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108 Cards in this Set

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What is the C5 sensory area?
Lateral Arm
What is the C6 sensory area?
volar index finger (palm)
What is the C7 sensory area?
volar middle finger
What is the C8 sensory area?
volar 5th finger
What is the T1 sensory area?
volar medial forearm
What is the Biceps DTR spinal level?
What is the brachioradialis DTR spinal level?
What is the triceps DTR spinal level?
What is the deltoid motor exam spinal level?
what is the wrist extension motor exam spinal level?
What is the triceps motor exam spinal level?
What is the finger flexion motor exam spinal level?
What is the finger abduction motor exam spinal level?
What are the Codmans Exercises?
what are they used to treat?
these treat a frozen shoulder/ capsulitis.

Pt bends forward, uses elevation, abduction and circumduction
What is Neer's test used for? How is it preformed
this is used to test for impingment of the supraspinatus

internally rotate the straightened arm, and elevate to 180
What is the apprehension test used for? how is it preformed?
this is a shoulder stability test

put right arm in a position like making a left turn signal on a bicycle.

then externally rotate the shoulder- positive test is fear of the arm popping forward
What is jobes test for? how is it preformed?
this tests for supraspinatus tendinitis

abduct the arms to 90, then pour out the beer! bring arms forward 30 degrees and push superior
What is speeds test for? how is it preformed?
this is for long head biceps integrity or tendinitis

fully extended arm, palm up, attemps to raise open hand superior
What is the cross over test used for? how is it preformed?
this is used to test A-C joint

stick arm out straight in front of body, thumb down (beer pour).

bring across body
What is the scaupla slide test used for? how is it preformed?
this is used to test for scapula dyskineia

Measure from T7 spinous process to inferior tip of scapula arms at rest.

place hands on hips, repeat

a positive test is a 1.5cm or greater discrepancy
what is the most common injury in sports med?
acute ankle trauma, 30% of injuries
What set of ankle ligaments are much weaker?
the lateral ligaments
What bony features make the ankle far more likely to invert?
the medial maleous is shorter than the lateral maleolus
What is thompsons test? how is it preformed?
this tests the integrity of the achilies tendon.

pt lays prone, you squeeze the gastrocnemieus, if the foot platarflexes, then tendon is intact
What is a posterior fibular head commonly associated with?
inversion ankle sprains
Is neers test active or passive?
is jobes test active or passive?
is the apprehension test active or passive?
is the cross over test active or passive?
is speeds test active or passive?
is the sacpular slide test active or passive?
what does the sulcus sign test for?
this pulls the shoulder out, to test for a weak joint. positive test is a indentation/sulcus appearing in the GH joint
What drains the lymph for the heart and lungs?
the right lymphatic duct
where does the right lymphatic duct drain into?
the right brachiocephalic vein
where does the thoracic duct drain into?
this drains into the connection of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins
what is the largest structure in the lymphatics system? the second largest?
the spleen

number 2 is the liver?
What are the 4 functions of the lymph system
maintain fluid balance in the body
purification and cleansing of tissues
What is the correct sequence of lymphatic treatment?
Thocacic inlet, then thoracic diaphragm, then proximal to distal on upper and lower extremities
What are the goals of lymphaitic treatment?
Increased resorption of fluids
increased circulation and respiration
decreased proteins in the interstitium
facilitation of a more peneficial pH balance
How is the Thoracic inlet release performed?
Pt supine, begin with left arm.

arm abducted 90, elbow flexed to 90 (looks like the left arm indication for making a right turn).

put wrap fingers around clavicle, apply pressure when the arm is down- this is when the hand on the clavicle can sink deeper into the thoracic inlet fascia
What is the anterior cervical traction technique used for?
this is used to treat upper respiratory tract infection/ head congestion.
How is the anterior cervical traction technique preformed?
this involves grabbing the SCM and wiggling it about.

begin at the lower portion of the SCM. pull it anterior and lateral.
What does the cervical lymph drainage technique work on? How is it preformed?
this addresses the jugular lymph chains.

stroke your thumb along the SCM
What is the purpose of the pectoral traction technique?
this is used to increase the range of motion of the ribs on inhalation.- improves respiratory mechanics, and thus the lymph pump
What is the purpose of the thoracic diaphragm release?
this is used to increase the movement of the diaphragm
How is the thoracic diaphragm release performed?
stand behind seated pt, put fingers under costal margin, test for restriction.

rotate diaphragm into position of ease...then jab fingers in further as it releases
When is the thoracic pump used?
a finishing technique for lymph treatments.
COPD, asthma
How is the thoracic pump performed?
stand and head of pt, with pt supine.

place hands over pts hooters, and pump on their chest, but ONLY on exhalation
What is the use of the upper extremity lymphatic technique?
facilitates lymph flow through the axilla.

assists in drainage of lymphedema in post mastectomy pts.
How is the lymphatic drainage of the LE technique preformed?
pt supine, dr. sits on table with pts leg on shoulder with leg and hip both flexed to right angles.

begin at proximal thigh, wring it out.
3-5 times.
then below the knee
then gastrocnemius.

you need to wait for tissue to soften till you move to the next section
What are the indications for using the pedal pump? (not obvious ones....)
COPD, upper respiratory infections, asthma.
How is the pedal pump used?
this forms oscillatory waves in the body, from the foot.

place hands on balls of pts feet
What is the sternal articulation technique used for?
to enhance the mobility of the thoracic cage
How is the sternal articulation technique performed?
2 things!

first- place hands on sterno-costal margins, and alterantly articulate them. kind of like karate chopping

2nd- place both hands on the midline of the sternum. - then rock the sternum back and forth around a midpoint.
Where are preganglionic cell bodies found in the cranial parasympathetics?
3,7,9,10 CN roots
What is the parasympathetic NT? what receptor type?
this uses Ach which acts on a nicotinic receptor
What are drugs that increase parasympathetic tone called?
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level are the organs above the diaphragm?
T4 and above
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level are the Organs below the diaphragm?
T5 and below
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the esophagus
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the stomach
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Duodenum
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Pancreas
T6-T8 Bilteral
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the gallbladder
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the gallbladder
T9-T10R (same side of body)
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Appendix
T12 rib R tip- same side of body
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Kidney/
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Ureter?
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Gonads?
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Lungs?
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the Heart muscle
T3-T5L, T3-T4R
For viscerosomatic reflex points, what level is the atherosclerosis
Lower cervicals
What Levels affect the SNS of the cardiovascular system?
What level affect the SNS of the respiratory system?
What are the levels of the Celiac Ganglion? what do they effect?

esophagus (T3R)
Stomach (T5L)
Duodenum (T7R)
gallbladder (T9-T10R)
What are the levels of the superior mesenteric ganglion? what do they affect?

ilium, jejunm, cecum, appendix, ascending colon, proximal transverse colon
What re the levels of the inferior mesenteric ganglion? what do they effect?
distal transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus (
What are the general parts of the bowel that are affected by the 3 ganglion?
Celiac- esophagus to duodenum

superior mesenteric- ileum to proximal transverse colon

inferior mesenteric- distal transverse colon to anus
What treatment affects Vagus nerve, to modulate the parasympathetic activity?
killer fingers
What does dorsal inhibition do?
this is the holding technique.
hand under the back, cup the paraspinal muscles and hold them until the soften.- used at the appropriate vertebral level for the dysfunction seen (SNS dysfunctions)

this prevents interneuron cross talk
How does MFR of thoraco-Lumbar fascia work?
engage all planes and their restrictions, hold until release.

this acts as a nonspecific VSR treatment
How does Rib Raising work
this affect the SNS chain ganglia and specific vertebral levels, to tone down sympathetic output.

Find the TART, find what 3 planes of MFR work best, and use INDIRECT stacking.
How does ventral inhibitory release of SNS collateral ganglia of the abdomen work?
you rub the pt's belly in some spots, to make things go away.
CCW restriction is greater dysfunction.
What is the level of the celiac ganglion? what does Ventral inhibitory release here cure?
heartburn and gastric reflux
What is the level of the superior mesentric ganglion? what does VIR cure here?

cures gas or bloating
What is the level of the inferior mesenteric ganglion? what does VIR cure here?
cure diarrhea or constipation

premature ejaculation/inability to orgasm
Where do your hands go for ventral inhibition technique?
one hand under PT on the spinal segments according to the ganglion levels.

other hand on the belly poking the ganglia from the outside
What is the dorsal inhibitory release of vagus?
this is killer fingers, affects PNS
For Mesenteric release of the GI via direct MFR...where do you pull the small bowel
from umbilicus to RUQ
For Mesenteric release of the GI via direct MFR...where do you pull the cecum?
For Mesenteric release of the GI via direct MFR...where do you pull the ascending colon
Right side of abdomen to midline
For Mesenteric release of the GI via direct MFR...where do you pull the Descending colon
left side of abdomen to midline
For Mesenteric release of the GI via direct MFR...where do you pull the sigmoid colon
LLQ pull to umbilicus
What are chapman reflex sites?
neurolymphatic ganglion formed structure
What are anterior chapman points good for?
what are posterior chapman points good for?
Where is the chapmans point for the sinuses?
MCL on top of the 2nd rib and MCL just below the clavicle
Where is the chapmans point for the middle ear?
MCL on top of clavicle
Where is the chapmans point for the pharynx-tonsils?
On the right side of the manubrium between the clavicle and rib 2
Where is the chapmans point for the bronchus?
parasternal line between ribs 2-3
Where is the chapmans point for the upper lung?
parasternal line between ribs 3-4
Where is the chapmans point for the lower lung
Parasternal line between ribs 4-5
Where is the chapmans point for the larynx?
superior border of rib 2 in the parasternal line
Where is the chapmans point for the middle ear?
posterior, on the occiptal protuberance
Where is the chapmans point for the nasal sinuses (posterior)
on the occipital protuberance
Where is the chapmans point for the sinuses/pharynx/larynx (posterior)
C1 paraspinous line
Where is the chapmans point for the bronchus and lung (posterior)
T2,T3,T4 paraspinous line
Where is the chapmans point for the heart?
parasternal line between ribs 2/3