is broken into blocks of the same size is called?
A technique to break memory into logical pieces where each piece represents a group of related information is called?
___________ has a fixed sized. (Paging or segment)
___________ can vary in size. (Paging or segment)
What are the two types of Fragmentation?
Internal and External
External or Internal Fragmentation: • Total memory space is enough for a process to fit in it • It is not contiguous so it cannot be used.
External or Internal Fragmentation: • Memory block assigned to a process is bigger • Some portion of memory is left unused as it cannot be used by another process.
True or False: The process reallocation is used for reallocating an entire memory used for a process not a part of memory that is allocated inside the process. Therefore, it cannot be used to solve the Internal Fragmentation problem.
What does CPU use to convert from logical address to its corresponding physical address?
Memory Management Unit
What happens if your computer has more than 4GB memory but it runs a 32 bit windows. Will the 32 bit Windows only see 4GB of memory, meaning anything over 4GB won’t be able to be used? Agree / Disagree
True or False: The more bits the more capacity a system can handle?
What memory is used when an OS and programs are loaded to be executed?
OS and programs become what when residing in a memory?
True or False: An OS or program can run without RAM?
The process consumes memory and uses memory for writing / access data for different purposes e.g. stores its _______ data, stores contents of the _________, stores _________ data, and stores __________ data for other processes to access.
Own file temporary shared
Who is responsible for reducing the possibility of internal fragmentation problems?
True or False: OS can solve the internal fragmentation problem by itself?
What is the main benefit of using Virtual Memory?
Programs that are larger than physical memory can be loaded into a memory and executed
What are the possible drawbacks of using Virtual Memory?
When the Virtual Memory is to big and it is hard to be efficiently managed as it usually uses a hard disk to store / swap the data, the executing speed is much reduced.
Why some pages need to be swapped out?
They are pages that belong to a idle process (or a process that is waiting for something)
Why do some pages remain in a memory?
They are the pages that belong to an active process
Can a process have some of its memory pages swapped out while the rest still remains in a memory? Yes / No
Why is it not good to have unnecessary swapping?
Swapping a page that is needed by a running process will require the OS to swap that page back to the memory again wasting time and resources.

Whichof the following is NOT true about file systems?

A) Mounting is a method to attach a file to the main file system

B) FAT file system is used in USB drive because it is simple and robust

C) NFTS is a file system used in windows

D) File system us created during the physical / low level formatting


Dividing/ marking a disk into sectors that the disk controller can read and write iscalled what?eads

Physical Formatting

Fillin the blanks: Cache is very _________, _________ size, and very ______ type ofstorage?

Expensive, small, fast

Howcan a deadlock be prevented before occurring?

By having a resource management program

Whichof the following is NOT considered as the benefit of multi-threading?

No constraint by the amount of physical memory

True or False: Thread ID is not shared by the threads in a process?


Is reallocating current processes in memory a deadlock recovery solution?


Whatis the main reason for processes getting into a deadlock?

Resource Sharing

Whatis the definition for internal fragmentation; how can it be solved?

Memoryblock assigned to a process is bigger and some portion of memory is leftunused; can be solved by redesigning a program

What is NOT among the benefits of Virtual Memory (VM)?

Faster deadlock detection

Atechnique in which physical memory is broken into blocks of the same size iscalled?


Whichcomponent converts logical memory addresses to physical addresses?


Whatis the maximum number of values which can be shown in a binary (2-bit) system?


Is itpossible to have a deadlock situation with threads?


Whatare the differences between multi-threads and multi-tasking?

Multi-Threads is theability for CPU to run more than 1 thread at a time.

Multi-Tasking is theability for CPU to run more than 1 process at a time.

What are the differences between threads and Child Processes?

Threads: share the same address space, global variables, codes, data, files, and signal handlers with the process has created those threads. Threads are used to schedule program execution on CPU.

Child Processes has different address space from the parent process and duplicate the global variables, codes, data files and signal handlers of the parent process. Processes are used to group resources together.

What is a Deadlock?

Where 2 ormore competing processes are each waiting for the other to finish, so neitherof them does.

How does a Deadlock occur?

When 2 or more processes are trying to use the same resources

How do you prevent a Deadlock?

1. Usinga resource management program to ensure shared resources are not to be taken bymore than one process at a time.

2. Have a process Management program to detectevery possible deadlock situationped__3#

True or False: In a tree-structured directory, directories and files may be shared by other users / directories?


Which of the following is the correct command to set the permission of Test.php?

A) chmod 761 Test.php

B) chmod 731 Test1.php

C) chmod 764 Test1,php

D) chmod 016 Test1.php


Prevention of legitimate use by overloading the targeted computer is called?

Denial of Service

Granting access control for systems resources is the responsibility of what user?

Root User

Identity theft at financial services company is particularly done by:
