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73 Cards in this Set

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- Papanicolaou Test
What is a pap smear? what are they looking for?
What is a pap smeaer?
- a simple procedure that collects cells from the cervix and effectively detects cervical cancer and changes in cervical cells that suggest cancer may develop in the future.
what are they looking for?
- detection for abnormal cells in the cervix
What is another word for abnormal cells?
What is another word for abnormal cells?
- Dysplasia (cell growth resulting in abnormal SIZE, SHAPE, and
APPEARANCE, precede cancerous changes)
Describe how malignant cell growth develops?
Describe how malignant cell growth develops?

-virus, stress, excessive fat in diet, sun exposure, genetics, immunity, chemical
what does a a cancer cell look like?
What does cancer cell look like?

- large nucleolus, loosely adhered to each other, invades other tissues, rapid cell division, abnormal
-has no useful purpose
stages for cancer?
what are the stages?
i. STAGE 0: early cancer
ii. STAGE 1: innermost lining but not to outside lining
iii. STAGE 2: extends through muscle wall
iv. STAGE 3: spreads to lymph nodes
v. STAGE 4: spread to other parts of body. METASTASIS
What are the cancer classifications?
What are the Cancer Classifications?

cancer classifications:
T= tumor
N= nodes (lymph)
M= metastasized

(ex T1-N2-M0)
What is TSE?
What do testicles feel like?
When do you do a TSE?
what is TSE?
- Testicular Self Examination

What do testicles feel like?
-soft, smooth, equal size, left is lower than right, no knots, no pain in touch, tender

When do you do a TSE?
- do it when warm, dropped, relaxed and loose (opposed to cold and tense)
- one time a month around the same day
what is a BSE?
when do you do it?
what are you checking for?
what is a BSE? breast self examination
when do you do it? once a month. every month in the shower (because you have soap and it is slippery) after your period
what are you checking for? lumps and bumps
What is BPH?
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
PSA - what is it & what is the normal level?
PSA - prostatic specific antigen - looks for abnormalities in prostate - BPH
will show positive but isn't cancer. Normal PSA level is 0-4

PSA is a Tumor Marker
What is the #1 cause for cancer?
what is the #1 cause for cancer?
- AGE (as time goes on, your body is deteriorating & the more chances there will b of you getting cancer)
an a pt w bad habits fight the odds of getting cancer?
can a pt w bad habbits fight the odds of getting cancer?
- by having good GENES and healthy immune system (natural T killer cells)
can 2nd hand smoke cause cancer?
can 2nd hand smoke cause cancer? YES
CEA - Carcinogenic embryonic antigen - made by tumors of the GI tract (colorectal)

CEA is a Tumor Marker
What is PSA?
What is a PSA?
Prostatic Specific Antigen (tumor marker) looking for prostate abnomalies
Normal PSA lab levels: 0-4
-if they are elevated could be BPH
What is CEA?
What is CEA?
Colorectal Cancer
(carogenic embryonic antigen)
What gene has been linked to breast cancer?
What gene linked to breast cancer= BRCA-1
At what age does the American Cancer Society recommend a Mammogram?
Mammogram yearly after 40 years of age (xray of breast)
What s/s would a woman with Breast Cancer have?
What s/s might woman have with breast cancer?
- Lump (Irregular fixed mass bump)
- Change in Color
- Dimpling (orange peel)
- Drainage in Breast
If you have elevated AFP (alpha futo protein), what is indicated?
If you have elevated AFP (alpha futo protein), what is indicated?
-liver cancer
What are the 7 signs of cancer? CAUTION
What are the 7 signs of cancer? CAUTION

C - changes in bowel or bladder habits
A - a sore that does not heal
U - unusual bleeding or discharge
T - thickening of lump in breast or elsewhere
I - indigestion or difficulty swallowing
O - obvious change in wart or mole
N - nagging cough or horseness

*Bloating has nothing to do with the 7 warning signs
What can u do for someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer.?
What can u do for someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer. listen. let them talk

- moral support- let them talk about their feelings and/or fears
What is Cytoreductive surgery? and what is the purpose?
Cytoreductive surgery (debuling surgery) - reducing the size of the tumor by removing cells
What is palliative surgery?
what is palliative surgery?

provides comfort and relieves pain but is not a cure
What is a tumor de-bulking?
What is a tumor de-bulking?

-Surgical procedure to make a tumor smaller
Should pt have mole removed that is irritated?
Should pt have mole removed that is irritated?
because they are at higher risk of cancer. being irritated constantly (kinda like a Stephen..Ha!)
What kinds of cancers warrant reconstructive surgery?
What kinds of cancers warrant reconstructive surgery?
- Breast Cancer
- Rhino Cancer
- Facial Cancer
- Skin cancer
- Eye cancer
- scars from having cancer
removed, contractures from cancer
What nursing intervention is appropriate after a mastectomy?
what nursing intervention is appropriate after a mastectomy? breast and breast tissue removal- DEPRESSION/ DISTURBED BODY IMAGE
What is another name for teletherepy?
What is another name for teletherepy?
external beam radiation (it’s on the outside)
What determines that pt with cancers absorbed radiation dose- besides the rate of exposure?
What determines that pt with cancers absorbed radiation dose- besides the rate of exposure?
- Intensity
- Duration
- Proximity
What is a systemic side effect of radiation therapy?
What is a systemic side effect of radiation therapy?

change in appetite..altered taste sensation (due to METALLIC TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH)
- alopecia
- anorexia (weight loss)
- stomatits
Why do we divide radiation doses over a long period of time?
Why do we divide radiation doses over a long period of time?

- to kill off all the cancerous cells & protect normal cells
- the medication is killing everything
What systemic side effect of radiation therapy would make pt not want to eat?
What systemic side effect of radiation therapy would make pt not want to eat?
altered taste sensation (metallic taste)
Why do we divide doses of radiation over long period of time?
Why do we divide doses of radiation over long period of time?
-want to make sure we have killed it all, and caused less damage to normal cells
Post teletherepy would the pt be a danger to other people?
Post teletherepy would the pt be a danger to other people?
- NO.
it is external radiation (a beam) therefore the pt will not be radioactive
What is a dosimeter?
What is a dosimeter?
Dosimeter film badge to MEASURE RADIATION.
Pt wears the Dosimeter to minimize the radiation exposure
What is brachytherapy?
What is Brachytherapy?
- Internal Therapy

(CLOSE THERAPY: the radiation source is within the client and comes into direct, continuous contact with the tumor tissues; includes sealed and unsealed radiation sources.)
Can a radiation patient have sun exposure?
Can a radiation patient have sun exposure?

- photosensitivity (they can burn)
Most common s/s of chemo?
Most common s/s of chemo?

- N/V
- alopecia
- bone marrow suppression
What are you going to give pt to combat the s/s of chemo?
what are you going to give pt to combat the s/s of chemo?

- anti-emetic (zofran, compazine, tigan, benedryl)
What is the reason we do chemo in cancer pts?
What is the reason we do chemo in cancer pts?

- to prevent systemic infiltration- to kill of fragmented cancer cells
- gets rid of the cytotoxic drugs
pt who are having external radioation are told what?
pt who are having external radioation are told what?
avoid exposure to the sun
wear loose clothing.. Do not wear constricting clothing
NOT to use power to keep area dry DO NOT use ointments or lotions and DO NOT removed markings
Does chemo cause bone marrow supression?
Does chemo cause bone marrow suppression?
- Decreased WBCs (norm is 5,000-10,000) - Petechiae- Bruising- Bleeding- lacking RBCs- Check CBC
why is there an increase in uric acid after several courses of chemo?
why is there an increase in uric acid after several courses of chemo?

- cells are being destroyed, creating uric acid (breakdown of cells, by product of massive cell destruction)
- all cells are being destroyed and creating uric acid as the byproduct
What labs indicate neutropenia?
What labs indicate neutropenia? WBCs
What is a symptom of Neutropenia?
What is a symptom of Neutropenia?

- Fever
- Sore throat
- Chills
If a pt is mildly neutropenia what would you teach them to stay away from?
If a pt is mildly neutropenia what would you teach them to stay away from?

- infection
- fresh flowers/ potted plants
- don’t go to crowed areas (no plane, train, or disneyland)
What would you do to protect your pt with neutropenia?
What would you do to protect your pt with neutropenia?
reverse isolation
limit visitors
no flowers
no fresh fruits
What does NADIR stand for?
What does NADIR stand for?
-- lowest level of bone marrow activity
Why do we get blood cultures first in a patient with neutropenia?
Why do we get blood cultures first in a patient with Neutropenia?

- checking for cause of infection
(Culture & Sensitivity)
What do you NOT do while taking care of a patient with thrompcytopenia?
What do you NOT do while taking care of a patient with thrompcytopenia?

- pt is at risk for bleeding bc they do not have the clotting factor.
- don't let em bleed (don't rough em' up)
- use soft tooth brush,
- don't floss
- no razors
- only armpit temp. less chance of poking them. dont take rectal temp
do rectal.
- use electric razor
Why should you wash your hands before and after taking care of a patient?
Why should you wash your hands before and after taking care of a patient?

What is a major complication for chemotherapy IV patients?
What is a major complication for chemotherapy IV patients?

- Monitor for EXTRAVASATION (destroying vein and tissue)

- the major complication is extravasation
Since alopecia is a common side effect for chemotherapy, what
should you do prior to treatment?
Since alopecia is a common side effect for chemotherapy, what
should you do prior to treatment?

- Encourage client to obtain WIGS, SCARVES, HATS, CAPS prior to start chemotherapy.
You are assessing a patient who is receiving chemotherapy and find
they have dry mucous membranes. What does this mean?
You are assessing a patient who is receiving chemotherapy and find
they have dry mucous membranes. What does this mean?

- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Nursing consideration for mucositis:
Nursing consideration for mucositis

- Encourage the client to rinse mouth with plain water or SALINE
every hour while awake.

What are side effects of bone marrow suppression?
What are side effects of bone marrow suppression?
- Affect erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, ALL CYTES

- Monitor for infection, bruising, bleeding, pallor
What should you teach your patient and their family to keep infection down?
What should you teach your patient and their family to keep infection down?

- Wash hands, no kissing, no sharing cups or straws
What is sepsis?
What is sepsis?
- Infection in the blood (systemic)
Severe vomiting from chemotherapy causes what?
Severe vomiting from chemotherapy causes what?

- metabolic alkalosis
What is a common cause of death in cancer?
What is a common cause of death in cancer?
- SEPSIS (septic shock) – treatment: take antibiotics
What groups of people are at greatest risk for septic shock?
What groups of people are at greatest risk for septic shock?

- Clients with cancer, especially the elderly. Clients on
immunosuppressive drugs.
What does a decrease in segmented neutrophil count indicate?
What does a decrease in segmented neutrophil count - Treatment for sepsis is WORKING.
- An INCREASE in WBC count with a shift to the left (segmented band neutrophils) means there is sepsis
What is DIC?
What is DIC?
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: problem with the blood clotting process and is triggered by many illnesses including cancer. Leads to bleeding.

- In cancer patients, DIC is caused by SEPSIS.
- Could occur when patient has BLEEDING of MANY AREAS after surgery.
Why should you ask about back pain if experiencing tingling of the
hands and feet?
Why should you ask about back pain if experiencing tingling of the
hands and feet?

- Oncologic Emergency: SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION
Patient with breast cancer has severe back pain and weakness.
What could this mean?
Patient with breast cancer has severe back pain and weakness. What could this mean?

- Breast cancer has metastasized to spinal cord
If patient has “heaviness” (edema) in arms or legs, is this an
emergency of spinal cord compression?
. If patient has “heaviness” (edema) in arms or legs, is this an
emergency of spinal cord compression?

- YES – call doctor
What are s/s of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome?
What are s/s of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome?

- Edema of the face, tightness of the shirt or blouse collar (Stoke’s sign); edema in the arms and hands, epistaxis (unexpected nose bleeds)
What is SIADH?
What is SIADH?

- Syndrome of Inappropriate AntiDiuretic Hormone:
- -s/s bleeding from many areas, fluid overload, hyponeutremia, weight gain, edema
What labs would show bone cancer?
What labs would show bone cancer?

~ Increase in CALCIUM – cancer in bone causes release of calcium into
the bloodstream.

~ Treatment: ORAL HYDRATION (increase fluids to prevent renal

~ Normal Ca levels: 8.4-10.4
(*or 8.9-10.1 per PowerPoint)
Why would hypercalcemia cause constipation?
Why would hypercalcemia cause constipation?

~ Paralytic ileus – calcium goes to the ileus, causing to slow down.
What is TLS?
What are the s/s?
Is TLS an emergency?
What is TLS?
- Tumor Lysis Syndrome:
What are the s/s?
dehydration, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia,
cardiac dysfunction, uric acid crystals, acute renal failure

Is TLS an emergency?