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48 Cards in this Set

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Hyaline Cartilage

Label: Lacunae and Chondrocytes

Compact Bone

Label: Haversian Canal, Lacunae, and Osteon

Mammal Skin

Label: all 4 types of tissue, 3 layers of tissue (epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous)

- MAIN function = protection

- others = thermoregulation and communication

Skin-Hair follicle section

Label: all 4 types of tissue, 3 layers of tissue

Cardiac Muscle

Label: Intercalated disk

- In the walls of the heart

- involuntary control

- intermediate contractions and resistance to fatigue

- striations and branched/fused fibers

- 1 or 2 nuclei--> central

Skeletal Muscle

- attached to skeleton

- voluntary control

- striations

- many nuclei--> peripheral

- rapid speed of contractions

- least resistance to fatigue

Smooth Muscle

- in walls of stomach, intestines, etc

- involuntary control

- 1 nuclei--> central

- NO striations

- slowest speed of contractions

- greatest resistance to fatigue

Amphibian Skin


Endocrine Gland

Location: Stomach

Produces: Insulin, Glucagon, and Somatostatin

Asterias Egg

Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Asteroidea

Blastula, Gastrula, Larvae, Egg, 4-cell Stage,

Mammal Testies

Endocrine Gland

Location: Reproductive Organ

Produces: Testosterone


Endocrine Gland

Location: Neck

Produces: Thyroxine and Calcitonin

Mammal Ovaries

Endocrine Gland

Location: Reproductive System

Produces: Estrogen and Progesterone

Motor Neuron

Label: Neuron

Spinal Cord

Label: Gray Matter, White matter, Central canal

Frog Blastula

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Amphibia

Label: Blastocoel

Frog Yolk Plug

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Amphibia

Label: Blastocoel and Yolk Plug

Frog Neural Fold

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Amphibia

Label: Neural Fold

Simple Columnar Epithelial (Rana Pipens small intestine)

Endocrine Gland: Pineal Gland


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: Brain

Produces: melatonin: circadian rhythm and photoperiodicity

Endocrine Gland: Anterior Pituitary Gland


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: base of brain


1. Growth Hormone

2. Prolactin: lactation

3. Follicle Stimulating Hormone: stimulates gonads

4. Luteinizing Hormone: stimulates gonads

5. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: stimulates thyroid to produce thyroxine

6. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone: stimulates adrenal cortex to produce cortisol

Endocrine Gland: Posterior Pituitary Gland/Hypothalamus


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: base of brain


1. Oxytocin: promotes social bonding

2. Antidiuretic hormone: promotes water reabsorption by the kidneys

Endocrine Gland: Thyroid gland


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: neck


1. Thyroxine: controls metabolic rate of cells and growth and development

2. Calcitonin: lowers blood calcium

Endocrine Gland: Thymus


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: neck

Produces: Thymosin: stimulates development of immune system

Endocrine Gland: Pancreas


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: stomach


1. Insulin: Glucose into glycogen

2. Glucagon: glycogen into glucose

3. Somatostatin: regulates both ^^

Endocrine Gland: Ovary


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: reproductive system


1. Estrogen: female sex hormone

2. Progesterone: Female sex hormone; maintains pregnancy

Endocrine Gland: Testie


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: reproductive system


1. Testosterone: protects sperm from immune system, energy level, and libido

Endocrine Gland: Adrenal Cortex Gland


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: Outer edge of kidney


1. Aldosterone: important in water balance

2. Cortisol: Mediates stress responses

3. Androgens: male sex hormones

Endocrine Gland: Adrenal Medulla Gland


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: inner edge of kidney


1. Epinephrine

2. Norepinephrine

What they do: "fight or flight"

Endocrine Gland: Parathyroid


Hormones Produced

What do the hormones do?

Location: neck

Produces: Parathyroid Hormone: Increases blood calcium

Central Nervous System

What makes it up?

Brain and Spinal Cord

Peripheral Nervous System

What makes it up?

nerves, receptors, sensory organs, cranial and spinal nerves.

Afferent (sensory)

Efferent (motor)

Somatic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system

Frontal lobe

center for judgement, creativity, problem solving, and planning

Parietal Lobe

processes and integrates sensory information and language function

Occipital Lobe

visual processing

Temporal Lobe

hearing, memory, and language

Sacral and Coccyx vertebrae

5 sacral

3-5 coccygeal


Calvin throws Lucy some coke

Lumbar vertebra


{6-1 = 5; 5 points on bone}

Thoracic vertebra

12 (clavicle to end of rib)

- side extensions = transverse process

- extension going up = spinous process

- middle extensions = superior articular process

- middle empty circle = vertebral foreman

- base of bone = body

Cervical vertebra

7 (neck to clavicle)

{7 unrepeating letters in Cervical}

Thoracic vertebrae

1. Coronal Suture

2. Frontal Bone

3. Sphenoid Bone

4. Nasal Bone

5. Temporal Bone

6. Zygomatic Bone

7. Maxillary Bone

8. Mandible

9. Parietal Bone

10. Squamosal Suture

11. Occipital Bone

12. External auditory canal

13. Mastoid Process

19. ? Parietal Bone

20. ? Occipital Bone

21. Scapula

22. Coxa/Pelvis

23. Sacrum

24. Coccyx

1. Cranium

2. Clavicle

3. Humerus

4. Sternum

5. Rib Cage

6. Ulna

7. Radius

8. Carpals

9. Phalanges

10. Femur

11. Patella

12. Tibia

13. Fibula

14. Tarsals

15. Phalanges

16. Metatarsals

17. Coxa

18. Metacarpals

1. Greater Trochanter

2. Head

3. Neck

4. Lesser Trochanter

5. Linea Aspera

6. Diaphysis

7. Epiphysis

8. Medial Condyle

9. Adductor tubercle

10. Lateral Condyle

1. Iliac Crest

2. Symphysis Pubis

3. Pubic Arch

4. Ischium

5. Coccyx

6. Sacrum

7. Ilium

8. Sacroiliac Joint

1. Ilium

2. Sacrum

3. Coccyx

4. Ischium