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62 Cards in this Set

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renal chapman?
one inch above and lateral to umbilicus

T12/L1 intertranverse process
parasympathetic innervation of renal?
vagus, C1, and C2- parenchyma
S2-4: renal pelvis and ureter
sympathetic innervation of renal?
T10 to L1
renorenal reflexes modulated by which nervous system?
PNS modulates which renal reflex?
hyperparesympatheconia effects on renal?
somatic dysfunc. in which areas cause diaphragm restriction resulting in a change in lymph drainage from kidney?
lower ribs, upper lumbar, C3-C5 dysfunction cause impairment in?
ptosis of the kidney can be caused by what posture?
increased kyphosis places strain on the diaphragm causing what to the kidneys?
sx. of renal ptosis?
low back pain, sciatica, inguinal pain, recurrent pyelonephritis and stones indicate?
tx. of renal ptosis?
lifting kidney, liver, diaphragm
pelvic floor, release ant. cervical fascia, balance reciprocal tension mem.
anastamosis of renal transplant?
ext. iliac art. and vein anastamose to...
one contraindication to right colon mesenteric release?
renal transplant contraindication to?
effect of increased lumbar lordosis on GU?
predisposition of stones and obstruction due to streching of ureters by increased tension on psoas caused by?
sx. of urinary freq., ureg., burning, found in what somatic dysfunction and disease?
pubic symphysis dysfunc. and cystitis sx.?
pubic symphysis dysfunc. effect on children?
enuresis caused by which somatic dysfunction?
kidney motion during respiration and psoas contraction?
1.5 cm to 9.0 cm during respiration and lateral rotation along with psoas contraction
sympathetics to distal ureter and bladder?
hypersympathecotonia in ureter(2), kidney(1) and bladder(3)?
dec. peristalsis and inc. spasm in ureter, dec. bladder tone, inc. sphincter tone, and incomplete emptying in bladder, and HTN in bladder
hyperparasympathecotonia in kidney, ureter, bladder?
kidney and proximal ureter have increased peristalsis, distal ureter and bladder have dec. sphincter tone, inc. wall tone, and inc. peristatlsis
somatic dysfunction that may cause impotence?
iliosacral and sacraliliac dysfunction can lead to?
premature ejaculation found in what somatic dysfunction?
L1 and L2 dysfunction can cause what in GU?
purpose of sacral pounding?
increase parasympathetic tone by which OMM tech.?
lower abdominal skin and wall trigger points mimick what kind of pain?
kidney stones pain mimic by what trigger points?
sx. of intrapelvic trigger points?
pain in bladder, sphincter spasm and sx. of prostatitis?
dysfunc. in UTI?
pelvic floor, symphysis, T10-L2, sacroilial, ilialsacral, throacic pump and splenic stimulation
quad pain and hyperspasm are sx. of?
urosepsis sx.?
tx. for prostatitis?
ischiorectal fossa release, T12-L2, sacroilial, ilialsacral, lymphatic pump
treat as if acute lumbar sprain and strain
enuresis associated dysfunc.?
L5, pubic symphysis, innominate and sacral in that order
first appearance of musculoskeletal problem in pregnant lady?
after 20wks. gestation is when what appears?
effect of foward center of gravity?
increases in lumbar lordosis (7.2), kyphosis (6.6), ant. pelvic tilt (1.9)
risk factor for developing most common complication of pregnancy?
smoking, heavy manual labor, parity, and age are risk factors for?
pain in groin and all down thigh may originate from where?
lumbar back pain due to stretched ligaments and microtrauma?
pseudosciatica vs. sciatica?
radicular symptoms with no neural deficit or root compression is?
result of fetal part desecending into pelvis and making it easier to breathe for mom
effect of pregnancy on RA?
relieves symptoms due to increased cortisol secretion?
effect of pregnancy on ankylosying spondilitis?
aggrevated by preg. but still able to have normal vaginal delivery
congestion leading to headache, nausea, lightheadedness MOA?
reversal of venous flow into plexus of Batson can cause?
widening and increased mobility of joints start at what week?
10th to 12th week, start seeing what changes to pelvis?
effects of relaxin on other places besdies pelvis?
widening of circumference 5 to 7cm and subcostal angle 68 to 103, diaphragm pushed upward
office visit schedule?
0 to 28wks monthly
28 to 36wks every three weeks
36 to delivery weekly
circulation of fetus can be affected by what somatic dysfunc.?
T10 to L2 dysfunc. effect on fetus?
morning sickness associated dysfunc.?
occiput to C2 and T5-T9
myofasical release primarly used for relievement of pain from what during pregnancy?
abd. wall stretch pain
round ligament tender points?
points L3 to L5 tenderpoint correspond to?
second most common complicaton of pregnancy and etiology?
carpal tunnel from edema, worse with HTN and preeclampsia
tx. of carpal tunnel in pregnancy?
thoracic inlet, upper thoracics and ribs, myo release of transverse ligament
lower ext. edema peaks at?
third trimester
common sx. of third trimester?
edema, constipation, reflux esophagitis, LBP, loss of balance, change in gait
tx. that influences cervical dialation?
sacral base dysfunction
OMM prevention of paralytic ileus?
rib raising?
length and reason for "window of opportunity?"
3 to 6 weeks due to residual relaxin
labia majora innervation?
L1-L2 (genitofemoral nerve) crossing the psoas
ovarian and distal 2/3 of fallopian tube sympathetic innervation?
uterine fundus, proximal fallopian, round ligament sympathetic innervation?
primary effects of sympathetics on pelvic viscera?
vasomotor changes are primary effects on pelvic viscera by which system?
ME of long muscle of hip girdle and innominate or pubic dysfunc. is first step in tx. for?
dysmenorrhea tx.?
ovarian cyst formation in leg discrepency can be seen on which side?
longer leg side has ovarian cyst
sequelae of uterine retroversion?
pelvic nerve stretching and dyspareunia
major osteopathic cause of interstitial cystitis?
restricted pelvic floor motion resulting in decreased venous and lymph drainage
findings in pelvic congestion syndrome?
uterine vein varicosity, LBP, pelvic pain, associated menorrhagia and frequency
findings in pelvic floor syndrome?
pain in pelvis, coccyx, vagina, buttock, or anus
tx. of pelvic floor syndrome?
bimanual soft tissue and myofascial release