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113 Cards in this Set

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Ligaments of the Elbow
Ulnar collateral ligament: 1° stabilizer from posterior distal aspect o medial epicondyle to base of coronoid process. majority of resistance to valgus stress at 90* Injured in throwing sports

Annular Ligament: around head of radius, retains contact w/ radial notch of ulna

Radial collateral ligament: connected with annular ligament
Stability & Motion at the elbow Joints
Stable Medial &Lateral due to collateral ligaments
Less stable anterior-posterior

humero-ulnar joint: Flexion/Extension, Abdxn/Addxn gluiding
proximal radioulnar joint: pivot action for pronation and supination
humero-radial joint: assists pivot & glide
INterosseus membrane
Fiber run from distal medial ulna to proximal lateral radius

stabilizes for mvmt

shares compressive forces from shoulder and wrist between bones.
rotational motion of the elbow
Test w/ elbow in 90*
Ends of radius move in opposite directions

Pronation: head glides posterior, distal radius goes anterior
Supination: head anterior, distal radius goes posterior

we live in a pronated world
Joints of the Wrist
radiocarpal:distal radius to scaphoid & lunate
distal radioulnar
ulnar and radial collateral ligaments
TFCC:triangular fibrocartilage complex ligaments and a meniscus between the radius ulna and triquetrium

fibrocartilagous joint
Carrying Angle
5* in males
12* in females
↑ if overweight, SD

addxn/abdxn of wrist and elbow are reciprocal so that you can move food to you rmotuh
ABdxn at elbow → ADdxn at wrist
ADdxn at elbow → ABdxn at wrist

possible to tx carrying angle w/ ME at wrist
Dermatomes of the Arm
C5- lateral arm, axillary nerve
C6- lateral forearm, musculocutaneous nerve
C8- medial forearm, antebrachial cutaneous nerve
T1- medial arm, brachial cutaneous nerve.
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment
Handlebar use: loss of sensation, cannot flex 4 &5th digits → claw hand

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Entrapemnt of the Ulnar Nerve at the elbow;
flexor carpi radialis > FC ulnaris → wrist is drawn to radial abdxn
Compartment Syndrome
Pain out of proprotion & w/ passive movement
Muscle imbalance in arm
Tonic: flexion & pronation
Phasic: extension & supination
Tennis elbow
lateral epicondylitis/tendinosis from overuse: rotation of arm & extension of wrist, turning a screwdriver

lifting w/ palm facing down increases pain: have pt try to lift a chair holding it from back
pain reduced by: pt in Losee posotion: elbow flexed to 90* placed acorss the abdomen faced up + pressure 1" bewlo lateral epicondyle

Tx: 90+% respond to conservative tx: rest, forearm strap during activities, heat/ice/US/electrical stim, 2 wks NSAIDs, 1 wk oral corticosteroids
Injection of steroids into maximum area of tenderness max 3x
once pain ↓ stretching, & strengthening

non responders: fasciotomy
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pressure on median nerve, [many causes: esp repetitive mvmts, may be proximal median entrapment...tho tx the pt not the sx: neuropathy 2° hypothyroidism]

Initially: transient pain/parasthesia of median nerve distribution, relieved by shaking; worse at night & with provocative mvmts ± tinels/phalens

ischemia 2° to blocked outflow & eventually inflow →

Progressive: constant P/P, weakness of thumb, atrophy of thenar eminence

Tx: OMTE, PRICE, Splint → sugical injx of retinaculum, decompress'n
OMT: ↓ SNS via thoracic & rib SD, ↑ brachial plexus fnx via cervical/TO SD, remove myofascia restriction in UE, direct techniques ↑ space in carpal tunnel
Tinel sign
tapping median nerve produces pain/paresthesia of carpal tunnel

± present in early stages
Phalen's test
reverse prayer position dorsum to dorsum reproduces pain/parestheis of carpal tunnel ≥ 1 min

± present in early stages
Weakness of thumb atrophy of thenar eminence
hallmark of progressive carpal tunnel syndrome
Bilateral CTS
Collagen Vascular Disease
musculotendinous jnx of forearm
vulnerable to injury
Retricted Pronation Tx
ME: Doc stabalizes elbow w/ lateral hand, medial hand pronates forearm

HVLA: Doc in front, grasps proximal forarm w/ index finger of lateral hand over dorsal radial head, engage barrier of extension & supination + addxn; thrust in lateral/anterior direction
Retricted Supination Tx
ME: Doc stabalizes elbow w/ lateral hand, medial hand supinates forearm
Wrist Joint Play
Doc's got index finger through web of thumb, hand otherwise rapped around dorsum of wrist doc's palm to pts dorsum; Other hand grasps ulna from ant & post

Distal radio-ulnar: move ulna back and forth
Ulna-meniscal triquetaral Jont: with one thumb on posterior of ulna & index finger on volar aspect of pisiform bone, squeese two together

repeat squeeze-release through doc's right hand
Repeat Steroid Injections
Based on pt response to 1st

<1/3 improvement, 2nd wont help
1/3-2/3 improvement, 2nd indicated
2/3-full impvoement, 2nd wont help
Palpaiting the lateral elbow joint capsule
only palpable if abnormal
Origins of Extensors/Flexors of the Fingers &Hands
Most extensors: Lateral epicondyule
Extensor indicis: dorsal aspect of midshaft ulna + IO membrane
Extensor Pollicis Longus: middle posterior ulna + IO membrane
The anatomical stuff box
Tennis elbow injection
adverse outcomes: loss of skin color at injx site, fat atrophy, infx, bleeding, tendone rupture, steroid flare; have a signed consent prior to injx

1. gloves + sterile technique
2:arm at side elbow flexed
3: palpate &mark tender area: ECRB Etensor carpi radialis brevis just distal to lateral epicondyle
4: clense with iodine, then wipe iodine away with EtOH to prevent skin irritation
5: 25 guage 1/5 in needle, bounce off bone & inject 1 ccof solution (lidocaine & steroid). Continue to bounce & inject all 5 cc
6 dress w/ sterile adhesive banade

aftercare:pain may increase for 2 days, often improves with ice. narcotic analgesics may be necessary
Which is more common:
anterior or posterior radial head dysfnx
posterior (pronation)
Reverse Phalen's
Praying Hands

specific not sensitive, useful for determining degree of CTS
Carpal tunnel compression test
Most sensitive test for CTS

Doc supports wrist w/ one hand
uses other hand to compress over distal flexion crease for 1+ minute

+ if ssx CTS
most sensitive test for CTS
Carpal Tunnel Compression Test

Doc supports wrist w/ one hand
uses other hand to compress over distal flexion crease for 1+ minute

+ if ssx CTS
Allen's Test
Determining Patence of the Radial and Ulnar arteries at the wrist
HVLA for wrist dysnfx
Grasp pts hand on side of dysnfx, localizes dorsal radiocarpal joint with thumbs. [anterior dysfnx, wrist in extension]

Doc exerts whip like thrust while exerting downward force through the carpal bone

contraindicated if pt has significant pain with normal ROM
Flexor retinaculum stretch
AT Still's Wrist Technique

Doc interlaces fingers of both hands and encircles the pts wrist
doc's thenar eminence contact wrist over flexor retinaculum
compression provided by physician as pt opens & closes hand 5+ times
AT Still's Wrist Technique
Flexor retinaculum stretch

Doc interlaces fingers of both hands and encircles the pts wrist
doc's thenar empinence contact wrist over flexor retinaculum
compression provided by physician as pt opens & closes hand 5+ times
Oppen's Roll
Sucher Technique

pts hand palm up, doc's thumbs over hypothenar and thenar eminences. simulatensously abudct extend & laterally rotate the tumb while adducting, edxtending and internally rotating the 5th digit.

may be accqntuated by lacint 5th digis in pts 1st & 4th web sapaces
Sucher Technique
Oppen's Roll

pts hand palm up, doc's thumbs over hypothenar and thenar eminences. simulatensously abudct extend & laterally rotate the tumb while adducting, edxtending and internally rotating the 5th digit.

may be accqntuated by lacint 5th digis in pts 1st & 4th web sapaces
Self Stretches for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Extension Dorsiflieixion Stretch: Place hand flat up against wall with fingers pointed up, forearm pronated, elbow fully extended. Lean into wall, hold for 5 seconds, relax
Repeat w/ forearm supinated

Plamar Flexion stretch: same except back of hand against wall

apparently nothing about switching this one to have forearm pronated
pain, numbness or weakness in arm 2° to compresssion of brachial plexus at cervicobrachial jnx
Typically in ulnar distribution 2° to repetitive use, peak onset 30's, overwhelmingly females

younger onset probably congential
bilateral ≈ probably not TOS

Sites of entrapment:anterior scalene, costoclavicular region, pect minor
Thoracity Outlet vs Inlet
Inlet is boney strx: T1 1st rib, Manubrium

Outlet is everything that goes through inlet
Mechanism of Anterior Scaline Dysnfx
Hyperextension Injury of Neck
Poor posture w/ head forward
fatigue of respiratory assist
exhaled 1 and 2nd rib
Brachial plexus /costoclavicular region mexhanism of dysfnx
inhaled 1 or 2nd ribs
inferior clavicular head dysfnx
abnormal clavicle

pain normally along ulnar distribution
pect minor mechanims of dysnfx
Hyperextension in jury of shoulder
overuse/fatigue of muscle
exhaled rib
abnormal position of corocoid process
Factors which predispose to TOS
Cervoc;a robs. ;pmg tramsverse [rpcess pf C&
abnormal/SD of 1st rib
postural changes
CT disease
Distal areas of SD
Adson's Test
arm extended posteriorly with head turned away form affected sde

+ w/ reproduction fo neurologic symptom
indicates nerve root impingement proximal to brachial plexus → hypertonic anterior/middle scalenes
Pain referral of scalenes
anteiror and middle attack to TP of C4-5 to the first rib
tenderpoint is in body of muscle
tx:flexion forward SB/rotate towards
Military posture Test
aka Costoclavicular MeCostoclavicular Maneuver
Head is extneded with shoulderr retracted

positive if diminished radial pulse or reprodxn of neruologic sx
indicates nerve root impingment distal to brachial plexus: indicates inhaled 1st rib or inferior clavicle
hyperextension test
arm is extended behind and raise up to 90*

positive if dimihsed pulse or reprodxn of neurologic sx
indicates hypertonic pect minor and attachment to humorus
Pain referral of pect minor
attaches form ribs 3-5 to coracoid process
tp is 3 cm inferior to coracoid process 1-2 cm medial or in muscle belly

tx arm addx diagonally across chet in plane of muscle
Axial compression test
Pt seated, doc pushes straight down on head
positive induces pain or numbness at distribution of spinal pathology

degenerative disc, spinal setnosis et al.
postrual education
wegiht redxn
avoid aggravating factors

surgical if comlications
Sensory, Tendon, Motor testing of UE

Which is most sensitive
DTR's: C5: Bicpes, C6: briochioradialis, C7: Triceps

Sensory: C5 lateral arm C6 voalr index finger, C7 volar middle finger, C8 volar 5th giner, T1 volar medial forarm

Motor: C5 Biceps, C6 Wrist extension, C7: triceps, C8: finger flexn, T1: Inerossei: finger abdxn addnx
Costoclavicular Maneuver
"Military Posture Test"
Head is extneded with shoulderr retracted

positive if diminished radial pulse or reprodxn of neruologic sx
indicates nerve root impingment distal to brachial plexus: indicates inhaled 1st rib or inferior clavicle
Jackson's Test
Slightly side ben c-spine to affected side then apply axial compression

repeat with head to other side

+ if sx elicited on affected side
spurling maneoer
provocative test to exacerbate encroachment of cervical nerve root at neural foramen

extnesion and rotation of neck towards teh involved side + axial load

older pt:foraminal stensosis
younger pt: intervertebral disk prolase
Coutnerstain for posterior rib tenderpoint
which would be found in an exhaled rib dysnfx

doc's knee up on dsyfnx side, sidebend pt towards dysfnx, head sidebent towards, rotated away + flex/ext for fine tuning
ME for Exhaled Rib Dysnfx
Anterior and middle scalene go to rib 1
posterior scalene to rib 2

woe is me, doc pushing anterior and down on posterior aspect of rib w/ pt inhaled and raises head toward ceiling
to tx 1st rib pt head in neutral
rib 2 head rotated away
Coutnerstain for anterior rib
TP for first rib is ON THE EDGE OF THE STERNUM just below sternoclavicular joint

TP for 2nd rib is midclavicular line at 2nd rib interspace

Doc's knee opposite dysfnx, pts head flexed rotated and sidebent toward tenderpoint

more flexion for 2nd than first
ME for inhaled rib dysnfx
flex sidebend toward involved rib, caudal pressure on rib anteriorly
w/ exhaled pt, return to neutral

first rib in supraclavicular fossa
2nd rib just below the clavicle
Superior Clavical Head ME
Pt supine, arm hanging down
doc stabalizes pt and extends & internally rotates arm

works on pect major
ME for anterior Clavicular Head
Pt supine, grabs doc's shoulder

One hand on proximal clavcicular head
one hand hodlign scapular
doc flexes clavical toward the maneubrium until mvmt palpated at sternoclavicular joint by straightening back and pulling scapula anteriorly
pt pulls down
Chin Pivot HVLA
Flexed dysfnx

stand on sdysfnx side
side bend neck opposide dysfnx rotated head twoard dysfnx
cross hands, one on pts head other hypothenar eminance over dysfnx tp
take up slack,
thrust in lateral, downward caudad direction
Hypertonic Structures of the Shoulder
Shoulder Capsule (ant & Post)
Upper Traps
Levator scap
Pects (Maj & Min)
Inhibited Shoulder Muscles
Middle &Lower Traps
Serrratus Anterior
Deep Cervical Flexors (Longus Colli, Longus Capitus)
Dstinguishing Key Cervical Restrictors
Restriction Sidebending & Rotating to Opposite Sides:
Upper Traps, SCM, Scalenes

Restriction Sidebending and Rotating to Same Side: Levator Scaps
Latissimus Dorsi
gets hypertonic

inervated by cervical nerves

Great Integrator: connects Ilia, sacrum, lumbar & Thoracic spine, lower 4 ribs and anterior humorus
FRS in teh lower T spine
esp T11 L and T12 R or Bilaterally flexed

frequent from slumped posture

Inhibits lower traps
Levator Scap
Only cervical muscle which sidebends and rotates to same side

C1-C4 to scapula
associated with C2 dysnfx
muscle associated with C2 dysfnx
levator scap C1-4 to Scapula
Alternating stacked ERSs in mid Thoracic region
Inhibitor of Serratus Muscles

marked flattening of mid scapular area
Tonic/Phasic Deep spinal muscles
Rotatores get tight:tootsie roll bump

semispinalis, levator costales intertransversaria and multifidi get weak
Where can you palpate the iliopsoas
directly below the inguinal ligament
Intercostals & Respiration
Accessory muscles:

external inhale
internal exhale
Tight anterior thoracis
will restrict large circle UE rotation
Tonic and Phasic Muscles of the shoulder
Pects, Terres Major, Subscapularis, Teres Shoulder Capsule, (A & P)

Note: pects get tight form weak traps & serrtus

Deltoids, non-subscapularis rotator cuff
Tonic and phasic arm muscles
Tight Flexors
Weak Extendors

forarm extesnors (weak) more vulnerable to overuse and injury → lateral epicondylitis
Treating tonic/phasic muscles
Proprioceptive retraining
stretching hyptonic
strengthning inhibited
Cervical Flexion Test
Pt supine instruct to tuck chin and look at feet

tests for ewak longus colli
tight SCM/Scalenes
Bilateral shoulder abduction maneover
Tests for winging scapular/assymetrix
Unilateral shoulder abduction maneover
supraspinatus → Deltoid → Infraspinatus → Mid/Lower Traps → Contralateral QL

Inhibited by tight Levator Scap

Dysfnx: Traps Fire late, Ipsilateral QLinstead of contralateral
Scapular stablizeation Test
wall pushup, pt asked to touch nose to wall and hold

for winging

inhibited: serratus anteiror, lower traps, rhomboids
Scapular Derpession Test
Pt prone, arm out in front, instruct pt to pull shoulder blade down and back

monitor lower trap

testss for inhibited lower trap → htnic levator scap and uppper trap
Bilateral shoulder flexion test
pt supine with knees bent
doc lifts arms above head and down

observe for assymetryc:
htnic Lat on side of restrction
Bilateral Shoulder Flexion Test
Loss of symmetry: tight lat
Anterior shoulder position test
pt supine assess shoulder symmetry

dysfnx if shoulder anterior: tight posterior shoulder capsule, tight pect minor

htnic shoulder capsule [levator scap, upper trap]
inhibited mid/low trap, sererratus anterior, rhomboids
pect minor substitudes → shoulde rimpingement syndrome esp on supraspinatus tendon
Proper direct stretching technique

low number of long stretched: 30-90 s 1-3 reps

90 seconds also fnx as SCS
start low, go slow

stretch htnic mscles first then antagonists to promote balance
Levator scap self stretch
sidebend away
rotate away
hold table and lean away
Upper trapezeius, SCM stetch
Flex, SB away, rotate back to tuck chin

self stretch: add hold table and lean away
Scalene muscles manual stretch
football hold: head off table in axilla
hold down rib 1 & 2

translate head posteriorly
ME: pt lifts head towards celiing SB towards rotate away

Self stretch: grasp trap to stabalize rib 1 & 2
sedebend away, rotate towards, tuck chin stretch; reposition rotation to get other fibers
pect major & minor stretch
manual: also stretches anterior capsule w/ promixal hand; normal ROM to ceiling

Self: against wall feet parallel to wall, stance perpendicular ot wall. Frontarm stablizes, move hand up and down wall to stretch upper middle and lower fibers; lead stretch ith shoulder not hip, stretch on exhale
psoterior shoulder capsule stretch
lateral recumband dysnfx side down
elbow at 90*, drop arm till tight and hold with other hand

roll on and roll off tight shoulder

ME bring palm of hand up towards ceiling.
Lat stretch
Manual: Pt supine, knees bent; lift arms above head in flexion, ME bring them down via extension

self stretch: prayer position elbows together hold 12 o'clock with pelvis, sit back on heels drop chest to floor elongate trunk

do at start and end of routine
Principels for strengthening/retiraining phasic muscles
multiple short repititions 2-3x/week
3-5 seconds, 3-5 reps
start low, go slow
Retraining deep neck flexors
Pt seated, nod head forward and tuck chin without firing SCM

Monitor SCMs with thumb and fignertips to ensure they do not fire

5s 5x
Lower trap retraining
pt prone,

beginner: pivot on elbow and lift hand/forarm from table

advanced beginnner + lift arm off table

5s 5x
serratus anterior retraining
pt stands with hands on wall at shoulder height arms extneded, spin in netural (tuck butt under)

touch nose to wall and Roll shoudler pblaedes in and down Hold for 5 seconds

drop head, extend arms and push upper thoracic spine back "rholl shoulder blades out and up" hold for 5 seconds
5s 5x
don't push off with pects
Retraining rhomboids
pt seated feet on floor
graps fingers and together, arms parallel to floow

attemp to pull eblows backwards toard wall
5s 5x
flip hands and repeat
Lower Trapezius Retraining
Pt seated feet on floor
grasp fingers with arm over head not contacting head

pull elbows to floor 5s 5x
flip hand position and repeat
Shoulder circles Self Treatment
lateral recumbant arms extended and hands together infront of body

slowly reach overhead keeping hand on floor
if hand comes off floor, stop and reach with fingers, arm and shoulde rthen release and keep going
extend arm behind body as far as possible then return to start
one cycle of clockwise coutnerclockwise makes one full rep

perform 3 reps/side

goal: maintain hand on floor all the way around and back
Self mobilization for Thoracic FRS
start on all 4's with flat back, slowly curl back upward esp mid T's
Self mobilization for Cervical dysnfx
grasp back of neck just below restricted vertebra w/ ipsilateral hand

extend, rotate & sidebend into barrier

Look down and away from barrier 3-5s

take up slack and repeat 3-5x

for extended dysfnx same but use contralateral hand, flex, look up and away from barrier
Radial Head
Lateral Epicondyle

Hold in full extension and then fully supinate & abduct
medial Epicondyle
Fully flex then pronate & abduct and hold
pain in biceps
hyperextension of elbow+ fine tune AB/ADdxn
pain on coronoind of ulna: arm resists full extension
pull forearm out to side with palm facing forward then marked flexion

Palmar Wrist Retinaculum Tender Point
Tnderpoint along palmar surface of carpals
Presure applied posteriorly
Doc faces dorsum of pts wrist, palmar flexes wrist over tp. Fine tune.

Palmar Interosseus Joints

within the palm of hand on medial and lateral sides of shafts of metacarpals
pressure applied posteriomedially or posterolaterally
Tx: markedly flex fingers over tp w/ lateral flexion toward tenderpoint tune tune w/ rotation

First carpometacarpal

thenar eminence on palmar surface of first metacarpal
pressure pplied posterolaterally
physiciian flexes or opposes thumb over tp and fine tunes w/ AD/AB & rotation
TP: Lateral Epicondyle
Radial Head

Hold in full extension and then fully supinate & abduct
TP: medial Epicondyle

Fully flex then pronate & abduct and hold
TP: pain in biceps
Extnesion Triceps

hyperextension of elbow+ fine tune AB/ADdxn
TP: pain on coronoind of ulna: arm resists full extension
Flexions (Biceps/Coronoid)

pull forearm out to side with palm facing forward then marked flexion
TP: palmar surface of carpals
PWR: Palmar Wrist Retinaculum Tender Point

Presure applied posteriorly
Doc faces dorsum of pts wrist, palmar flexes wrist over tp. Fine tune.
TP: within the palm of hand on medial and lateral sides of shafts of metacarpals
PIN: Palmar Interosseus Joints

Tx: markedly flex fingers over tp w/ lateral flexion toward tenderpoint tune tune w/ rotation
TP: thenar eminence on palmar surface of first metacarpal
CM1: First carpometacarpal

pressure pplied posterolaterally
physiciian flexes or opposes thumb over tp and fine tunes w/ AD/AB & rotation