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148 Cards in this Set

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Range of motion with respect to physiologic barrier is limited by
the muscle's ability to shorten on its own
range of motion with respect to anatomic barrier is limited by
physical barriers such as ligament and bone
anatomic barrier is the limit of this type of motion
neutral point
point where tissue tension is balanced, usually roughly half way between pyhsiologic barriers, unless there is a restriction such that the neutral point becomes halfway between the restrictive barrier and physiologic barrier
alpha motor neuron
transmitts motor impulses to muscle tissue resulting in contraction of a group of muscle fibers
gamma motor neuron
transmit motor impulses to small intrafusal muscle fibers in the spindle to maintain tension in the spindle at different muscle lengths
muscle spindle apparatus
sends information about absolute length and rate of length change in muscle
golgi tendon sends information to nervous system about
tension or rate of change in tension
load reflex
muscle spindles mediate response to load placed on muscle
nuclear bag fibers
innervated by group 1a and group II
nuclear chain fibers
innervated by group 1a only
Ia fibers known as
annulospiral endings
type II fibers known as
flower spray endings
both fiber types react to
rate of length change
Ia fibers react more to
absolute length change
stretching of muscle spindle (muscle getting longer) does this
increases rate of firing
golgi tendon does this to muscle contraction if tension gets too high
it inhibits further alpha contraction to protect muscle from damage
physician who formulated muscle energy technique
Fred Mitchel Sr. DO
isometric contraction
static contraction where constant muscle length is maintained, Dr. applies equal force to patient
isotonic contraction
concentric contraction where muscle length is reduced because force applied by physicican is less than by patient
isolytic contraction
eccentric contraction where muscle length increases, physician applies a greater force than the patient
muscle energy takes advantage of this reflex
golgi tendon reflex
6 steps of muscle energy technique (different from 8 essential steps he mentions 2 slides later)
diagnose, engage dysfunctional barrier and hold, patient contracts against holding force for 3-5s, pt relaxes for 2 seconds, new barrier is engaged, sequence is repeated asappropriate (~3-5x)
role of golgi tendon reflex in ME
golgi tendon reflex is activted by the resisted contraction
neuromuscloskeletal apparatus role in ME
allows muscle to relax and be relatively inhibited by golgi tendon, such that it can be passively lengthened by physicial without recripicol activation of stretch receptors
muscle energy 8 essential steps
accurate structural diagnosis ; engage restrictive barrier in 3 planes ; unyielding counterforce in form of isometric resistance ; appropriate pt muscle effort ; complete relaxation after muscle effort ; repositioning to new restrictive barrier in all 3 planes ; repeat 3-6 ; retest region after
mistakes made during ME
physician doesn’t monitor accurately, pt contracts too forcefully, muscle contraction too short, pt doesn’t totally relax, examiner doesn’t reevaluate
articulatory techniques
direct, passive and do not involve a thrust
thrusting techniques
direct, passive and involve a thrust
5 essentials for thrust techniques
relax soft tissue ; engage restrictive barrier ; maintain lockout ; don’t use excessive force ; localize treatment
Contraindications to HVLA
fractures ,neurologic symptom worsening during evaluation ; severe RA; cancer; osteoporosis; hypermobility or instability; medicolegal situations
Developed FPR
Stanley Schiowitz DO
FPR is what type of technique
passive, indirect
positioning in FPR is similar to
counterstrain ; indirect positioning in still technique
physiolgic mechanism for FPR
by applying compressing force and moving into position of freedom, the muscle spindle is unloaded and will decrease its rate of firing, lowering the rate of firing in the alpha neurons and allowing the muscle to lengthen
technique styles for FPR
myofacial and articular
3 basic steps for FPR
flatten AP curve, add a facilitaing force, move into freedom
why flatten the AP curve
when you put a spinal segment in neutral it opens the facets and the articulation moves freely
advantages to FPR
easy, fast, you can repeat if nesissary
contraindications to FPR
joint instability, HNP, foramenal stenosis, severe sprain, vertebrobasilar instability, certain congenital anomalies
6 steps of FPR
relaxed position, flatten AP curve, apply facilitating force, place vertebra into position of freedom, hold 3-5 s, release and recheck
developed Still Technique
AT Still DO
first published Still Technique
Richard Van Buskirik DO
Still Technique steps
place pt into dysfunction (freedom), apply compression/traction, guide dysfunctional segment into barrier, collect $200
indication for still technique
any somatic dysfunction
contraindications to still technique
severe structural loss of intersegmental motion, foramenal stenosis, joint instability, severe strain/sprain
differences between FPR/Still
in still you don’t flatten AP curve, apply compression after moving into dysfunction, and you guide into barrier after that
Cranial Lecture 1
Cranial Lecture 1
cranial osteopathy was established by
William Garner Sutherland DO
how many bones in adult skull
29 bones
cranial group of bones
occiput, sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, temporal (2), and parietal (2)
facial group of bones
vomer, mandible, maxillae (2), palatines (2), zygomatics (2), lacrimals (2), nasals (2), inferior conchae (2)
coronal suture
joins frontal and parietal bones
junction of coronal suture and saggital suture
lamboid suture
joins parietal bones with occiput
junction of saggital suture and lamboid suture
saggital suture
seperates parietal bones, runs from bregma to lambda
junction of frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid
junction of parietal, temporal, occiput
1st prinicple of cranial motion
inherit mobility of brain and spinal cord
2nd principle of cranial motion
fluctuation of CSF
3rd principle of cranial motion
mobility of intracranial and intraspinal membranes
4th principle of cranial motion
articular mobility of cranial bones
5th principle of cranial motion
involuntary mobility of sacrum between the illia
inherant motility of CNS due to
coordinated contraction of oligodendroglia
Flow of CSF
lateral ventricles, foramen of monro, 3rd ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, 4th ventricle, Lateral formaen of lushika (2) or medial foramen of magendie into subarachnoid space
seperates the cerebral hemispheres
falx cerebri
sepreates the cerebellar hemispheres
falx cerebelli
sepreates the cerebrum from the cerebellum
tentorium cerebelli
common origin of dural membranes
straight sinus
dural attachment points
foramen magnum, C2, C3, and S2
sutherland fulcrum
another name for straight sinus?
recripricol tension membrane
inelastic dura are being moved by CSF flow and have fixed attachments to cranial bones, therefore the dura acts as a rope that causes cranial bones to move in response to these fluctuations
how is it that cranial bones are able to move
they arent….but to get this question right on the test we would say the cranial sutures are joints that allow motion
rocking motion of the sacrum occurs about what axis
a transverse axis that runs through the superior transverse axis of sacrum at S2
2 phases of CRI
flexion and extension
cranial rhythmic impulse
palpable wave of CSF
CRI is distinct from
pulmonary respirations and pulse
articulation between sphenoid bone and occiput
sphenobasillar syncondrosis (sBS)
defines flexion and extension phases
angle of SBS
rotation of sphenoid in flexion
basoocciput moves this way in flexion
foramen magnum moves this way in flexion
transverse diameter in flexion
AP diameter in flexion
sacral base in flexion
drawn posteriorly
in flexion midline structures do this
midline cranial bones
occiput, sphenoid,ethmoid
midline facial bones
midline vertebral structures
vertebrae, sacrum
paired structures do this in flexion
externally rotate
extension motion
reverse of flexion
head diameter in extension
increased longitudinal diameter
forehead in extension
eyes in extension
paired bones in extension
internally rotated
ears in extension
close to head
bert (the one with the tall head) extended ; Ernie Flexed
typical cranial cycle (per minute)
8-12 cycles per minute
1 cycle is
one flexion, one extension with pauses in between
F/E phases should be
smooth and forceful
amplitude of F/E should be
still point
pause in CRI, thereputic and within typical motion
midline bones should follow
paired bones should follow
internal/external rotaion
sacrum follows
temporals follow
facial bones follow
keystone of all cranial movement
sacral counternutation occurs in
flexion, means base of sacrum moves posterior
sacral nutation occurs in
extension, means base of sacrum nods anteriorly
index finger in vault hold
posterior to orbit
middle and ring fingers in vault hold
opposite sides of ear
5th finger in vault hold
behind mastoid process
hands in vault hold are
shaped over cranium
thumbs in vault hold
off cranium or touching very lightly
SBS decompression can help relieve symptoms in these patients
concussion patients
Physiologic strains (3)
flexion extension, torsion, sidebending &rotation
Non physiologic strains (3)
vertical, lateral, compression
strains are named for
the way they like to go
in flexion the SBS deviates
in extension the SBS deviates
in a torsion strain what is the axis of movement
an AP axis through the SBS
in a torsion strain the sphenoid and occiput rotate about the AP axis in __________ directions
torsion strain is named based on what
whatever greater wing is superior
motion in S&R strains occurs in ____ axes
AP axis ; 2 vertical axes (one through sphenoid and one through foramen magnum)
S&R strains are named for the side of
rotation in S&R strain occurs about what axis
A to P axis
sidebending in S&R strain occurs about what axis
occiput and sphenoid sidebend about two vertical axes
vertical strain pattern
vertical deviation of sphenoid relative to occiput
superior strain
cephlad deviation of base of sphenoid relative to base of occiput
inferior strain
caudad deviation of base of sphenoid relative to base of occiput
motion in vertical strain pattern occurs on what axes
2 transverse axes
lateral strain pattern
lateral deviation of sphenoid relative to occiput
lateral strain named for
direction of base of sphenoid
lateral strain motion occurs among what axes
2 vertical axes
lateral strain can be likened to a
parallelogram head
compression strain
bowling ball strain, SBS pushed together
amplitude of F/E in compression strain
indications of cranial tx (4)
all systemic dysfunctions, birth, trauma to PRM, dentistry
complications of cranial tx
dizziness, headache, tinnitus, alternations of autonomic functions
absolute contraindications of cranial (4)
acute intracranial bleed, increased ICP, skull fracture, acute CVA
relative contraindications of cranial (4)
known siezure history or dystonia, traumatic brain injury, coagulopathies, space occupying lesion of cranium
purpose of vault hold
to adress strains at SBS
purpose of V spread
to separate restricted or impacted sutures
purpose of lift technique
frontal and parietal lifts are commonly used to aid in balance of membranous tension
purpose of CV4 bulb decompression
increase amplitude of CRI
in CV4 bulb decompression you resist this and encourage this
resist extension and encourage flexion