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48 Cards in this Set

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How far (historically) does the bible go back?
13th Century BC
What is the difference in order of creation between Gen 1 and Gen 2?
Gen 1
Gen 2
What is the difference in the referral to God in Gen 1 and 2?
Gen 1
Gen 2
Lord God
Yahweh Elohim
What is the difference in focus between Gen 1 and 2?
Gen 1
Gen 2
focus on man
Who names in Gen 1? Gen 2?
Gen 1
God names
Gen 2
Adam names
How is characterized in Gen 1 and 2?
Gen 1
God is transcendent
Gen 2
(like a human/personified)
What is the difference in style between Gen 1 and 2?
Gen 1
majestic style
formal language
Gen 2
word plays
What does adam mean?
What does adamah mean?
What does is mean?
What does issah mean?
How does God create man in Gen 1? Gen 2?
Gen 1
Creation by word
Gen 2
from dust
Who is the main subject in Gen 1? Gen 2?
Gen 1
focuses on God's actions
Gen 2
focuses on man's actions
What are the similarities between Gen 1 and 2?
1. Both begin with temporal clauses
2. God created
3. Humanity is most important
How do the days of creation parallel to each other?
1 light ---> 4. luminaries (sun and moon)
2.firmament (universe)/water ---> 5. fish and birds
3.a. land ------> 6.a. land animals
3.b. plants-----> 6b. plants given for food to humanity

7. Sabbath-Rest
What does us/our refer to in Gen 1?
Heavenly Council/angels
Who is Apsu and Tiamut?
Apsu- freshwater god
Tiamut- saltwater god
What happens to Apsu?
He desires to destroy all other gods, but is in turn killed by Ea.
Who is Marduk?
Created from the heart of Apsu
fights Tiamut and kills her
What happens Tiamut?
She is split in half like a shellfish.

One half becomes the heavens, and the other the earth
Who is Kingu?
Kingu bans to kill Ea with Tiamut and after Tiamut is killed he is punished for contriving the battle. His punishment is to have humans created from his blood.
What is the purpose of humans in the Creation Epic?
To be slaves
What does Shemest mean?
Sun in Hebrew
What does Shamash mean?
Sun god in Babylon
What are some similarities between Genesis and the Creation Epic?
1. Temporal Clauses
2. The sea (Tiamat)
a. the deep Gen 1:2
b. Structure of the universe Gen 1:6
c. sea monsters Gen 1:14-15
4. Creation of humanity
Differences between Genesis and the Creation Epic?
Genesis Creation Epic
Monotheism Polytheism
Divine Word Battle
Dignity of Humanity Slavery
Linear Thoughts Cyclical
What is the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Enkidu created to the Gilgamesh's equal.Enkidu is raised by animals.Enkidu becomes "tame" by sleeping with a harlot.Enki and Glig become friends and decide to steal trees from a forbidden forest and kill demon in the process. Ishatar falls inlove with Gilg but he rejects her. She goes to her father Anu and gets a bull to kill Gilg. Enkidu and Gilg kill the bull. Gods say one of the two must die for what they did and they kill enkidu. Gilg goes to find eternal life from U. U tells story of flood. U tells G about magic plant. G gets the plant and snake eats the plant.
What are the parallels between Gen 3 and the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Sexual initiation
becoming like a god
getting clothed
transitions (innocent to sinful, wild man to human)
supernatural tree/plant
not being immortal
What is the story of Adapa?
Adapa was a fisherman of the Gods who had his ship capsized byt he southwind. He curses the southwind and by doing so causes her wings to break. The gods get mad and summon adapa. before he goes Ea tells him not to eat or drink anything the Gods give him. Although when Adapa sees the gods, Anu, a high god, shows kindness to adapa and offers him the bread/water of eternal life. Adapa doesn't drink or eat though because of what Ea said
What are the parallels between Gen 3 and Adapa?
Gen 3- tree of life
Adapa- bread/water of life
What does the tree of knowledge signify?
1. totality of knowledge
2. ethical categories: right and wrong
3. categories of effect
-good:beneficial, salutary,
-bad/evil: harful, damaging
What does the tree of knowledge represent?
Particular: Canaanite Religion-the magic beliefs/fertility cult
General: desire for autonomy and rebellion against God

human wants to become like God
What are theological themes in Gen 3?
1. Sin shatters relationships
a. Man/God
b. man/woman, human/human (cain and abel)
c. man/ground
2. Sin brings judgement
3. Grace
a. God provides clothing
b. destruction of humans postponed
c. the tree of life is denied to them
d. Hope- last Adam
How is the serpent punished?
To crawl of the ground and have enmity with humans
How is the woman punished?
Increased child bearing pains and has to be ruled by man
how is man punished?
the ground is cursed, must toil, and wont live forever
What was Cain?
A farmer
What was Abel?
A shepherd
Who's offering did God accept?
What does nad mean?
wanderer in Hebrew
What does Nod mean?
and of wandering
How is Cain punished after killing his brother?
He's banished from the soil and the presence of good. must become a restless wanderer of the earth. God puts a mark o him as a symbol for anyone who kills him he will be revenged sevenfold
What are some of the 1st cultural achievements?
Cain- 1st city
Jabal- herdsmen
Tubal-metal workers
What are Ziggurat?
Temple Towers excavated in Babylon
What is Etemenanki mean?
The house that is the foundation of heaven and earth

Parallels Gen 11:4 "Come, let us build...a towers with its top in the heavens"
What does each step of the towers in Babel stand for?
The social hierarchy (uppermost being the most important)
What is the theological message of the Tower of Babel?
a. Sin- human effort
b. God's judgement
i. confused language
ii. scattered people
c. No grace- sets the stage for the grace Abraham receives
How do Ancient Near Eastern Texts provide support for the authenticity of the Old Testament?
Similar names (pronunciation, spelling, etc.) being found in ANE texts and the Bible
ew: Yaqobel = Jacob
Similar customs being practiced in the Bible at the same time as people in ANE texts
Traveling patterns of patriarchs similar to those in ANE texts