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76 Cards in this Set

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high school

“la escuela superior”

she was shocked

se quedó atónita

nobody expected you to live
nadie esperaba que vivieses (or vivieras) (essentially, nobody expected that you would live)

can be knowledge, but also in this book, it means “consciousness”


the obituary

la esquela

that shows how determined she was

eso indica lo decidida que estaba

to prevent, block, or impede


“back then,” “at the time,” or “during that time”

por aquel entonces

to come from

provenir de

to move into, or to set up in (the house)

instalarse en (la casa)

a mistake (different word from error)

una equivocación

we should have sold it

lo deberíamos haber vendido
to rent
to create, cause, or originate

to risk


to go deep into, to delve into, to study in depth

adentrarse EN

someone could deduce

alguien podría deducir
everything humanly possible
todo humanamente posible

but don’t say we didn’t warn you

pero luego no digas que no te lo advertimos

in the end they had hugged each other

habían acabado abrazándose

“Come on,” said when you’re trying to cheer somebody up or change their mind about something they’re not on board with. when you plead, “oh come on, it’ll be okay.”

“Vamos, animate”

to deepen, to elaborate, or to go into detail


to exhume, unearth, dig up (you see the word tierra, terrain


to bury, to lay to rest, to inter


if I don’t do the same thing with my own life? (no subjunctive)

si no lo hago lo mismo con mi propia vida?

to hang up


the telephone receiver

el auricular

dial a number

marcar un número

even as a child

ya de niña

battery. can also be a pile. 3rd definition is the one in the book, sort of: sink, basin, font (pila bautismal = baptismal font), pila para pájaros: birdbath


baptismal name (ie first name – that’s how it’s used in this book).

nombre de pila

to suspect


to injure, wound, hurt, or offend



al instante

she had practically stopped (doing something)

había dejado prácticamente de + infinitive

safe and sound (sound in body = healthy = sana, as in sanatorium, the old word for health center – sanatarium is mental institution, but sanatorium was a health center, like for tuberculosis recovery)

sana y salva

the highway
la carretera

until the furniture (should) arrive. hasta que + subjunctive

hasta que llegaran los muebles

before she could protest
antes de que (triggers subjunctive / past subjunctive in this case) pudiera protestar
to interview

to be uneasy

estar intranquila

“not at all.”

no, en absoluto

the cruise

el crucero


a punto

I really don’t like (that this thing is happening – oh, and this will be subjunctive)

no me gusta nada que

early Christmas (celebrating Christmas early)

navidades anticipadas

she stopped to talk

se detuvo a hablar

covered in syrup, sugary, OVERSWEET


to turn up (at a place)

aparecer por

carefully, in detail (adverb)

con detenimiento

roughly, coursely, abrasively


as a reward for

como premio a





inquietude, uneasiness, anxiety, a nagging feeling




the event. can also mean outcome

el suceso

the transfer (to another department), or move (to another job)

el traslado

in any of them (ellos does not mean THEY here – it’s the word “it,” plural, as the object of a preposition.

en alguno de ellos



his eyes filled with tears, or tears came into his eyes (this is just one way to say this -- note the accidental verb)

se le humedecieron los ojos

to have a gift FOR mathematics

tener un don para las matemáticas

the palms of the hands

LAS palmas de LAS manos

hastily, too fast, hurriedly


stone path

camino empedrado

empedrado here means “made of stone”, and is an adjective. Empedrado can also be a noun, meaning “paving,” or “pavement”

to go on your way (to resume going where you were going)

continuar su camino

to stop someone, to arrest, to delay

detener a alguien

to stop to do something

detenerse a hacer algo

the path that led to

el camino que conducía a

the grille, grating. security iron bars, like on windows or doors.

la reja

I've been sick for a while

llevo mucho tiempo enfermo

llevar mucho tiempo


llevar tres meses cansado = to have been _____ for a while (you need an adjective to go with this phrase)

to maraud, to pillage, to prowl around, to snoop


he stopped when he saw her

se detuvo cuando la vio

a good while, quite a bit of time, a good length of time

un buen rato

behind bars

entre rejas

happy outcome

buen suceso