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63 Cards in this Set

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Healthy Lung

Label: Alveoli (Air sac/empty space)

Diseased Lung (emphysema)

Label: Alveoli

Frog Blood

(Has nuclei)

Cross Section of Rana Pipens Intestine

Label: Lumen, Smooth Muscle, Epithelial Tissue

Granular or Agranular

Granular or Agranular

Lymphocyte (Agranular)

Granular or Agranular

Granular or Agranular

Monocyte (Agranular)

Granular or Agranular

Granular or Agranular

Neutrophil (Granular)

Granular or Agranular

Granular or Agranular

Eosinophil (Granular)

Granular or Agranular

Granular or Agranular

Basophil (Granular)

Sickle Cell Anemia

Label: Sickle Cell and Erythrocytes

Artery and Vein Cross Section

Label: Artery, Vein, and Smooth Muscle

Pig Taxonomy

Domain: Eukarya

Clade: Unikonts

Clade: Opisthokont

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Suidae

Liver Functions

- Bile production

- Detoxification

- Deamination

- Conversion of Glucose to Glycogen

- Reverse ^^

Gallbladder Functions

- Storage/Release Bile

- Bile function = Break down food

Small Intestine Function

- Chemical breakdown

- absorption of nutrients

Pancreas Function

- Exocrine and Endocrine function

- Production of digestive enzymes

- Production of buffers

- Production of hormones

Large Intestine Function

- Cecum:

Houses bacteria and our appendix

- Water reabsorption

- Production of feces

Spleen Function

- breaking down old blood cells


Back of the animal


Front of the animal


relative term; closer to the median plane


relative term; farther from the median plane (edges)


away from the middle


closer to the surface


away from the surface


Head region


Tail region


Towards the middle

Left and Right

The ANIMALS left or right, not yours

Bipedal vs Quadrupedal

Humans are atypical because we are bipedal; Pigs are quadrupedal and use the anatomical plane

1. Superior Vena Cava

2. Right Coronary Artery

3. Anterior Cardiac Veins

4. Descending Branch

5. Great Cardiac Vein

6. Circumflex Branch

7. Left Coronary Artery

8. Pulmonary Trunk

9. Aortic Arch

1. Pulmonary Trunk

2. Left Pulmonary Veins

3. Coronary Sinus

4. Circumflex Branch

5. Great Cardiac Vein

6. Posterior Descending Branch

7. Right Coronary Artery

8. Inferior Vena Cava

9. Right Pulmonary Veins

10. Superior Vena Cava

11. Aortic Arch

1. External jugular v.

2. Internal jugular v.

3. Subclavian v.

4. Cranial Vena Cava

5. Right Atrium

6. Right Ventricle

7. Caudal Cena Cava

8. Ductus Venosus

9. Umbilical v.

10. Hepatic Portal V.

11. Kidney

12. Renal V.

13. Internal Iliac v.

14. External iliac v.

15. Femoral v.

16. Femoral a.

17. Umbilical a.

18. External iliac a.

19. Umbilical cord

20. Internal iliac a.

21. Middle sacral a.

22. Renal a.

23. Diaphragm

24. Thoracic aorta

25. Left Ventricle

26. Coronary a. and v.

27. Left Atrium

28. Pulmonary Trunk

29. Ductus arteriosis

30. Aortic Arch

31. Common Carotid a.

1. Ductus Venosus

2. Umbilical Vein

3. Portal Sinus

4. Hepatic portal Vein

5. Pancreatic Vein

6. Gastrosplenic Vein

7. Right Lobe of Pancreas

8. Mesenteric Vein

9. Small Intestine (Ileum)

10. Left Lobe of Pancreas

11. Right Gastroepiploic Vein

12. Splenic Vein

13. Spleen

14. Left Gastroepiploic Vein

15. Stomach

16. Caudal Vena Cava

17. Liver

18. Hepatic Vein

1. Auricle

2. Eyelid

3. External Naris

4. Tongue

5. Wrist

6. Elbow

7. Umbilical Cord

8. Mammary Papilla

9. Knee

10. Ankle

11. Genital Papilla (female)

12. Anus

1. Urogenital Opening (Behind papilla)

2. Anus

3. Urogenital Papilla


1. Anus

2. Scrotal Sac

3. Urogenital opening

4. Umbilical Cord


1. Parotid duct

2. Tongue

3. Submaxillary duct

4. Sublingual gland

5. Submaxillary Gland

6. Parotid gland

7. Masseter Muscle

1. Hard palate

2. Epiglottis

3. Glottis

4. Larynx

5. Trachea

6. Pharynx

7. Esophagus

8. To stomach

9. To lungs

10. air

11. (no #) food

1. Incisor

2. Canine

3. Hard palate

4. Soft palate

5. Epiglottis

6. Nasopharynx

7. Cut surface

8. Tongue

1. Right Forelimb

2. Umbilical Cord

3. Knee

4. Right Hind Limb

5. Ankle

6. Tail

7. Anus

8. Left Hind Limb

9. Diaphragm

10. Left Forelimb

11. Wrist

12. Elbow

13. External Ear (Auricle)

14. Eye

15. Nostril

1. Larynx

2. Thymus

3. Trachea

4. Thyroid Gland

5. Right Lung

6. Liver

7. Gall Bladder

8. Pancreas

9. Umbilical Vein

10. Umbilical Cord

11. Umbilical Artery

12. Urinary Bladder

13. Large Intestine

14. Small Intestine

15. Stomach

16. Spleen

17. Diaphragm

18. Left Lung

19. Heart

20. Pulmonary Trunk

1. Frontal Sinus

2. Nasal Cavity

3. Hard palate

4. Oral Cavity

5. Soft Palate

6. Pharynx

7. Larynx

8. Trachea

9. Nostril (external nares)

10. Epiglottis

11. Bronchus

12. Right Lung

13. Left Lung

1. Inferior Vena Cava

2. Hepatic Vein

3. Liver

4. Gall Bladder

5. Hepatic Portal Vein

6. Duodenum

7. Superior Mesenteric Vein

8. Transverse Colon (Cut)

9. Ascending Colon

10. Ileum (cut)

11. Cecum

12. Appendix

13. Stomach

14. Spleen

15. Splenic Vein

16. Pancreas

17. Inferior Mesenteric Vein

18. Ileum (Cut)

19. Descending Colon

20. Sigmoid Colon

21. Rectum






What organisms completely lack a digestive system?

sponges and tapeworms

Gastrovascular cavity

one opening to the environment where food enters and waste exits; Hydra, anemones, flatworms

What are the processes of digestion? Give examples of each

1. Mechanical digestion (food chewed in mouth)

2. Chemical Digestion (saliva breaks down food, continues in stomach acids)

3. Secretion (pancreas secretes enzymes, gall bladder store bile secretes by the liver)

4. Absorption (nutrients by small intestines, continues in large intestine)

What 2 chemicals secreted into the stomach to aid in digestion?

1. Hydrochloric acid

2. Pepsinogen

What is the term for the contraction of the esophagus that moves the bolus of food into the stomach?

Peristaltic Wave

How many lobes do each lung have?

Right lung = 4

left lung = 3

Allantoic Stalk

within the umbilical cord; connects to the allantois which acts as a dump for metabolic wastes of the fetus


red blood cells; packed with hemoglobin and key in transport of oxygen


white blood cells; act in immune response


Granular; Phagocytic cells that engulf bacteria or dead cells; 3 lobes


granular; important in allergic reactions or parasitic infections; 2 lobes


granular; contain histamines; splattered


agranular; become macrophages


agranular; produce antibodies